View Full Version : 2nd Amendment Issues and the SCOTUS, post the new POTUS

Glenn E. Meyer
06-07-2016, 10:14 AM

An analysis of what will happen in the future. The gist is that gun rights are so strong that Heller won't be overturned for various political and judicial reasons. However, state bans in sympatico states will not be overturned by SCOTUS as the votes aren't there. The precedent for not overturning such things as AWB, may issue permits vs. shall issue, bans on post offices, schools, etc. were set by Scalia's opinion and then later refusals to take up such cases.

The author is:

Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America, Jul 15, 2013
by Adam Winkler

It's a pretty good read on the issues.

I note however, that the rhetoric to overturn Heller is out there. Chelsea (she of the $600K job for doing nothing - not the the Bush kids didn't get the same - just both party corruption) said that with Scalia gone, Mommy would go for it. Hillary in an interview with George Staphlochocupus on ABC refused to acknowledge the basic right (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-hillary-clinton-second-amendment-20160605-story.html). Obama did the same in recent interview and both came out for an Australian policy.