View Full Version : Who should be the face of the NRA?

02-02-2016, 11:50 AM
After reading revolverrobs comment (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?18638-Obama-01-05-16-Executive-Orders-on-guns-press-release&p=402651&viewfull=1#post402651) I began to wonder who would be a good representative for the NRA at large if not Wayne, then who and why?

02-02-2016, 11:54 AM

Hopefully you can figure out the "Why" on your own... ;)

02-02-2016, 04:17 PM
Kate Upton. In a wet tee shirt. She could convert a lot of anti-gunners and hold the attention of a large audience.

02-02-2016, 07:52 PM

Casual Friday
02-02-2016, 07:57 PM
The obvious choice.

02-02-2016, 08:02 PM
I would pick three people, using their strengths to compliment each other.

Tom Givens, Julie Golob, and Craig Douglas.

All three are quite articulate, present themselves very well, and are experts in their areas of focus.

02-02-2016, 08:20 PM
Those people are all great, but if you don't like Wayne's results I don't know how to help you.

02-02-2016, 08:28 PM
Those people are all great, but if you don't like Wayne's results I don't know how to help you.

I know people who profess to hate Wayne Lapierre, but I suspect that they would feel the same about anyone that held that position. "Damn that Mother Theresa and her NRA!"

02-02-2016, 08:29 PM
I know people who profess to hate Wayne Lapierre, but I suspect that they would feel the same about anyone that held that position. "Damn that Mother Theresa and her NRA!"

And Wayne could be a chicken-nailing satanist for all I care. We are currently /kicking ass./

02-02-2016, 08:38 PM
Those people are all great, but if you don't like Wayne's results I don't know how to help you.

But, that wasn't the question. :-(

02-02-2016, 08:41 PM
But, that wasn't the question. :-(

Oh, right. Hard one for me to answer. I'm not a policy wonk, and what dub to tha elpee does is drive policy.

I think most people will suggest good spokespeople rather than good executives.

02-02-2016, 08:45 PM
And Wayne could be a chicken-nailing satanist for all I care. We are currently /kicking ass./

I'm sure all here appreciate your enthusiasm, Sir, but "currently kicking ass" just isn't good enough. As everyone should know, the SCOTUS victories were by a single vote - a vote that all the anti's have vowed to get back. They are doing it the way the NRA does it - grassroots - and - it's working, folks. They realized they couldn't get Congress to budge, so they got smart and began the attacks at the state level, building support. It only takes that one vote to flip - and the kicking ass will come to a screeching halt. Take the champagne off the ice and get busy, people! I have worked in a legislator's office and want to pass along a bit of very solid, real experience here: When you contact your legislators, do NOT use email. Take the time to sit down and write a REAL letter! I'm telling you - THEY get the attention, emails - do not. So, let's all get busy - don't stop with one letter - keep up the pressure - this is a long distance event.

02-02-2016, 08:49 PM
Fair enough, I shouldn't have implied safe harbor.

I do believe we have done well. I think that's largely due to the NRA and the millions of individual contributors that put the gas in its tank. I think that the fact that the NRA is well led is evident in the results seen under its current leadership.

02-02-2016, 09:53 PM
As far as the "Face" of the NRA, I think that is well-served by having lots of people from diverse backgrounds. It seems like the NRA has been trying to do that -- with various spokespeople. I think the "I'm the NRA" ads were great.
As far as someone who can debate, I think Dave Kopel does a great job. Here he is, in an extremely hostile environment 3 years ago, doing just fine.

(You can almost hear Dean begin to scream "Bheyyaaaah!!")


02-02-2016, 10:06 PM
It seems like the NRA has been trying to do that -- with various spokespeople. I think the "I'm the NRA" ads were great.]

I like this approach, as long as the spokespeople are articulate and well-groomed. Colion Noir and some of the other personalities listed are fine with me. Nutnfancy would work for me too.

02-02-2016, 10:14 PM
I like this approach, as long as the spokespeople are articulate and well-groomed. Colion Noir and some of the other personalities listed are fine with me. Nutnfancy would work for me too.

I hadn't seen all of these "Freedom's Safest Place" videos, they seem really good (I'd seen a couple, including the Marcus Lutrell one on TV).
I might have to send them some more money...

http://youtu.be/WZ4ScTbrl84?list=PLyaSPxNidLLuxQRIGMUUFi_6s8xLoBYx O

02-03-2016, 12:39 AM

Hopefully you can figure out the "Why" on your own... ;)


I don't know, just five minutes of listening to her had me ready to start looking for a short rope and a tall stool. I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than her shrill, condescending, head-bobbing drivel. Not that there isn't merit in some of what she says, if you can keep your lunch down while enduring her shrieking long enough to hear it.

This video also has me holding on to my NRA Golden Eagles renewal. I'm not giving them money to promote anyone's religion. The NRA is making a big mistake in my estimation bringing religion into the debate. Not everyone who is without religion is a member of the left. And not every ardent supporter of the 2nd is in church every Sunday morning. There are plenty of bible-thumpers who would vote to repeal the second amendment in a heart beat and plenty of libertarian leaning atheists who believe strongly in personal ownership and the right to self defense. Religion has no place in their argument and I believe it is detrimental to the cause.

It is my understanding that Ms. Loesch is a reformed lefty herself. This makes sense, because listening to her in that video put me in mind of typical leftist argumentation by appeal to emotion.

02-03-2016, 02:52 AM

I don't know, just five minutes of listening to her had me ready to start looking for a short rope and a tall stool.

It only took me about 30 seconds to close the tab she was talking in. As soon as she started harping on God's plan, I was done.

The NRA is making a big mistake in my estimation bringing religion into the debate. Not everyone who is without religion is a member of the left. And not every ardent supporter of the 2nd is in church every Sunday morning. There are plenty of bible-thumpers who would vote to repeal the second amendment in a heart beat and plenty of libertarian leaning atheists who believe strongly in personal ownership and the right to self defense. Religion has no place in their argument and I believe it is detrimental to the cause.

Exactly this. Speaking as one of the libertarian leaning atheists you reference, as soon as someone starts using religion as a justification for their arguments, I start to tune them out. The NRA has its issue (gun rights/2nd amendment), and it should stick to it. Bringing other things into the discussion only serves to dilute the message and alienate some of those who would otherwise be supporters.

02-03-2016, 04:36 AM
I don't get these Dana Loesch "libtards are coming to take your bibles and guns" videos.

They seem to be just preaching to the choir. But I'm in the choir and I don't like them, either. And that's not just because I'm a libertarian (small "l") atheist.

People like Kirsten Joy Weiss and Hickok45 have done way more for firearms gaining wider acceptance than the NRA "the sky is falling and I'm pissed off and frowning at the camera" vids.

The old adage that you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar applies here.

CS Tactical
02-03-2016, 12:44 PM
IMO I think Julie Golob would be an excellent choice, even the left would have a difficult time hating her.

02-03-2016, 12:49 PM
The first thing NRA would need to decide is, is it going to have one "face", or several? And who is this face going to be speaking to, and what is the purpose?
Recruiting folks who already support 2A rights to join? We already know there are hordes of Threepers out there convinced that NRA is an anti-2A organization.
Changing the minds of those who think NRA members are all knuckle-dragging, sheet-wearing, militia rednecks? They call Colion Noir and Ken Blanchard Uncle Tom, so...
Convincing those who claim that they "support the 2A, but..."? that, in fact, they are only fooling themselves? I dunno. Maybe after they've been mugged...

Glenn E. Meyer
02-03-2016, 12:51 PM
Dave Kopel is a great idea. Intelligent and doesn't have the deer in the headlights look. I met him a few years ago. He took Gary Mauser and myself out to shoot near Boulder. He is very impressive and knowledgeable. In any factual debate, he could take antis like Obama and Clinton apart.

02-03-2016, 01:26 PM
Massad Ayoob.

02-03-2016, 02:03 PM
... In any factual debate, ....
Antis don't generally engage in factual debates.

Glenn E. Meyer
02-03-2016, 02:25 PM
Beg to differ, they will quote suspect studies and statistics. They sound scientific and factual. Seen it and been there. A person entering such a debate has to have the skills and appropriate research and legal facts to refute these.

02-03-2016, 02:40 PM
Colion Noir has done some good stuff for the NRA on social media.

02-03-2016, 02:45 PM
Don't really get what we're talking about. Loetsch (who I am in violent agreement with), Noir, and Golob (the nice one) are already spokespeople for the NRA - its 'face.' Are we suggesting that only one of them should be representing the NRA? Or that WLP should leave the talking to them, or one of them?

Mitchell, Esq.
02-03-2016, 03:24 PM
I'd like to suggest Rachel Baird.


Strong constitutional advocate, tall blonde attorney. Has a TV studio in house http://amnewsnetwork.com/ and Ed Peruta (of Peruta v. San Diego) is her investigator.

02-03-2016, 03:27 PM
I will think I should be the face of the NRA.

Joe in PNG
02-03-2016, 03:32 PM
I will think I should be the face of the NRA.

I am Spartacus!

02-03-2016, 03:34 PM
I will think I should be the face of the NRA.

Bent my brain in half trying to parse that one. I'm going to go with Will.I.Am. http://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160203/16f00e685bfb8eebfad45a91e5930ba2.jpg

02-03-2016, 04:01 PM
I nominate Blaine Cooper from Predator, not the actor but the character.


02-03-2016, 04:03 PM
Bradd Pitt and Angelina... gun-owning bajillionaires who are all but national treasures in the media's eyes.

Megyn Kelly? Maybe-ish?

Marty Hayes? I don't know how that would go with his current gig, though.

02-03-2016, 04:45 PM
Julie Golob would be my absolute first choice. But there are a LOT of other good ones...Larry Potterfield, Colion Noir, Mike Foley, Tom Givens, Masaad Ayoob, Chris Cheng, Hickock45, Rob Leatham, Frank Proctor....hell even Larry Vickers. The list could go a very long ways...just anybody but fucking Ted Nugent....

There are a LOT of really articulate, approachable, and very resolute people when it comes to the second amendment and while Wayne is hated by many, that's likely secondary to his job. If any of the abovementioned personalities were the face of the NRA, betcher ass the New York Times would start drawing cartoons of them standing on heaps of dead children passing out AR15s.

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02-03-2016, 05:22 PM
....hell even Larry Vickers.

He has the personality, business mind, and showmanship for it. Hell, even affiliation with his former command can bring some fanboys into the fold. As long as Brandon-fucking-Webb stays away.

02-03-2016, 06:27 PM
Didn't LAV run for BOD a few years ago?

02-03-2016, 07:57 PM
Well, I think it depends on what you mean by "Face of the NRA". Do you mean spokesperson or leader? Because in my humble opinion they shouldn't be the same person. There are better, softer spoken, better looking, more charismatic, people than Wayne LaPierre to be the spokesperson for the NRA. As I said there, he has the personal appeal of a garden slug, frankly nearly all lobbyists and politicians have the same level of appeal.

As a leader, LaPierre has shown himself to be adroit enough. Which is to say, he is either a good tactician or smart enough to hire good tacticians Although, I will point out - again - that the NRA did not argue or win Heller or McDonald v. Chicago - The Second Amendment Foundation did. - None-the-less I view LaPierre as an excellent leader and tactician and I would support him in that role. As the spokesperson for the NRA? He leaves a lot to be desired. The fastest growing segment of new gun-owners are women, followed by individuals from under-represented minority groups. LaPierre has nearly zero appeal to those groups. Let LaPierre continue to lead, but put someone else up as the spokesperson.

Who do you choose? Julie Golob would be probably be near the top of my choices. Intelligible, level-headed, soft-spoken, but with firm words, young, vivacious,...you know someone who actually looks like the NRA has a future. Even if that future is because of LaPierre and Co. it's time to start indicating you want to pass the frickin' torch forward and get some youth in there.


02-03-2016, 08:18 PM
LePierre is doing fine as the leader.

If you want a spokesperson, get Hickok45 in there ASAP. I cannot think of a more endearing, knowledgeable, disarming (NO pun intended), regular guy for the Average Joe to feel comfortable with in considering the NRA and what it stands for.

02-03-2016, 09:15 PM
Although, I will point out - again - that the NRA did not argue or win Heller or McDonald v. Chicago - The Second Amendment Foundation did. -


Actually the NRA did argue the McDonald case along with Gura. There was a lot of fighting over it. Imagine. Lawyers fighting with each other. And then fighting over who should get credit.

All those nervous about the radical and expansive arguments to incorporate the Second Amendment on states and localities through the long-moribund Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment that Alan Gura will be making before the Supreme Court in the upcoming McDonald v. Chicago case can relax a little.

The NRA, who wants to argue a more traditional "incorporation through the due process clause of the 14th Amendment" argument will get a chunk of the oral argument time, although it is not their case.


02-03-2016, 09:35 PM
Actually the NRA did argue the McDonald case along with Gura. There was a lot of fighting over it. Imagine. Lawyers fighting with each other. And then fighting over who should get credit.

All those nervous about the radical and expansive arguments to incorporate the Second Amendment on states and localities through the long-moribund Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th Amendment that Alan Gura will be making before the Supreme Court in the upcoming McDonald v. Chicago case can relax a little.

The NRA, who wants to argue a more traditional "incorporation through the due process clause of the 14th Amendment" argument will get a chunk of the oral argument time, although it is not their case.


And both arguments were valid regarding the opinions written by the majority. Alito recognizing the NRA's argument of incorporation via due process. Thomas recognizing the argument of Gura, that incorporation comes via the privileges and immunities clause.

So, I will concede that the NRA did contribute to the findings in McDonald. Although Gura and the Cato Institute have done an excellent job navigating through the complexities of the legal system. I am not saying the NRA hasn't contributed, they certainly have, Peruta v. San Diego that is pending right now is an example. But it is not just the NRA contributing to these victories.

02-04-2016, 06:45 AM
I like Dom Raso as an NRA personality. Sometimes he skirts the line of dude/bro-ism but his passion for the 2A seems genuine and (IMO) maintains a good sense of approachability and enthusiasm.

02-04-2016, 09:58 AM
There are few topics that are as polarizing as are firearms in today's U.S. And it seems that many are either staunchly for or against them. With this in mind, NRA won't gain anything from having a polarizing figure as a spokesperson----he/she would either be preaching to the choir or shouting at the deaf, and I don't know which would be the greater folly.

This is why I love the idea of someone like Hickok45 getting onboard. He is soft-spoken, well-reasoned, highly informed and articulate, yet he's a regular fellow who most folks would love to hangout with and learn from, and maybe even share a beer with. Only trouble is, he's probably way too wise to involve himself, as he strikes me as someone who will not tolerate a lot of drama.

02-07-2016, 11:47 PM
I would wholeheartedly endorse Julie Golob as the primary spokesperson for NRA. She ticks all the important boxes, AND I like the books she has in her library. That's important to me.

I agree that WLP has done a good job steering the ship, but I tend to cringe any time he gets up to talk. Make the decision; yeah. Then find somebody that is better and more likeable/relatable at putting out those messaging decisions.

I am also disgusted by the "godless left" commercial, and it makes me sad to have an NRA card when I see something like that.

02-08-2016, 08:21 AM
It seems to me having only one "face" of the NRA is a mistake. Having an excellent collection of spokespersons covering various demographics and all speaking as one voice turns the "I am the NRA" mantra (which was well done as others noted) to something I think would be far more powerful... "WE are the NRA." That would help turn that argument from one of division to one of inclusion. When a person viewing media from the NRA can look at a the picture and go "That person is like me! And they're part of the NRA!" it helps them to start thinking.

Oh and I agree with keeping WLP doing what he does best; being back room smart or having back room smart people work for him.

02-08-2016, 08:45 AM
I am also disgusted by the "godless left" commercial, and it makes me sad to have an NRA card when I see something like that.

I hadn't heard of this, but yes that is extremely disappointing.

02-08-2016, 10:06 AM
Massad's unemotional delivery and attention to detail make him an ideal choice: https://youtu.be/irnD34P2l1w

02-08-2016, 10:17 AM
I'm not religious, but I liked Dana's speech. In case you don't know, she donates her time to the NRA, and says what she wants. The NRA doesn't script her at all, from what I'm told. Also, you guys are not her intended audience. She is wildly successful in reaching women, which is kind of more important than reaching any of us here.

As for Hickok45, he seems like a really nice guy. However, he has too much conspiracy theorist in him to be effective or credible as the face of the NRA. Again, reaching us is pointless, it only helps the cause if he can reach those who aren't already true believers.

02-08-2016, 11:44 AM
I'm not religious, but I liked Dana's speech. In case you don't know, she donates her time to the NRA, and says what she wants. The NRA doesn't script her at all, from what I'm told. Also, you guys are not her intended audience. She is wildly successful in reaching women, which is kind of more important than reaching any of us here.

As for Hickok45, he seems like a really nice guy. However, he has too much conspiracy theorist in him to be effective or credible as the face of the NRA. Again, reaching us is pointless, it only helps the cause if he can reach those who aren't already true believers.


The NRA has "US" as you correctly point out.

We are a nation of over 300 million people and about 100 million gun owners.

The NRA has what, 5-6 million members?

They need to attract a large percentage of the "other" 95 or so million people.

Folks like Colion Noir, Julie Golob and Dana Loesch attract shooters not typically sympathetic to the NRA.

Let's face it. Humans react in certain ways. Right, wrong or otherwise. "Hey, I like guns. He/She likes guns and looks/talks/acts like me and THEY support the NRA. Hmmm..." Who should be THE face? I don't know. But the above folks need to be out in the public eye and given a platform to get their message out in a way that attracts new members.

It's politics. The NRAs message/messengers are a little stale. They need to do something to energize it.

Just my opinion.

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02-08-2016, 11:57 AM
I would lean most twoard seriousstudents' suggestion but I'm cool with most anyone other than Ted Nugent.

02-08-2016, 12:35 PM
The NRA needs a name change & a panel of spokespeople,none of whom are white old guys.

Dagga Boy
02-08-2016, 12:51 PM
I'm not religious, but I liked Dana's speech. In case you don't know, she donates her time to the NRA, and says what she wants. The NRA doesn't script her at all, from what I'm told. Also, you guys are not her intended audience. She is wildly successful in reaching women, which is kind of more important than reaching any of us here.

As for Hickok45, he seems like a really nice guy. However, he has too much conspiracy theorist in him to be effective or credible as the face of the NRA. Again, reaching us is pointless, it only helps the cause if he can reach those who aren't already true believers.

Yep. "We" are not the issue. Cody keeps bringing up Ayoob....the only folks who that appeals to are likely already NRA members. The most effective ads I recently saw are the older woman who lived in federal housing and the guy from Chicago. Anyone who doesn't seem like the stereotypical "evil NRA" member. It is what make people think, "wow, maybe the left is lying about what the NRA is". Folks like Dana Loesch, Kelly Clarkson, Julie Golob, etc. Are all good for reaching out to various segments of the browning demographic of women gun owners. It would be nice to see some responsible athletes as well outside the gun sports. I love the new ads and hope they continue and push to the edge of the tent as to what the faces of the NRA are.

02-08-2016, 01:12 PM
As for Hickok45, he seems like a really nice guy. However, he has too much conspiracy theorist in him to be effective or credible as the face of the NRA. Again, reaching us is pointless, it only helps the cause if he can reach those who aren't already true believers.

Could you point me in the direction of one of his conspiracy videos?

02-08-2016, 01:46 PM
Could you point me in the direction of one of his conspiracy videos?

I was surprised by this as well. I seriously doubted Hickock45 would even entertain the idea of being a spokesperson for anything because in every video of his I've ever seen he has studiously avoided any sort of politics.

I'm prepared to be proved wrong as I don't claim to be a Hickock45 expert but my first thought in reading that was "What conspiracy theory has he ever espoused?"

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02-08-2016, 02:14 PM
The NRA needs a name change & a panel of spokespeople,none of whom are white old guys.

They've got quite a few, actually. Billy Johnson (Amidst the Noise), Julie Golob (doing a great job!), Mr Colion Noir, a coupla others.

Billy Johnson's YouTube statistical number crunching is fantastic. Highly recommended and I hate videos.

02-08-2016, 02:25 PM
Could you point me in the direction of one of his conspiracy videos?

I haven't watched the whole thing because it was ridiculous, but his recent video where he talks about getting kicked off youtube is really what i'm talking about. He doesn't seem to understand how youtube works (hint: there is no one watching his content and deciding if he should stay or go. It's all computer driven algorithms, just like Facebook), and he thinks the Gov't actually cares what he is producing, and might be bothered to "deal" with him.

I like him a fair bit, and have nothing against him, but he really came across as a little nutty to me in the video. Which is why he would not make a good spokesperson for the NRA.

02-08-2016, 02:35 PM
I haven't watched the whole thing because it was ridiculous, but his recent video where he talks about getting kicked off youtube is really what i'm talking about. He doesn't seem to understand how youtube works (hint: there is no one watching his content and deciding if he should stay or go. It's all computer driven algorithms, just like Facebook), and he thinks the Gov't actually cares what he is producing, and might be bothered to "deal" with him.

I like him a fair bit, and have nothing against him, but he really came across as a little nutty to me in the video. Which is why he would not make a good spokesperson for the NRA.

I'm surprised to learn this, as I have always viewed him as level-headed and well-reasoned. I guess I've missed his 'rants' and may have a less-than-accurate sense about him. Oh well...

02-08-2016, 02:47 PM
I'm surprised to learn this, as I have always viewed him as level-headed and well-reasoned. I guess I've missed his 'rants' and may have a less-than-accurate sense about him. Oh well...

Who knows, maybe I'm the one who has the less accurate view. Maybe it was his idea of a joke, IDK.

02-08-2016, 03:10 PM
I just went through the video you mention.

He doesn't seem to understand how youtube works (hint: there is no one watching his content and deciding if he should stay or go. It's all computer driven algorithms, just like Facebook)
"We're not still 100% sure what it was, whether it was a glitch.. as I understand the robots kinda decide things, it's automatically... if something gets flagged or whatever".

"It seemed like some type of YouTube or Google Plus algorithm"

he thinks the Gov't actually cares what he is producing, and might be bothered to "deal" with him.

"I didn't think it was the government like everybody thought, there was never really a point that I thought that was a possibility"

"The two big speculations were 1) the government shut us down; that didn't happen..."

02-08-2016, 05:25 PM
Yep. "We" are not the issue. Cody keeps bringing up Ayoob....the only folks who that appeals to are likely already NRA members. The most effective ads I recently saw are the older woman who lived in federal housing and the guy from Chicago. Anyone who doesn't seem like the stereotypical "evil NRA" member. It is what make people think, "wow, maybe the left is lying about what the NRA is". Folks like Dana Loesch, Kelly Clarkson, Julie Golob, etc. Are all good for reaching out to various segments of the browning demographic of women gun owners. It would be nice to see some responsible athletes as well outside the gun sports. I love the new ads and hope they continue and push to the edge of the tent as to what the faces of the NRA are.
I also support the idea of widening the base and the perception of who supports gun rights and self defense with a firearm. The think I like about Ayoob is his delivery and his tone and his demeanor which makes everything he say sound logical and reasonable. There are also a number of Democrats that support gun rights, and a whole bunch of Independents, and lots more women. We need all of them.

02-08-2016, 05:57 PM
I just went through the video you mention.

"We're not still 100% sure what it was, whether it was a glitch.. as I understand the robots kinda decide things, it's automatically... if something gets flagged or whatever".

"It seemed like some type of YouTube or Google Plus algorithm"

"I didn't think it was the government like everybody thought, there was never really a point that I thought that was a possibility"

"The two big speculations were 1) the government shut us down; that didn't happen..."

Well, if I wasn't paying enough attention, then I apologize for calling him a conspiracy nut and will look at it again. As I said, I didn't watch the whole thing, but unless I've gone crazy, the opening few minutes were not as you quoted.


I just listened to most of it, and it looks like I was wrong. Either I am thinking of something else, or I've gone crazy, or I didn't pay enough attention, listening to it in the background, and misunderstood what he was saying.

As they say, "reading (listening) is fundamental." Whoops. Good thing H45 doesn't look to me for his daily affirmations.:-)

at 10:23 or so, there is a hint of conspiracy. I'm not going to continue calling him a conspiracy nut, but maybe I gave that 2 sec. section more credit than I should have.

02-08-2016, 08:37 PM
Hickok45 - Perfect example of someone who should not be the spokesperson for the NRA. What does an older, pot-bellied, white guy, offer as a spokesperson to young women and minority shooters? Nothing.


02-08-2016, 08:54 PM
Hickok45 - Perfect example of someone who should not be the spokesperson for the NRA. What does an older, pot-bellied, white guy, offer as a spokesperson to young women and minority shooters? Nothing.


Well, as I've indicated earlier I'm no Hickock45 expert. And I don't think for a second he would be interested in being anyone's spokesperson.

But have you ever taken the time to read any of the tens of thousands of comments on his videos? There are A LOT of people, especially self-described younger people and females, who profess a great deal of admiration for him and appreciation for introducing them to firearms in a non-intimidating and approachable way. Many "I wish you were my Grandpa", type of messages from people who relate to him.

So I don't know, to answer your question I guess if any of those potential women and minority shooters aren't as hung up on identity politics, racism, and sexism as your comment implies they must be by definition, I bet quite a few of them could relate to him. In fact, I'd wager he's brought more people to shooting and changed more minds about gun owners than all of the people mentioned in, and participating in this thread combined.

And that's coming from someone who thought the suggestion of him as the face of the NRA was a little silly to begin with.

ETA: This wasn't intended to take anything away from the many great spokespeople mentioned in the thread. I'm sure any of them have done more for the NRA membership than my piddly few dollars, even the contemptible Dana Loesch.

02-08-2016, 09:18 PM
There have been many references to personalities in NRA ads in this thread. I quit watching television years ago and haven't had cable in some time as I grew tired of paying $200/mo for the privilege of having propaganda and bullshit delivered into my living room. My television hasn't been on in years aside from severe weather situations and the very rare streaming video from Amazon Prime.

Are these ads appearing in mainstream media, as in network television? Or even large cable networks? Or are we talking about online videos that are likely only being watched by the choir? I'm asking because I legitimately didn't realize the NRA was advertising in the mainstream if that is happening (but I think that's a great thing). I actually would have bet they couldn't get any network to take their advertising money.

Or are we talking about pundits and spokespeople to appear on news programming for the gotcha questions that make the talking heads feel oh so smart?

02-08-2016, 11:01 PM
Are these ads appearing in mainstream media, as in network television? Or even large cable networks? Or are we talking about online videos that are likely only being watched by the choir?

Just saw the South Side NRA Ad on Fox News. So yes, they are on large cable networks. Some might argue that they are preaching to the choir on Fox. But, I don't know, it's good that they are out there.

02-08-2016, 11:44 PM
Just saw the South Side NRA Ad on Fox News. So yes, they are on large cable networks. Some might argue that they are preaching to the choir on Fox. But, I don't know, it's good that they are out there.

I don't know about that. There are plenty of folks who won guns who just never got around to joining. Or joined, and never re-upped. Or don't join things. Or fall fo various tin-foil hat theories about "them."
Maybe they fall for lines about how the NRA is an anti-Second Amendment organization because "they compromise our rights away."
We hear that one every time a bad law gets passed, and some jackwagon explains it by claiming the NRA sold us out.

02-09-2016, 01:21 AM
Just saw the South Side NRA Ad on Fox News. So yes, they are on large cable networks. Some might argue that they are preaching to the choir on Fox. But, I don't know, it's good that they are out there.

Very cool. If I had to put money on which network the ads would be on I would have bet FOX news. But, as Drang points out, there are no doubt lots of people watching who are not members. Also, generally, if there is a TV on in a public venue its either on CNN or FOX news so there's that reach as well.

I wonder if they have tried to advertise on any of the big three networks or larger cable networks and been rebuffed.

I guess I'll have to see if I can find these ads on YouTube. Maybe it will renew some of my faith in how they are spending money on outreach. I like the GOA and 2AF too, but I don't know that they do much outreach direct to the general public. And the 2AF is spammy as hell. So at least the NRA is doing something to reach John and Mary Public. If someone could just convince them to restrict their outreach message to their raison d'être, and stop alienating potential members over non-related issues I'd be much happier.

02-10-2016, 01:49 PM
Ted Nugent is f'ing nuts.

"Gun-rights advocates urge NRA to remove Ted Nugent from board over ‘anti-Semitic’ outburst"

03-23-2016, 08:29 AM
How about Charlie??


http://texaschlforum.com/images/smilies/hurray.gif http://texaschlforum.com/images/smilies/hurray.gif http://texaschlforum.com/images/smilies/hurray.gif

03-23-2016, 12:32 PM
I really like Colion Noir or Julie Golob. Hell, why not beg Sheriff David Clarke??

03-23-2016, 12:45 PM
I am waiting for our very own Tiffany Johnson to be recruited. Seriously.

03-23-2016, 03:26 PM
I honestly hadn't thought about Ms. Johnson until you said it LL, but now that you did...well that makes the most sense. Tiffany would be the smartest person in the room, I have little doubt about that. Her blog is regular reading for me and it always makes me think...which only hurts a little :D

Any chance we could peer pressure her into running?

Dagga Boy
03-23-2016, 07:05 PM
I am waiting for our very own Tiffany Johnson to be recruited. Seriously.

I endorse this. She is a gift to our circle of people.

03-23-2016, 07:08 PM
Hmmm, my ballot for the NRA Board of Directors arrived yesterday...

03-23-2016, 07:13 PM
Tiffany is definitely good people. And her being an attorney and teacher I think would be another advantage.

And she's got cute dogs. :)

03-23-2016, 08:16 PM
I honestly hadn't thought about Ms. Johnson until you said it LL, but now that you did...well that makes the most sense. Tiffany would be the smartest person in the room, I have little doubt about that. Her blog is regular reading for me and it always makes me think...which only hurts a little :D

Any chance we could peer pressure her into running?

I don't see why not.

Concur on me being a genius.


03-23-2016, 10:57 PM

Tiffany Johnson
03-24-2016, 08:05 AM

03-24-2016, 08:36 AM
We are doing a grassroots campaign to make you the face of the NRA, I wanted it to be me, since I am just the best looking guy around but, I have to bow out because my good looks make people dislike me too much.

03-24-2016, 08:38 AM

We're all writing you in for President instead of whoever gets nominated.

Hope you're cool with that.

Glenn E. Meyer
03-24-2016, 09:12 AM
Sounds like a plan.

Chuck Haggard
03-24-2016, 12:30 PM
Tiffany would be an awesome choice to be involved. I've thought so for a couple of years now after reading her blog posts ref how she came to be in the gun world.

David S.
03-24-2016, 01:06 PM
Tiffany would be an awesome choice to be involved. I've thought so for a couple of years now after reading her blog posts ref how she came to be in the gun world.

I've been a Tiffany Johnson fanboy since someone (was it you, Chuck?) introduced PF to her blog several years ago. Meeting her at TacCon sealed the deal.

03-24-2016, 01:07 PM
Sounds like we've got us a movement.

03-24-2016, 01:08 PM
Go Tiffany!

03-24-2016, 01:28 PM
She would be the only candidate for president that I've ever shot.

03-24-2016, 01:46 PM
She would be the only candidate for president that I've ever shot.

Hmmm that does not sound like a good thing.

03-24-2016, 01:54 PM
Hmmm that does not sound like a good thing.

Some of our greatest presidents have been shot.

03-24-2016, 01:57 PM
Hmmm that does not sound like a good thing.

She made a move, man...I had to get it on.

03-09-2017, 03:50 PM
Didn't want to start a new thread...

Mic drop....


03-10-2017, 07:39 AM
Maybe it doesn't need to be one face.

I like the idea of

Dom Raso
Marcus Luttrell
And an 'everyman/woman'

being a face of where the NRA and the 2A 'is at' right now.

We need to move past the gun store commando perception.

03-10-2017, 05:06 PM
I remember one time Wayne LaPierre was arguing with Clinton's (Bill) press secretary. He did not come off well. I don't have a candidate, although there have been some interesting people proposed in this thread. If I was in charge Wayne would never speak publically for the NRA. He may be smart and I do not mean to denigrate him. Plug people in where they belong- find some faces that are photogenic, articulate, know the facts, and that like people.

03-10-2017, 09:36 PM
The NRA needs a name change & a panel of spokespeople,none of whom are white old guys.

I'm not sure what's wrong with the name, but no older white males on the board? So a board where sexism, racism, and ageism form the basis for qualifications for membership? Alienate your largest segment of supporters through exclusion? I get appealing to larger audience and branching out, but NONE? I'd say that's definitely swinging the pendulum too far, eliminating some very competent people, and excluding a group who have been the stalwarts of the organization and carrying the torch for some time. Potentially detrimental to fund raising too. Minority groups routinely criticize police hiring practices because they aren't representative of the population, but this proposition would completely eliminate the possibility of board membership from the group that makes up the majority of members. Frankly, if NRA became a reverse discrimination/affirmative action organization, I'd just ask them to drop me from the benefactor rolls and find another organization to support. Maybe I wouldn't be alone. Combine that with possibly not having overwhelming success in the new target groups and I think there might be a problem. But just speculation on my part.

03-11-2017, 11:18 AM
Folks like Colion Noir, Julie Golob, Dom Raso, Dana Loesch, Billy Johnson seem to have made some good points in their NRA videos. Adding Tiffany Johnson would be quite brilliant. Would love to see Sheriff David Clarke as well. Having some well known athlete and entertainment 2nd Amendment supporters would also be useful, as would having some normal citizens who have positive narratives to share.

03-11-2017, 02:50 PM
Would love to see Sheriff David Clarke as well.


03-11-2017, 03:15 PM
Definitely a good one; would love to see more of him as a major representative of the NRA.

03-11-2017, 08:03 PM
Would love to see Sheriff David Clarke as well.

Whether NRA or some other office within the administration, he is definitely one of the good guys and his talents should be exploited for the good of all.