View Full Version : What are you thankful for on this day?

Lost River
11-24-2016, 12:23 PM
As the title asks, what are you thankful for on this day?

11-24-2016, 12:30 PM
I am thankful for all the typical things, family, health and good fortune. However this year I am especially thankful that after enduring almost 8 years of Obama I will not be subjected to Hillary Clinton as president next year.

Totem Polar
11-24-2016, 12:39 PM
^^^Yeah, I was going to say: health, lots of good relationships, the fact of living when and where in history I do, and the electoral college, myself.

11-24-2016, 12:40 PM
I'm thankful for my family and my happy, healthy 1 y/o daughter now. I'm especially thankful that, after being laid off in October, I'll be starting a new job here shortly . . . I just wish we didn't have to pick up and move again after getting here only two years ago@

Matt O
11-24-2016, 12:52 PM
Though I am thankful for my incredible family every year, especially my wife and daughter, I am more grateful than ever for these blessings today. A good friend of mine decided to take his own life not two days ago, something neither his family or friends were able to foresee. As I come to grips with this loss, I cannot understate how grateful I am to have my own family around, safe, healthy and sound. I wish the same to all other PF-ers around the country (and world).

11-24-2016, 01:31 PM
I am thankful for my wife and kids, a roof over my head, and a great job. It's going to be great to see my best friend later tonight!

I will also be incredibly thankful once our siblings leave us the F**k alone and leave our house! :p;):D

I am also thankful for my Big Green Egg, and the fact that it has made Thanksgiving great again!

Lost River
11-24-2016, 01:57 PM
Right now I am thankful that my wife is not in the room.

She went to work at 5:30 AM yesterday, got home at almost 10 PM last night. Then got called in this morning at 5:30 again for a surgery, and got home about an hour ago.

While she was in the other room, Henry helped himself to her fancy coffee:

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b109/IV_Troop/IMG_2011_zpsnioodwcc.jpg (http://s18.photobucket.com/user/IV_Troop/media/IMG_2011_zpsnioodwcc.jpg.html)

That dog has no idea that he just had a near death experience! :)

11-24-2016, 03:21 PM
I'm thankful for the continued safety, peace, and relative harmony in my life. I can, and often do, find things to complain about, but overall - my wife and I are gainfully employed, healthy, and happy. Our future is bright and a present is excellent. I can be thankful for the opportunities I have had and the hard work I've put in to allow me to take advantage of those opportunities. A number of my peers and colleagues cannot say the same.

I'm thankful that we will not have HRC as President, but I admit to being worried about the xenophobia and continued growth of anti-intellectualism in America that may be furthered under a Trump Administration. But I am thankful that I will have the ability to fight against those worries, if necessary.

Peace, Love, Cocoa Puffs,


Joe in PNG
11-24-2016, 03:36 PM
Happily, I'll have Thanksgiving on Saturday, as Thursday in PNG is just another day.
And what a day it was- a PNG Customs audit of my department in the morning, followed by a medevac.

11-24-2016, 03:43 PM
Shittiest year of my life but I've got a job and I'm not living out of my car so that's pretty cool

11-24-2016, 04:07 PM
Thankful for the blessings received but not deserved. Thankful for the chastening withheld that was deserved. Thankful for the hope provided by the unfathomable sacrifice made on the tree of Calvary that was necessary to reconcile my wicked soul with the Sovereign of the universe.

11-24-2016, 04:30 PM
Many things, some already mentioned.

Also, ruffed grouse, bacon, and apple cider.
We are having grouse and venison for dinner today.
I killed the birds, but the venison steaks were given to us.

11-24-2016, 08:20 PM
I am thankful Coke Zero is legal. Stealing scrap metal for diet soda is not how I want my life to end up.

11-24-2016, 08:33 PM
Thankful that I don't have to endure another president Clinton. Thankful that I have a decent job and that they are helping me with the cost of continuing my education. Thankful for my wife, who's been by my side as I've worked and studied my butt off this year. I'm thankful for our dog, the little mutt that nobody wanted that was given to us almost 5 years ago. All the people that passed that little guy over missed out on one hell of a friend.

But most of all, I'm thankful for my daughter, born this year in January. Having her really motivated me to make some positive changes in my life, and I'm a better person for it. I'm not the most religious person, and I generally try to avoid asking for things when I pray, but I do ask Him to help me be a good Daddy.

11-24-2016, 09:43 PM
I have food, clothing and shelter. I have not always had those.

I have family and friends. I have not always had those.

I have the love of a good dog. I have not always had that.

I am very thankful.

11-24-2016, 10:03 PM
I am very thankful that I have a family, that I love and that loves me. I have a home, and a car. My 3 boys have great teachers/therapists that not only help them in amazing ways, but also teach my wife and I ways to help them at home. I have a great relationship with the family that I want one with. Me or my family is not in need of anything which is something I am truly grateful for every day. I have a wife who loves me and accepts me, even with all of my faults. Over all life has been much better to me than I feel I deserve as of late, and I am eternally grateful, and I am and will continue doing things to help others who needed the help that I needed. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful evening.

11-24-2016, 10:09 PM
I am thankful for food on the table and a family to share it with. I am thankful my Father is still alive.
For a job that affords me a house and a decent present and hopefully future. For two great kids.
I am thankful I am born in this Country. I am thankful for hope.

11-28-2019, 08:46 AM
”For Food, for Raiment, for Life, for Opportunity, for Friendship and Fellowship we thank thee O Lord.”

This year I am so grateful 8 years ago to have met the Love of my Life. I feel so fortunate; my life turned 180 degrees from seemingly black and white, to full technicolor.

I am thankful my son is happy and healthy, enjoying making his own decisions, and sharing his life with me.

I am thankful for all those who keep, and have kept, us safe both here at home, and serving our country overseas, in far away places.

Thank you to all I’ve met on this forum, online and in person, who have put up with my awkward questions about shooting and have taken time out of their day to help me out. I appreciate you all.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-28-2019, 09:03 AM
I’m thankful for my family, my health and my girlfriend, who has always supported me. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to achieve a long term career goal that will provide financial security for us and numerous future opportunities and that my girlfriend has been able to start her career. I’m thankful for our pets and our friends. I’m thankful that I was lucky enough to end up in the United States of America, one of the few remaining countries where people still have freedom and rights. I’m thankful that things in our country are actually a lot better than many would have you to believe. I’m thankful for the people I’ve met through this forum, both those I’ve actually gotten to meet in person, and those I’ve only been able to interact with online. I have learned so much from all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

11-28-2019, 09:04 AM
I didn't wake up dead today.
My dad sent me a text! I called and talked to him, and it's great that he's still around and healthy.
In our 30th year of marriage, which is always a shock, both because we're getting older and my wife has put up with me for so long.
Life is good and I've been a very lucky man.

11-28-2019, 09:19 AM
I'm thankful to God for his faithfulness to my wife and I in our dreams and the many blessings we have.

This year we welcomed our son to our home and he's healthy, amazing, and kind. He's my best buddy - he's just so kind and interesting.

I'm thankful that I went from an Associate Network Admin to a Senior Network Engineer in six months after changing jobs. We're trying to get my wife home with our son and my salary increases in these last six months are probably enough for that to happen now.

I'm thankful that my wife's getting to pursue her dreams of making kids books.

I'm thankful for our house and how even though I was in two car accidents this year - one resulted in us buying the mini-van we needed anyway. That combined with the savings we had for a new car, we were able to buy a used one cash.

I'm thankful for this country and the people that serve it - what RJ said was beautiful. I'm just so grateful to be here.

I'm thankful for this forum and all of the years I've gotten to shoot and purchase firearms and shoot them, etc. It's been pretty amazing.

My life is way better than I ever could've expected - it has exceeded my own expectations and I'm just so grateful for that.

My parents are both living and we're all on good terms - I have in laws that I'm going to eat too much food with later on today that are just amazing.

Thank you guys for this place and Happy Thanksgiving!

11-28-2019, 09:21 AM
I'm very thankful for my child,my wife,my friends and coworkers,being an American and of course Jesus Christ.

11-28-2019, 10:01 AM
I’m thankful that, after the darkness of first losing my spouse to illness in 2015 after 34 years and then a short remarriage to a really messed up woman I appear to have found the person I’m supposed to be with. I’m with her in Boston right now preparing to go to Thanksgiving dinner at her in-laws (she’s a fellow widow.) Life is good.

11-28-2019, 10:13 AM
I'm thankful to be a small part of this community and for all the good things that each of us has in our lives and shares both here and elsewhere.

11-28-2019, 11:38 AM
That through a combination of luck, opportunity, natural talents, and work I've been able to be financially secure and provide my family with the sort of lifestyle I want them to have. I'm glad I've been able to travel and expose my son to so much and hopefully he'll have more opportunities then I did. If I were to die tomorrow I know I've done what I can to set him on the path to success and that's really the most important thing I can do.

Totem Polar
11-28-2019, 03:19 PM
This year, I am especially thankful that I have somehow ended up in life surrounded by a lot of high-quality friends. My wife is dealing with some major health issues right now (rare, and sudden neurological disorder) and the outpouring of support from my community/tribe—including a number of my training buddies from here—has been tremendous over the last month.

I am thankful that her issues will most likely not kill her prematurely; I am thankful that we got to celebrate our 27th the other day; I am thankful that I live in NW America, that I can drive, and for an over abundance of great food for the table. I am thankful for the opportunity to do work I enjoy, and the continued ability to do it. I am thankful to still have family.

And small-batch bourbon. Can’t forget that. Hell, I’m even thankful for P-F. Best time sink ever.

11-28-2019, 05:31 PM
I'm the only supervisor for my shift who gets to work this Thanksgiving and was lucky enough to get to spend it with both my shift and my family. Not many people get that hybrid. I'm so proud of my wife. She spearheaded our dinner for the troops, getting a restaurant to donate a turkey, getting a grocery chain to donate $25 for sides and plates, etc. She then made stuffing from scratch, a green bean casserole, and heated the sides and pies she got from the store. Her and my son went to work with me and set up shop in our break room to re-heat the stuff that needed it and get everything ready for the officers. Other officers provided drinks and several desserts, cranberry sauce, etc. Day shift even left us some desserts, veggie trays, and cold cuts someone had donated to them.

This is what I told my shift today, but I mean it for all LE and MIL out there so I figured I'd post it here as well.


Thank you for working today. I know there are several people in this room who have deployed for the military and I suspect that it's not the first holiday any of you have spent away from your families. There are two ways to look at this. First, that it's a burden. And it is. It's a burden we've willing shouldered to be the keepers at the gate of our society. We do our jobs today so the folks inside the walls don't have to think about what is outside the walls while they spend time with their family. That means something, though. That makes us a family, and a bigger family than anyone else has. Like any family we have the cranky uncle and we have the weird cousin you wish you could sit at the kid's table for one more year but have to deal with at the adult table anyway. Like any family we may not always get along with each other, but a family we are. That's the second way to look at it. Again, thank you all for being here today.


I'm grateful to be part of this nation and both of these families. I'm grateful to be in a position to be proud of both.

11-28-2019, 05:59 PM
Proud of you, BBI. You do us all proud.

ETA: Excuse me...I forgot to mention your wife and son...they both hit a home run today.

11-28-2019, 06:16 PM
I could never list it all. Truly, my cup runneth over.


11-28-2019, 06:23 PM
Well, I’m not really getting a thanksgiving this year. Been spending all November gearing up for a jury trial against a few people who took shots at a few of our police officers. We haven’t offered any plea deals despite defense literally begging for one. We’ll proceed on December 3rd on first degree attempted murder.

So I guess, as grueling as this holiday season has been, I’m thankful for the opportunity to do legal battle against actual evil people.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-28-2019, 06:27 PM
Gainful, and meaningful, employment. Being able to sustain my diet primarily on beef, and the systems in place that enable the rate at which I eat it.
World-class training, legendary teachers, and the opportunity to meet a variety of fellow Americans in their classes. Their acknowledgement, respect, and sense of humor.
Quality weapons and equipment that I can reasonably afford, and being able to meet the people who have a hand in their design.
A place to share thoughts and experiences who have a similar enthusiasm for this path we've taken, for recognizing an incredible right and unprecedented responsibility to uphold as free citizens in these blessed states, and this blessed nation.
My mother and late father, who did they best they could raising me with love, patience, and kindness as reflected in the divine image.
The retail clerks, fast food cooks, and public services that keep the big wheels turning even when everyone is supposed to have off. Get that holiday differential.

11-28-2019, 06:38 PM
I am thankful that my wife has her health (and that has not been anywhere near a sure thing for the last decade), that our daughter is now a contributing member of society, and that I am fortunate enough to have a life where we truly lack for no necessity. We may not have all we want, but we definitely have more than we need.

11-28-2019, 11:31 PM
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. My family. Leisure to sit and watch a movie after eating turkey with my wife and daughter. Electronic tools to talk with my son and other distant family. Employment. All blessings from the Almighty.

11-29-2019, 01:43 PM
A little late -

This year Thanksgiving was a reflective and contemplative time - Dad died 3-weeks ago today. And it would be easy to say I'm "not thankful" after losing him. But that wouldn't be true.

I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to spend my life to this point with a great and wonderful father. A man who taught me to shoot, swing a hammer, drive, and work every day. I'm thankful for that life experience that I know not all men get. I'm thankful for the support he gave and still gives in spirit to the work I do, to supporting me as I carve a new path for our family name.

I'm of course thankful for a beautiful and wonderful wife, who is amazing. She was reading to my father to calm him to sleep as he died, precisely as he wanted to go, in his sleep. She is a rock and a wonderful amazing person.

I'm thankful for a dissertation committee that has supported me during an up-and-down series of years in my life. It's very easy for people to be against you in academia. Having a group of people for you is amazing.

I'm thankful for my mother, sister, niece, nephews, and various awesome in-laws. They are supportive and great people whom I love very much.

Finally, I'm thankful for prosperity and relative peace in my home. This year my wife and I managed to a substantial amount of money in our savings accounts for the first time...ever. Our hard work has brought greater prosperity and financial stability. Though we do not know exactly what the future holds in the next 18-24 months, we're better equipped than ever to approach it. And there is very little else I could want overall.

Hi-Point Aficionado
11-29-2019, 08:40 PM
I was given a season pass to a nearby mountain by a fanily for helping deal with the estate of a cool lady. Attending another funeral, my wife's great-uncle took me aside to explain just exactly how seriously he expects me to continue taking my health and fitness to properly support his niece well into old age.

Get to ski every day I can make the mountain before work and know that some belligerent dude truly cares about my wife (big, big deal in my book). Also got to go shopping for Thanksgiving groceries alone with my father. Been too long since we had one-on-one time and I loved hearing some new stories from his law enforcement days.

And hopeful thanks to a former coworker who suddenly retired out. Ran into him at the mountain, rode a lift together, caught up, and made a run together. Takes a walk with his wife every day, put 3,000 miles on his bicycles this last season, and skis every weekday during the winter. He's bursting with energy and positivity. Hope I can have a retirement half so active, simple, and fulfilling. For now, I'm thankful a nice guy has such a good thing going.

Most of all, thankful for my very few friends and my sister. Have had some deep conversations with all this month that remind me just how blessed I am to have people on the same wavelength who genuinely support my eccentric and introverted ways. Hippie wife counts here as the best of my friends, complete with her understanding that I sometimes just need to be left alone with a book, pipe of good tobacco, and record player to zone out for a while. Or wander off into the woods with the dog and my battered old pack for a weekend with no real advance notice. Looking at some couples in our social circle, I definitely hit the jackpot.

11-29-2019, 11:21 PM
Day late, because I worked yesterday...

I'm thankful for my wife of 27 years. I don't know how she does it.

I'm thankful that my parents are still alive and kicking, despite some health scares.

I'm thankful to live in the United States of America. As fucked up as it might seem to the casual observer, things have been worse and could be much, much worse.

As a corollary to the last, I'm grateful to my ancestors who unassed Europe. I wish my distant cousins "over there" the best of luck, especially those in Blighty pushing for Brexit 2.0.