View Full Version : Interested in becoming deputy

10-07-2017, 06:57 PM
The county I live in (in Texas) has an opening for a part time deputy/bailiff. I am very interested in pursuing this position, but I don't have any experience in LE.

I am 37, no criminal history, physically fit, very literate, very proficient with driving, flying fixed wing aircraft, firearms, public relations, to a lesser extent computers.

Could they use a guy like me?

Can some of y'all educate me a little?

10-07-2017, 07:10 PM
Respectfully, you are asking a bunch of people with no association with the organization in question if the organization can use you.

If you want to know if the organization can use you, you should probably ask the organization.

10-07-2017, 07:11 PM
I am in Texas, have been in LE for 10 years, and I have done both of those jobs. Though I am only 31, there is no questions guys older than me can do the job and can be an asset. In fact being a little older gives you the advantage of life experience and maturity. This can translate into picking the job up faster

I think for an all around experience there is nothing like getting to be a deputy. At least in the right county. It is my opinion that you would be better served by being a patrol deputy first, then pursuing something along the lines of bailiff. It will give you a background and understanding of LE that would be more difficult to obtain in a full time court room setting.

Will they put you through the academy or do they have their own academy?

Good luck with whatever you do.

10-07-2017, 07:24 PM
The only way to find out is to apply.

Good luck.

10-07-2017, 07:29 PM
I've worked for a small SO now I work for a medium sized PD. I'm a little leery of small SOs due to internal politics and the immense power the sheriff wields in smaller departments who have no protections. That being said if you work for a good sheriff that's not a problem but the tide often changes when a new one is elected.

37 is not a bad age (and often an advantage)to get into LE as long as your personal life is in order and you're not a food blister. If your married with kids you'd better have a heart to heart with your significant other as shiftwork and long hours can be taxing on a relationship.

10-07-2017, 07:58 PM
Thanks for the replies.

I am married with kids. I work away with only a day or two a week at home half the year now, so shifts won't be much different.

10-07-2017, 08:24 PM
Get to know as much about the department/leadership as you can. Check with CLEAT, TMPA or whatever organization represents their line guys (if any). Do ride-alongs with different deputies, Google any leadership and line names you come across (sheriff's office, jail, judges) and see what comes up. I'd be surprised if you didn't find some tin-foil hat feedback but it should be easy to separate from legit concerns.

Do you know anyone you trust with local DPS, HHS, CPS, DA's office, etc.? Anyone recently retired?

Be discreet, do all the above without ruffling feathers. Some people have nothing to do but talk, so be all ears and be sure of who you're talking to before you volunteer any opinions on what you observe.

Don't waste your life, liability, time or peace of mind with the mediocre or anything that doesn't make sense.

10-08-2017, 12:06 AM
I went in during my late 30's and it was hard, but definitely worth it. I specifically wanted a Sheriff's Department because county voters tend to be more conservative vs. a city agency that is going to be beholden to a city government (at least where I work...). It has worked out well - my Sheriff pretty much ignores the BLM stuff and refuses to play all in to all the politically correct nonsense sweeping law enforcement these days. I work in a very liberal state, so that's significant.

Our academy is stress based, so when I went in they beat the crap out of me. When I made it through, the staff admitted to me they picked me out and beat me up because of my age. No hard feelings, I would have done the same thing to someone else like me. Just take the abuse, it will make you stronger. I've been in for years now, and love this job. I had a lot of people think I was crazy for doing it at my age - I've proved every one of them wrong and excelled more at this job than any job I've ever had.

Edited to add:

Shift work is hard, but it can be worth it. We work modified 12, so every other weekend is four days. I have enough time to go on vacation every other week, and I take advantage of it. As long as you use you time off for your family, they will accept you not being around during your work week. I usually work my OT during the week by tacking it on to the end of my normal shift, which pays off.

10-08-2017, 04:55 AM
Could they use a guy like me?

Ask them.

How the hell would we know?

10-08-2017, 11:34 AM
At the very edge of my lane:

As someone posted before, the elected Sheriff can really drive the train. If they are good, life can be good, if they are bad, life can be hell.

I have seen a lot of deputy shuffle when a new Sheriff gets elected, getting fired/having to resign, catching on in a neighboring county, the pattern repeats over and over.

You may have to come out of pocket for all equipment, ammo, guns, uniforms. Given your membership on this board, that will be thousands of dollars, even if you are told to buy stuff you know is crap by the Sheriff, nothing like spending good money on marginal/bad equipment when quality is available at the same price because somebody has the power to order you to do so.

Deputies often have to solve problems/calls, by themselves because back up is 5/10/20 mins away when someone is driving 100 mph to you.

The professionalism of many smaller SDs can vary widely based on funding, the Sheriff, command staff, the community. In many communities, it is not a question of if you will be sued but when.
While you probably will have cover so long as you were "in policy", lawsuits can be stress inducing.

Your personal and other professional life may come up under a microscope.

I am sure there are other things to think about but these come off the top of my head.

Bottom Line-Any question you don't ask is always a NO-do your research, a self assessment, ask around and make the call.

Be safe and well,

david barnes

10-08-2017, 07:14 PM
Many in Texas counties start out in the jail whether or not they are certified. Also, sometimes bailiff jobs are viewed as plums to be given to older guys. However, this job requires common sense, alertness, and good social skills.
If you apply for a jail job, keep your other plan secret. Be forewarned: among cops and jailers there are many snitches who will repeat what you say and sometimes say shit you never said.

10-08-2017, 07:29 PM
You would be wise to heed that advise given here. I can tell you that yor are more than qualified. I know because I conduct background investigations on police applicants. But, as already nicely pointed out, you must make certain that the agency is a good and proper fit for you. There is a website called LEO Affairs that is a sort of bulletin board where officers post their gripes and grievances. The agency you mention may be found there. Checking out the website might give you some insight as to the internal politics and problems affecting morale. If not, there may be a similar website where you are. Good luck.