View Full Version : No Prison Time for Bergdahl

okie john
11-03-2017, 01:01 PM

I am deeply disappointed with these results. And that's all I should say on the topic.

Okie John

11-03-2017, 01:04 PM
I don't think he's gonna have an easy go at life from here on out though... This may not be a favor to him.

Kyle Reese
11-03-2017, 01:04 PM
Did you expect anything different? In a month he’ll likely have a book deal, he’ll be on Ellen, and maybe even have a Lifetime movie made after him.

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11-03-2017, 01:08 PM

I am deeply disappointed with these results. And that's all I should say on the topic.

Okie John

It's a sad day when our society is more offended by someone making unwanted overtures toward another than they are by desertion and the consequences deriving from that act.

I wonder if there is any hope left for us to recover from this nightmare we've entered through the looking glass.

okie john
11-03-2017, 01:11 PM
It's a sad day when our society is more offended by someone making unwanted overtures toward another than they are by desertion and the consequences deriving from that act.

I wonder if there is any hope left for us to recover from this nightmare we've entered through the looking glass.

Excellent points. Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein will both be punished more harshly than PVT Bergdahl.

Okie John

11-03-2017, 01:14 PM
Hopefully life catches up to that fucking traitor soon.

11-03-2017, 04:03 PM
Obama let Chelsea Manning out of prison years early, and then Bergdahl gets to skate (admittedly after serving some hard time under the Taliban).

Meanwhile some of the guys who went out to hunt Bergdahl are in crippling pain every day because of the wounds they sustained.

I'd have a hard time looking myself in the mirror if I were that JAG judge.

11-03-2017, 05:19 PM
I didn’t see this bullshit coming.

11-03-2017, 05:26 PM
Fuck that guy. With a pineapple.

11-03-2017, 05:49 PM
The dishonorable discharge threatens to deprive Bergdahl of most or all his veterans’ benefits...
Boo fucking hoo.

11-03-2017, 06:25 PM
I am not sure who I have more contempt for, Bergdahl or the judge.

And I am capable of a great deal of contempt. Huge, giant supertankers full of it. I have, in fact, been referred to as the Strategic Contempt Reserve by coworkers.

11-03-2017, 09:30 PM
Sometimes I think that the very concepts on honor, manhood, and duty no longer have any relevance in our country.

This is one of those days....... :(

I can't even imagine what the family members of those soldiers lost while trying to search for him must be going through.

11-03-2017, 11:01 PM
Meanwhile some of the guys who went out to hunt Bergdahl are in crippling pain every day because of the wounds they sustained.

Plus all the personnel in his AO, they re-organized ISR for months after that bitch went DUSTWUN and that opened up a lot of enemy mobility. The blood on his hands goes well past the warriors that were immediately trying to recover him.

Totem Polar
11-04-2017, 12:38 AM
I didn’t see this bullshit coming.

I didn’t either. And I have been conditioned to see shit of such like coming, as a rule. This was an exception.

11-04-2017, 07:02 AM
Sometimes I think that the very concepts on honor, manhood, and duty no longer have any relevance in our country.

This is one of those days....... :(

I can't even imagine what the family members of those soldiers lost while trying to search for him must be going through.

And what does this say to the military at large? Is UA/AWOL OK now, or just desertion in combat?

11-04-2017, 07:12 AM
I have no service experience, but I was surprised as hell this asshole deserter only got a DD and reduction in rank.

11-04-2017, 08:02 AM
God help us if we get in a real force-on-force "near peer" shooting war. The last 8 years of political correctness has severely hurt the military. Think about it - most Americans that choose to serve will serve less than 20 years; therefore, nost Americans who serve in the military have spent half to all their career in a military that spends more time on gender training than combat skills. That may be why we wreck ships, pardon those who give away or secrets, and let deserters walk off essentially free as a bird.

11-04-2017, 08:15 AM
God help us if we get in a real force-on-force "near peer" shooting war. The last 8 years of political correctness has severely hurt the military. Think about it - most Americans that choose to serve will serve less than 20 years; therefore, nost Americans who serve in the military have spent half to all their career in a military that spends more time on gender training than combat skills. That may be why we wreck ships, pardon those who give away or secrets, and let deserters walk off essentially free as a bird.

It appears that any excuse will do as long as you can use it to say "poor me, I need help".

We've turned into a nation of pansies, finger pointers and self absorbed navel gazers.

(These dolts can't figure out whether the folks they excoriate daily should be hugged until they get better, or hanged.)

Mike C
11-04-2017, 08:19 AM
Makes me sick. ranger, I agree with your sentiment. This whole debacle is just freaking sickening and the road we're on scares the crap out of me.

11-04-2017, 11:20 AM
The last 8 years of political correctness has severely hurt the military.
It took longer than 8 years to make a bird colonel judge that would make this ruling. That shitbird was probably commissioned about the time I retired 17 years ago. Does that make him a BJ Clinton officer, or a Bush II officer?

11-04-2017, 11:37 AM
Sometimes I think that the very concepts on honor, manhood, and duty no longer have any relevance in our country.

This is one of those days....... :(

I can't even imagine what the family members of those soldiers lost while trying to search for him must be going through.

I believe those values are summarized as "toxic masculinity" or something equally stupid nowadays.

11-04-2017, 12:47 PM
It took longer than 8 years to make a bird colonel judge that would make this ruling. That shitbird was probably commissioned about the time I retired 17 years ago. Does that make him a BJ Clinton officer, or a Bush II officer?

It makes him an officer without honor or respect, regardless of who was President when he was commissioned.

Kyle Reese
11-04-2017, 12:49 PM
God help us if we get in a real force-on-force "near peer" shooting war.

Well, I'd imagine that in lieu of a WWII style mobilization, the American public would be told to go shopping, just like in the aftermath of 9/11.

Mike C
11-04-2017, 01:05 PM
It took longer than 8 years to make a bird colonel judge that would make this ruling. That shitbird was probably commissioned about the time I retired 17 years ago. Does that make him a BJ Clinton officer, or a Bush II officer?

Probably the case, but at the same time many a good Officers/NCO's left during the Obamanator years. The ones that could/would have put a stop to that crap or ensured that dirt bag never saw past CPT are gone. Most of the good ones were replaced with yes men or forced to keep their mouth shut or face reprisal. Obama was a huge detriment to morale but when you stack his up his and his goonies crap along with deployment rates and the general bureaucratic BS dems bring into the service while in office and dudes were just sick and tired of the BS. This crap IS the new norm. My boys that are still in are still dealing with the after effects of all Obama did to weaken our Military. I'm glad that only on occasion I am reminded that the organization that I loved and the values that it stood for are circling the drain. Hopefully our faith in Gen. Mattis to, "make the Military great again" Sensei, is a real possibility but there is metric ass ton of damage to undo and nothing will change until some of these idiots retire or are forced to STFU, pulled from command, or pushed in to corners with little say on how things get done.

11-04-2017, 01:12 PM

Posted for consideration/feedback.

okie john
11-04-2017, 01:18 PM
And what does this say to the military at large? Is UA/AWOL OK now, or just desertion in combat?

This sentence says that those things are no longer punishable.

The comments about the search for Bergdahl taking the pressure off of the enemy are spot-on. The military took casualties because a soldier abandoned his post. That's why desertion is traditionally a capital crime.

I'm eager to hear what Secretary Mattis has to say about this.

Okie John

11-04-2017, 03:09 PM
The sentence implies that the nation has not/is not viewing its role in Afghanistan in a serious light. The fact that the idiot spent time as a pow is not relevant. He'll feel better after he jumps up, apologizes, and enters rehab. I'm so weary of hearing all these pussies apologize. Is that a fad? And rehab. Is that supposed to make everything alright with everybody after they go there and blow smoke up each others' asses for a month in a place charging $5000/day.

11-04-2017, 08:44 PM
Hope that fucker suck starts a 12 gauge ASAFP.

Jim Watson
11-04-2017, 08:49 PM
Just wait for the book. Maybe even the movie.

11-05-2017, 07:53 AM
I heard his lawyer is going to appeal the sentence. Really? He thinks the sentence is to harch? He didn't even have to change his sex to get out of it.

11-05-2017, 08:36 AM
Did you expect anything different?

I'm not sure if the question is sincere or just venting frustration with the current direction of the military, but yes I did. I expected that the sentence would be somewhere between about 3 and 15 years. I didn't expect that the judge would go full-bore and sentence him to death, but I expected that even a lenient sentence would involve some time in prison.

okie john
11-11-2017, 07:41 PM
And now a Marine Corps drill instructor is sentenced to 10 years for abusing recruits.


According to the Bergdahl standard, he should have been promoted to O-3.

Okie John

11-11-2017, 08:16 PM
And now a Marine Corps drill instructor is sentenced to 10 years for abusing recruits.


According to the Bergdahl standard, he should have been promoted to O-3.

Okie John

Ah, but the National Security Advisor of the previous administration didn't say that the drill sergeant served with "honor and distinction." I don't know this JAG judge, and thus can't say what his motivations. were, but if he did had a partisan tilt, it would have been very embarrassing for both the prior President and his NSA if Bergdahl received hard jail time. Very embarrassing. This sentence allows the Washington press corps to say "see they were close to right and their critics didn't know what they were talking about." Which, of course, is very convenient. Very, very convenient.

Meanwhile the guys who got killed and wounded because of Bergdahl's honor and distinction were/are merely flyover types who can be ignored.

All of which raises the question. Why did the previous administration release those 6 hardcore Taliban commanders? Can it really be the case that getting old honor and distinction released that important? Or was the administration simply trying to close Gitmo, couldn't come up with any excuse for letting these really bad guys go, and thus used Bergdahl as an excuse for freeing them?

What answer do you think an old, experienced SF intel sergeant would give?