View Full Version : Manning's sentence commuted.

01-17-2017, 05:59 PM
Why can’t this SOP just leave and not set a treasonist bastard free.

Obama Commutes Bulk of Chelsea Manning’s Sentence

WASHINGTON — President Obama on Tuesday largely commuted the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the army intelligence analyst convicted of an enormous 2010 leak that revealed American military and diplomatic activities across the world, disrupted the administration and made WikiLeaks, the recipient of those disclosures, famous.


Joe in PNG
01-17-2017, 06:02 PM
Not surprised at all.

Kyle Reese
01-17-2017, 06:24 PM
Will a Berghdahl pardon be forthcoming?

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01-17-2017, 06:30 PM

okie john
01-17-2017, 06:35 PM
With any luck, he'll manage to commit suicide successfully instead of being foiled by prison guards.

Okie John

01-17-2017, 06:36 PM
This is incredibly irresponsible. I mean, who is going to pay for the remaining surgeries?

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01-17-2017, 06:58 PM
This is incredibly irresponsible. I mean, who is going to pay for the remaining surgeries?

I'm pretty sure Obama cares...

01-17-2017, 07:02 PM
Our asswipe king has spoken, the legal system is now void for that nutjob man's case.

Fuck pardons. Let's fight a war against a king, then give our new leadership the king's power to ignore courts.

01-17-2017, 07:22 PM
I'm honestly not surprised, I figured this was coming.

01-17-2017, 07:24 PM
I figure sometime Friday afternoon we'll get footage of Obama actually shitting on the flag, and wiping with the Constitution.

The one in the National Archives.

01-17-2017, 10:49 PM
One treasonous POS pardoning another treasonous POS !

Why are we surprised ?

Dagga Boy
01-17-2017, 10:52 PM
And they are completely baffled that Trump was elected. This shit is how we got Trump, not the fucking Russians.

01-17-2017, 11:10 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if he pardoned Charles Manson tomorrow as a final fuck you to the country.

01-17-2017, 11:20 PM
This is incredibly irresponsible. I mean, who is going to pay for the remaining surgeries?

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The VA. While those with actual service-connected disabilities take a number.

01-17-2017, 11:38 PM
Ben Stein was good on this (he starts at 1 minute):


01-18-2017, 12:11 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if he pardoned Charles Manson tomorrow as a final fuck you to the country.

Keep your voice down, he might hear you.

Joe in PNG
01-18-2017, 12:45 AM
One little comment- one would think that if the Media was on his side, they'd find a better photo. One that doesn't make him look like a methed out lot lizard.

01-18-2017, 12:58 AM
To steal a line from Instapundit; You want more Trump? Because THIS is how you get more Trump.

01-18-2017, 03:16 PM
As Elijah Muhammad paved the way for Barrack H. Obama, Maxwell Q. Klinger paved the way for 'Chelsey' Manning.

01-19-2017, 02:49 AM
I can't say I'm surprised I just didn't think they'd be quite so public about it. I figured once the media hubbub died down they'd quietly parole him and he'd be working in a 7-11 in Pocatello in 5 years

Glenn E. Meyer
01-19-2017, 11:00 AM
This might be obscure but I wondered if it wasn't a slap at Hillary and the Russian leak whiners. So leaking stuff isn't such a big deal, get over it. I don't think Obama ever liked Hillary as a person. So this was an added nuance to the issue. Just a thought.

01-19-2017, 11:17 AM
Put this into perspective a few decades ago when the country was sane and had a moral base to stand on. An angst filled kid dumps boatloads of classified information to the outside world (did NOT whistleblow shit, rather did a mass data dump because hero). He's also mentally unstable and goes so far as to try to change into a woman. He's convicted and sent to the slammer for being a whacked out traitor. The president says it's no big deal and lets him loose. Can you imagine anyone supporting a president that retarded?

Tom Duffy
01-19-2017, 11:41 AM
On the other hand, sex change operation, two suicide attempts, constant legal wrangling. Taxpayers are going to save a ton of money not being responsible for Manning anymore.

Lex Luthier
01-19-2017, 11:52 AM
Put this into perspective a few decades ago when the country was sane and had a moral base to stand on. An angst filled kid dumps boatloads of classified information to the outside world (did NOT whistleblow shit, rather did a mass data dump because hero). He's also mentally unstable and goes so far as to try to change into a woman. He's convicted and sent to the slammer for being a whacked out traitor. The president says it's no big deal and lets him loose. Can you imagine anyone supporting a president that retarded?

This might be obscure but I wondered if it wasn't a slap at Hillary and the Russian leak whiners. So leaking stuff isn't such a big deal, get over it. I don't think Obama ever liked Hillary as a person. So this was an added nuance to the issue. Just a thought.

On the other hand, sex change operation, two suicide attempts, constant legal wrangling. Taxpayers are going to save a ton of money not being responsible for Manning anymore.

I think we can embrace the healing power of "...and" in this instance. It's world-class turds all the way down.

01-19-2017, 12:07 PM
I heard an interesting theory and I am inclined to believe it:

Obama did the Manning action to suck up the press coverage so less would be said about pardoning an unrepentant FALN bomber.

01-19-2017, 12:51 PM
The Day's not over yet: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton, former assistant US attorney says (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/19/obama-should-pardon-hillary-clinton-former-assistant-us-attorney-says.html)

01-19-2017, 01:00 PM
The Day's not over yet: Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton, former assistant US attorney says (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/19/obama-should-pardon-hillary-clinton-former-assistant-us-attorney-says.html)

First three words "A New York lawyer" and I'm already gagging.

Glenn E. Meyer
01-19-2017, 06:36 PM
If you pardon Hillary don't you announce that you think she is a criminal?

01-19-2017, 07:08 PM
If you pardon Hillary don't you announce that you think she is a criminal?

That one's easy "we're just protecting her from the persecution she would otherwise suffer under from the Republicans..."

Glenn E. Meyer
01-19-2017, 08:04 PM
I like my world view better :rolleyes: