View Full Version : 7 Days in Entebbe

12-09-2017, 02:35 PM
7 Days in Entebbe (http://www.focusfeatures.com/7-days-in-entebbe)

Casual Friday
12-09-2017, 02:40 PM
"You want to invade Uganda?"

"We'll give it back to them when we leave."

Looks good.

12-09-2017, 02:45 PM
Shades of "The Who"...

Idi Beaty Big and Bouncy...


Dagga Boy
12-09-2017, 02:56 PM
Please don't screw this up......

Rex G
12-09-2017, 03:01 PM
Yes, I remember wanting to grow up to be an Israeli paratrooper.

Rex G
12-09-2017, 03:02 PM
Please don't screw this up......

Amen, Brother.

That Guy
12-09-2017, 05:59 PM
"You want to invade Uganda?"

"We'll give it back to them when we leave."

Looks good.

My exact thought as well. I really, really loved that quote (and the nonchalant way it was spoken).

Stephanie B
12-09-2017, 06:48 PM
Please don't screw this up......

I liked the movie that Charles Bronson was in: Raid on Entebbe.

12-09-2017, 07:20 PM

12-09-2017, 07:36 PM
You can read "Operation Thunderbolt" (https://www.amazon.com/Operation-Thunderbolt-Entebbe-Airport-Audacious/dp/0316245410) while you wait.

12-11-2017, 02:02 PM
Looking forward to this

Odin Bravo One
12-11-2017, 02:13 PM
Please don't screw this up......

Physically impossible not to. The people who make movies are flat out incapable of making a movie based on historical events that doesn’t get screwed up.

Dagga Boy
12-11-2017, 07:15 PM
Physically impossible not to. The people who make movies are flat out incapable of making a movie based on historical events that doesn’t get screwed up.

There is that. Some are just at a disturbing level versus making it a bit more entertaining level.

12-11-2017, 09:37 PM
You can read "Operation Thunderbolt" (https://www.amazon.com/Operation-Thunderbolt-Entebbe-Airport-Audacious/dp/0316245410) while you wait.
Added to My List on Audible.

Stephanie B
03-15-2018, 12:16 PM
A review in the St. Louis paper said that the movie "pulls off the difficult trick of making terrorism boring." Apparently, there is dancing in the movie.

You might be better off rewatching "Raid on Entebbe".

Stephanie B
03-15-2018, 04:27 PM
Please don't screw this up......

Apparently, they have. The reviews are mostly along the lines of "boring", "dull" and "unfocused". And, for some reason, there is dancing.

24% on Rotten Tomatoes. Not quite Gigli.

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Stephanie B
03-18-2018, 04:45 PM
It's not in wide release, only 838 theaters, but it's not pulling in very much per theater (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=untitledentebbeproject.htm).

Usually the regular audience likes things that the critics don't, but not so much this time (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/7_days_in_entebbe).

My guess is that if you want to see it, you'll have to wait for it to come to Redbox, a cable movie channel, or the $5 bin at Wally Woild.

03-18-2018, 04:52 PM
"Raid on Gigli" could be interesting...

03-18-2018, 05:36 PM
It's not in wide release, only 838 theaters, but it's not pulling in very much per theater (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=untitledentebbeproject.htm).

Usually the regular audience likes things that the critics don't, but not so much this time (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/7_days_in_entebbe).

My guess is that if you want to see it, you'll have to wait for it to come to Redbox, a cable movie channel, or the $5 bin at Wally Woild.

It's playing here at one of the Metroplex theatres. We're going tomorrow, with low expectations. I don't know how you can take the quintessential hostage rescue story, one that's full of real life drama and intrigue, and make it as exciting as plain yogurt, but it seems as if they've done it.

03-18-2018, 06:42 PM
It's playing here at one of the Metroplex theatres. We're going tomorrow, with low expectations. I don't know how you can take the quintessential hostage rescue story, one that's full of real life drama and intrigue, and make it as exciting as plain yogurt, but it seems as if they've done it.

Not having seen it yet, my guess is... They watered it down so as not to offend anyone, or to make the Israelis look too good?

03-18-2018, 06:56 PM
Not having seen it yet, my guess is... They watered it down so as not to offend anyone, or to make the Israelis look too good?

Yeah, because they get so much good press on a daily basis. Wouldn't want that to happen. Might go to their heads. :rolleyes:

03-19-2018, 11:58 AM
My guess is that if you want to see it, you'll have to wait for it to come to Redbox, a cable movie channel, or the $5 bin at Wally Woild.

Otherwise known as my cheap ass standard operating procedure. :)

03-19-2018, 01:02 PM
Odd, it's really hard to fuck up terrorists getting shot and killed. That's like an instant thumbs up movie element, what the hell.

03-19-2018, 02:19 PM
Odd, it's really hard to fuck up terrorists getting shot and killed. That's like an instant thumbs up movie element, what the hell.

Maybe they were just in the process of turning their lives around...


Stephanie B
03-19-2018, 02:50 PM
Maybe they were just in the process of turning their lives around...


"Just one more job, Ma, then I'ma gonna enroll in medical school."

Sent from my NSA-approved tracking device via Tapatalk

03-19-2018, 02:59 PM
"Just one more job, Ma, then I'ma gonna enroll in medical school."

Sent from my NSA-approved tracking device via Tapatalk


03-19-2018, 07:57 PM
Well, that was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but not by much.

This is what happens when the movie industry takes an actual historic event, full of enough genuine drama and intrigue for anyone, and decides to "interpret the real truth" as they like to say. I can understand what the production team was attempting to accomplish, they just failed miserably at it. The objective was obviously to present a more complicated and nuanced version of the events. Something more than the, "evil hijackers, heroic commandos" treatment you'd get from a Steven Segal or Chuck Norris flick. Unfortunately, big fails on all fronts.

The problem is that by trying to delve into all perspectives of the issue, none of them are well served. The only two characters you get to know in even the most basic sense are the two German extremists, played by Daniel Bruhl and Rosamond Pike. Bruhl's character is rather feckless and naieve throughout. He really seems to think that Israel will capitulate to their demands and never dreams that violence could be necessary. Pike's character is far more committed, until the end. Then, she seems to have an inexplicable turn of character in which she then believes they'll be killed and it was all a mistake. This 180 degree turn of the character seems to rest on the weak plot device that she's popping quaaludes throughout the movie, until Bruhl throws them across the room and she's forced to come down from her trip. Then it's, "oh fuck, where are we?" for the rest of it.

All of the other characters are just place fillers and you never really get to know them at all. The Israeli officials are just a bunch of old men sitting around bitching and whining. The commandos are just clothes hangers for their uniforms. When Yoni Netanyahu is killed it's no big deal, because you have no idea who he is if you're not up on the actual history. The only commando with anything to say is a young Lieutenant who seems to be there to add emotional weight, by way of his relationship with his dancer girlfriend.

Now we get to what everyone's been wondering about: the dancing.

An Israeli modern dance troupe is featured throughout, from the opening credits through to the raid. The Lieutenants girlfriend is a member of the company who serves as the typical female at home trope. The one who's questioning where his priorities lie and if it's all worth it, thereby making him ask the same questions. She looks great in a pair of shorts and leg warmers, but that's all I can say for the character. The whole relationship and the inclusion of the dance is obviously done to impart emotional impact, but it fails horribly. It winds up being a severe distraction in a movie that's already weak enough without any help.

The raid itself is hardly covered. Scenes of the commandos deploying from the C130's are interspersed with scenes from Hebraic All That Jazz. A huge artistic boondoggle. The whole sequence probably lasts less than a minute and a half. The young Lieutenant, whos commitment was openly questioned before deployment, jumps up and takes charge when Netanyahu is killed, while everyone else freezes like deer in the headlights. Again, a tired trope ill used. Dora Bloch, an elderly woman sent to the hospital and later killed by Amin's troops in revenge for the raid, is nowhere to be found. The film fails to lend any sense of risk or immediacy to the raid itself. It completely fails to project what a risk the operation was for the Israelis all the way around.

The film has been criticized as being pro Palestinian and anti Israel. I didn't get that sense and unless you're in the camp of, "The Jews are God's chosen people and Israel is always above reproach." I don't think you will either. The film makers tried to present a more nuanced and complex approach to the subject. The result is an unfocused mess of a movie that comes off like an expensive History Channel Docudrama.

Stephanie B
03-19-2018, 08:33 PM
So.... stick with the 1970s TV movie versions?

03-19-2018, 08:44 PM
Thanks, Trooper- for saving me some time and frustration watching the movie.

And thanks Blues, for recommending the book “Operation Thunderbolt.” It was a much better use of my time.

Casual Friday
03-19-2018, 08:57 PM
Well, that was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but not by much.

This is what happens when the movie industry takes an actual historic event, full of enough genuine drama and intrigue for anyone, and decides to "interpret the real truth" as they like to say. I can understand what the production team was attempting to accomplish, they just failed miserably at it. The objective was obviously to present a more complicated and nuanced version of the events. Something more than the, "evil hijackers, heroic commandos" treatment you'd get from a Steven Segal or Chuck Norris flick. Unfortunately, big fails on all fronts.

The problem is that by trying to delve into all perspectives of the issue, none of them are well served. The only two characters you get to know in even the most basic sense are the two German extremists, played by Daniel Bruhl and Rosamond Pike. Bruhl's character is rather feckless and naieve throughout. He really seems to think that Israel will capitulate to their demands and never dreams that violence could be necessary. Pike's character is far more committed, until the end. Then, she seems to have an inexplicable turn of character in which she then believes they'll be killed and it was all a mistake. This 180 degree turn of the character seems to rest on the weak plot device that she's popping quaaludes throughout the movie, until Bruhl throws them across the room and she's forced to come down from her trip. Then it's, "oh fuck, where are we?" for the rest of it.

All of the other characters are just place fillers and you never really get to know them at all. The Israeli officials are just a bunch of old men sitting around bitching and whining. The commandos are just clothes hangers for their uniforms. When Yoni Netanyahu is killed it's no big deal, because you have no idea who he is if you're not up on the actual history. The only commando with anything to say is a young Lieutenant who seems to be there to add emotional weight, by way of his relationship with his dancer girlfriend.

Now we get to what everyone's been wondering about: the dancing.

An Israeli modern dance troupe is featured throughout, from the opening credits through to the raid. The Lieutenants girlfriend is a member of the company who serves as the typical female at home trope. The one who's questioning where his priorities lie and if it's all worth it, thereby making him ask the same questions. She looks great in a pair of shorts and leg warmers, but that's all I can say for the character. The whole relationship and the inclusion of the dance is obviously done to impart emotional impact, but it fails horribly. It winds up being a severe distraction in a movie that's already weak enough without any help.

The raid itself is hardly covered. Scenes of the commandos deploying from the C130's are interspersed with scenes from Hebraic All That Jazz. A huge artistic boondoggle. The whole sequence probably lasts less than a minute and a half. The young Lieutenant, whos commitment was openly questioned before deployment, jumps up and takes charge when Netanyahu is killed, while everyone else freezes like deer in the headlights. Again, a tired trope ill used. Dora Bloch, an elderly woman sent to the hospital and later killed by Amin's troops in revenge for the raid, is nowhere to be found. The film fails to lend any sense of risk or immediacy to the raid itself. It completely fails to project what a risk the operation was for the Israelis all the way around.

The film has been criticized as being pro Palestinian and anti Israel. I didn't get that sense and unless you're in the camp of, "The Jews are God's chosen people and Israel is always above reproach." I don't think you will either. The film makers tried to present a more nuanced and complex approach to the subject. The result is an unfocused mess of a movie that comes off like an expensive History Channel Docudrama.

Well, shit. Guess I'll go watch 6 Days again instead.

03-19-2018, 09:06 PM
They fucked up a movie about killing terrorists then. Jesus.

03-19-2018, 09:21 PM
So.... stick with the 1970s TV movie versions?

That would be the best course of action.

03-19-2018, 09:22 PM
Well, shit. Guess I'll go watch 6 Days again instead.

I've watched 6 Days twice. a third viewing would still be infinitely better.

Ed L
07-12-2018, 02:05 AM
Okay, I finally saw it on pay per view.

Not much to add except it seemed strange to see all of the Israeli commandos armed with AKs for this mission. It isn't like they were trying to blend in and be Arabs, or they were a unit that would have had to have used captured weapons because it was the best thing that they could get.

I would have thought they would have shown them using Galil SARs in 5.56mm, The SAR is the version with the plastic handguards rather than the had the bulky wooden handguards and bipods, and are thus lighter weight and lend themselves better for shooting from various positions someone involved in a raid would find themselves in. These guns are more accurate than am AK, and have sights that are better and easier to adjust to hit a precise point of impact. I would think if they were going to do a hostage rescue operation having a gun with better sights that can be sighted in easier and is more accurate would be an important factor.

That Guy
07-12-2018, 04:12 AM
Not much to add except it seemed strange to see all of the Israeli commandos armed with AKs for this mission.

Well, the events in Entebbe took place in 1976. The Galil was only formally adopted in 1972. It's possible that not all the units in IDF had Galils at that point?

And the Galil is an AK variant. :)

Sent from my Infernal Contraption using Tapatalk

Casual Friday
07-12-2018, 12:02 PM
Okay, I finally saw it on pay per view.

Not much to add except it seemed strange to see all of the Israeli commandos armed with AKs for this mission. It isn't like they were trying to blend in and be Arabs, or they were a unit that would have had to have used captured weapons because it was the best thing that they could get.

I would have thought they would have shown them using Galil SARs in 5.56mm, The SAR is the version with the plastic handguards rather than the had the bulky wooden handguards and bipods, and are thus lighter weight and lend themselves better for shooting from various positions someone involved in a raid would find themselves in. These guns are more accurate than am AK, and have sights that are better and easier to adjust to hit a precise point of impact. I would think if they were going to do a hostage rescue operation having a gun with better sights that can be sighted in easier and is more accurate would be an important factor.

Knowing Hollywood I wouldn't have been surprised to see them packing Tavor's.

07-12-2018, 01:04 PM
So, I went to see what was available on Amazon. Searched "7 Days in Entebbe" and scrolling down, between "Beirut (https://www.amazon.com/Beirut-Jon-Hamm/dp/B07C2NMSHP/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1531418241&sr=8-6&keywords=7+Days+in+Entebbe)" and "Operation Thunderbolt (https://www.amazon.com/Operation-Thunderbolt-Entebbe-Airport-Audacious-ebook/dp/B00W22IN8K/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1531418241&sr=8-8&keywords=7+Days+in+Entebbe)" I see "Gigahoes (https://www.amazon.com/Clip-Gigahoes-Episode-Artificial-Intercourse/dp/B0791LNX8G/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1531418241&sr=8-7&keywords=7+Days+in+Entebbe)" :confused:

07-13-2018, 06:28 AM
It's possible that not all the units in IDF had Galils at that point?
Or the movie gun company didn't have enough of them :)

Added to My List on Audible.
I downloaded and listened to the book back when I posted this. Fascinating story but maybe the first two thirds was the political debate (including man drama) leading up to the decision to even try.

07-13-2018, 05:27 PM
Not much to add except it seemed strange to see all of the Israeli commandos armed with AKs for this mission. It isn't like they were trying to blend in and be Arabs, or they were a unit that would have had to have used captured weapons because it was the best thing that they could get.

I haven't seen the movie or how the raid was portrayed on screen, but my understanding is that the Israeli plan to move from the runway to the terminal involved presenting the facade of a Ugandan military unit, as there was hundreds of Ugandan troops at the airport. Though I've noticed the occasional error in an Osprey publication, Israel's Lightning Strike: The Raid on Entebbe 1976 (https://www.amazon.com/Israels-Lightning-Strike-raid-Entebbe/dp/1846033977/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1531520714&sr=8-1&keywords=israel%27s+lightning+strike) notes the use of Ugandan paratrooper uniform by Sayerat Matkal.

As for the Kalashnikov, there is a quote from one of the commandos...

The moment that the wheels touched down I immediately loaded my weapon - a Klatch [AK47 Kalashnikov]. One of my friends shouted: "Don't load your weapon in the plane." But I told him to shut up. This is a real war. No rules anymore! (p.42)

According to the Osprey panel below, the Sayerat Matkal force was equipped with the Kalashnikov to present the appearance of Ugandan troops, while some of the paratroopers who were not involved in the deception but instead tasked to prepare the runway for the follow-on aircraft were equipped with the Galil.


ETA: This thread caught my attention as I was hoping the movie offered a decent rendition of the events...but apparently...no.

07-15-2018, 11:27 AM
I liked the movie that Charles Bronson was in: Raid on Entebbe.

I saw it the night it premiered. I really liked it.

Lessee, is it available on Amazon Prime? Nope. Slackers!

07-15-2018, 11:41 AM
Having the commandos pack Kalashnikov-type carbines is the historically correct version of events.

It’s been a while since I read up on it, and I *think* a couple of guys carried Galils, but the AK was the prevalent weapon of choice on the raid.

For a highly biased, but close-to-the-source account, read “Entebbe” by Iddo Netanyahu.

07-15-2018, 01:08 PM
McRaven's "Spec Ops" (excellent) also mentions a mix of Galils and AKs in the Entebbe case study chapter. He interviewed some of the Israelis, and mentions many of the commandos preferred the AK.
