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09-13-2017, 05:37 PM

Driving drunk with human organs in the vehicle...


Joe in PNG
09-13-2017, 05:40 PM

Driving drunk with human organs in the vehicle...


Surprised it wasn't Florida Man again.

09-13-2017, 05:43 PM
Here you go, Joe.

http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1821205/firefighter_steals_severed_foot_from_crash_scene_s ept_2008/

09-13-2017, 06:22 PM
Dr Elmo was just taking some old friends out for a tipple..... ummmm.... Tickle.

09-13-2017, 06:25 PM

Driving drunk with human organs in the vehicle...


Let me start by saying that driving drunk is not okay. Ever.

But I'll be honest, the "organs" in the vehicle aren't really that big a deal. I've had brains, liver, bones and other various and sundry human and non-human body parts in my car numerous times. All appropriately packaged and labeled, as the story noted. Sometimes they just have to get from one place to another, and if I'm going that way, I'm taking them with me. Saves money and time.

Most states allow for transport of decedents by either a licensed funeral home or a medical examiner/coroner. So, technically, I could just throw a dead body in my trunk and drive anywhere I need to go. I'm not going to, because it's my car and I don't want to clean it if something leaks.

Indiana has a somewhat oddball medicolegal death investigation system with many counties relying on traveling pathologists coming to their jurisdiction to perform their autopsies. Most jurisdictions set up a relatively central pathology location and transport the bodies to them. Works great. As far as I know, Indiana is the only place that does it the other way around. You couldn't pay me enough to do that. But, to each their own.

But seriously, if I'm enjoying a nice after work beverage, it's after I get home, not while I'm driving there. Dumbass.

Maple Syrup Actual
09-13-2017, 07:42 PM
This was a more exciting story when I was hovering over the link and thought he'd been arrested for OWL with human body parts in trunk.

I mean holy fuck, that's some owl. And he got it in the trunk? Guy's got to be tough as nails. How many cops did it take to fight that guy down, and what happened when they popped the trunk?

09-13-2017, 07:50 PM
Here locally, some years ago, the company who had the coroner's transport contract lost it because one of their vehicles made a pit stop at a strip club on the way to the morgue.

09-13-2017, 08:03 PM
Here locally, some years ago, the company who had the coroner's transport contract lost it because one of their vehicles made a pit stop at a strip club on the way to the morgue.

Where's the problem with that? Jeez, you can't do anything anymore...


Lost River
09-13-2017, 08:34 PM
Let me start by saying that driving drunk is not okay. Ever.

But I'll be honest, the "organs" in the vehicle aren't really that big a deal. I've had brains, liver, bones and other various and sundry human and non-human body parts in my car numerous times. All appropriately packaged and labeled, as the story noted. Sometimes they just have to get from one place to another, and if I'm going that way, I'm taking them with me. Saves money and time.

Most states allow for transport of decedents by either a licensed funeral home or a medical examiner/coroner. So, technically, I could just throw a dead body in my trunk and drive anywhere I need to go. I'm not going to, because it's my car and I don't want to clean it if something leaks.

Indiana has a somewhat oddball medicolegal death investigation system with many counties relying on traveling pathologists coming to their jurisdiction to perform their autopsies. Most jurisdictions set up a relatively central pathology location and transport the bodies to them. Works great. As far as I know, Indiana is the only place that does it the other way around. You couldn't pay me enough to do that. But, to each their own.

But seriously, if I'm enjoying a nice after work beverage, it's after I get home, not while I'm driving there. Dumbass.

It honestly is not surprising to me at all.

In certain professions people reach a certain level, they tend to get a bit delusional about their importance. They begin to believe that they are so important that they can do literally anything they want, with absolutely no consequences. Part of that is due to the fact that for many of them, they have had done all manner of activities that would cause an "average" person to go to jail, lose a career, lose a license, etc. But for various reasons these people have been let off the hook, had people look the other way, or similar treatment that a lay person would never receive.

Judges, some types of lawyers, Sheriffs, certain types of doctors, elected officials, etc are all perfect examples.

We have a local sheriff who is famous for making sure the cases against his buddies never go anywhere. The prosecutor for the same county is just as bad. Besides being well known for driving drunk, I have watched him drop criminal cases (calling them a "civil matter") for a person who was a major campaign contributor. That same campaign contributor committed dozens upon dozens of felonies in a case i worked over a course of time, stealing a very large sum of $$. But since he contributed to the right campaigns....

It has been my observation and experience that the self appointed "elite" in any community always tend to think they can do anything they want, and often times they can, since they have been bending, breaking and completely ignoring the rules and laws for so long that they simply consider such laws as those things for the "little people" or commoners.

So a pathologist driving around drunk off his ass with body parts in his personal vehicle is seriously not even mildly surprising.

On a different note, the primary forensic pathologist I worked with for a number of years was cool as hell. He knew I was a lifelong learner type, and let me be side by side with him while he did his thing. In fact one of the ways I learned was to be his scribe, taking his notes for him.

Plus,unless they were a major decomp, we always sliced up the coronary artery on each body. Pretty much every single person over the age of 40 had some blockage. It was an eye opener, and seriously made me swear off of any type of fried food. Seeing all the plaque and occluded arteries up close in person is a real eye opener, and better than any visit to a GP to encourage a person to eat healthy.

09-13-2017, 08:48 PM
But I'll be honest, the "organs" in the vehicle aren't really that big a deal.

Ordinarily, no. When you're drunk and getting your vehicle impounded, it's kind of a big deal. Someone has to be called out to take custody of them, they have to be stored, and you are tying up resources to clean up his mess, then it's kind of a big deal compared to your run of the mill DUI arrest.

Per the article:

Authorities were working to find out where the parts needed to go and get them there.

09-13-2017, 09:27 PM
I didn't much of the the story other than who names their kid Elmo? Perhaps 75 years ago Elmo was more popular.

09-13-2017, 10:06 PM
Once in a hospital I was on the elevator, and a woman pushing a cart with some buckets on it got on. I was curiously eyeing the buckets, but they weren't any of my business, so I didn't ask about the contents. The woman noticed my interest and in frustrated tone said "There are human heads in the buckets! Dr. So and So told me to just drop them in a bag for transport, but I told him that I was not carrying a bag of heads through the hospital!"

Lost River
09-14-2017, 08:58 AM
Once in a hospital I was on the elevator, and a woman pushing a cart with some buckets on it got on. I was curiously eyeing the buckets, but they weren't any of my business, so I didn't ask about the contents. The woman noticed my interest and in frustrated tone said "There are human heads in the buckets! Dr. So and So told me to just drop them in a bag for transport, but I told him that I was not carrying a bag of heads through the hospital!"

I really want to make a joke about getting head in an elevator, but I know I just shouldn't go there..

09-14-2017, 09:09 AM
I really want to make a joke about getting head in an elevator, but I know I just shouldn't go there..

Yet another situation where you might not be sure if you were coming or going...

Totem Polar
09-14-2017, 09:29 AM
Yet another situation where you might not be sure if you were coming or going...

I can tell you that I'd be getting off as soon as possible...

09-14-2017, 07:24 PM
I really want to make a joke about getting head in an elevator, but I know I just shouldn't go there..

I knew there was a dirty joke in there somewhere when I was writing the post, but I just couldn't articulate it. Looks like there were several.