View Full Version : Phila Officer ambushed by islamic extremist

01-08-2016, 12:07 PM
https://cdn.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2016/Jan/8/LiveLeak-dot-com-b19_1452267818-059307e_1452267825.jpg.resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb603 9332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e99818bdd2944f43dfd71 b7d&ec_rate=230

Above is Officer Jesse Hartnett, 5 years on the job and was at 60th and Spruce (https://goo.gl/maps/QmyiwCKnMuQ2) (link to google maps) when he was ambushed by a black male wearing white muslim garb.


Officer Hartnett sustained 3 shots to his left arm, returned fire striking the POS who fled and was later caught.

Coverage and more footage here -> http://6abc.com/news/images-released-from-ambush-shooting-of-phila-police-officer/1150918/

There is a video out there, if I come across it I'll post it.

Keep your head on a swivel guys, radical islamic terrorists are here and they are targeting us.

01-08-2016, 12:16 PM
Best wishes to the officer and his recovery.

01-08-2016, 12:18 PM
Top photo, is the POS using inquartata?

Always one of my fears in a marked car. Have a second gun that's easy to get to while seat belted in.

01-08-2016, 12:27 PM
Top photo, is the POS using inquartata?

Always one of my fears in a marked car. Have a second gun that's easy to get to while seat belted in.

Cars are bullet magnets.

01-08-2016, 12:45 PM
Good job and hope he recovers well. How bad is his arm?

01-08-2016, 01:02 PM
Good job and hope he recovers well. How bad is his arm?

Reports are its fractured in several places, sorta like yours just more and worse.

01-08-2016, 01:10 PM
I'm afraid your head won't swivel enough to prevent many of these attacks .....

In a similar set of circumstances, a LE friend of mine in a neighboring jurisdiction was the victim of an unprovoked ambush many years ago by a shotgun wielding thug. He had to roll away from the open window in his attempt to avoid the muzzle (almost contact distance) which prevented him from drawing his service gun. His defensive reaction caused the shot load to be a glancing impact instead of straight on shot and he was able to draw his BUG from an ankle holster and return fire, hitting his attacker several times

This is one of the best real-life case examples that I know of for alternative carry positions while seated/buckled in your car. The ankle rig pretty much saved his life.

01-08-2016, 01:27 PM
Reports right now are that the attacker used a stolen police firearm.

01-08-2016, 01:47 PM
IMO if possible it's a good time to use the gas pedal and create a lot of space. One thing I see very few cops do anymore when they are in their cars and doing reports (or whatever) is leave the car in gear and use the parking brake to hold the vehicle. There's a monumental time difference between hitting the gas and brake-shift in gear-gas.

This is a good safety lesson for all of us. I've gotten really lazy about doing this exact thing. Someone flags me down, and I stop and roll down the window. There's nothing difficult about driving down the street, turning around and getting decent positioning and out of the car.

01-08-2016, 02:08 PM
Reports right now are that the attacker used a stolen police firearm.

You mean he didn't do a background check? Imagine that.

Dagga Boy
01-08-2016, 02:17 PM
You mean he didn't do a background check? Imagine that.

See its the NRA's fault. If they would quit fighting the background checks they essentially invented, this Islamic radicalized felon would have been prevented from getting his stolen police pistol.

01-08-2016, 02:50 PM
We have to also be prepared for counter surveillance and being attacked off duty or our families being targeted. LEO and Military are a prime target for these cowards. Different times we live in.

01-08-2016, 03:07 PM
We have to also be prepared for counter surveillance and being attacked off duty or our families being targeted. LEO and Military are a prime target for these cowards. Different times we live in.

This would scare me the most. I would support an automatic death penalty for anybody convicted of trying to harm a police officer or service member's family.

01-08-2016, 03:07 PM
We have to also be prepared for counter surveillance and being attacked off duty or our families being targeted. LEO and Military are a prime target for these cowards. Different times we live in.

If you aren't running counter surveillance protocols (taking different ways home, changing your daily routine/pattern, etc) then you're behind the curve.

01-08-2016, 03:08 PM
This would scare me the most. I would support an automatic death penalty for anybody convicted of trying to harm a police officer or service member's family.

These are the people who rape young girls and cut people's heads off on a whim.

There is nothing that is off limits to them.

01-08-2016, 03:19 PM
These are the people who rape young girls and cut people's heads off on a whim.

There is nothing that is off limits to them.There are no rules in war except "Win".
They are at war with us, but we seem to not be reciprocating. I wonder what the final straw will be?

01-08-2016, 03:39 PM
Full video: http://www.leoaffairs.com/featured/philadelphia-police-officer-ambushed-shot-3-times-cruiser-attempted-execution/

01-08-2016, 03:48 PM
Full video: http://www.leoaffairs.com/featured/philadelphia-police-officer-ambushed-shot-3-times-cruiser-attempted-execution/

Very lucky MoFo... No need to buy a ticket, he already won the lottery.

01-08-2016, 04:20 PM
There are no rules in war except "Win".
They are at war with us, but we seem to not be reciprocating. I wonder what the final straw will be?

I see this event as one of the stones being taken out of a foundation, eventually the whole wall will fall down on top of us.

01-08-2016, 05:00 PM
I see this event as one of the stones being taken out of a foundation, eventually the whole wall will fall down on top of us.

Nah; with stalwarts like your new mayor, good and righteousness will prevail.

While other officials are quoted as relieved that Officer Hartnett survived, what is your mayor quoted? "There are too many guns on the street, and the national government needs to do something about that."


01-08-2016, 05:01 PM
We have to also be prepared for counter surveillance and being attacked off duty or our families being targeted. LEO and Military are a prime target for these cowards. Different times we live in.

I have been trying to convince my wife for years to get her CHP and carry. She has good situational awareness when she is out and about. Haven't succeeded yet. Maybe it is time to broach the subject again.
I need to find instances where LEO family members were targeted just because of their occupation...

01-08-2016, 05:06 PM
Here's to a speedy recovery warrior!

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01-08-2016, 05:18 PM
The officer was surprised with an ambush, took several rounds, yet still jumped out of the cruiser with his left arm flopping like a loose sack of bones and did his best to revoke Ohmar Shishkabob's birth certificate. Brother, you can ride with me any time.

01-08-2016, 06:01 PM
Strong work.


01-08-2016, 06:39 PM
Top photo, is the POS using inquartata?

Always one of my fears in a marked car. Have a second gun that's easy to get to while seat belted in.

That's a good plan anytime you're in any vehicle.

Great job by the officer to stay in the fight!

01-08-2016, 06:48 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with Officer Hartnett, his family and fellow officers. I hope he makes a full and complete recovery, and has a speedy return to duty.

Please be careful, folks.

01-08-2016, 09:18 PM
Just saw the video on Megyn's show on Fox. Speechless -- kudos to the officer for chasing that terrorist down after taking a magazine of incoming fire.

Beat Trash
01-08-2016, 10:54 PM
Excellent work on behalf of the officer. He was determined to survive. I hope the damage to the officer's arm is able to be repaired and he is able to recover.

I'm waiting for the political spin to come out on this not being a terrorist incident, but another example of the need for more restrictive gun control measures.

01-08-2016, 11:06 PM
Looks like the POS was confirmed to have traveled to Saudi Arabia and Egypt within the last few years.

These POSs dont travel, and whem they do its significant.

JM Campbell
01-09-2016, 09:37 AM
Spin has been out already by his Chief of Police, " this is not terrorism, it is a stolen gun problem."

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01-09-2016, 11:08 AM
Spin has been out already by his Chief of Police, " this is not terrorism, it is a stolen gun problem."

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

It's a shitbag problem. Shitbags join gangs or otherwise seek validation for their shitbaginess. ISIS is just another way for shitbags to get that validation.

Dagga Boy
01-09-2016, 11:29 AM
It's a shitbag problem. Shitbags join gangs or otherwise seek validation for their shitbaginess. ISIS is just another way for shitbags to get that validation.
Muslim recruiting in prison is huge. It is a very attractive religion for those folks.

01-09-2016, 11:37 AM
Muslim recruiting in prison is huge. It is a very attractive religion for those folks.

People want to belong and to have purpose. When you're sitting in a big metal cage because your last "calling" of slinging dope and running with your fellow hoodrats put you there, it can be an easy sell. Shitbag looking for something new to latch on to, something to give them purpose, with a bit of "nobility" thrown in? It can be an easy sell. Nation of Islam, a quasi-Islamic religion, has done pretty well with that formula.


Not exactly the same thing, but an interesting read if you're ever wanting to look further down the rabbit hole. Religious people are not the targets, because they are either already set in their interpretation of their religion and thus hard to radicalize or are so into religion they don't do anything to affect the "real world" and are thus useless for practical purposes. Disaffected youth, existing criminal elements who want to have a better narrative about themselves, etc. are the targets in western societies. Of course in their strongholds they recruit like any gang, it's safer to be us than to not be us, plus we offer comraderie, purpose, and economic incentives.

01-09-2016, 12:19 PM
People want to belong and to have purpose. When you're sitting in a big metal cage because your last "calling" of slinging dope and running with your fellow hoodrats put you there, it can be an easy sell. Shitbag looking for something new to latch on to, something to give them purpose, with a bit of "nobility" thrown in? It can be an easy sell. Nation of Islam, a quasi-Islamic religion, has done pretty well with that formula.


Not exactly the same thing, but an interesting read if you're ever wanting to look further down the rabbit hole. Religious people are not the targets, because they are either already set in their interpretation of their religion and thus hard to radicalize or are so into religion they don't do anything to affect the "real world" and are thus useless for practical purposes. Disaffected youth, existing criminal elements who want to have a better narrative about themselves, etc. are the targets in western societies. Of course in their strongholds they recruit like any gang, it's safer to be us than to not be us, plus we offer comraderie, purpose, and economic incentives.

I run into these types weekly. A lot of times they dress the part (same as the doer in the video), lots of quran's all over the place and all that none-sense.

I always have the same type of interaction with them. "You'll burn, you're a nonbeliever" or some such bull.

I just say they are defying mohommad with their haram.

It is definitely a prison culture thing. I've seen dudes learn how to speak the language come out of jail and do a 180 in terms of appearance and presentation but still the same shitbag-ghetto-thug they were.

Wondering Beard
01-09-2016, 12:24 PM
On the subject of radicalization:

The Glamour of the Islamic State (http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-01-06/the-glamour-of-islamic-state)

The Challenge of Jihadi Cool (http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/12/isis-jihadi-cool/421776/)

01-09-2016, 12:33 PM
Not to derail this thread, but it's worth mentioning that there's nothing particularly exclusive about embracing radical ideas and beliefs. Most of this guys followers were intellectuals and a disproportionate number of them had earned advanced degrees.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/910/cEdwXn.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pacEdwXnp)

Beat Trash
01-09-2016, 12:37 PM
Spin has been out already by his Chief of Police, " this is not terrorism, it is a stolen gun problem."

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

Just like the heroin epidemic is not a drug problem but the result of a lack of syringe control. Or that obesity is the result of a lack of spoon regulations.

The longer this country is in a state of politically correct denial, the more will suffer at the hands of the terrorists.

The press conference statements by their new Mayor led me to think the man is a fool.

Officer Hartnett's actions, his determination and will to win is the only bright spot in this mess. He reminds me that there is hope for the new generation of officers. I wish him a full recovery.

Dagga Boy
01-09-2016, 12:47 PM
Not to derail this thread, but it's worth mentioning that there's nothing particularly exclusive about embracing radical ideas and beliefs. Most of this guys followers were intellectuals and a disproportionate number of them had earned advanced degrees.

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/910/cEdwXn.png (https://imageshack.com/i/pacEdwXnp)

I have more insight into that stuff than I care to. Difference is they were not out suicide bombing stuff and killing random non believers.
On the prison side, Islam has some very attractive attributes...all of it power based, male centric, and heavy on use of violence.

01-09-2016, 12:59 PM
I have more insight into that stuff than I care to. Difference is they were not out suicide bombing stuff and killing random non believers.
On the prison side, Islam has some very attractive attributes...all of it power based, male centric, and heavy on use of violence.

Their version of Islam, not Islam.

01-09-2016, 01:03 PM
Federal authorities are also looking into two trips Archer made to the Middle East. In the fall of 2011, he traveled to Saudi Arabia for a pilgrimage to Mecca and stayed for several weeks, an FBI spokesman said. The next year, he went to Egypt for reasons that are unclear and spent several months there.

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20160109_Officer_ambushed__wounded_in_West_Philly_ shooting.html#lcxMHIUZFLa8lydQ.99

01-09-2016, 01:05 PM
Their version of Islam, not Islam.

Read the article I linked to in this thread (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?15135-Excellent-article-on-ISIS-IS-ISIL&highlight=atlantic) if you have time. It's worth reading.

01-09-2016, 01:11 PM
So much for the city of brotherly love....

When i see/hear about things like this, i can't help but think. Why/how do you fuck this up?

You have the elements of surprise and can ambush yet you can't seal the deal....

Total bleeping idiot.

Then i remember you can't fix stupid

01-09-2016, 01:29 PM
So much for the city of brotherly love....

When i see/hear about things like this, i can't help but think. Why/how do you fuck this up?

You have the elements of surprise and can ambush yet you can't seal the deal....

Total bleeping idiot.

Then i remember you can't fix stupid

So your concern is with the lack of performance on the part of Ohmar Shishkabob? Interesting perspective.

01-09-2016, 02:08 PM
I have more insight into that stuff than I care to. Difference is they were not out suicide bombing stuff and killing random non believers.
On the prison side, Islam has some very attractive attributes...all of it power based, male centric, and heavy on use of violence.

I don't disagree totally, but their antics weren't too terribly far removed. If you recall, the plan was to take over Wasco County by infiltrating local politics, with the ultimate goal of broadening their influence in the State legislator. The Bhagwan's #1 girl got too impatient and as a act of revenge, poisoned over 700 people with salmonella. I think they were well on their way to doing plenty of bad things, the leadership just got jailed and deported before they could get their roots very deep.

01-09-2016, 02:25 PM
As Philadelphia's new commie mayor spews politically correct talking points designed to deflect from people from looking at what actually happened here, I think it is noteworthy that once again an American cop proved that not all Americans are gasbags and wusses.

Officer Hartnett was ambushed, took three 9mm rounds in his arm and he CHARGED THE AMBUSH.

In San Bernadino, the cops went after the jihadi's SUV in the full knowledge that the jihadis had semi-auto rifles and they won the gunfight.

The cops in Garland, Texas (if I have the location right) engaged the well-armed jihadis there and won that gunfight.

The cops in Chattanooga went after the jihadi and won as well (after several USN personnel did heroic duty with their POW's).

For you guys who are LEO's, I think that you have every right to feel enormous pride in your profession. While our politicians lie and dissemble, you guys have been fighting back and winning those fights. By doing so, you and your brothers are keeping us safe despite the fecklessness of our political class.

Hats off to Officer Hartnett and all of the rest of you.

Kyle Reese
01-09-2016, 02:28 PM
Philly's mayor is trying to out-derp Red Bill DeBlasio. The willful cognitive dissonance and double-think is astounding. Would this be the case if the shooter had professed fealty to a radical Christian sect?

Dagga Boy
01-09-2016, 02:36 PM
I don't disagree totally, but their antics weren't too terribly far removed. If you recall, the plan was to take over Wasco County by infiltrating local politics, with the ultimate goal of broadening their influence in the State legislator. The Bhagwan's #1 girl got too impatient and as a act of revenge, poisoned over 700 people with salmonella. I think they were well on their way to doing plenty of bad things, the leadership just got jailed and deported before they could get their roots very deep.

Trust me, cults are nuts. I actually see a lot of various sects of Islam as cults.

01-09-2016, 02:39 PM
Philly's mayor is trying to out-derp Red Bill DeBlasio. The willful cognitive dissonance and double-think is astounding. Would this be the case if the shooter had professed fealty to a radical Christian sect?

Then he'd just be black.

01-09-2016, 04:35 PM
So your concern is with the lack of performance on the part of Ohmar Shishkabob? Interesting perspective.

He's not concerned, he's just saying the guy fails at everything.

01-09-2016, 06:14 PM

The officer was left handed, drew his firearm with his right hand.

01-09-2016, 06:32 PM

The officer was left handed, drew his firearm with his right hand.

Thats awesome. Does his agency train for that or was that something he learned elsewhere?

01-09-2016, 06:58 PM
Thats awesome. Does his agency train for that or was that something he learned elsewhere?

No training.

01-09-2016, 07:39 PM


01-09-2016, 08:50 PM

The officer was left handed, drew his firearm with his right hand.

Commendable effort to say the least! I suspect most would have been content to just let the guy flee in lieu of attempting to engage him under those circumstances.

01-09-2016, 09:24 PM
So much for the city of brotherly love....

When i see/hear about things like this, i can't help but think. Why/how do you fuck this up?

You have the elements of surprise and can ambush yet you can't seal the deal....

Total bleeping idiot.

Then i remember you can't fix stupid

So your concern is with the lack of performance on the part of Ohmar Shishkabob? Interesting perspective.

No, no, no. Please don't think that. I do analytics for a living so i break things down way to far sometimes (errrrr probably most of the time). Just saying clearly this is something that was planned and the outcome could have been so much much much worse.

My thoughts and prayers go to the officer and his family. 2 professions are severely underpaid street cops and teachers.

He's not concerned, he's just saying the guy fails at everything.


The perp is a waste of sperm..... He's going to get dragged through the court system and waste more money than he is worth. I hope he enjoys being bubba's bitch.

Chuck Haggard
01-10-2016, 12:19 AM
Great job by the officer, very nice to see him stay in the fight and take it to the bad guy.

I was reminded of this excellent article by Jeff Hall;

01-10-2016, 12:31 AM
Great job by the officer, very nice to see him stay in the fight and take it to the bad guy.

I was reminded of this excellent article by Jeff Hall;

Good article. Thanks. Bookmarked that one.

01-10-2016, 11:13 AM
Awesome article Chuck. You can't believe how many times I've had arguments with my chain of command on those very principles.

01-10-2016, 01:22 PM
You should hear Jeff deliver it in person. Very, very inspiring.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Dagga Boy
01-10-2016, 02:37 PM
You should hear Jeff deliver it in person. Very, very inspiring.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Ditto this. I REALLY wish they would have Col. Grossman talk to the Chiefs, and replace him with Jeff Hall for the real cops.

01-10-2016, 11:12 PM
Police, FBI investigating if Philadelphia terror suspect is part of larger group

But the tip currently being investigated means Archer may not be a so-called lone wolf terrorist.

It’s not uncommon for authorities to receive similar tips during similar investigations; however, the credibility of the tipster could be buoyed by an incident on Saturday in which a man is accused of scuffling with an officer and trying to steal his gun.

Perhaps ironically, the unidentified 18th District officer involved in the episode was working a hospital detail for Hartnett at the time, ABC6 reported.

The officer had walked outside of the Penn Presbyterian Medical Center just before 11 p.m. when he was approached by an unidentified 40-year-old black male, who had earlier asked the cop for some money. When the officer turned his back on the man, he attempted to take the officer’s handgun from his holster. The man was eventually subdued following a struggle. He later said he wanted the gun in order to commit a robbery, according to authorities. The officer was unharmed.


01-10-2016, 11:38 PM
Police, FBI investigating if Philadelphia terror suspect is part of larger group


Was a crazy homeless guy.

01-15-2016, 08:27 PM
Read the article I linked to in this thread (https://pistol-forum.com/showthread.php?15135-Excellent-article-on-ISIS-IS-ISIL&highlight=atlantic) if you have time. It's worth reading.

I agree - I know you saw me talking about I recently as I didn't know you had linked it so far back. Thanks for "refreshing" it here as it should be required reading for everyone.

01-27-2016, 04:31 PM

A gofundme page was setup.