View Full Version : Women beaten on train and passengers just watched

The Apprentice
04-30-2016, 06:10 AM

Would you intervene I don't think I could have just stood there but I have to little girls of my own that I have to make it home to so I can teach them to not let this happen to them. I know if I did step in she would have got an ass chew'n when it was over pay attention the police can't help she should be counting here blessings that this didnt end up a lot worse. I just hope she can look at this and see that ultimately we are all responsible for our own protection.

As a side note for you Fathers with older daughters what have you done to teach this to them and to the few women who pop in from time to time what made you decide to take an active role in your personal protection.

04-30-2016, 07:03 AM

Would you intervene I don't think I could have just stood there but I have to little girls of my own that I have to make it home to so I can teach them to not let this happen to them. I know if I did step in she would have got an ass chew'n when it was over pay attention the police can't help she should be counting here blessings that this didnt end up a lot worse. I just hope she can look at this and see that ultimately we are all responsible for our own protection.

As a side note for you Fathers with older daughters what have you done to teach this to them and to the few women who pop in from time to time what made you decide to take an active role in your personal protection.

Yes Id intervene in a non domestic assault/robbery.

Simple force at first. Hard cupped hand bitch slap to the ear on either one and continue scaling force from there to stop threat.

On the legal part here in Texas: Two on one disparity of force to the victim plus disparity of force with large man. Aggravated robbery with those factors as well as the dual assault blows from both perps. Here in Texas, robbery or aggravated robbery allows for the use of deadly force against that violent forcible felony. Moreover, 9.04 allows bystander witness to draw down (but not shoot immediately) in defensive display as well.

ec. 9.04. THREATS AS JUSTIFIABLE FORCE. The threat of force is justified when the use of force is justified by this chapter. For purposes of this section, a threat to cause death or serious bodily injury by the production of a weapon or otherwise, as long as the actor's purpose is limited to creating an apprehension that he will use deadly force if necessary, does not constitute the use of deadly force.

Tell them to stop. If not, make them stop. Skip the ask portion.

04-30-2016, 07:10 AM
Yes Id intervene in a non domestic assault/robbery.

Simple force at first. Hard cupped hand bitch slap to the ear on either one and continue scaling force from there to stop threat.

On the legal part here in Texas: Two on one disparity of force to the victim plus disparity of force with large man. Aggravated robbery with those factors as well as the dual assault blows from both perps. Here in Texas, robbery or aggravated robbery allows for the use of deadly force against that violent forcible felony. Moreover, 9.04 allows bystander witness to draw down (but not shoot immediately) in defensive display as well.

Tell them to stop. If not, make them stop. Skip the ask portion.

Although I don't have Daughters, I do have Grand Daughters and feel exactly the same as Stikerfire. And he is absolutely correct on our laws here in Texas!

04-30-2016, 07:21 AM
Your link doesn't work for me. Is this the 41yo robbed by a 15yo?

04-30-2016, 09:24 AM
Mario fixed the link. Without knowing the totality, yes, I'd have intervened. Since its Chicago I would have intervened by dialing 911, yelling, and hoping I didn't get the crap beaten out of me.

Glenn E. Meyer
04-30-2016, 09:52 AM
Chicago - recent video of a guy coming out of a store. BG knocks him out and walks away. Two guys run across the street to go through the pockets of the downed guy. Then a taxi cab runs him over and leaves the scene.

04-30-2016, 11:00 AM
Chicago - recent video of a guy coming out of a store. BG knocks him out and walks away. Two guys run across the street to go through the pockets of the downed guy. Then a taxi cab runs him over and leaves the scene.

It's the Chicago way. In other contexts it's called "fundamental transformation."

04-30-2016, 01:00 PM
The problem lies in government and the people who have ALLOWED government to mold society in the benighted fashion it has.

Whether any wish to acknowledge it or not you KNOW the officers who arrive on the scene are as likely to arrest you as well as the goblin who may very well have far less to lose than you.

Worth going to jail and having serious charges leveled at you? Fine. Just don't act surprised.

Now, that said I believe that God demands your intervention.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

04-30-2016, 01:00 PM
Chicago - recent video of a guy coming out of a store. BG knocks him out and walks away. Two guys run across the street to go through the pockets of the downed guy. Then a taxi cab runs him over and leaves the scene.

"Rules" of the Lost...


David S.
04-30-2016, 03:24 PM
As has been discussed in other threads, I'd have been very hesitant to directly involve myself in this women's situation beyond a 911 call and good witness, unless I knew exactly what was going on. (I didn't watch the video, so I may be missing details)

It reminds me of the importance of non-leathal and H2H skills. Jumping in to this situation would obviously requires either or both, and they're skills I am not at all proficient. #soon.

Sal Picante
04-30-2016, 04:32 PM
Kedzie and Homan stop is just south of Garfield park. WTF is she, stupid? The El in that 'hood is NOT a safe place - taking the EL in from Forest Park to downtown is not a good idea. Take metra. "Apple picking" happens A LOT in Chicago - don't be an idiot and lose your SA...

On the topic of stepping in: Most of the time the fight is over before anyone notices.
This usually isn't some protracted altercation on the train, more like a "smash and grab"...
Most thugs wait for the timing of the doors (kinda like this) and may deck the owner to stun 'em.


I've seen longer protracted fights between drunks on Metra, but the best thing is just to switch cars, and let 'em settle it out...
I've seen one robbery on a Metra, but the guy got caught (most of the time, there isn't a city to get "lost" in beyond the doors - at least out in the burbs)

04-30-2016, 04:40 PM
I hate to be a heartless bastard, but given the state of laws and society I'd not be inclined to intervene. Unless it's mine or my own it's just going to be a flat out nope.

04-30-2016, 04:57 PM
I hate to be a heartless bastard, but given the state of laws and society I'd not be inclined to intervene. Unless it's mine or my own it's just going to be a flat out nope.

You're not a heartless bastard. After law school, my default setting is "don't get involved."

Of course, if it's my family and friends at risk, it's hard to think of a line I WOULDN'T cross.

I suppose it's a choice every man has to make for himself.

04-30-2016, 06:14 PM
Chicago's funny in how the "best" universities are literally neighbors to some seriously security challenged areas. If you want to get to UIC, Loyola, etc on the train you'll be traveling through some questionable areas.

Insofar as assault goes: does the lion intervene when a Gazelle gets eaten by a cheetah? Some people are victims, and some are predators. Bad things happen when the two meet, which in Chicago is an hourly phenomenon.

04-30-2016, 06:19 PM
Insofar as assault goes: does the lion intervene when a Gazelle gets eaten by a cheetah? Some people are victims, and some are predators. Bad things happen when the two meet, which in Chicago is an hourly phenomenon.

Easy to look at it in basic animal kingdom style ways, however, we live in a community and we are supposed to help each other when others are in need, are we not?

Do we not have a responsibility to the community?

04-30-2016, 06:23 PM
Easy to look at it in basic animal kingdom style ways, however, we live in a community and we are supposed to help each other when others are in need, are we not?

Do we not have a responsibility to the community?

Chicago is not a community . Don't let the concrete and glass fool you- parts of it are just another kind of jungle, with similar rules.

04-30-2016, 06:26 PM
Chicago is not a community . Don't let the concrete and glass fool you- parts of it are just another kind of jungle, with similar rules.

Having been to that city several times and nearly getting involved in things that I gladly did not I do agree, however, the US is one big community separated into smaller versions of each other.

I'll rephrase it.

Do you have a responsibility for your community?

Totem Polar
04-30-2016, 06:31 PM
Our responsibility to the community is necessarily informed by the community's reciprocation. As others note, one could be left hanging out to dry in the aftermath.

This is a compelling thread. One the one hand, standing by while a college girl gets a serious beat down from rats is repugnant. On the other, risking your own well being and freedom is similarly distasteful.

We may have arrived at a point in time where the best options in some locations may be extra-legal.

04-30-2016, 06:43 PM
Is Chicago; so why would we be there??

Unless it's mine or someone I knew, even in TX Id be very hesitant to intervene. I'd truly have to believe that the victim was getting more than just an ass whooping and their life was in jeopardy.

04-30-2016, 09:00 PM
Our responsibility to the community is necessarily informed by the community's reciprocation. As others note, one could be left hanging out to dry in the aftermath.

This is a compelling thread. One the one hand, standing by while a college girl gets a serious beat down from rats is repugnant. On the other, risking your own well being and freedom is similarly distasteful.

We may have arrived at a point in time where the best options in some locations may be extra-legal.

I find it more repugnant that society has allowed the coming to aid of people who are being victimized to be subject to all forms of civil and criminal repercussions.

Joe in PNG
04-30-2016, 09:19 PM
Our responsibility to the community is necessarily informed by the community's reciprocation. As others note, one could be left hanging out to dry in the aftermath.

Some communities see defending a defenseless lady from rats as good.
Others, like Chicago, have communities where the rat is the preferred form of life. If you mess with the preferred form of life, they will destroy you as an example to the rest.

Maple Syrup Actual
04-30-2016, 09:43 PM
I don't want to live in a society in which nobody intervenes. I've stuck my neck out before - including, coincidentally, pretty much in this exact location, nearly twenty years ago - I'd do it again. I understand the risks. I'm not sitting and watching some college girl get her face mashed up by ghetto trash. They can give my face a go. Nobody expects me to look pretty.

Yes, I realize this is how you get stabbed/shot/whatever. But if nobody steps up, society sucks.

04-30-2016, 09:46 PM
I'm generally a fan of non intervention. It is, in fact, my primary strategy.

That being said, there is some shit in this world I will not tolerate in my presence.

The Apprentice
04-30-2016, 10:31 PM
I don't think I could have just stood there. There is a lot of truth when Edmond Burke said "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". I don't want to live in a society were we turn our backs on our fellow man. Unfortunately I think we are there and good men are doing nothing.

On the other hand if you didnt watch the clip her father calls out the men on the train for doing nothing and how they should have stepped up and been men. This bothers me to why didn't you teach her about the world before you let here go to that cesspit of a city. That she needs to pay attention and not just play on you phone. Take a little responsibility for your own protection.

05-01-2016, 08:28 AM
Not going to let a young lady catch a beating in front of me. I'm a big fan of being a "great witness" off duty as I've seen folks get rolled up for trying to intervene in sketchy situations, but as someone has already mentioned, there's some stuff I just won't tolerate.

05-01-2016, 09:02 AM
Walking into the middle of an attack, I would be worried about intervening in a domestic violence type of situation. Hasn't it been well documented that there have commonly been instances where people who have attempted to save the damsel in distress have in turn been attacked by said damsel in order to protect their baby/sugar daddy from the would be savior? Now if deadly force was clearly being used on the dame, curb stomping/head bashing/neck punching sort of activities, then forceful intervention would probably be legally justified and morally required.

On the other hand if someone was getting a less involved slap down or bruising, I think it would be most prudent to announce in a loud command voice to stop, and that 911 is on the line and the police are on the way. Then be prepared to handle the situation if the goblin then turns his attention to you, with anything from retreat, verbal, less than lethal, hand to hand, etc.

05-01-2016, 09:15 AM
"I'd truly have to believe that the victim was getting more than just an ass whooping and their life was in jeopardy."

According to the reports, the young lady in question had her nose fractured in the unprovoked attack by strangers. There is a very thin line between getting "just" punched in the face with minimal damage to someone suffering significant traumatic brain injury and orofacial injuries that can have serious life long lingering effects....

Dagga Boy
05-01-2016, 11:04 AM
Easy to look at it in basic animal kingdom style ways, however, we live in a community and we are supposed to help each other when others are in need, are we not?

Do we not have a responsibility to the community?

That "community" has voted for decades to be unarmed victims and to "just call the police" who they hate. When communities vote to be victims, nobody should be shocked when they are victims. I just got back from California where I carried a 10 round gun to protect me. If you want to make places where your daughters are not safe or have the means to defend themselves, or for other citizens to intervene to help someone's daughter.....folks should not be shocked when their daughters become food.
It is tragic that this is what the people who defeated the Nazi's have become.

Duces Tecum
05-01-2016, 11:59 AM
I find it more repugnant that society has allowed the coming to aid of people who are being victimized to be subject to all forms of civil and criminal repercussions.

Speaking in a general sense, with no reference to the subway girl, I would argue that in most cases each of us works very hard to achieve the life we have, and over the long term we generally get what we deserve. That's also true in the macrocosm.

Example: Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake stood before the news cameras and said, “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.” Baltimore, that night, earned it's dark future.

That is why I concur with hufnagel. A society in which laws are originated, passed, applied, and adjudicated with the tacit understanding that their penalties will apply only to the law-abiding is, as hufnagel writes, repugnant, but it is what we have come to.

The tail wags the dog.

05-01-2016, 12:15 PM
... A society in which laws are originated, passed, applied, and adjudicated with the tacit understanding that their penalties will apply only to the law-abiding is, as hufnagel writes, repugnant, but it is what we have come to.

The tail wags the dog.
This was a despicable event, and the scum who committed it deserve to hang, and those who just sat and watched should get the lash, five well laid on.

That said, just because there are a few hell holes where this happens, and where the filth who commit it walk away because the powers that be are so arrogant and besotted with power that they are content to allow this sort of thing happen and only punish the decent and law abiding who dare to speak up and act does not mean that All Is Lost.

Call me an Optimist, but I believe that there are plenty of folks who would have stepped in, not to mention lots of locales where this would simply not have happened, because the goblins would not have dared act in public this way.

That said, there are certainly many on the left who love the fact that, in many places, the citizenry has become so debased and degraded that they deserve to be referred to as sheep. It's hard to take a serious look at, for example, the Occupy and Black Live matter movements, or the groveling manner in which the left and media (but I repeat myself) make excuses for radical islam, and not at least suspect this is choreographed.
Certainly, much of Europe seems to be lost.

A good reference: The Devil's Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the West. (http://www.amazon.com/Devils-Pleasure-Palace-Critical-Subversion/dp/159403768X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462122633&sr=8-1&keywords=devils+pleasure+palace)

05-01-2016, 12:28 PM
That "community" has voted for decades to be unarmed victims and to "just call the police" who they hate. When communities vote to be victims, nobody should be shocked when they are victims. I just got back from California where I carried a 10 round gun to protect me. If you want to make places where your daughters are not safe or have the means to defend themselves, or for other citizens to intervene to help someone's daughter.....folks should not be shocked when their daughters become food.
It is tragic that this is what the people who defeated the Nazi's have become.

I agree, fundamentally.

05-01-2016, 03:30 PM
People in crowds not helping a victim is nothing new, and is not a sign of general decline in the integrity of people in our society, or concerns about being held liable for helping (despite "good Samaritan" laws) .

It's well documented that when a crime (or accident) occurs, and witnesses know, or believe, there are other witnesses, everyone is much less likely to act to help, as they assume some else has or will help. It is much more likely that if a person believes they are the only witness, that they will attempt to help in some way.

If you're unfamiliar with his concept Google "Kitty Genovese murder", which occurred in 1964, and the phenomenon known as the "bystander effect."


One thing to be done to increase the odds of getting help if you're victim is, if possible, to ask for help from a particular person. When "put on the spot" people are more likely to act to help.

05-01-2016, 04:12 PM
...If you're unfamiliar with his concept Google "Kitty Genovese murder", which occurred in 1964....
A classic of mis-reporting: Kitty Genovese: The Global Warming of Crime - Taki's Magazine (http://takimag.com/article/kitty_genovese_the_global_warming_of_crime_kathy_s haidle/print#ixzz47RO5P6dg)

Through malice or incompetence, they’ve gotten a lot wrong—from Stalin’s famine to the date of the moon landing—but factor out anything under Jayson Blair’s byline, and this famous lede likely holds the New York Times record for the most factual errors in a single paragraph:

For more than half an hour 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens. Twice their chatter and the sudden glow of their bedroom lights interrupted him and frightened him off. Each time he returned, sought her out, and stabbed her again. Not one person telephoned the police during the assault; one witness called after the woman was dead.

Had it been reported accurately, the public would have quickly forgotten about the rape and murder of Kitty Genovese in New York City on March 13, 1964, had they heard about it at all.
h/t instapundit (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/231308/).

Source of Moar: Instapundit » Blog Archive » AND NOW YOU KNOW…THE REST OF THE STORY: “Queens Neighborhood Still Haunted by Kitty Genovese’s Murder…" (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/230974/), which includes a link to How the False Genovese Murder Story Went Viral -- Science of Us (http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/04/how-the-false-story-of-kitty-genovese-s-murder-went-viral.html)

05-01-2016, 05:01 PM
Before we leap down the path of "intervention", we should first note some things.

A 19 year old college student these days has the situational awareness of a road sign. Maybe less. There's been times at my rural South Dakota alma matter where people have walked for 10+ minutes without once looking up from their smartphones.

Do that while driving, and its a good way to wreck your car. Its no different in an urban area like Chicago. Walk head down in a place like that, and its an engraved invitation for trouble. Does that mean she deserved to get assaulted?

No. But neither did the teenager who got injured because she checked Pinterest instead of watching the road. Actions have consequences. Walk around a major city populated by saint and scum alike with your head down instead of paying attention, and you'll probably get a painful surprise.

05-01-2016, 07:39 PM
Three rules for living/traveling in a city, any city.

1) Pay attention
2) Do not rely solely on public transit. If you set your schedule based on the schedule of union workers, you will invariable suffer because of it. I see at least a dozen violent crimes reported on the CTA every week in Chicago. If you have to take public transit, be smart about it.
3) Pay -fucking- attention

I see the sides of this, prefer to not get involved and absolutely one should get involved. I normally side on the don't get involved side of the equation. But sometimes, you have to get involved. Be it preventing violence to someone on public transit or preventing someone from accidentally harming themselves or a loved one due to inattention. Is it the best thing to do? No. But there can be, and often are, differences between best and right.

Maple Syrup Actual
05-01-2016, 08:32 PM
Before we leap down the path of "intervention", we should first note some things.

A 19 year old college student these days has the situational awareness of a road sign. Maybe less. There's been times at my rural South Dakota alma matter where people have walked for 10+ minutes without once looking up from their smartphones.

Do that while driving, and its a good way to wreck your car. Its no different in an urban area like Chicago. Walk head down in a place like that, and its an engraved invitation for trouble. Does that mean she deserved to get assaulted?

No. But neither did the teenager who got injured because she checked Pinterest instead of watching the road. Actions have consequences. Walk around a major city populated by saint and scum alike with your head down instead of paying attention, and you'll probably get a painful surprise.

Willfully ignore your car while driving and you may well put others in serious jeopardy.

Take the train and look at your phone and you risk no one's health but your own; IMO this is pretty reasonable behaviour. Would I recommend it? No, not in that context. But people have been reading on commuter trains as long as reading and commuter trains were readily available.

05-01-2016, 09:59 PM
A classic of mis-reporting: Kitty Genovese: The Global Warming of Crime - Taki's Magazine (http://takimag.com/article/kitty_genovese_the_global_warming_of_crime_kathy_s haidle/print#ixzz47RO5P6dg)

h/t instapundit (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/231308/).

Source of Moar: Instapundit » Blog Archive » AND NOW YOU KNOW…THE REST OF THE STORY: “Queens Neighborhood Still Haunted by Kitty Genovese’s Murder…" (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/230974/), which includes a link to How the False Genovese Murder Story Went Viral -- Science of Us (http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/04/how-the-false-story-of-kitty-genovese-s-murder-went-viral.html)
You may have missed the point. The story of Kitty Genovese, whether initially reported wrong or not, spurred actual research into the "bystander effect," which has shown that when bystanders believe others are also witnessing the event, and also capable of helping, they are nearly three times less likely to take any action to help, than those who believe they are only ones who might be able to help.

05-01-2016, 10:07 PM
You may have missed the point. The story of Kitty Genovese, whether initially reported wrong or not, spurred actual research into the "bystander effect," which has shown that when bystanders believe others are also witnessing the event, and also capable of helping, they are nearly three times less likely to take any action to help, than those who believe they are only ones who might be able to help.

And the research cited in the links indicates that the probability of witnesses intervening rises with the perceived severity of the incident they are witnessing.

Glenn E. Meyer
05-01-2016, 10:25 PM
Intervention is complex. The psych journals have debunked the story for quite awhile.

Manning, R., Levine, M., & Collins, A. (2007). The Kitty Genovese murder and the social psychology of helping: The parable of the 38 witnesses. American Psychologist, 62, 555-562. doi: 0.1037/0003-066X.62.6.555

Dovidio, J. F., Piliavin, J. A., Schroeder, D. A., & Penner, L., (2006). The social psychology of pro-social behavior. Mahwah, NJ, : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. - a good review of intervention factors.

A summary:

Diffusion of responsibility
Ability to intervene
Identification with the person, their worthiness for being helped.
Perception of negative affect
Whether the action promotes your identified group's survival
Seeing others help
Perceived evaluation of rewards or punishments
Immediacy and intensity of problem

So it's hard to say what goes into an intervention decision without looking at all of these. One's world view might differ from another's.

I do recall at the NTI in a simulated attack on a woman in a parking garage, half the participants (all skilled in the art of things that go bang), sat out the attack.

Seeing two gangs about to fight in St. Louis, I felt no need to get between them and suggest a peaceful resolution about whether the young woman in question was a 'ho' and to whom she owed allegiance. Time to just move on.

Now is that different from seeing an innocent being beaten? Probably.

05-01-2016, 10:57 PM
A classic of mis-reporting: Kitty Genovese: The Global Warming of Crime - Taki's Magazine (http://takimag.com/article/kitty_genovese_the_global_warming_of_crime_kathy_s haidle/print#ixzz47RO5P6dg)

h/t instapundit (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/231308/).

Source of Moar: Instapundit » Blog Archive » AND NOW YOU KNOW…THE REST OF THE STORY: “Queens Neighborhood Still Haunted by Kitty Genovese’s Murder…" (http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/230974/), which includes a link to How the False Genovese Murder Story Went Viral -- Science of Us (http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/04/how-the-false-story-of-kitty-genovese-s-murder-went-viral.html)

Not trying to be an ass, but none of that article changes the fact that a girl got the shit kicked out of her by two people...and arguably could have been beaten to death....on the blue line in front of a car full of witnesses and nobody helped. Kitty Genovese notwithstanding....nobody helped.



I'm not some huge guy...my kung fu isn't even all that great and taking on a 6ft 180lb puts me 6 inches short and 30lbs light plus his lady friend. Most likely, that'll end up a losing proposition for me involving a pretty hard beating and a hospital bed next to the 110lb college sophmore...but I like to think I'd step in, or at least tap someone on the shoulder and say "hey man, lets put a stop to this bullshit." and they'd agree.

Then again, it's easy to talk big behind a keyboard, and while some folks absolutely have that willingness to do violence and accept that beating and hospital stay as payment for a clean conscience for helping for someone they never met...that's very brave and exceptionally noble....but I personally think I'd probably end up playing witness sooner than volunteering to get into a scrap essentially alone...or is there some research that indicates that if I stand up and lay out my best John Wayne haymaker that others will break out of their freeze too?

I guess what it all boils down to is this...I'm not much of a fistfighter...I'm just only now learning BJJ/Kickboxing but the size and number difference, added to the very tight quarters of a subway car doesn't really inspire that level of confidence in my fighting skills...and I'm guessing this isn't quite the point for me to bust out the ZT0350 and start carving up the next Mike Brown and his girlfriend. Guns are no go on the CTA and coating the floor of the blue line car in blood via knife work will probably put me on the news as the guy who is suddenly even less popular than Darren Wilson.

Maple Syrup Actual
05-01-2016, 11:23 PM
Do the machines for the L still take cash?

CTA classic fight stopper, according to some club doorman who used to spend time in Chicago: stumble towards problem person awkwardly, point to floor and say "shit bro you dropped your wallet" and reach partway towards the floor.

Uppercut with a roll of quarters.

I heard it works okay.

Totem Polar
05-01-2016, 11:33 PM
Uppercut with a roll of quarters.

I heard it works okay.
But what happens then? In this particular instance with the benefit of hindsight, I'm all in favor of sucker punching the male hood rat with a 5000lb test carabiner with a paracord tail and then folding his bitch a few good ones to the gut until she pukes, but I wouldn't be expecting a medal from Rahm Emanuel for the effort.

Maple Syrup Actual
05-01-2016, 11:39 PM
I can't speak from current experience in that city and maybe transit police are everywhere now and somebody would film it and you'd be arrested on the spot and somebody's instagram would convict you, but I can tell you that in the situation near there that I intervened in back when people were just getting accustomed to the idea that Y2K hadn't been a big deal, I just stepped off the train at the next stop and left. Bystander effect works both ways.

Totem Polar
05-02-2016, 12:42 AM
...I just stepped off the train at the next stop and left. Bystander effect works both ways.

The thought had occurred to me a few pages back. Not that I endorse it.

05-02-2016, 12:45 AM
I can't speak from current experience in that city and maybe transit police are everywhere now and somebody would film it and you'd be arrested on the spot and somebody's instagram would convict you, but I can tell you that in the situation near there that I intervened in back when people were just getting accustomed to the idea that Y2K hadn't been a big deal, I just stepped off the train at the next stop and left. Bystander effect works both ways.

This is something worth keeping in mind in this world, when considering intervention. There are cameras -everywhere- and CTA cops almost everywhere too. But given how many people do rip-off robberies, a smash and dash on a would-be mugger/violent assault actor isn't out of the question. Besides it's Chicago, "The Windy City" - everyone wears a jacket with a hood or a hat, almost everywhere. And seriously...I can't help but think if you did intervene in the previous scenario, the perp wouldn't be looking to hang around and get questioned by the CTA cops and file an assault complaint on you.

Maple Syrup Actual
05-02-2016, 12:58 AM
The thought had occurred to me a few pages back. Not that I endorse it.

Maybe I'd feel differently today...back then I was in my early twenties, mostly working as a bouncer in bars. I didn't spend a lot of time weighing costs and benefits or worrying about long-term consequences of anything, so I'm not saying I endorse it either, per se.

This is something worth keeping in mind in this world, when considering intervention. There are cameras -everywhere- and CTA cops almost everywhere too. But given how many people do rip-off robberies, a smash and dash on a would-be mugger/violent assault actor isn't out of the question. Besides it's Chicago, "The Windy City" - everyone wears a jacket with a hood or a hat, almost everywhere. And seriously...I can't help but think if you did intervene in the previous scenario, the perp wouldn't be looking to hang around and get questioned by the CTA cops and file an assault complaint on you.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying...