View Full Version : Marine General detained at GITMO files appeal

11-03-2017, 05:09 PM
Here’s something I’ve never heard of before...


MIAMI — Lawyers asked a civilian judge in Washington on Thursday to release a Marine Corps general detained at Guantanamo Bay for contempt of court.

Maple Syrup Actual
11-03-2017, 05:22 PM
Here’s something I’ve never heard of before...

https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2017/11/03/appeal-filed-by-marine-general-detained-for-contempt-at-guantanamo/He probably just figured they couldn't handle the truth.

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Kyle Reese
11-03-2017, 05:51 PM
He probably just figured they couldn't handle the truth.

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Did he order the Code Red?

11-03-2017, 06:16 PM
One judge sets Bergdahl free, and another one confines a Marine General Officer.

This makes perfect sense, of course.

11-03-2017, 06:42 PM
He probably just figured they couldn't handle the truth.

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

I think they may have taken "you want me on that wall...you need me on that wall" a little too literally.

11-03-2017, 07:47 PM
Hmm, this smells very fishy. An O6 Air Force judge orders a Marine Corps O7 JAG commander confined for what many are describing as appropriate use of command discretion because it inconvenienced the judge’s docket schedule. If things are as reported, I’m amazed that anyone would be foolish enough to follow the judge’s apparently unlawful order. Moreover, I’d expect this to have garnered the immediate attention of the highest echelons within the DOD. The fact that the General is now appealing to a CIVILIAN judge for what appears to be a UCMJ matter tells me that the military is now far more FUBAR than when I left it 5 years ago.

My faith in the current civilian DOD leadership is further shaken.

11-03-2017, 07:53 PM
... are making me think that Mattis is more of an old guy with a lisp than some legendary warrior poet.
Seriously, though, I'm with you on the Bergdahl decision. This I see as simply lawyers being lawyers...

11-03-2017, 08:15 PM
Seriously, though, I'm with you on the Bergdahl decision. This I see as simply lawyers being lawyers...

I changed my original post after some reflection as I may have been jumping to conclusions. However, I’m still waiting for Mattis to make the military great again...

11-03-2017, 08:25 PM
One judge sets Bergdahl free, and another one confines a Marine General Officer.

This makes perfect sense, of course.

I know nothing about this, but my bet is that whatever that General did to piss off that judge would make me cheer.
Just a guess.

11-03-2017, 09:47 PM
I know nothing about this, but my bet is that whatever that General did to piss off that judge would make me cheer.
Just a guess.

The General was the OIC of defendant representation for Getmo meaning he oversaw the legal team representing suspected terrorists. One of the controversies surrounding Getmo is the government’s repeated attempts to evesdrop on attorney-client conversations despite rules prohibiting such activities. For example, listening devices have been found and attorney-client emails have been intercepted. Three civilian lawyers represenging a particularly heinous accused terrorist allegedly responsible for the USS Cole bombing felt they could no longer continue because their client conversations were compromised by government eavesdropping. The General agreed with the lawyers and dismissed them from the case without first obtaining the permission of the trial judge. This left the accused terrorist with inadequate representation. It also pissed off the trial judge.

FWIW, this General is probably NOT someone who most forum members would like. He has been very critical of the Getmo tribunal proceedings calling them a farce. That might explain why nobody in the DOD is bending over backwards to free him.

11-03-2017, 10:08 PM
This left the accused terrorist with inadequate representation.
I appreciate your sincere reply and won't demean it with a snarky follow up. I realize the need for providing legal representation for terrorists is really a process protection for the rest of us, but it still gives me heartburn.

Thanks for the clarification.

11-03-2017, 10:15 PM
Hmm, this smells very fishy. An O6 Air Force judge orders a Marine Corps O7 JAG commander confined for what many are describing as appropriate use of command discretion because it inconvenienced the judge’s docket schedule. If things are as reported, I’m amazed that anyone would be foolish enough to follow the judge’s apparently unlawful order. Moreover, I’d expect this to have garnered the immediate attention of the highest echelons within the DOD. The fact that the General is now appealing to a CIVILIAN judge for what appears to be a UCMJ matter tells me that the military is now far more FUBAR than when I left it 5 years ago.

My faith in the current civilian DOD leadership is further shaken.

Unfortunately such conduct is in character with O6 Air Force officers.

11-03-2017, 10:30 PM
I appreciate your sincere reply and won't demean it with a snarky follow up. I realize the need for providing legal representation for terrorists is really a process protection for the rest of us, but it still gives me heartburn.

Thanks for the clarification.

I hear you and agree. As a firm believer in treating foreign terrorists as enemy combatants, I also feel that the government needs to obey its own rules when it comes to processes for tribunals.

When it comes to this particular case of a pissing contest between senior officers, I’m embarrassed.

11-04-2017, 10:36 AM
I hear you and agree. As a firm believer in treating foreign terrorists as enemy combatants, I also feel that the government needs to obey its own rules when it comes to processes for tribunals.

When it comes to this particular case of a pissing contest between senior officers, I’m embarrassed.

Agreed. This should have been settled over a glass in a quiet corner of the Air Force O Club, or over a cup of black coffee and a Marlburo behind the Marine JAG office.

11-04-2017, 10:38 AM
Agreed. This should have been settled over a glass in a quiet corner of the Air Force O Club, or over a cup of black coffee and a Marlburo behind the Marine JAG office.

Or behind a dumpster in the parking lot...

11-04-2017, 10:42 AM
Or behind a dumpster in the parking lot...

I personally abhor violence.

Besides, dumpsters are one of the first place you law enforcement guys always look for bodies. I'm onto your Jedi mind tricks! :cool:

11-04-2017, 10:58 AM
I personally abhor violence.

Besides, dumpsters are one of the first place you law enforcement guys always look for bodies. I'm onto your Jedi mind tricks! :cool:

I'm cut to the quick...that you could think such of me. Shocked, shocked I say! ;)

Actually, it was one of the places we'd look for cash and evidence when the bad guys knew we were on to them and decided to lighten their load.
(We didn't care much about their bodies as the feds didn't investigate homicides. :p )

11-04-2017, 05:06 PM
Unfortunately such conduct is in character with O6 Air Force officers.Yeah, because Air Force officers are the only officers in the military with over-inflated opinions of their own importance. Yep, never see it from the other services at all.
