View Full Version : Hello Fresh and Meal Services.

10-19-2017, 06:02 PM
My family has been using Hello Fresh for about two months now. In short, we love it. We were eating out a lot because we both had little time to plan meals or cook. Hello Fresh has completely changed our diet and ability to eat at home, we also have been saving quite a bit of money by using this service. Thought I would give them a shout out and see if anyone else uses them or something similar.

Cheap Shot
10-19-2017, 07:34 PM
I've been very tempted, but haven't signed up yet. I'm hesitant because i not sure I'll have time to cook everyday during the week. On top of that I'm a terrible cook. I use my smoke alarm as a food timer. Right now I just buy multiple ready made meals from the local grocer and eat them during the week.

Maybe I'll just buy enough for a weekends worth to try it. What could go wrong:rolleyes:

Not sure why but I'm leaning toward Blue Apron.

10-19-2017, 08:49 PM
We tried one of them for a while (I don't think it was HelloFresh) and I can see where it makes sense for some folks but didn't work well for us (two adults and 3 kids, 6-8-10yo). It definitely didn't save us money - once the intro promos were up, a meal was similar in price to grabbing a fast food meal. Obviously it was a much higher quality, healthier mean than the fast food, but they're so insisent on being "interesting" with the menu that my wife was struggling to make edible sense out of the mish-mash of overly fancy crap they sent (and that was with her pre-picking the stuff closest to what we would eat). Granted, we're pretty plain eaters. It was also tough because the portion sizes available were either just right for 2, or for 4, but 5 meant it got spread a little thinner. The saving grace there was none of wanted to eat very much of many of the meals so there was plenty if anyone did like something.

Totem Polar
10-20-2017, 01:16 AM
The saving grace there was none of wanted to eat very much of many of the meals so there was plenty if anyone did like something.

Outstanding quote!