View Full Version : Carry guns vs. critters

07-13-2017, 09:47 PM
Thought it would be interesting to see any critters taken with your carry gun. This ground hog decided to approach the dinning room while we were eating dinner. I watched it over my daughter's shoulder, nose around the fire pit and waddle off. I politely excused myself. Critter was then added to the bone yard.

Speer GDHP 124gr +P
18 yards measured


Glenn E. Meyer
07-13-2017, 10:11 PM
I don't have a picture but a jack rabbit fell to a Glock 27. We were riding in the boonies near Rock Springs, TX in a jeep. Said bunny was seen and one fellow opens up on it with a lever action 22 LR. Said rabbit is not impressed and charges towards us (must be from the same saucer that dropped of the rabbit that attacked President Carter). The rifleman lays down a fusillade of 22s at the rabbit with no effect. As he gets closer, panic ensues. I say - For God's Sake - unholster my G27 and remove the threat. It was tense, if the rabbit got among us and leapt into the jeep - who knows what would have happened!

I did hear a talk on how to fight bears or mountain lions if they get among you.

07-13-2017, 10:32 PM
No pics, but I've taken a squirrel with a 1911 (jacknut came straight at me as I was stalking a deer trail through some pines. Put it between his eyes at 10 ft), and an Armadillo with a G19.

07-14-2017, 01:44 AM
I shot a deer, several coyotes, a few squirrels, and a bunch of bunnies with my 4" 29. Somewhere I have a pic with 3 rattlesnakes I shot with my little Smith stainless Centennial.

Oh, and I shot a rattlesnake in the house once with a 6" 29.

07-14-2017, 08:31 AM
Back in Ohio I used to shoot varmints with a rifle or carbine once in a while around the property. But shooting anything with a handgun other than for self defense seems like a great risk to your ears. Are you guys wearing earpro when you do this?

07-14-2017, 09:41 AM
I shot a copperhead to protect my dog about 1987. 6 feet or so, night, Sig 220, Federal Hydroshock.
This was in town. My next door neighbor, a WW2 infantry veteran, saw me the next day and said I heard you shoot and figured something needed killing. Gotta love old veterans.

When I was 16, 1973, I shot a squirrel for my dog to eat with a Colt MK4 Series 70 .45acp. About 15 yards, 215 gr semi wadcutter. It worked.

07-14-2017, 09:43 AM
Leaving my house at night a neighbor's dog mauled a possum and left it in the driveway. It was obviously in pain and dying. Had my Ruger LCR in 38 special to dispatch it. Worked well.

07-14-2017, 09:50 AM
Back in Ohio I used to shoot varmints with a rifle or carbine once in a while around the property. But shooting anything with a handgun other than for self defense seems like a great risk to your ears. Are you guys wearing earpro when you do this?

I usually have foam ear plugs in my pocket, theres very few situations Ill willingly forego using them, including hunting deer or whatever. Just not worth losing any more hearing unless its a super serious matter.

Am fooling around with some 38 Short Colt loads for fun shooting and pest shooting without much noise. 125 gr cast bullet with 2 or 2.5 grs Red dot. Havent shot them yet to see which load will be best. Should be in the 600-700 fps range in most guns. 9mm dies seem to work fine. They look like rimmed 9mms.

07-14-2017, 10:09 AM
I fired around many rounds of 12 ga when I was a teenager one day dove hunting.
No ear pro.
What was that?

07-14-2017, 03:52 PM
While clearing my property of the old broken down chicken coops and what not the previous owner lovingly left behind, I lifted up a big piece of plywood and there sat the biggest Garter Snake I'd ever seen. It ended up being about 10 feet away from me when I shot it. Not being very fond of snakes I quickly drew my PPS from AIWB and nailed with my first shot of Hornady American Shooter 124gr +P. I did not knowing what type of snake it was till it was dead. I surprised my self on how quickly it all happened and actually hitting the critter.

07-14-2017, 03:53 PM
I fired around many rounds of 12 ga when I was a teenager one day dove hunting.
No ear pro.
What was that?

Pretty much...

I'm not shooting any critter without a can or ear pro, especially outside just walking around.

Lester Polfus
07-14-2017, 04:05 PM
I've discovered that my J-frame, with shot loads, does great double duty for pest control here around the house. We give the garter snakes and rubber boas the run of the place, as they keep down the undesirables, but I've used my 638 on mice, wood rats, and a ground squirrel that just couldn't respect boundaries. This week I found a baby rabbit that somehow got a nasty gut wound that had been festering for days. I could have beat it to death with a shovel, but I fetched my J as I knew it would be instant lights out.

The .38 shot loads are stupid expensive per round, and only intermittently available, so I bought what should be a lifetime supply of the shot capsules and whenever I need to load some up, I just open up some #7.5 shells up and take the shot out of them.

Gun Mutt
07-14-2017, 04:20 PM
I've shot coyotes with my G20...couldn't tell you what loads anymore, but I was living in Montana bear country and I carried some seriously stout Double Tap loads that crumpled every one I shot. I've also shot groundhogs in Kentucky with both a G23 and a G19.

However, the damnedest one was a possum in Indiana. We were living pretty far out in the country and I'd taken our dogs outside for their bedtime constitutional when suddenly, my Akita charges into a huge bush, followed by some thrashing sounds then silence. As I came around the bush, Samson had a possum by the back of the neck and was shaking the hell out of it. When he stopped, the possum hissed and snarled started to wriggle and CRUNCH, Samson clenched his jaws and broke the animal's neck.

I give the command and he drops the seemingly dead animal. I take the dog back inside and tell my wife what happened, adding that I planned to throw it in the treeline across the rode to feed the forest. Is that safe she asks? No worries, I tell her, I plan to wear a leather glove and pick it up with a plastic bag. No, she explains lovingly, be careful because it might not be dead, they're where the term came from after all. Oh, yeah, that...right. So I take my Dad's old Ruger Single Six from the cabinet by the back door and check to see that it's loaded with .22cb's, thinking I'd put one in his head to make sure.

I get back to the scene of the crime to find the possum is 10' from where he'd been, but he was dead still now. Fool me once and all that, joke's on you mf'er, I put a quiet round into his head...he moves a little more, so I add another cb...done...nope, moving...where the eff is the brain pan on this lil' critter? Draw an X between the eyes and ears, right? I end up popping it 5 times in what seemed logical places all around his vexing head.

Feeling like a piss poor, but eventually successful executioner, I tuck the Ruger in the back of my belt and pick the corpse up by the tail and carry it the 20 or so yards to the road. Damn thing's getting heavy, not much traction through this plastic bag and it's gonna slip out of my hand before I reach the treeline. Ok, I'm at the road, I'll give it a little swing and let it drop flat on the road so I can get a really good grip for the throw.

It hits the road, stands up with its broken neck crooked at an angle and starts limping across the road...shuffle step, shuffle step, fall, get up, repeat. Great, now I really feel like an asshole, but I don't want to shoot it while it's on the road. So, finally, as soon as it cleared the asphalt, I drew my G26 from appendix and put a DPX through the base of the skull and pretty much decapitated it. Good. Lord.

Flummoxed, I went inside and interwebbed the possum brain, finding this article (http://www.wildbunchrehab.org/encore/encore-opossum.cfm). I learn that one way to measure brain capacity is to see how many dried beans fit in the skull cavity: Racoon = 150 beans, house cat = 125 beans...possum = 25 beans giving it the smallest brain-to-body ratio among mammals. No wonder the .22's had a hard time finding it.

TLDR: shoot possums with a 9mm or bigger if you want them DRT.

07-14-2017, 04:21 PM
I often use my duty weapon(G34) to perform "field euthanasias" on deer. I usually go for the heart/lungs. The 9mm Federal HST 124gr that we are issued works surprisingly well. I've also put down a few other animals to include a cow or two.

07-14-2017, 06:09 PM
KelTec P11 (I know, I was broke and it was cheap), 124gr Speer Gold Dot. Crippled deer, one shot to base of skull that hit a touch low. Severed the spine, passed through the trachea on the way out. Massive hemorrhage b/c the heart didn't know nothing was connected anymore - it kept going till it ran out of blood.

07-14-2017, 07:05 PM
Had to dispatch this a couple weeks ago. Kids spotted it where my extended family group of 14 had walked about 5000 tines over the past week. Dusk, after a few beers, moved it to the grass with a leaf rake. Whole family had to come out to watch. Broke out Glock 19/HST 147gr. Shot strong hand only with weak hand finger in strong side ear. Barely missed the first static head shot then had to bear down and hit a back-and-forth moving head shot as it advanced back toward the deck and toward me. Second shot vaporized the head.

I was bitten by a copperhead not far away from where this one was found about 10 years earlier. Would not recommend a repeat experience.

I need to pick up some 9mm shot shells.

07-14-2017, 10:39 PM
The CCI 9mm shot loads work quite well on snakes and such. I keep a 10 rd mag with shot loads handy when walking about and just swap out as needed.

I had a possum problem in town once, or more than once. 4 shots with CCI Quiets in a rifle before it hit the magic spot. One before was with a yard implement. Not good. Not effective. Very tough animals.

Rediscovered eternal truth. Frozen stuff doesnt smell. Bag em and put in freezer until disposal time. Way better.

Lester Polfus
07-14-2017, 10:57 PM
Rediscovered eternal truth. Frozen stuff doesnt smell. Bag em, lLABEL 'EM and put in freezer until disposal time. Way better.[/QUOTE]

FIFY. I've learned a few things about being a married man. A few minutes to write "dead possum" on the outside with a sharpie keeps the marital skids greased...

07-15-2017, 12:14 AM
Definitely not a carry gun... but here's my tactical rat shooter and some of the kills:





07-15-2017, 02:46 AM
My Crossman might be getting that light attachment! Woot!

08-13-2017, 06:40 PM
For quiet urban dispatch, i use a home made pyramid bow and cedar shaft arrows. This guy got brained with blunt tip made with .38 special case with some #7 bird shot in it and then hot glued over the shaft to give it some front weight similar to a broadhead weight.


08-13-2017, 07:05 PM
Nice possum kill. That sure beats a baseball bat.

08-13-2017, 08:20 PM
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/703/47aq.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/jj47aqj)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/404/bgci.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/b8bgcij)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/924/kPTVJh.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pokPTVJhj)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/922/VsdBB2.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmVsdBB2j)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/923/8FuHSe.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pn8FuHSej)

08-13-2017, 11:16 PM
Back in the "Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement" magazine series by Chuck Taylor on his jillion rounds through a G17 articles, I recall he took quite a few deer with the G17 with 90-147 grain jhp ammo.

Only animal I ever killed with a carry gun was a coyote with a Beretta 21a in .22 LR (I was young and didn't know better...) while shooting woodchucks with a TC Contender. I'd just hit a nice shot on a chuck at around 125 yards with the 14" barreled .223 TC pistol and saw the coyote run past me about 25 yards to my left. Little pocket carried beretta just kinda showed up in my hand and I dumped the mag at him on the run from prone. One round caught him in the head and he veered off hard into the swamp to die there.

08-14-2017, 12:02 AM
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/703/47aq.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/jj47aqj)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/404/bgci.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/b8bgcij)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/924/kPTVJh.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pokPTVJhj)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/922/VsdBB2.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pmVsdBB2j)
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/923/8FuHSe.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/pn8FuHSej)

I thought your not supposed to show illegal things on this sight, such as planting evidence that those deer had firearms and had to be shot.:p

Gun Mutt
08-14-2017, 10:38 AM
Moving to the outskirts oh Durham NC next month and we've secured a house on 5 acres, 4 of it wooded, the front acre entirely fenced in...BEYOND EXCITED!!!
Getting ready to install my first ever set of FO sights (Proctor Y notch), been debating red v green; with all the green around us, I'm definitely installing the red first.



08-14-2017, 01:31 PM
Growing up in the country and doing LE for the past 21 years, I've shot all sorts of stuff with handguns over the years.

Put down lots of deer that have been hit by cars.

No telling how many critters......a metric ton would be a good guess.

But chipmunks were never on my radar....until my wife bought a bunch of bird feeders and put them too close to the house. I started noticing little rocks piled up in the flower bed near the back porch.......looked like the stuff they put down before they pour a slab.

Showed Mrs. Lwt16 what foundation repair runs and she authorized a black ops mission. Bought a havahart trap and got a few that way but my son's Marlin Lil Buckaroo with .22 CB rounds, bipod, and scope was much more effective. It took a while but I'm chippie free now.

08-14-2017, 02:15 PM
Growing up in the country and doing LE for the past 21 years, I've shot all sorts of stuff with handguns over the years.

Put down lots of deer that have been hit by cars.

No telling how many critters......a metric ton would be a good guess.

But chipmunks were never on my radar....until my wife bought a bunch of bird feeders and put them too close to the house. I started noticing little rocks piled up in the flower bed near the back porch.......looked like the stuff they put down before they pour a slab.

Showed Mrs. Lwt16 what foundation repair runs and she authorized a black ops mission. Bought a havahart trap and got a few that way but my son's Marlin Lil Buckaroo with .22 CB rounds, bipod, and scope was much more effective. It took a while but I'm chippie free now.

Many years ago, I had a squirrel infestation problem. Before I could patch a hole in the soffitt board, outside and above my son's bedroom window, we had a Squirrel Hilton in our attic. Compounding this was the fact that we were living in 1/2 a double house - the "other side" was a renter and in terrible shape, allowing the squirrels free access. This was before I had re-gunned and was reduced to borrowing my bil's pellet rifle. I sat at our picnic table on the back porch, and made two head shots, killing two of them. After I nailed those two squirrels, I never had another problem - like lwt16's "chippie free" situation. My question, after reading lwt16's post, is (keep in mind I"m a city boy, not a hunter, just a shooter): do these animals 'communicate' somehow? As in: "Hey - stay away from that place - we lost Fred and Ralph there just last week." A couple years later, because my dog cornered a pair of ground hogs, I had to do my Babe Ruth impression on them as they were hell bent on ripping my little guy to pieces. After I whacked them (with my son's aluminum little league bat) - never another issue.

08-14-2017, 02:34 PM
Many years ago, I had a squirrel infestation problem. Before I could patch a hole in the soffitt board, outside and above my son's bedroom window, we had a Squirrel Hilton in our attic. Compounding this was the fact that we were living in 1/2 a double house - the "other side" was a renter and in terrible shape, allowing the squirrels free access. This was before I had re-gunned and was reduced to borrowing my bil's pellet rifle. I sat at our picnic table on the back porch, and made two head shots, killing two of them. After I nailed those two squirrels, I never had another problem - like lwt16's "chippie free" situation. My question, after reading lwt16's post, is (keep in mind I"m a city boy, not a hunter, just a shooter): do these animals 'communicate' somehow? As in: "Hey - stay away from that place - we lost Fred and Ralph there just last week." A couple years later, because my dog cornered a pair of ground hogs, I had to do my Babe Ruth impression on them as they were hell bent on ripping my little guy to pieces. After I whacked them (with my son's aluminum little league bat) - never another issue.

Oooooh, attic squirrels.......makes me cringe.

I had a bad experience once.......

My son, at the time, was about 13 or 14 and wanted a t.v. in his bedroom. So we got him one for Christmas and I was running a cable to it off of a splitter. My son had also told me "I hear scratching" at night and assumed it was a tree outside his window.

So I go climbing up in the attic and lo and behold, there's a big, fluffy squirrel up there running around, obviously hostile to any invaders to his nice, comfy, warm attic/home. I come back out of the attic to get a gun.....not just any gun but my trusty Ruger Mk III. You see, I can hit ANYTHING with that bull barreled .22 auto......anything. I load it up with the hottest .22 LR loads I have on hand and start the climb back up the attic ladder to assassinate this electrical wire, insulating eating, defecating vermin hostile rat with a cute tail.

Well, said vermin must have been talking to the other critters who knew of me or he/she had been watching too many tactical channels on Youtube. About the time I got my head and shoulders in the attic, this fat squirrel "pressed the fight" and charged right at my face!

I, of course, screamed like a little girl and nearly fell out of the attic.....pistol in hand, full mag, round in the chamber. My finger was indexed and the safety was on (for what may have been the first time since buying the thing).

After my wife and son were done busting a gut laughing at me, I climbed back in that attic with murder on my mind. I got up there just in time to see that dumb son of a sorry so and so run out a hole in the soffit. I figured I'd cut my losses and quickly patched the hole and never did get a shot at this tactical rat.

I drive by squirrels every day going and coming from work to home and always wonder which one it is. There is one that has a particularly cocky swagger and I have steered towards him several times. He always gets out of the way in time. Hopefully, his reflexes wane as he ages.

I loathe him to this day.


08-14-2017, 03:41 PM
Loose pitbull with a .38 158-grain LHP from my 3" Colt Detective Special. That's actually the only animal I ever shot with a pistol. Everything else was with a .410 single-shot shotgun.

(Im)patiently waiting for a stellar job opportunity to open up back in southeast Texas. If it does wife and I are hoping 10-20 acres of Texas will be ours soon thereafter. I expect I'll find myself going after hogs, deer in season, and lots of everything other little pest with my carry gun as we settle in. Lots of hogs in the area and my wife is an avid gardener...I definitely need to prioritize getting a suppressor. It'll be a lot easier to blast stuff with a P30 with a can on it.

08-14-2017, 05:50 PM
Well, said vermin must have been talking to the other critters who knew of me or he/she had been watching too many tactical channels on Youtube. About the time I got my head and shoulders in the attic, this fat squirrel "pressed the fight" and charged right at my face!

I, of course, screamed like a little girl and nearly fell out of the attic.....

Given that experience, you HAVE to listen to this:


08-15-2017, 01:07 PM
Given that experience, you HAVE to listen to this:


Had a very similar experience once back when I worked third shift..........offending critter was a big Alabama possum.

Fat one......granddaddy sized possum......

It was the dead of winter and this lady called to tell us that some big rat looking thing was in her hallway bathroom. I pulled up and my assist unit was another good ol boy who grew up in the sticks. We got out, looked at each other, and pretty much figured we had this action well in hand.

So we go up, knock, and she comes to the door. "Officers!.....HE'S IN THE BATHROOM!!!!"

We, of course, snicker a little and head that way ready to spar with this large rat. Well, turns out it was a pretty thick possum.....and seeing us start in the bathroom got him hissing and posturing up good.

Well, both of us being country boys, we figure a good kick and he would "sull up" which is country speak for playing possum.......and we could snatch him up by his tail and set him free. Problem was the bathroom was kind of on the small side and he took refuge behind these nice pipes and shutoff valves. There wasn't much room for a good kick nor could either of us navigate a boot back there amongst all that plumbing encased critter.

So, I pull out that collapsable nightstick the city bought me and figured that it would be perfect for such an application of force. I figured one good whack and said possum would play dead and let me remove him.

I draw back and let fly with that baton.

And of course, miss the critter all together and got me a shut off valve instead.

Suddenly, the possum took no interest in this big idiot trying to brain him as he was getting hosed with water. He lit out like a late freight and ran right up my partner's leg.

Blood curling screams! Big time. He was trying to scream, shake that critter off his leg, and pull his pistol out in some sort of strange looking dance routine. Looked like Riverdance with a ticked off sewer rat gnawing on his thigh.

He took off running with the possum attached to him and once he got out side, I guess the cold, night air hit that wet possum and he took off to find shelter or a towel. I was about to laugh myself into a coma and the lady that called us was ticked off about her bathroom flooding.

Good times. Critter calls for service never end well.

08-15-2017, 03:03 PM
Given that experience, you HAVE to listen to this:


Best episode ever.

09-12-2017, 09:07 PM
Been bailing a bunch of hay. Been seeing a bunch of coyotes. Been taking a bunch of shots at coyotes.

The practice paid off today. This coyote was 75, 100 yards from the tractor when the 180gr gold dot from my glock 27 put him down.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lost River
09-13-2017, 01:44 PM




Lost River
09-13-2017, 01:48 PM
This Angry little bastard actually came after me. It is hard to see but the final shot was right in the top of his head. I was walking backwards (quickly) shooting and cussing at the same time. He literally was stopped about 2-3 feet from my feet.

Badgers have seriously bad attitudes.

They are like the ex-wives of the animal world.


09-13-2017, 08:14 PM
This Angry little bastard actually came after me. It is hard to see but the final shot was right in the top of his head. I was walking backwards (quickly) shooting and cussing at the same time. He literally was stopped about 2-3 feet from my feet.

Badgers have seriously bad attitudes.

They are like the ex-wives of the animal world.


Be careful! I've seen THE video. It's NOT dead!

09-13-2017, 08:54 PM
I thought I had posted this.

Last February, one morning the dogs were constantly barking their, something's wrong bark, behind the house. By the time I got dressed and outside they were in the front yard still sounding the alarm at a coyote under one of the trucks.

This coyote was looking at the dogs and me but looking through us with no reaction. A 1000 yard stare. So I shot him with my glock 27. No reaction. I thought I missed. I shot again. No reaction. Repeat. The whole time the coyote is looking through me. Now, focus, front sight, press trigger, this shot in the head, down he finally goes. It was odd, very odd. Had to be diseased, I doubt it was on pcp but that's what it reminded me of.


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09-13-2017, 10:20 PM
Simply outstanding work!

02-20-2018, 06:16 PM
Last Friday I looked across the pasture to see this pig. She was unconcerned with my presence and I drove to about 20 yards away from the pig. When the pig changed direction I was able to put a 148gr target wadcutter from an old cobra close to the ear hole. One less pig damaging the land.


Lester Polfus
02-20-2018, 06:23 PM
Last Friday I looked across the pasture to see this pig. She was unconcerned with my presence and I drove to about 20 yards away from the pig. When the pig changed direction I was able to put a 148gr target wadcutter from an old cobra close to the ear hole. One less pig damaging the land.


That one small enough to eat?

ETA: That is an old school cool revolver.

02-20-2018, 06:35 PM
That one small enough to eat?

ETA: That is an old school cool revolver.

About 18 inches tall around 30 or 40 pounds.

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02-21-2018, 07:36 AM
About 18 inches tall around 30 or 40 pounds.

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I'm reasonably certain that's the potbellied variety ..... either turned loose or got loose.

02-21-2018, 01:41 PM
I'm reasonably certain that's the potbellied variety ..... either turned loose or got loose.

Yeah, the first feral potbelly pig I’ve seen but not the first seen by others.

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Totem Polar
02-21-2018, 02:29 PM
This Angry little bastard actually came after me. It is hard to see but the final shot was right in the top of his head. I was walking backwards (quickly) shooting and cussing at the same time. He literally was stopped about 2-3 feet from my feet.

Badgers have seriously bad attitudes.

They are like the ex-wives of the animal world.


Agreed. They give me the willies. I’ve had one come at me as well, but I was watching it over the sights of a 24" winnie 61 pump.

Tangential, but back in my misguided youth, I used to travel to a reasonably remote N Idaho shooting hole to bounce tennis balls and cans around with my then-only handgun, a 6" blued Ruger GP100 (carried in a nylon uncle Mike’s shoulder rig...like I say, misguided). Time came when I was getting around to setting out the tennis balls, and a chipmunk hopped up on a log in front of me. I let it have one from the Ruger’s carry load—which was, at the time, Remington's version of the full on 125gr sjhp. Holy shit.

02-21-2018, 04:58 PM

02-21-2018, 06:54 PM
The last critter I shot with a carry handgun was a possum dispensed with a 357 Sig jhp. Big mess. He wasn't bothering me, and I should have left him alone. I plan to restrict live crittertargets to coyotes and hogs plus any venomous snake that I see in places that I frequent.

05-27-2018, 09:19 PM
I didn't get a picture, but a 124 grain +P Gold Dot will blow straight through an armadillo. The shot was from ~10 yards and through the chest. I definitely got both lungs and maybe the heart. The exit hole was more visible than the entry hole, but it certainly wasn't a dramatic exit wound. I was shooting my Glock 43. To the best of my memory this is the first animal I've ever killed with a pistol (not counting a couple of finishing shots on downed deer).

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Chuck Haggard
05-28-2018, 08:39 AM
I've shot a bunch of stuff with various carry guns. Cottontail and jack rabbits, prairie dogs, deer, coyotes. I've got very few pics though.

I'm not a fan of shooting possums unless I absolutely have to. It's a myth that they carry rabies, and since they are immune to things like Lyme disease and groom themselves like cats and eat the ticks, they statistically lower the prevalence of ticks and tick borne diseases in any area where they are left alone. Yes, I know they can be an issue with horse feed, I get it, but I know people who randomly kill every possum they see, and that's fucking retarded.

Doe I took with my S&W 681;


05-28-2018, 08:44 AM
I've shot a bunch of stuff with various carry guns. Cottontail and jack rabbits, prairie dogs, deer, coyotes. I've got very few pics though.

I'm not a fan of shooting possums unless I absolutely have to. It's a myth that they carry rabies, and since they are immune to things like Lyme disease and groom themselves like cats and eat the ticks, they statistically lower the prevalence of ticks and tick borne diseases in any area where they are left alone. Yes, I know they can be an issue with horse feed, I get it, but I know people who randomly kill every possum they see, and that's fucking retarded.

Doe I took with my S&W 681;


Great message and.....shooting, Chuck!

05-28-2018, 09:16 AM
I'm not a fan of shooting possums unless I absolutely have to. It's a myth that they carry rabies
Really? People don't know that possums don't carry rabies? I've known that for years and just assumed it was common knowledge.

I don't shoot any animal that isn't an immediate threat or intended for my dinner table. I even let the coyote that ran up on me last deer season. It was cool to me to see it in the wild. I heard it coming from a good distance off (thought it was a hiker and his dog), but once it got into visual range, realized what it was. From 25yds away, we looked at each other for a moment before he trotted off.

I did shoot a rattlesnake years ago, but that was because it would not vacate our campsite after we had been there, with tents up and everything, for 16hrs. We had nearly 10 people in the camp and couldn't risk a bite that far away from civilization. A GP100 with CCI snake shot took his head off from 5-6' away.


Wayne Dobbs
05-29-2018, 12:50 PM
No pics, but I have a 3rd Gen Glock 19 that has the following to its credit:

Armadillos - 2
Porcupine - 1
White tail buck - 1

All were taken with one round each of Federal 124 HST +P at ranges from 12 - 20 yards.

05-30-2018, 04:18 PM
Way back when,the summer of ‘69 I think, I was hunting groundhogs on a farmer friends property with my Walter PPK/S in .22lr.Said farmer called me over to his barn and asked if I had a gun. I said yes and he asked if I could “put down” a full grown dairy cow that had broken her leg in a groundhog den (the reason hunting was enthusiasticlly encouraged by said farmer!!)I agreed to try and and all it took was one round of .22 LR solids in the center of her forehead.( dropped her like a rock!!) Full Disclosure :my first shot was with a .22 LR HP.All it did was make her moo and shake her head.Maybe I get the record for the largest critter with the smallest gun!??!

05-30-2018, 05:13 PM
Way back when,the summer of ‘69 I think, I was hunting groundhogs on a farmer friends property with my Walter PPK/S in .22lr.Said farmer called me over to his barn and asked if I had a gun. I said yes and he asked if I could “put down” a full grown dairy cow that had broken her leg in a groundhog den (the reason hunting was enthusiasticlly encouraged by said farmer!!)I agreed to try and and all it took was one round of .22 LR solids in the center of her forehead.( dropped her like a rock!!) Full Disclosure :my first shot was with a .22 LR HP.All it did was make her moo and shake her head.Maybe I get the record for the largest critter with the smallest gun!??!

.22 is commonly used for such.

05-30-2018, 07:02 PM
No pics, but I have a 3rd Gen Glock 19 that has the following to its credit:

Armadillos - 2
Porcupine - 1
White tail buck - 1

All were taken with one round each of Federal 124 HST +P at ranges from 12 - 20 yards.

A few months back I was on the entrance road to Karl Rhen's place on the way to a class with him. On the right was a pasture with a deer feeder and there were a few whitetails having breakfast. I was carrying a CZ-75 loaded with the same ammo and I was thinking, "I could make that shot, wonder if the ammo would work on one of those?" Now I know. :)

Wayne Dobbs
05-31-2018, 07:26 AM
A few months back I was on the entrance road to Karl Rhen's place on the way to a class with him. On the right was a pasture with a deer feeder and there were a few whitetails having breakfast. I was carrying a CZ-75 loaded with the same ammo and I was thinking, "I could make that shot, wonder if the ammo would work on one of those?" Now I know. :)

I hunt from bow blinds and wait for undisturbed, stationary broadside shots. I deliver the shot like I'm shooting a shot for a group. Works very well...

Plus, think about this: if a load won't cleanly take a whitetail deer, a 120ish pound non-aggressive creature, how can we expect it to work well on a large, angry, evil humanoid?

07-28-2019, 12:02 PM
24 yards measured
Hk P30v1 LEM
Gold Dot HP 124+p
10-8 RS

Had my Sunday morning J frame on, and decided the distance was a bit sporty for the day. Retrieved the carry / nightstand gun with newly acquired TLR1 HL.


Lost River
08-16-2019, 05:21 PM
Nickle 442 that was a retired NYPD detective's gun. Now my wife has claimed it as hers.

http://i.imgur.com/shVql9G.jpg (https://imgur.com/shVql9G)

Lost River
08-16-2019, 05:27 PM
Not really a carry gun per se, but this old Model 15 has seen some time in the field and does duty as the bride's gun of choice for around the house.

It is a smoking accurate little thing.

http://i.imgur.com/nbsMf7I.jpg (https://imgur.com/nbsMf7I)

http://i.imgur.com/AjQJc86.jpg (https://imgur.com/AjQJc86)

http://i.imgur.com/sqOoBl4.jpg (https://imgur.com/sqOoBl4)

http://i.imgur.com/CyReUZm.jpg (https://imgur.com/CyReUZm)

08-17-2019, 12:51 AM
Dang! That thing is the size of a small dog!!

08-17-2019, 05:45 PM
Dang! That thing is the size of a small dog!!

Those things can get pretty big. Which is probably how the bobcats get so big...

08-17-2019, 11:47 PM
I didn't shoot this little bastard but I probably should have.


05-30-2022, 04:40 PM
Old thread but I didn’t want to start a new one.

Last week was..... odd.

Tuesday night, light rain, dusk, the oldest dog runs out of the side door from the garage in his distinctive there is something bad wrong out here bark and growl. I grabbed my flashlight and new to me Colt Lawman I have been tinkering with. On the patio still light enough to see but the flashlight helps. I scan across the yard towards the garage end of the house. Then from around the corner of the garage steps a feral hog standing about 3 foot tall. “Oh shit” I exclaimed so loud my wife heard me inside the house. The hog just stood there looking at me. The colt was pointed at the hog while the hammer came back. Metal on meat, muzzle blast and recoil, that’s what the hog reacted too. A day later many buzzards on the property next to mine but a locked gate kept me from confirming a kill.

Thursday, headed to a graduation party, pulling onto the road we se a dog in the road. First thought was what’s Gus doing in the road. About 75 yards away I told my wife that’s not a dog, it’s a coyote. The yote is still walking in the road and looks like clumps of hair is about to fall off it’s body. Down goes my driver side window, turn the car till the coyote is between the mirror and door post, then draw my Glock 43. My first shot misses the coyote. The coyote just stands in the road looking at us. Now I know something is wrong with the coyote. Sight alignment trigger control with more concentration results in low behind the front leg hit. The coyote yelps and is biting at the wound. Repeating the above and the yote is hit a second time and flees the road.

Sunday, lunch is about the land on the table and I’m getting drinks ready. A casual look out the bay window at the patio to see a snake crawling up the window. As the wife was issuing the kill order I was going out the door with the snubby Lawman. Once outside snake shot replaced two 357 rounds before a hoe was obtained. So armed I pulled the snake off the window with the hoe throwing the snake in the yard. Said snake was dispatched with one round of snake shot.

Like I said....odd week.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

05-30-2022, 05:38 PM
Old thread but I didn’t want to start a new one.

Last week was..... odd.

Tuesday night, light rain, dusk, the oldest dog runs out of the side door from the garage in his distinctive there is something bad wrong out here bark and growl. I grabbed my flashlight and new to me Colt Lawman I have been tinkering with. On the patio still light enough to see but the flashlight helps. I scan across the yard towards the garage end of the house. Then from around the corner of the garage steps a feral hog standing about 3 foot tall. “Oh shit” I exclaimed so loud my wife heard me inside the house. The hog just stood there looking at me. The colt was pointed at the hog while the hammer came back. Metal on meat, muzzle blast and recoil, that’s what the hog reacted too. A day later many buzzards on the property next to mine but a locked gate kept me from confirming a kill.

Thursday, headed to a graduation party, pulling onto the road we se a dog in the road. First thought was what’s Gus doing in the road. About 75 yards away I told my wife that’s not a dog, it’s a coyote. The yote is still walking in the road and looks like clumps of hair is about to fall off it’s body. Down goes my driver side window, turn the car till the coyote is between the mirror and door post, then draw my Glock 43. My first shot misses the coyote. The coyote just stands in the road looking at us. Now I know something is wrong with the coyote. Sight alignment trigger control with more concentration results in low behind the front leg hit. The coyote yelps and is biting at the wound. Repeating the above and the yote is hit a second time and flees the road.

Sunday, lunch is about the land on the table and I’m getting drinks ready. A casual look out the bay window at the patio to see a snake crawling up the window. As the wife was issuing the kill order I was going out the door with the snubby Lawman. Once outside snake shot replaced two 357 rounds before a hoe was obtained. So armed I pulled the snake off the window with the hoe throwing the snake in the yard. Said snake was dispatched with one round of snake shot.

Like I said....odd week.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

It happens.

Glenn E. Meyer
05-30-2022, 06:00 PM
I saved a turtle in the middle of the road. Picked it up and put it in swampy grass. Turns out this is turtle migration and mating time. Didn't need my carry gun.

05-30-2022, 08:42 PM
I saved a turtle in the middle of the road. Picked it up and put it in swampy grass. Turns out this is turtle migration and mating time. Didn't need my carry gun.

My wife did the same maybe a year ago. Ask her what her proudest accomplishment is and there’s a good chance that’s what she’d bring up.

05-31-2022, 09:46 AM
Adding to this old thread, the only critter I killed with a carry gun was a rather large porcupine right off a branch, out of the tree at about 15-20 yards with a G26.
Amazed that I hit it, it was dead on the ground after the shot. Federal 124 Hydras.
Living if a very wooded area, we have all sorts trying to get to our chickens. A 1951 Marlin 39 Mountie it usually what's used.
Mink and martins
occasional feral cat.
This weekend there was a bear who was interested. My shoutin' usually works, as the the two barking doggos, but he wasn't having any of it.
A firecracker didn't work either, but three quick shots into the ground with the Mountie sent him packing. Persistent cuss. Beautiful bear tho, round 200-250 and very healthy.

06-14-2024, 01:27 PM
Smith 432UC
Hornady 80gr FTX
3 yards, entry above nose.
Dog broke left, he approached, stopped abruptly..


06-24-2024, 04:03 PM
Tis the season. Last one did a bit a damage to the doggo. Can't have that, so this one didn't get the chance.

Hornady 80gr FTX
Entry above left eye