View Full Version : Festivus For The Rest Of Us

10-09-2017, 09:38 PM
I stumbled across an article about the origin of Festivus, the inspiration for Pfestivus. I've never watched Seinfeld, so I had no idea what Festivus was until the subject of Festivus was brought up on this board. I seem to recall somebody claiming it was an event or holiday, if you will, that dated back to the Roman Times and I thought it was true. However, according to the article, Festivus was a fake holiday invented by the father of the character George to push back on the over commercialization of Christmas. All fiction, right? Nope. Turns out it's a real fake holiday.

The real Festivus was created in 1966 by author Daniel O’Keefe, not out of a hatred of all of the commercial and religious aspects of Christmas, but as a unique celebration. His son, Dan O’Keefe, grew up to become a writer for Seinfeld...“It is a fake holiday my dad made up in the ’60s to celebrate the anniversary of his first date with my mother, and it was something that we celebrated as a family in a very peculiar way through the ‘70s..."

What struck me was the use of a clock in a bag as a symbol of the actual Festivus

O’Keefe says... “The real symbol of the holiday was a clock inside a bag nailed to the wall and nearby a sign that says, ‘F*ck Fascism.’"

because Tom uses a countdown timer. Coincidence?

It's possible all of this is common knowledge and I'm just late to the party. After all, I've never seen a single episode of Seinfeld.

Here's the link to the full article-

Learn something new- and useless- every day

10-09-2017, 10:21 PM
Lacking in haiku

10-10-2017, 09:12 AM
Haikus are SHIT

10-10-2017, 09:24 AM
Haikus are SHIT

haikus are shitty,
the reviews aren't pretty,
still Festivus reigns.

10-12-2017, 02:42 AM
Seems like you might want to watch Seinfled after reading about Festivus.

10-12-2017, 07:32 PM
I've never seen a single episode of Seinfeld.

Therein may lay the root of some problems.