View Full Version : How Was Your Friday the 13th?

01-14-2017, 04:47 PM
I am not normally a superstitious guy and Friday the 13th holds no terror or dread for me. In fact, when I was in the Air Force, Friday the 13th was a good day because I got my mid-month pay check two days early, a real boon for a lowly enlisted living pay check to pay check. So I had no reason to believe this Friday the 13th was going to be be anything but good, although I wasn't looking forward to my dental appointment at 1000hrs. Little did I know what the little demons of fate had in store for me.

0100 hrs, near the end of shift- I'd finished cleaning up after working on an airplane out in the paint barn. It needed a rubber coating removed so a corrosion inspection could be performed. Not a difficult job, but it is dull, boring and tedious. Not to mention awkward. I got all my tools put back in my roll away toolbox and pushed the box back to the main hangar and report to the boss what progress was made. It was cold and icy, so I pushed my way to the nearest set of doors. Doors I hadn't used before and was unfamiliar with. They turned out to be rather difficult to navigate, having to push the box up a ramp, the doors opened outward and spaced too close together. But what got me was that once inside the building, there was a narrow ramp I didn't know about. While struggling to get through the last door, the toolbox rolled of the edge of the ramp, tipped and fell on my foot which promptly swelled up to the size of a football. BY the time I got help getting the box back on it's wheels, everybody else, including the boss had left for the night. I parked my boxed, logged out and limped my way out to the car and drove home. I had to wake up the wife and get her to drive me to the emergency room. Foot was deeply bruised. They wrapped it up and told me to keep it elevated. Didn't get home until after 0500 hrs

1015 hrs- Get woke up by a call from the denitist's office- "Where are you?" Crap. had to reschedule the appointment.

1400 hrs- Get a notice from the phone company. "Pay up your past due owed, or we cut you off!" What the heck? I made that payment. I go online and check the bill. Somehow, the last payment made didn't go through. Now, I gotta find out where the money went. Not only that, they screwed up changes made to the phone plan and are charging me an extra $100 on the next bill.

I really hate calling customer service

1545 hrs- "Wanna go see Rogue One?", I ask the wife. "Sure!", she says and gets us prepaid tickets on Fandango for the 1825 hrs show. We get ready, go eat and I limp up to the ticket counter with my wife just a few minutes before the show starts.

The girl looks up our order on the computer and says "Your tickets are for our other theater in the next town over." We don't have the conformation number to get a refund and the only seats left at this theater are either too close or way back in the far corner.

I had to take a moment. At least my foot wasn't broken

Please me your Friday the 13th went better

01-14-2017, 04:56 PM
Mine was okay. I was at an ag pilot convention hanging out with a bunch of pilots I know.

My wife's cousin blew his brains out in front of his wife and kids, so that sucks.

01-14-2017, 05:04 PM
Near full moon to accompany the 13th.....And the moonbats were out. My usually quiet mostly residential district went nuts after 8pm last night. Two of my new kids nabbed a burglar.....Who probably would have e been released at the scene before we discovered the burglary, if he hadn't been such an egregiously racist jackass, and talked himself into cuffs. When trying to walk him to the black and white taxi, he suddenly tries to break away and kick me. Had enough by then and hip-threw him into the pavement. Few minutes later discovered the burglary. Two other guys responded to a mental health halfway house on a report of a client wanting to self harm. They took him to psych emergency for a 72 hour evaluation. 2 hours later he returns and kicks in the front door to the place, threatening to kill everyone. Then two 15 year olds drop some acid and wig out on one kids dad at their house. My guys get there, and the son suddenly decided to use his electric guitar as an axe on the two coppers. One now has a broken hand, the other a broken elbow. Kid was cited out to dad, per our local juvenile probation department.

Stephanie B
01-14-2017, 05:26 PM
Not bad, actually. There was an ice storm and the city sent out calls/emails asking everyone to stay home. Which sounded like a pisser of an idea, so I did. Slept in two hours past my normal reveille, the cat was accommodating and I pretty much worked on the crap that's accumulated on my DVR.

Nice, quiet day. Sometimes, a Day Without People can be relaxing.

01-14-2017, 05:30 PM
My wife's cousin blew his brains out in front of his wife and kids, so that sucks.

Damn. I am sorry for your loss

01-14-2017, 06:02 PM
Near full moon to accompany the 13th...
That's for sure.

My wife's cousin blew his brains out in front of his wife and kids, so that sucks.
Mine wasn't this bad. Sorry to hear about this.

01-14-2017, 08:16 PM
I shoveled a lot of snow.
So, a normal day in my area.
Didn't even note the date, or the state of
the moon.

01-14-2017, 09:57 PM
M2- Damn. A former student at the high school my wife and I work at killed himself earlier this week. Sucks for everybody.

But Friday the 13th wasn't actually terrible. Got a lot of work done on files, paperwork, prep work for a graduate school class that starts this week. One of my students got into a car accident and totaled her car, but only got bumps and bruises.

01-14-2017, 10:20 PM
Mine was awesome. Refer to my training journal for more details.

01-14-2017, 11:17 PM
Mine was great. I left Salt Lake City very early in the morning and left behind the cold, ice, and snow for a business trip to Monterrey Mexico. Nice warm weather here, good food, good time for a business trip. Unfortunately I go back to Utah winter weather tomorrow.

Totem Polar
01-14-2017, 11:38 PM
Better than several posting here. Sorry to hear of cousin-in-law, M2. Sick as a dog with whatever is going around the ice kingdom here. Limped through some work that had to get done; rewarded myself for going out by getting my LGS to put me on a list for a Cobra when they hit, watched a "blacklist" and hit the rack at a time that only an octogenarian could respect on a Friday night.

01-15-2017, 12:14 AM
Not terrible. I did however overhear at work that I might be on the chopping block given rate and the limited work we have coming in. Caveat is that I am tied to a massive PO that's not been approved yet and I am working on the project as we speak. I stand to generate quite a bit of money for the company when we do get paid but the CFO isn't too much into the idea of paying me and a few others until that happens.