View Full Version : Hi Power Question???

06-01-2017, 07:05 AM
I'm in the market for a Browning Hi-Power. I have searched all over the web for the answer to this question but haven't had any luck. Are the current Browning Hi-Power MKIII completely forged? I've read that the frames may be cast. I have called the customer service number at Browning and all I got was I dunno I think they are forged and made in Belgium?!?!? By the tone of his voice I could tell he probably didn't have a clue. If they are indeed cast frames are these good to go? I don't have any experience with a pistol made this way so I have some durability concerns.

06-01-2017, 07:14 AM
I'm pretty sure all current MKIII Hi-Power's have cast frames, and they've been that way for quite some time. I think the earliest MKIII's were forged, but they quickly went to cast frames.

My understanding is the reason was due to problems with the .40 S&W versions. The .40 S&W round was beating the heck out of the forged frames. Going to cast frames actually improved the durability of the guns.

Here's a MKII vs MKIII article from the late Stephen A. Camp that may be helpful.

http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/What%20are%20the%20differences%20between%20the%20M k%20II%20and%20Mk%20III.htm

06-01-2017, 07:37 AM
JTQ is absolutely correct; the cast frames were standardized throughout the line once the .40 Hi Powers went into production. It's a better frame-much more thorough-hardened than the previous forged frames. Additionally (and concurrently) many of the smaller components were also thorough-hardened, making 1994 and later Hi Powers more durable guns.

The only subsequent revisions (other than grips) that I'm aware of are that the adjustable sight models several years ago received a much more streamlined adjustable rear sight, the trigger acquired a broader flange, providing a broader surface for the trigger finger, and the magazine safety shoe's material was changed from steel to polymer. I do not believe that the current magazines have the NP3 (or NP3-like) silver finish, but to the best of my knowledge still have the "mousetrap" release spring.

For use, I absolutely prefer, and have consistently chosen cast frame Hi Powers. Reportedly the forged frames looked slightly better aesthetically, but all of my cast framed ones (both blued and epoxy finished have looked great to me.

I highly recommend Mr. Camp's superb book, "The Shooters Guide To The Browning Hi Power," it's a great read and you'll learn an immense amount of practical applied knowledge about the platform, and your specific Hi Power.


Best, Jon

06-02-2017, 06:41 AM
Everything Jon said about the new MKIII's is correct. I know because I just picked a brand new one up three days ago.
Something to be aware of on the new ones is that the magazine safety is not quite as easy to remove as on the older guns, you will have to remove the entire trigger and that trigger pin is recalcitrant to say the least.