View Full Version : Any old Ruger Armorers on Security/Service/Speed-Sixes here?

03-01-2016, 06:27 PM
Got a new SS Spurless hammer from Numrich for my new BUG/O-D blaster and now having trouble putting the hammer pivot into it. The original hammer lets the pivot slide right through.

Suppose 34 years of use has kind of mated the two sets of holes.

After I try some wonder lube back at the house, considering judicious use of emery paper on the new hammer's pivot hole.

Old Ruger Six experts, what say ye?

03-01-2016, 07:15 PM
Maybe buy another hammer piviot and fit that to your new hammer? That way the original hammer and pivot still work well with each other.

03-02-2016, 07:34 AM
Good thought! I could get an SS one for a little contrast bling.