View Full Version : On Disruptive Technology, or, Objects in the future are closer than they appear.

David S.
11-19-2017, 01:19 PM
It appears that the world as simultaneously approaching a tipping point on a wide variety of disruptive technologies and societal institutions. These disruptions will directly affect energy, transportation, education, currency, medical, manufacturing, agriculture, and a bunch of other industries. All of these technologies will vastly improve our lives, and the biggest negative appears to be that individuals, and their institutions, aren't prepared for job losses that those disruptions will create.

I hope we can discuss these disruptions, how to benefit from them, and how to protect ourselves from the negatives.

A one hour presentation on "Clean" Technology.
TL:Dwatch: The presenter claims that with in 10-15 years people will be primarily using electric vehicles and "Transportation as a Service" (ie. Uber, Lyft) will largely replace personal ownership. Individual, and relatively small scale solar and storage will replace centralized, grid based power production.


Tesla unveils electric semi-truck that out-performs diesel on many metrics.


Smartphones used for ultrasound (https://newatlas.com/butterfly-iq-smartphone-ultrasound/51962/), detecting cancer (https://newatlas.com/ai-skin-doctor/47584/) and concussions (https://newatlas.com/smartphone-app-concussion-pupils/51230/).


The end of checkout lines. Similar technology in fast food.


Blockchain technology, Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies will disrupt how we pay for things and do contracts.

The 18th century education model makes little sense for most people with modern technology. There's good reason to believe the only reason the model still exists is government intervention and it operates as a daycare, allowing two income households.

And so on.

Interesting times ahead.