View Full Version : California bans guns on campus

10-18-2017, 06:03 PM
It is already illegal for a person to carry a firearm in a school zone unless they have permission from the superintendent, but AB 424 (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB424) – signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Saturday – will “delete the authority” of the superintendent to grant such permission, banning guns on campuses entirely. Kingsburg Joint Union was one of a handful of school districts in the state to have approved policies that allow employees to carry concealed weapons with the superintendent’s permission. Kingsburg Joint Union Superintendent Don Shoemaker said Monday he was disappointed in the new law. “We’re disappointed as a district. Our board is disappointed for sure because we lose some local control. That’s one of the major issues,” he said. “Of course, we will follow the law.”

10-18-2017, 06:13 PM
The county where I grew up also allowed staff with CCWs to carry. I'm glad all those people who jumped through the hoops to get a CA CCW can no longer threaten the safety of our kids.

10-18-2017, 06:57 PM
Two broad thoughts I have on this.

One,I'd imagine the urban CA authorities would rather eat radioactive glass then issue CCWs to begin with,to say nothing about school superintendents authorizing campus carry. Basically this is banning something already outlawed ,for the most part.

Two; given CAs attitude on self defense and current social media trends, I doubt a letter from the School Superintendent is going to save anyone who uses deadly force on a campus.Considering how fast CLEOs throw officers who've used force under the bus , I'm sure a school superintendent would fold ten seconds after the first "He Wuz just a Kid" Instagram posts hit.

10-18-2017, 07:08 PM
Two broad thoughts I have on this.

One,I'd imagine the urban CA authorities would rather eat radioactive glass then issue CCWs to begin with,to say nothing about school superintendents authorizing campus carry. Basically this is banning something already outlawed ,for the most part.

Two; given CAs attitude on self defense and current social media trends, I doubt a letter from the School Superintendent is going to save anyone who uses deadly force on a campus.Considering how fast CLEOs throw officers who've used force under the bus , I'm sure a school superintendent would fold ten seconds after the first "He Wuz just a Kid" Instagram posts hit.

I'd agree that most urban politicians would rather eat radioactive glass, however, there is a huge difference between what San Francisco/LA wants and what the inland areas want. Issuance of CCWs in many non-coastal counties has gotten better. It was something that I don't think many politicians believed would actually happen (superintendents allowing CCWs) but there were actually a few that did allow it.

Odin Bravo One
10-18-2017, 07:25 PM
Gee that is unfortunate.

So much for that full ride in International Transreligion Hate Mongering I was offered at UC Berkeley.

I don’t even have sympathy for anyone still there. Big talkers when it comes to “taking action”, yet do nothing. And continue to stay. Then cry about every little additional infringement on their rights.

Time for California gun owners to shit. Or get off the pot already.

10-18-2017, 07:35 PM
Time for California gun owners to shit. Or get off the pot already.

I suspect neither one is likely to happen anymore than the many vocal armchair patriots will effectually disavow the NFL. They could burn the flag on the 50 yard line at Halftime and millions would still come to the games and watch on TV.