View Full Version : Snowflakes and Political Correctness via Der Speigel

01-14-2017, 01:49 AM
Interesting ans scary. Glad I'm not in Acadamiea these days...


Totem Polar
01-14-2017, 02:18 AM
Thanks for that. Always good to get a view from outside the can.

01-14-2017, 02:56 AM
Thanks for sharing. The end of the article was pretty chilling. Makes me glad I'm done with college and spend most of my day in a gun store, the safest space (TM) there is.

Joe in PNG
01-14-2017, 03:03 AM
I hate to say it, but the collapse of the Higher Education bubble will be a painful, yet beneficial thing for this country.

01-14-2017, 06:05 AM
Speaking as a straight white 50 year old male, not the least bit interested in becoming a white (or black or whatever) 50 year old female, or remotely interested in the "bi lifestyle"....I find this article to be a safe place.....

01-14-2017, 07:18 AM
As in so many cases, a reasonable idea -- be aware, have a little respect, don't be a jerk -- has been taken to a ridiculous extreme. Arrrgghh.

01-14-2017, 07:32 AM
If it remained quarantined in the nutty world of academia we could all point and laugh, as one should.

Unfortunately, these little fascists will "graduate", and this PC crap will spread in certain areas.

01-14-2017, 08:19 AM
It's Oberlin, one of the most left colleges out there... lot of normal schools out there. I don't disagree with the author but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

01-14-2017, 09:46 AM
Oh, for the love of Pete...where can I rent a giant bulldozer?

On a lighter note...a transgender, a lesbian and a queer walk into a bar...

01-14-2017, 09:49 AM

01-14-2017, 11:11 AM
An interesting aspect of the article surfaces as it approaches conclusion. Notice how the author takes up the cause of those he appears to have earlier disparaged. This, in particular, staked out his position:

"This new right can be seen every day on Fox News. The cable network interprets freedom of speech to mean the right to insult. And that freedom of expression also provides a license to spread untruths. That's also a problem with Trump's new America: One part of the population is growing increasingly sensitive and no longer wants to read "Antigone," while the other is growing increasingly brazen, calling Mexicans rapists and seeing all Muslims as terrorists. In Donald Trump, they will soon have a president who emboldens them."

and again nearer the end:

"The fact that this phase is happening right during a time when the country has elected a president who stands for racism and sexism"

The article provides an interesting and amusing look at the depth and breadth of the silliness, but in the end is an advocate for the nonsense it sheds light on.