View Full Version : 40-60 Teens Take Over BART Car--Rob & Beat Passengers

04-24-2017, 03:54 PM

And the CCTV images can't be shown publicly because "some" of the scrotes are juveniles....

That's a fine Howdy Doo!

You can't make this shit up.

Question: Do the Oakland, SF area public safety agencies have a commitment to protect the public?

Never mind.....

04-24-2017, 04:04 PM

Yea... maybe this guy had the right idea all along?

04-24-2017, 04:19 PM

And the CCTV images can't be shown publicly because "some" of the scrotes are juveniles....

That's a fine Howdy Doo!

You can't make this shit up.

Question: Do the Oakland, SF area public safety agencies have a commitment to protect the public?

Never mind.....

Unfortunately, the "de-policing" process is nearly complete in the Bay Area.

Kyle Reese
04-24-2017, 04:50 PM
Bush's fault, I'm sure.

04-24-2017, 04:55 PM
The end is nigh...

04-24-2017, 05:26 PM
I disagree. The Rough Men will do enormous amounts of violence against those who would cause harm to the rest of us, long before the end truly is nigh.

04-24-2017, 05:34 PM
Well all the passengers are completely defenseless so....

04-24-2017, 05:34 PM
I disagree. The Rough Men will do enormous amounts of violence against those who would cause harm to the rest of us, long before the end truly is nigh.

Well, I was speaking somewhat tongue in cheek but that said all the great empires and civilizations have met their end despite the great armies with which they conquered both within and without.

Now, I am not advocating for our demise...far from it. But this cancerous wasting from within is eating away our innards and foundation.

Unless an antidote beyond mere might is applied, I fear that it will only be a matter of time. How much time is beyond my ability to foresee but I don't see a great and open society as one that is bolstered simply by might. A return to the values that once made us great would be something to hope for. I'm just not certain whether that ship has sailed without the hope of return.

I'd like my misgivings to be proven wrong. But the evidence is all around us.

04-24-2017, 05:52 PM
Bush's fault, I'm sure.

"I'm not saying it's Bush's fault; but he sure didn't do anything to stop it."

Chuck Haggard
04-24-2017, 05:56 PM
This story needs more of this...

Gorkha Soldier Saves Girl from Rape and Takes on 40 Train Robbers with Only a Khukuri


04-24-2017, 06:05 PM
This story needs more of this...

Gorkha Soldier Saves Girl from Rape and Takes on 40 Train Robbers with Only a Khukuri


Chuck, thanks for posting that, just be careful as there are some here who are completely against getting involved and sticking their neck out there for others. They carry for themselves and would never get involved. So posting that might trigger them into their knee jerk reaction.

...And that gorkha soldier did exactly what he should have and what anyone with a sack should have done in that situation.

04-24-2017, 06:12 PM
...And that gorkha soldier did exactly what he should have and what anyone with a sack should have done in that situation.

... and is also a completely different scenario than the one you were going on about a few days ago, calling the rest of us cowards.

04-24-2017, 06:15 PM
... and is also a completely different scenario than the one you were going on about a few days ago, calling the rest of us cowards.

Because only a coward would not get involved. Just like in this situation.

04-24-2017, 06:19 PM
This story needs more of this...

Gorkha Soldier Saves Girl from Rape and Takes on 40 Train Robbers with Only a Khukuri


Remind me to post up images of some of my Nepali khukuris one of these days. I have great reverence for the history of the Gurhkas and the khukuri.

04-24-2017, 06:20 PM
California clearly needs to ban gangs with more than ten members. There is only one reason anyone would want to be in a gang with more than ten members and that's to kill people. High membership gangs are the gangs of choice for criminals

04-24-2017, 06:29 PM
Because only a coward would not get involved. Just like in this situation.

Calling someone a coward on the internet that you don't know and have never spoken to is asinine. You have now taken it upon yourself to declare several members of this forum, whom you have never even met, cowards when the fact is you don't know shit about any of us.

You know VDM, I respect you as a Law Officer and I've enjoyed a lot of your posts here -- and you've shown you can be a damn good dude. But this crosses a line. You have no right to judge what any of the rest of us are willing to do or are capable of doing in an emergency. You do have a right to disagree with other viewpoints. But now you are coming right out and calling some of us cowards. Fuck you.

04-24-2017, 06:33 PM
This story needs more of this...

Gorkha Soldier Saves Girl from Rape and Takes on 40 Train Robbers with Only a Khukuri


I have brit friends that visit other mutual friends here, and the guy is an ex-British Army tanker that fought in the Falklands. After hearing several of his stories, one thing I've learned is you do NOT fuck with a Gorkha.

04-24-2017, 06:34 PM
Calling someone a coward on the internet that you don't know and have never spoken to is asinine. You have now taken it upon yourself to declare several members of this forum, whom you have never even met, cowards when the fact is you don't know shit about any of us.

You know VDM, I respect you as a Law Officer and I've enjoyed a lot of your posts here -- and you've shown you can be a damn good dude. But this crosses a line. You have no right to judge what any of the rest of us are willing to do or are capable of doing in an emergency. You do have a right to disagree with other viewpoints. But now you are coming right out and calling some of us cowards. Fuck you.

Thanks for insulting me, I appreciate you going out of your way to type that out.

Fact is that if you believe my statements apply to you, then they do. I was not referring to anyone in particular, just a nameless group of members who went out of their way to show their true colors. You felt some way about me pointing it out, which is fine.

As for the rest, and I'm going to say this as politely as I can.

If members here can go out of their way to piss all over every single post I make without so much as having had a conversation with me in the real world, I, nor anyone else should be held to a different standard. Once people here start realizing this, we will quickly go back to having an enjoyable experience.

Until then, cry, beat your feet, pound sand, I am no one's punching bag.

04-24-2017, 06:40 PM
wow. I've missed something these past 48 hours or so.

04-24-2017, 06:45 PM
wow. I've missed something these past 48 hours or so.

With the ignore list feature, I miss a lot.