View Full Version : Towards A Taxonomy of Some Types of the Gun Culture

02-15-2016, 07:26 PM
People keep using "Cletus" incorrectly, so...
I've been thinking, or maybe over-thinking, about this for a while as you might suspect...
And I may or may not have displayed some of these behaviors at one time or another...

@Copyright 2016, D.W. Drang and The Cluemeter.


Towards A Taxonomy of Some Types of the Gun Culture
Fudd: Primary interest is in killing things (animate or inanimate) for sport, preferably using a gun made of blued steel and wood. Little interest in politics, beyond the politics of his/her preferred game animal.

Gun Store Commando: Often also encountered at gun shows, rarely seen at the range. Has no compunctions about sharing information, which is frequently inaccurate, and usually based on what he read somewhere or something someone he knows or knew claimed happened far, far away. Unless it is merely opinion or prejudice, ditto what he read somewhere, etc., etc.
Fond of "sound bites" like "They all fall to hardball", "God made man, Sam Colt made men equal", "Any caliber will do as long as it starts with a '4'", "ARs shit where they eat", etc.
Refuses to allow himself to be confused by the facts, i.e., just try and convince him that a snub-nosed J Frame-sized .38 Special is a less than ideal firearm for anyone new to pistols, especially the elderly, infirm, or small in stature.

Tactical Timmy: Obsessed with military equipment, nomenclature, terminology, and procedures. Has full sets of camouflage uniforms and load bearing and other gear "as used by xxxx!", where "xxxx" represents the "Flavor Of The Day" in elite military units. Must have latest and greatest gear ascribed to said "FOTD" unit, regardless of whether said gear is actually being used or not.
Obsessed with technical details of weapons and equipment he will never own, or have a practical use for if he owned it.
Unlike the Gun Store Commando, the Tactical Timmy will actually spend time at the range, but due to his insistence on owning all the latest and greatest will likely accomplish little, since he has too much "kit" with him.

Cletus: (Thanks to Tamara Keel for her ground-breaking work on identifying this specimen.)
Owns a gun. Spends as little as possible on ancillary equipment and supplies, like ammunition or holsters. If seen at a range, is apparently more interested in making noise than in safety, precision of shots, or in learning effective gun handling skills.
Like the Gun Store Commando, his decisions are based on myth, lore, and received wisdom. (Or "wisdom"...)
Also like the Gun Store Commando, is regrettably not shy about sharing his "knowledge."
(Notes: Feminine form: Lurleen. The plural form, "Cletii" is often mis-used by those of less than less rigorous dedication to accuracy as interchangeable with the singular form, "Cletus".
(Also, "Cletus" is a generic name, and tends to describe a sub-genre; other acceptable forms may take forms such as "T-Bone", "J-Dawg", "Boracho", etc.)

Joe in PNG
02-15-2016, 07:49 PM
Gun Hipster- (another thanks to Tam). Carries a gun you probably never heard of.

Luddite- Believes that anything introduced post WW2 is radical communist hippie poodle shooter junk. Likes his old guns, old gear, and old ideas of what works in a gunfight. He may be warming up to those new fangled ideas promulgated by Col. Cooper, but feels a bit hesitant about it.

OC Exhibitionist- the Kardasians of the gun world. Likes to be seen in public with a Tapco'd SKS and High Point in a floppy nylon holster.

02-15-2016, 08:14 PM
"Marriage Counselor".
What's love got to do with it , because by hook or crook he's talking his wife to the range. She's totally, completely, absolutely uninterested in firearms beyond the basic safety lessons. Unfortunately for her , he's equally uninterested in acknowledging this fact. He will pay for advance range time, and even go so far as to buy a gun for her , in order to get his spouse to the range. His clumsy attempts to play firearm instructor only solidify her desire to run away from anything to do with guns.

"Range Imam"

Typically Glock owners, although HK substitutes on occasion. He doesn't have a minaret or a giant loudspeaker to sing from , but that won't stop him from bragging about his brand with the fervor of a devout Muslim in Mecca. All guns ever made besides his brand are unremarkable junk, and the integrity of the gun owning free world was saved by their brand. Their gun never breaks, fails, or malfunctions because of Divine Perfection. Anyone who claims otherwise is a Heretic from The One True Gun .

"The Storyteller"

So you just want to check out with your ammo ? Good luck. By the time you reach the end of the checkout line , you'll be regaled wth wild tales of international intrigue and conquest. From the cliffs of Cuba to the cold wastes of Siberia, he's seen and done and shot it all. WWII? He was there.
Vietnam? He was there.
The Egyptian Civil War?
No not that one- the one 5000 years ago during the Akhenaten Pharoah days? He was there too, kicking ass and taking names with his openly carried GI 1911 carried Condition 3.

"The Don Juan"

This guy is a smooth Casanova. He knows women today are used to reality TV and Olive Garden, so he figures he'll be different and take his date for a trip to the gun range. These customers crack me up, because the dude walks in usually filled with Manly Ego because Women Can't Shoot, and every time his date turns out to be a better shot then he is, sometimes with his own gun. Cue happy girl and confused man leaving the firing line, and one mirthful RSO.

Joe in PNG
02-15-2016, 08:28 PM
The Jackass Joker- Loves nothing more than giving an inexperienced person some sort of overpowered handcannon for the lulz, and putting it on the yootoobs. Will do other really stupid stuff with guns for an audience.

Mitchell, Esq.
02-15-2016, 08:44 PM
Simunition addict: Prefers decision heavy force on force training liberally seasoned with stress, confusion and grappling. Seldom seen at public ranges as they prefer to dry fire at home and shoot only to confirm their dry practice sessions so as a result they are accurate but slow compared to most other serious shooter types.

okie john
02-15-2016, 10:37 PM
Fudd: Primary interest is in killing things (animate or inanimate) for sport, preferably using a gun made of blued steel and wood. Little interest in politics, beyond the politics of his/her preferred game animal.

As a long-time observer of the Fudd in the wild, I'd like to add a sub-species, The Jed.

The Jed is nearly always Caucasian, and varies from the garden-variety Fudd in that the Fudd usually obeys the laws and regulations that govern hunting, while the Jed never does. Jeds hunts in pairs, invariably using a hand-held light and a motorized conveyance such as a four-wheeled vehicle or a boat powered by a two-stroke engine in poor repair. The conveyance is usually about the age of the Jed's parents, who are usually also his or her aunts/uncles/grandparents. This brings up a finer point of Cletii taxonomy: the uninitiated often refer to Jed as "Inbred Jed", but this is redundant, as the Jed is inbred by definition. The male Jed is referred to as a "podner" or a "buddy" while the female is called a "darlin".

A variant of the Jed called the Garl (known until the early 20th century as the Plaid Garl or the Woolen Garl) breeds in the beer joints and auto-parts stores that line the banks and islands of the Salish Sea and its associated coastal waterways. The Garl is an accomplished hunter of elk, blacktail deer, house cats, and endangered marine mammals, preferring to hunt at night with firearms chambered for rimfire cartridges. Young Garls learn the ancient ways by dynamiting fish. In all other ways, the Garl is indistinguishable from the Jed.

Okie John

02-15-2016, 10:56 PM
How about the "Gamer". Has latest FOTM competition pistol. Sneers at anyone who doesn't shoot .13 sec splits. Will be "killed in the streets" because he unloads and clears after all the targets he sees have been engaged.

02-16-2016, 12:49 AM
The SME/Industry Professional: Speaks in cryptic, vague terms*. Routinely mocks anyone discussing a given topic, criticizing their lack of knowledge while simultaneously refusing to add any educational content or knowledge transfer. Demands people back up their comments with hard facts or experience, but responds harshly when politely asked to do the same (or when asked to be more specific*) as it shouldn't apply to them.

Savage Hands
02-16-2016, 01:33 AM
The SME/Industry Professional: Speaks in cryptic, vague terms*. Routinely mocks anyone discussing a given topic, criticizing their lack of knowledge while simultaneously refusing to add any educational content or knowledge transfer. Demands people back up their comments with hard facts or experience, but responds harshly when politely asked to do the same (or when asked to be more specific*) as it shouldn't apply to them.


Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 01:56 AM
The "Faux-fessional": goes to SHOT every year. Owns a range/shoot house or training company. Generally knowledgeable. Dry fires and shoots as if it is their life. Is decent to very good at shooting. Shooting is their main passion, the only thing they think about or talk about. They constantly grow and improve with the industry. They take a lot of training, not to boast, but to grow. They work some job outside of the gun industry and outside of LE/Mil and don't shoot competitively.

The "Black Ops Agent": Also known as "The Consultant" or "The Ex-Pat World Traveler" or "The Businessman" (Should be "Businessperson, but the world hasn't caught up to the overt sexism) this one is the rarest of the rare. Is an SME, but can't talk about it. Has done a few limited very badass things on both sides of gunfire or explosions. Most of the job wasn't as glamorous though, and was spent behind a computer screen, in a business setting or in a very bland location of the world. Strangely, the "Blackops Agent" appears regularly on Friday night dates at ranges all across America, suddenly willing to go "on the record" for their date, while shooting their 9mm star handgun because "It takes them back to some very bad places in the world where that was all they had". The "Blackops Agent" is also featured very prominently in Tom Clancy books and films. The "Blackops Agent" was in Intelligence, specifically the CIA, but can't name any of the other 15 intelligence agencies in the US.

02-16-2016, 01:59 AM
Cover boy: The newest gun is the bestest gun, the cover of the gun magazine at the service station's magazine rack told him so. Anything not released in the last 15 seconds is outdated and will get you killed. This applies not just to the latest firearm, but also the latest caliber and the latest fad ammunition. Has been carrying for 4 years and is on his 15th carry gun. Is likely to be changing holsters and carry positions hourly based on what's bestest right now.

Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 02:00 AM
The "Idiot": a person who's life is wrapped up in shooting every day, yet will vote for a candidate who will repeatedly say things like, "Read my lips: no guns. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get rid of guns in this country".

02-16-2016, 03:55 AM
Oddly enough, you all have just summed up the commenters on TTAG, with the exception of the overweight couch-bound poser that seems to think he is an expert in all things tactical or law enforcement related. Oh, and the guy that makes vague comments about hunting down and killing anyone that shoots a dog, regardless of the reason.

Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 04:25 AM
Oddly enough, you all have just summed up the commenters on TTAG, with the exception of the overweight couch-bound poser that seems to think he is an expert in all things tactical or law enforcement related. Oh, and the guy that makes vague comments about hunting down and killing anyone that shoots a dog, regardless of the reason.

TTAG? Forgive my ignorance.

02-16-2016, 06:33 AM
TTAG? Forgive my ignorance.


02-16-2016, 09:43 AM
The SME/Industry Professional: Speaks in cryptic, vague terms*. Routinely mocks anyone discussing a given topic, criticizing their lack of knowledge while simultaneously refusing to add any educational content or knowledge transfer. Demands people back up their comments with hard facts or experience, but responds harshly when politely asked to do the same (or when asked to be more specific*) as it shouldn't apply to them.

I believe I've encountered a variant of this. Sadly, I don't know the proper term for it. The species I've come across behaves quite similarly (mocking, criticizing, harsh responses, etc.), but also (sadly) happens to *work* at a gun store, generally on the range. They're easily identifiable by their full sleeve tattoos and mostly close cropped hair. They're often spotted treating paying customers as if they're scarcely bright enough to figure out which end the bullet comes out of. No matter how polite you attempt to be, you're treated with something between disdain and derision...unless you actually have a question. At that point, they all but disappear. Seen this before?

Glenn E. Meyer
02-16-2016, 09:57 AM
To be serious (what a joke!), the social science (oh, well) research thinks there are two primary gun cultures:

1. Hunting - sports : oriented towards hunting and sports removed from lethal intent towards humans (skeet, bullseye). Some hunting is for real survival food gathering, some is for just for fun and not really needed for food.

2. Self-defense - guns as instruments to protect self and family.

They can overlap with membership in each. However, the major grow is in Culture 2, nowadays.

I think the Iman comes in several varieties:

1. The Glock
2. The 1911
3. The latest new Polymer or redundant CZ-75 born again pistol

Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 09:58 AM
I believe I've encountered a variant of this. Sadly, I don't know the proper term for it. The species I've come across behaves quite similarly (mocking, criticizing, harsh responses, etc.), but also (sadly) happens to *work* at a gun store, generally on the range. They're easily identifiable by their full sleeve tattoos and mostly close cropped hair. They're often spotted treating paying customers as if they're scarcely bright enough to figure out which end the bullet comes out of. No matter how polite you attempt to be, you're treated with something between disdain and derision...unless you actually have a question. At that point, they all but disappear. Seen this before?

Ah...the classic, "I was a no-shit, actual, real Ranger, not just tabbed, but actually in the 1/75th and my whole life is all about it, but now I'm suddenly no longer doing that and working for $11 an hour instead". Yes. I'm familiar.

02-16-2016, 10:14 AM
"Range Eyore"

Smartest guy in the room. Bar none. He has decades and decades and decades and DECADES of experience with firearms of the proper type (the older, the better.) His is the one true way. His insight into the ways of the gun and indeed, life in general, are not to be questioned. Semi-autos of all kinds (except the vintage .22LR rifles that he has duped widows out of) should not be allowed on the range as no one needs them. They are dangerous. No one should hunt animals. The only proper use of firearms is punching holes in paper at a very slow pace with a rusty rolling block .22 (easily worth $1500 anytime) or perhaps a Winchester '73 if one is feeling sporty. And never mind those holes in the roof. Those were just bad days. His favorite pasttime is using the word "no" at rifle club meetings and mocking everything that doesn't fit the view.

Concealed carry is akin to being "judge, jury and executioner." Besides sonny, you'll never have time to use it. Whoa! Is that 1911 cocked?!?!

While the Range Eyore would appear to be a dour and thoroughly unpleasant fellow to be around, he does have an exquisite sense of humor. If, for example, someone uncases a very nice Winchester 63 Deluxe at the firing line, he appears out of nowhere and offers $200 for it. All the dirt work done at the range in recent years to create more shooting bays "hasn't helped him any." Gun games are playing "cops and robbers." Laughs galore.

02-16-2016, 10:26 AM
Ah...the classic, "I was a no-shit, actual, real Ranger, not just tabbed, but actually in the 1/75th and my whole life is all about it, but now I'm suddenly no longer doing that and working for $11 an hour instead". Yes. I'm familiar.

Sounds spot on! Is there a name for this?? It's mind-boggling.

Fortunately, the place that seems to employ these is NOT the only option for range time...

Jim Watson
02-16-2016, 10:32 AM
An "Earp" as in enforcer of gun control. Now an Armed Government Employee who is disdainful of "civilians" with semiautomatic pistols and rifles.

02-16-2016, 10:38 AM
An "Earp" as in enforcer of gun control. Now an Armed Government Employee who is disdainful of "civilians" with semiautomatic pistols and rifles.

Those types are almost never seen at gun stores or gun shows. Or at the range, either public or their department/agency's.

02-16-2016, 10:41 AM
"The Weapon Critic"

Like a poor mans Ebert, this range employee offers his opinion as if he's paid a commission to do so.While the Range Imam declares his brand to be The One True Gun, the Weapon Critic declares whatever brand YOU have to be junk regardless of facts, the laws of physics, or reality. Like a film critic with an unhealthy preference for long foreign movies with subtitles, the Weapons Critic is generally allergic to anything with a Double Action trigger and prefers modified and high end gear.

"Knights Kimber"

These folks are consecrated members of the Order of Kimber. Hallowed is The Kimber, a medieval talisman of magic destined to ward off all evil regardless of what rotten contents may be behind the pretty surface finish. The Knights Kimber brag about magical shooting abilities for all the 20 rounds they've put through it compared to Ordinary Guns. The notion that it can and indeed will fail is heresy. Indeed it is against the rules of the order to even describe its malfunctions, in the same vein as Harry Potter fans don't refer to the series villain by name but as "He Who Shall Not Be Named".

Example : 3" Kimber has nose dive failure. Said failure is never described as such,however.A member of the Knights Kimber instead says it just needs a break in as "malfunctions shall not be named."

Jim Watson
02-16-2016, 10:45 AM
Those types are almost never seen at gun stores or gun shows. Or at the range, either public or their department/agency's.

My standard example is the Deputy Skeet shooter who was not pleased to learn that my other interest was pistol shooting. Why did I feel a need for so much training and practice with a handgun?
What I wondered (but did not say) was how he afforded a Crown Grade Krieghoff on County pay.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-16-2016, 10:51 AM
The Conspirator:

Waiting for the Black Helicopters. Tells you about the Illuminati, Elders of Zion, Hearst Brothers or the UN gathering on the border. He is preparing for them. He had 30K of his rounds in his house and bunker. They won't get him. Well, maybe a Hellfire from a drone will. Related to the Survivalist. Wears full tac gear at the range. If he falls over, he can't get up due to gear weight and will drown in a puddle. Knights of old did that if they fell off their horse into 6 inches of water.


Wears a couple of knives that pass for swords. It's a tanto, Tonto!

02-16-2016, 10:59 AM
So where do I fall if I'm the antisocial asshole that doesn't want to talk with the members and is only there to actually pratice? ;)

Chuck Haggard
02-16-2016, 11:05 AM
Pretty sure Jeds were previously known as Bubba, and I tend to stick with that nomenclature.

I shall mock anyone who did not know this as a noob or ignorant, and you have to take my word for this being actual history.

okie john
02-16-2016, 11:21 AM
Pretty sure Jeds were previously known as Bubba, and I tend to stick with that nomenclature.

I shall mock anyone who did not know this as a noob or ignorant, and you have to take my word for this being actual history.

Probably a regional thing.

Okie John

okie john
02-16-2016, 11:23 AM
So where do I fall if I'm the antisocial asshole that doesn't want to talk with the members and is only there to actually pratice? ;)

Right next to me.

Being able to wear earmuffs AND earplugs is one of my favorite things about shooting.

Okie John

02-16-2016, 11:23 AM
Pretty sure Jeds were previously known as Bubba, and I tend to stick with that nomenclature.

I shall mock anyone who did not know this as a noob or ignorant, and you have to take my word for this being actual history.

I see what you did there. :cool:

02-16-2016, 11:28 AM
So where do I fall if I'm the antisocial asshole that doesn't want to talk with the members and is only there to actually pratice? ;)

Range Stranger

Usually seen working alone in a bay. They tend to scowl a lot. Their equipment beeps. After a beep, they shoot two, three or ten rounds, at multiple targets. Sometimes they shoot while rapidly moving in unpredictable directions. After the shooting, they often say, "FUCK!" They stand in weird positions and have even been known to shoot with one hand. Their guns are worn, but are functional. Always functional. They appear to be working from a script, as if they had a plan. They frequently write things down and say, "FUCK!" You never see them shooting tin cans. They look at the thing on their belt that beeps and say, "FUCK!"

Conversations with them are difficult at best. They appear to rather be shooting than socializing. Regardless of the chosen topic, they look bored and frequently look back over their shoulder at the last target they shot. They load mags while you're trying to engage in conversation. They aren't interested in the gun you have. In fact, they get downright hostile if you pull your gun while facing them. They fidget until you disengage and go elsewhere.

02-16-2016, 11:29 AM
So where do I fall if I'm the antisocial asshole that doesn't want to talk with the members and is only there to actually pratice? ;)


02-16-2016, 12:29 PM
There are two types of people in the world: people who group people into types, and people who aren't aspie jackwagons.

02-16-2016, 01:10 PM
I've got a new one.

JADs: People who can't have fun and joke around in life.

02-16-2016, 01:51 PM
So where do I fall if I'm the antisocial asshole that doesn't want to talk with the members and is only there to actually pratice? ;)

Right next to me.

Being able to wear earmuffs AND earplugs is one of my favorite things about shooting.

+2. I would be proud to shoot with you guys anytime.

On topic - I heart this thread. :cool:

02-16-2016, 02:20 PM
Sweepers: people who do the rest of us a favor in the local gunshop by sweeping us with their muzzle -- just to make sure we stay on our toes.

Joe in PNG
02-16-2016, 02:49 PM
-Leaf: the person who once they have finished shooting at a range, leaves the target on the stand, leaves empty ammo boxes in the lane, and leaves empty brass everywhere else.

Chuck Haggard
02-16-2016, 03:28 PM
-Leaf: the person who once they have finished shooting at a range, leaves the target on the stand, leaves empty ammo boxes in the lane, and leaves empty brass everywhere else.

I pick up after myself at our gun club EXCEPT for the brass, the range gnomes always show up and they covet the brass, so I see no need to rob them of this

02-16-2016, 03:50 PM
The Conspirator:

Waiting for the Black Helicopters.

We need one for the super-intelligent conspirator who has considered every aspect of an insurrection except for the fact that guerrilla warfare requires lots of running around. He's encyclopedia of knowledge who doesn't think the weight of weapons matters.

02-16-2016, 03:52 PM
We need one for the super-intelligent conspirator who has considered every aspect of an insurrection except for the fact that guerrilla warfare requires lots of running around. He's encyclopedia of knowledge who doesn't think the weight of weapons matters.

...or weight of guerrilla.

okie john
02-16-2016, 04:38 PM
...or weight of guerrilla.

Beat me to it.

Okie John

02-16-2016, 05:02 PM
The has been: he knows a few things cause he's done a few things. He doesn't really talk about them because he doesn't think anyone would believe him or he really can't hear what he has been asked. Quite often confused for an old bum. Sometimes over weight. Usually has a bad back or bad knees or bad hips or bad shoulders or a combination of some or all of them. Very treacherous. Hard to get to know. Very dark black heart but small children with big smiles are his weakness.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

02-16-2016, 05:07 PM
Some of this stuff is like looking in a painful mirror. When I first moved out, my nightstand gun alternated between a 1911 (loaded with gun show scrounged Black Talons baby!) and a 6" 357 loaded with 125 gr JHP. My inner monologue was tortured between the yankee fist and it's knockdown power with the forbidden Talons and the lightning bolt 125 gr Magnums with the "6 for sure" revolver. I was never able to find my nirvana, which would have been a Delta Elite loaded up with full load 10's. I don't really know what you wanna call that phase, but it was definitely uneducated.

After I saw the light, I became what I call a Crusader. Once I realized how little I'd known previously, I set out on a one man mission to destroy the myths and misconceptions that had dominated my previous thinking. I proceeded to inflict myself on anyone within earshot, "educating" people when they'd parrot the bad ideas that I once had. Now, education is a good thing, don't get me wrong, but my delivery was terrible. I was a malignant jackass, and it kinda got to the point that folks didn't really like talking guns with me anymore.

I kinda burned out on that. I just couldn't understand why no one would take my excellent advice and all that, and it frustrated me. So I started keeping my mouth shut more, and people started talking guns with me. The final nail in my crusader phase came when a co-worker, and a really good dude, wanted to show me a pic of his new guns. What he had to show was an XD45 and a 10mm Kimber. Because POWER. I drew breath, ready to destroy his poor idea, and then I stopped and thought. He was a good dude, worked hard for his money and had the right to spend it however he wanted. So I could smart off and likely lose a friend, or I could smile and nod and say cool and keep my friend. I chose option 2, and actually never ran my mouth about how other folks spent their money again unless they plainly asked me for some truth (example: "Jared, I heard them new 9mm loads make a 9 a better option than an old 45, what do you think about that?") Gotta say, I'm a lot happier now, and I shudder at both of my former selves.

02-16-2016, 07:02 PM
I don't think anybody has mentioned "Tackleberry" or "That Guy". Sadly, I think I have been both at times. :(

02-16-2016, 07:38 PM


02-16-2016, 07:57 PM
I don't think anybody has mentioned "Tackleberry" or "That Guy". Sadly, I think I have been both at times. :(

I was hoping someone else would define/describe "Tackleberry", as I've heard the term but don't have a handle on what it is.

As for "That Guy"... you'll know him when you see him.
(Exit poll: if you don't see That Guy in your class, does that mean he's not there, or does it mean you ARE That Guy...?)

02-16-2016, 08:13 PM
Range Stranger

Usually seen working alone in a bay. They tend to scowl a lot. Their equipment beeps. After a beep, they shoot two, three or ten rounds, at multiple targets. Sometimes they shoot while rapidly moving in unpredictable directions. After the shooting, they often say, "FUCK!" They stand in weird positions and have even been known to shoot with one hand. Their guns are worn, but are functional. Always functional. They appear to be working from a script, as if they had a plan. They frequently write things down and say, "FUCK!" You never see them shooting tin cans. They look at the thing on their belt that beeps and say, "FUCK!"

Conversations with them are difficult at best. They appear to rather be shooting than socializing. Regardless of the chosen topic, they look bored and frequently look back over their shoulder at the last target they shot. They load mags while you're trying to engage in conversation. They aren't interested in the gun you have. In fact, they get downright hostile if you pull your gun while facing them. They fidget until you disengage and go elsewhere.

Have you been following me around?

I really wish you wouldn't post my practice methods online.

02-16-2016, 08:16 PM

02-16-2016, 10:45 PM
So - as a person who's job occasionally requires taxonomy. You guys are describing variants of a species, not distinct species unto themselves.

If you want to move towards a taxonomy of gun culture - you need first to decide what the characteristics are that you are going to evaluate. I suggest the following as potential criteria:

Vehicle of Choice
Gun-Related Paraphernalia


For instance - Homo sapien gray manensis - His make and type of gun are largely irrelevant, his caliber of choice is probably 9mm, because it is ubiquitous, which means his type is likely semi-auto, and his make is likely a standard Sig/HK/Glock/Smith and Wesson, he might prefer a Browning of 1911, but he isn't going to tell you what he carries, because he probably won't talk to you much. He carries his black gun, in a black holster, underneath a shirt that looks like something you'd wear to the office, because he wears it to the office. He owns a jacket that is black or gray that he wears regularly. His haircut is normal, his pants are khakis or jeans, probably Dockers, Lees, or Levis. His shoes are tennis shoes, maybe even Converse Sneakers (if he's truly old-school). His vehicle is something non-descript in a non-descript color. Like a moderately new Ford F150 in dark blue/black/white/green. It bears no distinguishing markings and appears stock (even though it may not be). He goes to the range, smiles and is polite, but makes little small talk. He shoots his drills, and then leaves. When he goes to the gunshop (which is rarely, his preferred method of financial expenditure is via Brownells or Midway USA websites), he acknowledges staff with a hello, he may ask how their day is going, he will listen politely. He needs ammunition and spare magazines. He will be entirely non-comittal in answers and when asked for advice, will offer vague advice that borders on useless such as, "Pick the gun you like best and shoot it." He owns almost no gun/tactical-related paraphernalia, because it would allow him to be identified in a crowd. He leaves at the first sign of trouble. Never visits bad neighborhoods at night. And pays his bills, taxes, doesn't buy drugs, or gamble.


02-16-2016, 10:56 PM
So - as a person who's job occasionally requires taxonomy. You guys are describing variants of a species, not distinct species unto themselves. ...
See, I knew, just knew, that eventually some killjoy would come along and rain all over my parade.

EDIT: Although it's possible that you're using the word in a manner that is confined to your little corner of the universe: Taxonomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy) :p

02-16-2016, 11:13 PM
I've got a new one.

JADs: People who can't have fun and joke around in life.

The self deprecating element of my post probably didn't escape the legit aspies.

02-16-2016, 11:17 PM
The self deprecating element of my post probably didn't escape the legit aspies.

As the original aspie jackwagon in this thread ;), my response was "And...?"

02-16-2016, 11:19 PM
The self deprecating element of my post probably didn't escape the legit aspies.

Oh, I noted the irony. I just didn't see how it could have been any sort of punch line. It obviously wasn't the point of your post, and if it was....well, you're just not funny.

Womp Womp womp.

Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 11:24 PM
My standard example is the Deputy Skeet shooter who was not pleased to learn that my other interest was pistol shooting. Why did I feel a need for so much training and practice with a handgun?
What I wondered (but did not say) was how he afforded a Crown Grade Krieghoff on County pay.

Police auction.

Josh Runkle
02-16-2016, 11:32 PM
The has been: he knows a few things cause he's done a few things. He doesn't really talk about them because he doesn't think anyone would believe him or he really can't hear what he has been asked. Quite often confused for an old bum. Sometimes over weight. Usually has a bad back or bad knees or bad hips or bad shoulders or a combination of some or all of them. Very treacherous. Hard to get to know. Very dark black heart but small children with big smiles are his weakness.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Similar to, but not to be confused with: "The famous instructor with various product endorsements". The difference is "willingness to share".

02-16-2016, 11:53 PM
Oh, I noted the irony. I just didn't see how it could have been any sort of punch line. It obviously wasn't the point of your post, and if it was....well, you're just not funny.

Womp Womp womp.

I guess if one didn't notice that he also divided people into categories, one would miss the punchline and therefore not find it funny. :)

02-17-2016, 12:08 AM
I don't think anybody has mentioned "Tackleberry" or "That Guy". Sadly, I think I have been both at times. :(

Being Tackleberry is fun, if you're not being serious about it. EVERYBODY has been "That Guy" at some point.

The has been: he knows a few things cause he's done a few things. He doesn't really talk about them because he doesn't think anyone would believe him or he really can't hear what he has been asked. Quite often confused for an old bum. Sometimes over weight. Usually has a bad back or bad knees or bad hips or bad shoulders or a combination of some or all of them. Very treacherous. Hard to get to know. Very dark black heart but small children with big smiles are his weakness.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

That just sounds like "old cop/soldier" to me.

02-17-2016, 12:10 AM
EVERYBODY has been "That Guy" at some point.
I once told an instructor during a break that if he thought I was becoming That Guy he should please tell me to STFU.

02-17-2016, 12:13 AM
That ones that I can't categorize are the Paraphernalia-Geekoids -

We're talking about the people with a thousand T-Shirts, all of them gun/knife/gear branded. They drive around in lifted Jeep Wranglers with Browning stickers on the back, but they can't name three guns Browning makes, nor have they ever owned a Browning, any Browning. They own T-shirts from Nighthawk, Wilson Combat, Glock, STI, but their carry gun is a Taurus 24/7. It's all branding - everything. These are the same people with Orange County Choppers stickers and who own Gas Monkey Garage T-Shirts, but have never even been to Dallas.

I can't figure out how to categorize them...because they blow my mind. Why anyone wants to own a branded piece of merchandise from a company they have never owned products made by said company, blows my mind. I want to own a Porsche, a Nighthawk, and a Wilson Combat someday and when I do...maybe I'll buy a piece of branded gear...but until then, why? I can't figure it out.

02-17-2016, 12:32 AM
That ones that I can't categorize are the Paraphernalia-Geekoids -

... Why anyone wants to own a branded piece of merchandise from a company they have never owned products made by said company, blows my mind. I want to own a Porsche, a Nighthawk, and a Wilson Combat someday and when I do...maybe I'll buy a piece of branded gear...but until then, why? I can't figure it out.
{Tries to think of a single "branded" AKA "swag" item he paid for.}
You and me both, buddy.

Kyle Reese
02-17-2016, 05:15 AM
Range Stranger

Usually seen working alone in a bay. They tend to scowl a lot. Their equipment beeps. After a beep, they shoot two, three or ten rounds, at multiple targets. Sometimes they shoot while rapidly moving in unpredictable directions. After the shooting, they often say, "FUCK!" They stand in weird positions and have even been known to shoot with one hand. Their guns are worn, but are functional. Always functional. They appear to be working from a script, as if they had a plan. They frequently write things down and say, "FUCK!" You never see them shooting tin cans. They look at the thing on their belt that beeps and say, "FUCK!"

Conversations with them are difficult at best. They appear to rather be shooting than socializing. Regardless of the chosen topic, they look bored and frequently look back over their shoulder at the last target they shot. They load mags while you're trying to engage in conversation. They aren't interested in the gun you have. In fact, they get downright hostile if you pull your gun while facing them. They fidget until you disengage and go elsewhere.

Don't be a hater. [emoji41]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

02-17-2016, 07:00 AM
"The Storyteller"

So you just want to check out with your ammo ? Good luck. By the time you reach the end of the checkout line , you'll be regaled wth wild tales of international intrigue and conquest. From the cliffs of Cuba to the cold wastes of Siberia, he's seen and done and shot it all. WWII? He was there.
Vietnam? He was there.
The Egyptian Civil War?
No not that one- the one 5000 years ago during the Akhenaten Pharoah days? He was there too, kicking ass and taking names with his openly carried GI 1911 carried Condition 3.


Lol...this is nails. I run into this more and more often and are more annoying than Cletii. You can ignore Cleti...these guys are actually trying to tell you a story.

I think I've run into at least 15 of Jeff Cooper's personal best friends who also happen to have lived across the street from George Patton.

02-17-2016, 07:31 AM
The has been: he knows a few things cause he's done a few things. He doesn't really talk about them because he doesn't think anyone would believe him or he really can't hear what he has been asked. Quite often confused for an old bum. Sometimes over weight. Usually has a bad back or bad knees or bad hips or bad shoulders or a combination of some or all of them. Very treacherous. Hard to get to know. Very dark black heart but small children with big smiles are his weakness.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

The real reason he doesn't talk much is because A)he knows that millennials don't know about anything that happened prior to 2010 and B) he's met too many dipshits who told him about how they were training with a Special Ops group (always unnamed, but inferred to be SAS, Delta, or SEAL Team 6) and how the group took him on a mission as a sniper, and C) nobody knows the difference between a sea story and a fairy tale anyway.

02-17-2016, 07:57 AM
What about the know-it-all? The one that knows all the innards, date of fabrication, variations, expected accuracy, pros and cons of nearly every gun ever made, from sniper rifles to compact pistols?

It comes in real and fake versions, and in both cases annoying or not. Can range from very helpful and educative to a real a**hole.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-17-2016, 11:22 AM
The Prospector:

Searches the ground for a round to reload to the exclusion of all other activities. Will walk into live fire if sees a shiny 45 ACP piece of brass. In the next life, will return as a chicken looking for bugs.

FOGS - Fat old guys - ME! We rule on the range. We bring folding chairs to the match so we can sit and make rude remarks about others.

Totem Polar
02-17-2016, 11:24 AM
Tourist: people who show up at the range like they show for the craft beer fest, para sailing, snowboarding, the Sasquatch festival or a trip to Thailand, Iceland, Paris or Prague. Usually in groups of four to six; often sub grouped into couples. Shoots more selfies than targets. Typically fond of the machine gun rental program; each male will dump a mag while 5 iPhones crowd around the lanes and video direct to FB or YouTube. Can't shoot for shit; only the RO controlling the machine gun shoot keeps the sweeping at bay. Often come off as illegitimate posers, unless they happen to BE from Thailand, Iceland, Paris or Prague.

02-17-2016, 11:38 AM
Conversations with them are difficult at best. They appear to rather be shooting than socializing. Regardless of the chosen topic, they look bored and frequently look back over their shoulder at the last target they shot. They load mags while you're trying to engage in conversation. They aren't interested in the gun you have. In fact, they get downright hostile if you pull your gun while facing them. They fidget until you disengage and go elsewhere.

Oh, god, so much this.

So, there I am in a pistol bay at mid-day on a weekday. I've got a chrono set up or a timer out, a notebook open on the table in the bay, maybe a big honkin' DSLR on the table... I am obviously engaged in Doing Something. And someone wants to wander up and converse.

Now, since I ran for the BoD, I understand that a certain amount of flea-picking, social grooming, and range business might need to get discussed when one bumps into another board member or trustee, but other than that, why would a person just stroll up and start talking about random stuff to somebody who is obviously at work? It's the exact equivalent of wandering into somebody's office when they're engaged in some important task, plopping your ass on the corner of their desk, and just prattling away. You're burning my daylight, here, Mister Random Range Patron. I've got this stuff to do and a limited time to do it in and you're not helping.

02-17-2016, 11:47 AM
Because you're not working. It's the same as a driving range, no one could possibly go there to get better at anything. It's an outdoors bar where you go to fraternize and get away from the wife.

I can not stand it. My range is my dojo, GO AWAY OLD MAN. I could not care less about your latest hunting trip or your most recent load development.

I'm so glad I found a nice range near work that's abandoned 20 hours out of the day.

02-17-2016, 11:51 AM
What about the know-it-all? .
Ah yes, the Sweet Janes.

Totem Polar
02-17-2016, 11:53 AM
...why would a person just stroll up and start talking about random stuff to somebody who is obviously at work? It's the exact equivalent of wandering into somebody's office when they're engaged in some important task, plopping your ass on the corner of their desk, and just prattling away. You're burning my daylight, here, Mister Random Range Patron. I've got this stuff to do and a limited time to do it in and you're not helping.

It doesn't come up much around here, but I play music for a living. More times than I can count over the decades, I've been playing for some event somewhere, and someone has come up to start gabbing; asking questions, wanting to tell me about their college music days, whatever.

W. T. F.

You'd be *amazed* at how often that happens at corporate events, charity gatherings, etc. I'm buried in some heavy duty classical work that not many would be up to playing--let alone playing for an audience--and someone comes up to chat? Seriously, condition transparent is the new white.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-17-2016, 11:55 AM
Club Politician - more interested in setting the rules and membership quals for the Secret Order Gun Club of the Order of the Phoenix than actually having a fun shooting organization.

I've seen two big ones self-destruct from said types.

02-17-2016, 12:50 PM
Club Politician - more interested in setting the rules and membership quals for the Secret Order Gun Club of the Order of the Phoenix than actually having a fun shooting organization.

I've seen two big ones self-destruct from said types.

All kinds of clubs self-destruct when cliques get in control; part of the problem being that generally a small percentage of membership has the time and energy to help run things at the level of commitment it takes to be in charge. I've seen it in Amateur Radio and I've seen it in the muzzleloading/re-enactment community, in RevWar, Mountain Man, and Civil War groups.

(I had a little diatribe about "Authenticity Nazis", AKA "Thread Counters", which the computer ate, which may be just as well. The key to remember for club officers is that you only have a club as long as people are having fun, and once you start making it about you, pretty soon all you have left is your personal clique, which will get smaller and smaller every year.)

02-17-2016, 12:51 PM
"The Groupie"

Frequently seen in the range lounge watching the action,although they may be in the range itself. Can describe observers of both genders. This subcategory of Homo Sapiens is amazed that a human being without performance enhancing drugs can use a factory configured handgun to get practical hits beyond 16 yards. After said human being is done shooting, The Groupie is determined to find out which brand of GNC supplement causes that sort of unearthly accuracy to happen.

Groupies become disappointed when instead they're told the truth that Jack and His Magic Gun Beanstalk don't exist. Caution should be exercised when informing The Groupie their factory pistol will do the same thing provided the operator has practical training behind them. Such language is outside of their vocabulary and can incite volatile anger.

02-17-2016, 12:54 PM
Club Politician - more interested in setting the rules and membership quals for the Secret Order Gun Club of the Order of the Phoenix than actually having a fun shooting organization.

Worry over that is precisely why I agreed to run.

okie john
02-17-2016, 01:17 PM
All kinds of clubs self-destruct when cliques get in control; part of the problem being that generally a small percentage of membership has the time and energy to help run things at the level of commitment it takes to be in charge. I've seen it in Amateur Radio and I've seen it in the muzzleloading/re-enactment community, in RevWar, Mountain Man, and Civil War groups.

(I had a little diatribe about "Authenticity Nazis", AKA "Thread Counters", which the computer ate, which may be just as well. The key to remember for club officers is that you only have a club as long as people are having fun, and once you start making it about you, pretty soon all you have left is your personal clique, which will get smaller and smaller every year.)

I've seen a couple of clubs fall apart under the leadership of these folks. If they screw it up badly enough, then you can lose the club, which means losing a piece of property with a ton of grandfathered exceptions that lets you shoot in certain parts of the county. You NEVER get that stuff back.

Okie John

02-17-2016, 03:53 PM
Club Politician - more interested in setting the rules and membership quals for the Secret Order Gun Club of the Order of the Phoenix than actually having a fun shooting organization.

I've seen two big ones self-destruct from said types.

Fuck these guys.

Fuck them with a cucumber.

Joe in PNG
02-17-2016, 04:36 PM
"Chatty Cathy" (no relation to Kathy Jackson)-
A sub-set of "That Guy". A guy who is in love with the sound of their own voice, especially during an expensive shooting class. Never says one word where one thousand will do. Is especially fond of turning questions into long winded monologues.
There is one variant who excels at telling stories- 3rd hand, based on something he read or heard elsewhere, with the facts twisted, and with a complete lack of ability to tell a story.

Both run their gobs while taking up precious time and air from people you want to hear talk.

02-17-2016, 05:03 PM
"Chatty Cathy" (no relation to Kathy Jackson)-
A sub-set of "That Guy". A guy who is in love with the sound of their own voice, especially during an expensive shooting class.

You could make a bingo card...


02-17-2016, 05:06 PM
You could make a bingo card...


why don't we have these are printable for matches/shoots/classes ?

02-17-2016, 08:30 PM
You could make a bingo card...


So this is done during the Q&A section of the CWP class?

02-17-2016, 08:38 PM
So this is done during the Q&A section of the CWP class?

That one was from a Comprehensive Indiana Gun Law class with Guy Relford. (Hence why Shootin' Buddy put "Other States" as one square. Sure enough, somebody took up a good ten minutes early on with questions about the laws of Texas or Florida.)

02-17-2016, 08:40 PM
That one was from a Comprehensive Indiana Gun Law class with Guy Relford. (Hence why Shootin' Buddy put "Other States" as one square. Sure enough, somebody took up a good ten minutes early on with questions about the laws of Texas or Florida.)

This is why I am anti-social.

Chuck Haggard
02-17-2016, 09:01 PM
Fuck these guys.

Fuck them with a cactus.

Fixed that for you...................

02-17-2016, 09:42 PM
You could make a bingo card...


So can I carry a machine gun with a silencer and a laser? I'm just asking because my cousin the cop bought one off the internet from Ron Paul.

What did I win?

02-17-2016, 11:03 PM
So can I carry a machine gun with a silencer and a laser? I'm just asking because my cousin the cop bought one off the internet from Ron Paul.

What did I win?

A hollow point.

02-17-2016, 11:03 PM
What did I win?

A migraine. :p

Glenn E. Meyer
02-17-2016, 11:10 PM
How could we forget for Kathy!

Mr. Woman's Self Defense - expert of female gun carry (compact 1911, 357 J frame), martial arts and recommends carrying hornet spray in your purse for a NPE. Pistol grip pump 12 gauge for home defense.

The last isn't funny. I had a guy at work (big TX belt buckle and cowboy boots) who was mad that his 5'2" older wife wouldn't learn to shoot that gun. That reminds me of seeing Vicki Farnam get into it with a guy who was angry his 'woman' didn't appreciate some Kimber 3 inch 1911 that he bought for her and knew it was the right gun for her.

Josh Runkle
02-18-2016, 01:50 AM
"Mr./Mrs./Ms. Fix-It": buys a GLOCK, HK, Sig, whatever, and immediately starts replacing trigger return springs, recoil springs, sights, everything on the gun as if the gun will not function unless it is chock full of third party parts.

02-18-2016, 06:36 AM
"Mr./Mrs./Ms. Fix-It": buys a GLOCK, HK, Sig, whatever, and immediately starts replacing trigger return springs, recoil springs, sights, everything on the gun as if the gun will not function unless it is chock full of third party parts.

Guilty as charged. In my defense, I know guns will work as they come from the factory, I simply like to tinker and make stuff "mine". I do this with bikes, cars, guns, amateur radios, well, you get the idea. :)


02-18-2016, 08:33 AM
From Quora – What are the basic types of gun owner? (https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-basic-types-of-gun-owner)

02-18-2016, 08:54 AM
A Shooter's Bestiary (http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2009/04/shooters-bestiary.html).

02-18-2016, 09:00 AM
A Shooter's Bestiary (http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2009/04/shooters-bestiary.html).


02-18-2016, 09:01 AM

Shilled in the streets by ninjas.

02-18-2016, 09:05 AM
Shilled in the streets by ninjas.

Das raciss!

02-18-2016, 09:37 AM
Not sure if this one has come up:

The Fondler*

More interested in fondling guns than actually, you know, shooting them. Acquires one gun, then immediately thinks about buying another of the same brand. Smugly fantasizes about being an "operator" or a "professional" as an alter ego. Obsesses about small blemishes only visible with a jeweler's loupe. Forgoes entering competition because they "know" they already have "the best" firearm out there, and it would simply be no contest if they shot against lesser brands.

* Guess the firearm brand for 10 points. :cool:

02-18-2016, 10:01 AM
Call Of Battlefield Honor Guy

14 years old and up, but rarely older than 40. Knows the ins and outs of most common WWII weapons and can talk at length about the guns used by the Tier √-1 groups around the world. Has specific opinions about which guns used by these groups are better than other guns. These opinions tend to coincide with whether said gun is a "power up" in his favorite video game.

02-18-2016, 10:05 AM
Call Of Battlefield Honor Guy

14 years old and up, but rarely older than 40. Knows the ins and outs of most common WWII weapons and can talk at length about the guns used by the Tier √-1 groups around the world. Has specific opinions about which guns used by these groups are better than other guns. These opinions tend to coincide with whether said gun is a "power up" in his favorite video game.

I secretly love the heck out of these guys. It warms the cockles of my heart to see a late-adolescent aspie running around the gun shop and pointing everything out to his friends and rattling off its statistics and how well it shoots in Medal of Duty: Armageddon Ops.

"You, my young friend," I think to myself, "are the future financial base of this industry."

02-18-2016, 10:13 AM
You really can't have any sporting industry without legions of clueless boobs buying product.

02-18-2016, 10:28 AM
You really can't have any sporting industry without legions of clueless boobs buying product.

Fact. And our industry depends on the clueless boobs then turning around and voting to protect the tons of money they've sunk into their product.


Glenn E. Meyer
02-18-2016, 10:31 AM
I thought the Fondler was a subset of Mr. Woman's Self-Defense Expert. They see a woman at a match or range and give undo and creepy attention.

A couple of books by gun friendly feminists have described them. Usually correlates with older virgins and solitary practitioners.

02-18-2016, 01:13 PM
A Shooter's Bestiary (http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2009/04/shooters-bestiary.html).

Thanks for waiting until Page 10 to post that, because I'd forgotten it and can confidently say it didn't subconsciously influence my blog post, or original post here. :o

02-18-2016, 03:27 PM
I secretly love the heck out of these guys. It warms the cockles of my heart to see a late-adolescent aspie running around the gun shop and pointing everything out to his friends and rattling off its statistics and how well it shoots in Medal of Duty: Armageddon Ops.

"You, my young friend," I think to myself, "are the future financial base of this industry."

Well did you sell him something exotic? Like an AUG or something obscure that he can say he owns because its not an ar15.

okie john
02-18-2016, 03:49 PM
* Guess the firearm brand for 10 points. :cool:

You can't really pin it to one brand, but there's a shocking number of them at http://www.hkpro.com/forum/hk-talk/

I've never seen a more non-shooting bunch of gun owners in my life.

Okie John

Joe in PNG
02-18-2016, 04:21 PM
You can't really pin it to one brand, but there's a shocking number of them at http://www.hkpro.com/forum/hk-talk/

I've never seen a more non-shooting bunch of gun owners in my life.
Okie John

What about the Kimber owners?

02-18-2016, 04:26 PM
I can't think of a proper term for them... perhaps "the Anti-Tackleberry"

But, there are scores of cops who only own one gun, the duty gun. They only own it because they have to. They only shoot it when forced to for quals. The gun typically rests in the desk drawer, as the cop shuffles papers and never actually rolls out on calls. They are required to score 70% to stay employed, and they are quite pleased that they hover in the 73-77% score range. I can glance around me and spot a couple as I type.

"upgrade tackleberry"
Their exact opposite is the "Tackleberry". But at least Tackleberry seemed to know guns. This is the "upgrade tackleberry". The guy who constantly wants to "upgrade" his issued gear, in ways that he is not allowed to upgrade his issued gear. The concept of "leave it the way we gave it to you" is totally lost on them. This guy LOVES Tapco, CAA, and MAKO. This is the person you have to have a sit down with, and threaten to write a memo about the "hello Kitty/punisher skull" mag base plates. (Yes that happened). Because this person can't seem to grasp that when the gun is held up in front of a grand jury, a punisher skull will not reflect well upon the agency...

Joe in PNG
02-18-2016, 04:35 PM
-Cargo Cultist: Copies the gear of John Frumm, Professional Shooter down to the exact position of the sponsor's patches, but not the practice routine.

-1911 Cargo Cultist: (related to the Cargo Cultist): Owns a 1911 like object because of the legendary exploits of WWII GI Sgt. John Frumm. Believes that his Kimber/RIA/Magnum Research/Para is just as good as anything by Colt/Wilson/ect.

02-18-2016, 04:44 PM
Because you're not working. It's the same as a driving range, no one could possibly go there to get better at anything. It's an outdoors bar where you go to fraternize and get away from the wife.

I can not stand it. My range is my dojo, GO AWAY OLD MAN. I could not care less about your latest hunting trip or your most recent load development

I'm so glad I found a nice range near work that's abandoned 20 hours out of the day.
I need to make up a sign:"No! I don't want to share the bay with a stranger who's gun handling skill and safety knowledge is unknown to me."

02-18-2016, 05:06 PM
You can't really pin it to one brand, but there's a shocking number of them at http://www.hkpro.com/forum/hk-talk/

I've never seen a more non-shooting bunch of gun owners in my life.

Okie John

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that you would mention that. :cool:

PS Let me know where to send the 10 points. :)

okie john
02-18-2016, 05:52 PM
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that you would mention that. :cool:

PS Let me know where to send the 10 points. :)

Put them to my account at hkpro.com. I'll use them to jump up on the waiting list to get adjustable sights for my FDE Crimson Trace VP9sk SD.


Okie John

02-18-2016, 07:33 PM
I secretly love the heck out of these guys. It warms the cockles of my heart to see a late-adolescent aspie running around the gun shop and pointing everything out to his friends and rattling off its statistics and how well it shoots in Medal of Duty: Armageddon Ops.

"You, my young friend," I think to myself, "are the future financial base of this industry."

Until he gets to the silencers. The way that the nerf silencers in games is annoying.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-19-2016, 11:19 AM
The Politician Bird/Bunny Killer:

This is a small and not beloved species. It consists of candidates running for office who have to appeal to the RKBA is a sportsman crowd. Usually seen with a O/U shotgun on the skeet range or wandering out of the woods with a bird. Members of the species include the Kerry, Clinton, Ann Richards, Biden, Cheney, Scalia, Cruz, Obama and others across parties.

Known to fire birdshot wildly into the air or through the door when surprised at night by the Papa John's teenager who is lost.

02-19-2016, 12:48 PM
Lets not get into cop stereotypes for firearms...the list is lengthy and egos will be hurt.

03-07-2016, 12:13 AM
I suspect we could have fun with a PFestivus 2016 sub-thread whereby we "categorize" fellow forum members. There are a few standing out clearly already. :)

03-07-2016, 12:33 AM
The way that the nerf silencers in games is annoying.

Not always. It's been a while, but I don't know why anyone ever chose to run the M4 in Counter-Strike and CS:Source unsuppressed. The suppressor caused a significant increase in full-auto controllability, made it harder for the enemy to discern your position, and had only the tiniest negative effects on accuracy and damage dealt. (I can't speak to CS:GO, as I haven't played it; for some reason, I haven't been a heavy FPS player for some years now.)

To be fair, though, my preferences may not align with those of most other CS players; I loved "VIP" maps (especially when I got to be the VIP) and strongly favored "weird" guns like the Steyr TMP and HK G3SG1. The suppressed M4 was probably the gold standard of flexibility and lethality in that game, and appropriately, the AK was just about the best bang for the buck option, but I feel like there was more fun to be had with alternate choices. :)

Hm, I hope this post doesn't make me the guy that Exurbankevin and Tamara are talking about; while I loved those games for a long time, at least I was never the guy who walked around gun shops talking about the guns from a videogame perspective.

03-07-2016, 07:48 PM
Brasshole- shoots one mag (of 22), then proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes rolling from lane to lane to pick up the next mans brass. Even if the lane is still occupied. Will knock over anyone in the way of three pieces of 303 British across the bay.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-07-2016, 08:48 PM
Brasshole- shoots one mag (of 22), then proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes rolling from lane to lane to pick up the next mans brass. Even if the lane is still occupied. Will knock over anyone in the way of three pieces of 303 British across the bay.

What's the name for the polar opposite of that guy? I've had one or two people who don't reload notice that I'm picking up my brass, and then not only offer up theirs since they don't reload, but pick it up and deliver it to me! (I was of course suitably surprised and thankful.)

03-07-2016, 08:50 PM
What's the name for the polar opposite of that guy? I've had one or two people who don't reload notice that I'm picking up my brass, and then not only offer up theirs since they don't reload, but pick it up and deliver it to me! (I was of course suitably surprised and thankful.)


03-17-2016, 05:44 PM

Uber or unter? ;)

Andy in NH
03-17-2016, 07:18 PM
The has been.

"old cop/soldier"

Both closely related to the "Former Action Guy".

I can't think of a proper term for them... perhaps "the Anti-Tackleberry"

"The Barney Fife"

There is also "The Name Dropper" - a person who has taken several classes by the more popular instructors, attended a few of the larger training seminars, spent time at SHOT and NRA shows shaking hands and getting snapshots with as many industry celebrities as possible and then quickly updates all their social media accounts. Instantly considers themselves an "acquaintance" of the celebrity. Expects any future meeting with aforementioned celebrities to be greeted with the "man-hug" and refereed to as "brah" and / or "brother". Tells all their buddies back home about, "My friend says you should...."

The "Slow Learner" - has a background in shooting [I]or wrestling or martial arts or knife or Crossfit. Goes to ECQC and gets their ass whooped by a discipline they aren't so good at. Spends the next year getting better at that discipline, goes back to ECQC and gets whooped again by one of the other disciplines. Then it happens again (and maybe yet again). Finally the Slow Learner realizes they have to use the multi-disciplinary approach to training. If they are lucky, they won't be too old before this epiphany can have a positive effect.

Kyle Reese
03-17-2016, 08:49 PM
Brasshole- shoots one mag (of 22), then proceeds to spend the next 20 minutes rolling from lane to lane to pick up the next mans brass. Even if the lane is still occupied. Will knock over anyone in the way of three pieces of 303 British across the bay.

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I'd be sure to shoot up some brass cased, Berdan primed 9x19 FMJ just to spite that guy.

03-17-2016, 10:02 PM
I'd be sure to shoot up some brass cased, Berdan primed 9x19 FMJ just to spite that guy.

He's the reason I leave my .45GAP brass lay where it lands...

03-17-2016, 10:05 PM
Uber or unter? ;)

I would suggest that in acting the part of the untermensch, they in fact prove themselves to be ubermenschen. :)

03-18-2016, 04:54 AM
He's the reason I leave my .45GAP brass lay where it lands...

I'd pick it up and like it, small primers and all.

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