View Full Version : Celebratory Gunfire

12-31-2016, 02:53 PM
Serious quaestion - How much of a problem is celebratory gunfire on holidays in your area?

Obviously it's enough of an issue here the for the PD to create PSA messages on the subject.

What goes up must go down.


12-31-2016, 02:57 PM
North GA, nil. I hear neighbors target practice often but not night celebratory. It was a problem in San Antonio when I lived there but not where I lived.

12-31-2016, 02:58 PM
I've never heard celebratory gunfire in any of the places I have lived, ever. Some of those places were extremely small communities as well. The culture and local laws have a very large part to play in this type of behaviour I guess.

12-31-2016, 03:06 PM
It's common to hear gunshots during the day as many folks in the area shoot on and around their property.

Rarely, if ever hear any celebratory gunfire.

12-31-2016, 03:24 PM
Serious quaestion - How much of a problem is celebratory gunfire on holidays in your area?

Obviously it's enough of an issue here the for the PD to create PSA messages on the subject.

What goes up must go down.


Unless you live on the West or South Side of Chicago,where you're glad the bullets are going up for a change instead of sideways.

12-31-2016, 03:34 PM
I knew one guy who liked to do that, but he was smart enough to shoot into soil.

12-31-2016, 04:02 PM
Im out in the country and its happens every new year. Most have there own shooting range so that's what they use. Lots of fireworks too.

Dagga Boy
12-31-2016, 04:10 PM
So bad where I used to work the cops would gather in a parking garage or underpasses for New Years and other times. In Air Support we would pull the helicopter into the hanger well before midnight on New Years to avoid falling debris in the dog house or damaging the rotor blades. Where I live now, it is noticeable, but not as bad as where I was in SoCal.

12-31-2016, 04:14 PM
Not an issue here in greater Clearwater FL, as far as I'm aware.

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12-31-2016, 04:14 PM
So bad where I used to work the cops would gather in a parking garage or underpasses for New Years and other times.

In Detroit, too.

12-31-2016, 04:16 PM
Zero issue whatsoever, and never head of it done around here. As long as the person it hits is the shooter its all good.

12-31-2016, 04:21 PM
Pretty bad in some of the poorer areas of the Houston metroplex. My warehouse at work gets a new hole or two every year.

12-31-2016, 04:25 PM
Not as bad as years ago, but still an issue in some parts of town. Like Darryl noted, we used to make sure we were under hard cover at midnight.....Not uncommon to hear automatic weapons fire in Bayview/Hunters Point area at that time.

12-31-2016, 04:30 PM
I lived in rural Louisiana for a while. The guys I knew who did it, shot into the ground. Haven't heard any here, but there's always fireworks.

12-31-2016, 04:32 PM
It was a real issue when I lived in East Dallas.

Not a problem where I currently live.

12-31-2016, 04:50 PM
It was a real issue when I lived in East Dallas.

Not a problem where I currently live.

Out of all the areas I've worked, Oakcliff is the worst. In Dallas it's a Hispanic culture problem, especially among that group that is just doing jobs regular Americans don't want to do.

One year we had to delay clearing detail for about an hour at Southwest, because there were bullets falling in the parking lot and we could hear them dinging to garbage trucks next door at sanitation.


Lex Luthier
12-31-2016, 05:11 PM
It was an issue when I lived in Oakland CA in the early 90s. I knew a couple- she was an EMT, he an Oakland PD officer- who both made sure they were under concrete cover at that time of New Year's Eve. Lots of full auto mag dumps, too.
Never heard it in Santa Cruz, and didn't hear any these last two years in a pretty "diverse" area of Saint Paul.

12-31-2016, 06:44 PM
The fireworks are already starting, but there shouldn't be much gunfire here. Up in the hood...I'm sure the PD's gunshot detectors will go bonkers.

12-31-2016, 07:26 PM
Out of all the areas I've worked, Oakcliff is the worst. In Dallas it's a Hispanic culture problem, especially among that group that is just doing jobs regular Americans don't want to do.

One year we had to delay clearing detail for about an hour at Southwest, because there were bullets falling in the parking lot and we could hear them dinging to garbage trucks next door at sanitation.


Yeah, I lived in Lakewood, Old East Dallas, and just south of Zang Blvd.

Always fun when you walk into a Stop n' Rob, and they have loosies and individual rounds lined up behind the counter. "Man, I jus shot off all ma boolets. Sell me a handful, cuz!"

The night shift at 7-11 can be quite educational. If you survive it.

12-31-2016, 07:47 PM
"So bad where I used to work the cops would gather in a parking garage or underpasses for New Years and other times."

This was our experience in parts of the SF Bay Area in the late 80's and 90's, less so now...

12-31-2016, 07:55 PM
We have a parking garage where we gather at Midnight. It's tradition!

12-31-2016, 08:00 PM
Mostly here its fireworks but what is the deal with shoes tied togather and thrown over
cable/phone lines?

12-31-2016, 08:04 PM
Serious quaestion - How much of a problem is celebratory gunfire on holidays in your area?

Obviously it's enough of an issue here the for the PD to create PSA messages on the subject.

What goes up must go down.


I'm seeing them for the first time in Houston.

Guess the dumbing down is working as well as expected.

12-31-2016, 08:05 PM
It'll be going on here starting around 11:45. Who knows what direction they'll be shooting. We have our bro- and sister-in-law from the city suburbs with us this weekend and it'll be interesting to see how they handle it. Especially since they're about to move into our rental house next door for a few months while they hunt for a house around here....

Maple Syrup Actual
12-31-2016, 08:09 PM
The only times I've seen or heard it in Canada were places so sparsely populated that when every single person within earshot fired off a rifle, neither of them seemed to be a big problem.

And it was always a single gunshot at midnight, delivered almost as a public service for anyone who didn't have a good watch.

My guess is that there's some reserves where you'd hear it. The Mohawk guys like their full autos, that's for sure. But it's EXTREMELY uncommon in cities and towns here.

Mr. Goodtimes
12-31-2016, 08:21 PM
Never heard celebratory gunfire here in St. Petersburg. Now, angry gun fire, that's a different story.

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12-31-2016, 08:58 PM
New Orleans can be a problem.....

12-31-2016, 09:05 PM

Where I grew up in southern NJ it was commonplace, but not a problem as it was rural enough and most people were using birdshot or muzzle loaders with powder only.

12-31-2016, 09:48 PM
Got called into work at 5:30, we are getting ready to head back home and not take any more calls till 6am. 4th of July and New Years we aren't allowed to work between a set time because there are so many shootings. Lots of ghettos where we work, we also cover some multimillion dollar areas as well.

12-31-2016, 10:05 PM
Not uncommon in my part of Ohio. Hopefully everyone is using a suitable backstop. One year there were at least 7 distinct shooters. Mine always go into dirt, and usually involves tracers. Hypothetically

Cheap Shot
12-31-2016, 10:19 PM
In Detroit, too.


Dagga Boy
12-31-2016, 10:37 PM
Just walked the dog and it is already starting. Unfortunately, the ten foot wall borders an area where this kind of b.s. is culturally acceptable.

12-31-2016, 10:45 PM
Just walked the dog and it is already starting. Unfortunately, the ten foot wall borders an area where this kind of b.s. is culturally acceptable.

Get Trump to add another 10' to the existing wall and force them to pay for it.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzFRf8fYY1aVAjID80KJM4aBbnetvHX _2NTvmGebl2JZCO8j5F

Kyle Reese
12-31-2016, 10:50 PM
Non existent in my AO.

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01-01-2017, 12:36 AM
Real problem in Dallas, where I grew up.

No problem in Austin.

Real problem on the South Side of Chicago. But here it's only volume of fire that differentiates New Years from most other nights. Not uncommon for me to hear a dozen or more shots a night if I leave the windows open...

01-01-2017, 01:16 AM
I saw it once when I lived in rural Ohio when a guy fired a 1911 into the ground on July 4th. I was sitting just a few feet away at the time. I've never seen or heard it since living in Georgia.

01-01-2017, 01:59 AM
Here in rural Jalisco Mexico, people are popping off shotguns, 30-30s, and 32s and 38 Supers all night. Guns are pretty much outlawed here, New Years is the only time they get shot.

01-01-2017, 02:14 AM

01-01-2017, 02:25 AM
Heard fireworks, but no firearms. Of course, we stayed indoors playing games with friends and eating queso, guacamole, and corn chips washed down with Martinellis and other fizzy drinks instead of going outside and getting crazy.

01-01-2017, 03:41 AM
Miami has had a PSA campaign going on for the last 19 years pleading with people not to shoot in the air.


01-01-2017, 04:09 AM
First 10 minutes after midnight sounded like a damn warzone. Had all our units hunker down and not run anything except for code 1 calls.

01-01-2017, 04:17 AM
Heard a few shots after we got home. Nothing compared to some apartment complexes I've lived in.

Or Afghanistan.

butler coach
01-01-2017, 07:30 AM
Lots of shots here. Someone even running full auto. And some tanerite

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01-01-2017, 08:09 PM
So are those two Stechkins in the OP meme photo or what? It kind of changes my calculus maybe a little... rip clips, throw them in the ocean, and come home?

01-02-2017, 02:54 PM
Texas lawmaker hospitalized after stray New Year's Eve bullet strikes head

Police in south Texas were investigating after a stray celebratory New Year's Eve bullet put a state lawmaker in the hospital with a head wound.

Westlaco, Texas, authorities said State Rep. Armando "Mando" Martinez was recovering Sunday after surgeons removed the bullet from his skull.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra told The (McAllen) Monitor that Martinez was in stable condition after surgery to remove a "projectile" fired just after midnight Sunday, as Martinez celebrated with family and friends outside a home north of Weslaco, near Texas' border with Mexico.
