View Full Version : Week 213: Press Six
04-21-2017, 10:39 AM
Week 213: Press Six
Results may be posted until May 21st, 2017.
Designed by: Todd Louis Green
Range: 3-7 yards
Target: Six 2" circles - download here:
Start Position: Holstered or Ready, see below
Rounds Fired: 62
Press Six is a multi-string drill that will help you improve both your press-out skills and your ability to hit low probability targets at speed...Range can be anywhere from three to seven yards depending on shooter skill level...Start at a distance where you can reliably get all of your hits on the slow strings (1 and 4), then push yourself to develop the speed necessary to make the PAR times. Once you are getting all of your hits on every dot, add a yard or two to the distance.
The six strings of fire are:
1 - Top left dot - draw and fire one shot - no time limit - repeat ten times.
2 - Top center dot - draw and fire one shot - 3 second PAR time - repeat ten times.
3 - Top right dot - draw and fire one shot - 2 second PAR time - repeat ten times.
4 - Lower left dot - draw and fire two shots - no time limit - repeat five times.
5 - Lower center dot - draw and fire two shots - 3 second PAR time - repeat five times.
6 - Lower right dot - draw and fire three shots - 3 second PAR time - repeat four times.
Alternatively, if your range won't allow you to draw from the holster, start at ready instead and subtract 0.5 seconds from the listed PAR times.
Please report the following when you post your results in this thread:
Start Position Used (holstered, concealed and holstered, ready position)
Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used)
Number of hits on string 1
Number of hits under PAR on string 2
Number of hits under PAR on string 3
Number of hits on string 4
Number of hits under PAR on string 5
Number of hits under PAR on string 6
Anything you noticed
Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.
Start Position Used (holstered, concealed and holstered, ready position) Holstered and partially concealed. 5 yards
Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used) G17 MOS USPSA gear. It was cold so concealed under light down jacket.
Number of hits on string 1 9/10, 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2 8/10, 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 3 7/10, 8/10
Number of hits on string 4 9/10, 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5 9/10, 8/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 6 10/12, 10/12
Anything you noticed Ran it twice. At 5 yards with the dot gun, sights are not an issue. Par time wasn't much of an issue either except for on string 3. For me it was all about trigger control and concentration. This c
an be easily seen as I had a couple of misses when there was no time limit present. That shouldn't happen.
04-22-2017, 06:05 PM
Start Position Used (holstered, concealed and holstered, ready position)
Concealed AIWB. Hands at sides.
Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used)
G19L Raven Eidolon with hooks in lowest position.
Number of hits on string 1 9/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2 6/10 all shots under par, 4 misses.
Number of hits under PAR on string 3 2/10. Most missed. Of my hits, 2/3 were under par barely: 1.99, 1.99
Number of hits on string 4 8/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5 0/10. Best I could do was 3.16 missed a lot of second shots.
Number of hits under PAR on string 6 0/12, best I could do was 3.98. Missed a lot.
Anything you noticed these drills are true reality checks about actual speed from the draw to first hit.
My draw is slow.
My second shot precision is bad.
Time pressure worsens the misses.
Grip is incredibly important as speeds increase.
04-22-2017, 06:57 PM
I was annoyed enough with my performance I came home and did this again dry.
I struggle to get the draw to first shot under 2 sec but after greasing the groove a bit I can do it regularly, but just barely.
I was surprised the draw to 3 in 3s at 3 yds was fairly easy dry. This tells me there is a flaw in my grip and recoil control is not where it should be. I suspect I am cheating the grip dry and this shows live. I think my draw to first shot is right at 2s and trigger splits in the .2-.25 dry. Those splits open up to 0.5-0.6 in live fire. I need to grip harder in practice.
Start Position Used (holstered, concealed and holstered, ready position): 4 yards, concealed AIWB, hands at sides
Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used): P30 V2
Number of hits on string 1: 9/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2: 6/10, all under PAR
Number of hits under PAR on string 3: 6/10, two reps there were hits over PAR= 4/10
Number of hits on string 4: 8/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5: 6/10, all under PAR
Number of hits under PAR on string 6: 3/12, Only made PAR twice
Anything you noticed: What Enel said, "these drills are true reality checks about actual speed from the draw to first hit." This is a very good drill for brutal assessment I think and I need to add this my training more frequently. For some reason I thought the range was 4-7 yards instead of 3-7 yards. I need to do it again at yards. Thanks for posting this!
Start Position Used (holstered, concealed and holstered, ready position): 4 yards, concealed (T shirt) OWB kydex, hands at sides
Equipment used (pistol, holster, optional concealment garment if one was used): Sig P320 Dawson sights, FO front
Number of hits on string 1: 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2: 8/10 (maybe 7/10), under par
Number of hits under PAR on string 3: 7/10, under par
Number of hits on string 4: 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5: 2-3/10, under par
Number of hits under PAR on string 6: 7/12, par 3/4
Anything you noticed:Improvement over last time, may be the gun, may not be. I assume breaking the line counts. I knew going in I would have to simply shoot faster on the later strings. It started raining on string five. In the photos it doesn't look like ten holes, but I'm pretty sure I loaded ten rounds per magazine up to that point. I don't know, maybe I messed up. Great drill.
04-29-2017, 05:00 PM
I am surprised to see such little activity on this thread. This is a great drill.
The Quiet One
05-06-2017, 09:14 PM
Thank You to Mr. White and the late TLG for this DOTW!
We shot this at 5 Yds.
Start Position Used: Open Holster by Ready Tactical
Equipment used: M&P Fullsize, Barsto Barrel, Dawson Sights, Apex Trigger
Number of hits on string 1: 10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2: 10
Number of hits under PAR on string 3: 8 - All shots under PAR
Number of hits on string 4: 10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5: 9 - All shots under PAR
Number of hits under PAR on string 6: 12
Start Position Used: Open Raven Concealment Holster
Equipment used: M&P Fullsize, Storm Lake Barrel, Dawson Sights, Apex Trigger
Number of hits on string 1: 10
Number of hits under PAR on string 2: 9 - All shots under PAR
Number of hits under PAR on string 3: 7 - One hit was over PAR
Number of hits on string 4: 10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5: 9 - All shots under PAR
Number of hits under PAR on string 6: 5 - One hit over PAR
This was tough for us. We must get the grip right (correct) out of the holster or it won't turn out well! I think next time we'll "press" and back up to 7 yds.
Equipment used: G4G19, concealed, 5 yards
Number of hits on string 1: 9/10 (rushed last shot, below the circle)
Number of hits under PAR on string 2: 8/10 (two shots out, under PAR)
Number of hits under PAR on string 3: 6/10 (three shots out, one additional over PAR)
Number of hits on string 4: 10/10
Number of hits under PAR on string 5: 6/10 (four shots out, under PAR)
Number of hits under PAR on string 6: 6/12 (six shots out, under PAR)
Anything you noticed: Five yards was pushing it for me with the timed portions. All but one miss were under PAR, anywhere from 2-5 cm outside of the circles. My draw was fast enough to get to eye level and then slow down a bit for a pressout, but I did not consistently reacquire a sight picture prior to trigger press.
That Guy
05-14-2017, 02:01 PM
I actually shot this two weeks ago but haven't seemed to report my results yet. Might have something to do with how the whole thing fell apart (I was running out of time, it was starting to rain, and my girlfriend who was running the timer completely misunderstood this drill, so there were some issues with scoring).
Start position: concealed under a sweater, at 3 yards
Equipment: PX4, JMCK IWB, sweater as concealment garment
String 1: 10 hits
String 2: 8 hits under PAR
String 3: ...I'm thinking it was 7 hits under PAR?
String 4: 10/10, although just barely
String 5: 9/10?
String 6: One shot over PAR, 5 hits, no idea whether the shot that went over PAR was one of the hits of one of the misses. So that one might be as low as 4/10.
Observations: trying to shoot a drill in a hurry is a surefire way to mess things up.
05-17-2017, 07:38 PM
Struggled with anything approaching accuracy all night.
Glock 26, concealed. Target at 4 yards. All shots under par.
String 1 - 9 hits
String 2 - 6 hits
String 3 - 5 hits
String 4 - 3 hits:(
String 5 - 6 hits
String 6 - 5 hits (not 6 as written)
Shot this on 4/23 with my G19 (#2) from a JMCK AIWB holster at 3 yards, from concealment.
Dot 1: down 2. Vertical stringing, need to be more patient and better grip.
Dot 2: down 1. Vertical stringing again - trigger and grip
Dot 3: down 1. low left
Dot 4: down 2, low left again
Dot 5: down 1
Dot 6: down 3 - despite the many misses on this string felt like I missed the least here on the hardest string.
Overall need to focus on grip and trigger and visual patience, especially dropping 2 on the first string...
4/28 - Ran this one again real quickly while at a mostly fun shoot with friends. Same G19 (#2) but at 5 yards this time. Ran out of ammo too so had to modify it slightly, and shot from the low ready with the appropriate time penalties.
Dot 1: 4 of 5 - extrapolated to 8 of 10. Down 2.
Dot 2: 4 of 5 - extrapolated to 8 of 10. Down 2.
Dot 3: 6 of 8 - extrapolated to 7 of 10. Down 3
Dot 4: 4 of 10 - Down 6
Dot 5: 7 of 10 - down 3
Dot 6: 9 of 12 - down 3
I noticed most of my shots were hitting high. Still getting used to the POA/POI. Also shooting from low ready was different since I don't practice from that position too much. Dot 4 needed to fix my grip and stop flinching, so did some dry fire between dots 4 and 5 and that seemed to help a bit.
4/29 Ran this again with the G19 at 5 yards. This time from concealment with a JMCK AIWB. Wanted to see if I could improve.
Dot 1: -1
Dot 2: -2
Dot 3: -4
Dot 4: -4
Dot 5: -6
Dot 6: -8
Definitely not an ipmrovement. Lots of low shots and not terrily tight grouping. Need to pull this back in and see if I can do better at a bigger target.
Shot with Glock 19 (#2) from concealment with a polo shirt and an JMCK AIWB.
Dot 1: Down 2, with both mises called.
Dot 2: Down 0
Dot 3: Down 1
Dot 4: Down 0
Dot 5: Down 1
Dot 6: Down 4
Overall, the work on draws and grip dry appear to have helped a bit. Disappointed at missing so many on the last string, but seeing some progress. Compared to when I started, I was down 10 before but only down 8 points a few weeks later, with half of them in the last string. More work to do on the dots!
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