View Full Version : 60 Minutes segment on Active Shooters

11-22-2015, 08:17 PM
Interesting report. Discussion of Paris, NYC and DC. DC police chief Lanier, said as part of flee, hide or fight, they are advocating for the public to try to take the shooter out, if possible.

11-22-2015, 08:34 PM
Interesting report. Discussion of Paris, NYC and DC. DC police chief Lanier, said as part of flee, hide or fight, they are advocating for the public to try to take the shooter out, if possible.

What tools did she recommend the public use to defend themselves when in the confines of DC...?

11-22-2015, 08:44 PM
What tools did he recommend the public use to defend themselves when in the confines of DC...?You mean she?

11-22-2015, 08:48 PM
You mean she?

Ah, I had forgotten it was not a male. I'll change it in the original post....

Kyle Reese
11-22-2015, 09:05 PM
Interesting report. Discussion of Paris, NYC and DC. DC police chief Lanier, said as part of flee, hide or fight, they are advocating for the public to try to take the shooter out, if possible.

In the past, the media and "experts" on television have all advised a policy of meek submission and total acquiescence to an attacker. Aside from Lanier, has this changed at all?

11-22-2015, 09:24 PM
I said the same thing to my wife (below) while watching 60 minutes. My wife said, where is she chief, I replied Washington DC, we both rolled our eyes.

What tools did she recommend the public use to defend themselves when in the confines of DC...?

11-22-2015, 09:27 PM
In the past, the media and "experts" on television have all advised a policy of meek submission and total acquiescence to an attacker. Aside from Lanier, has this changed at all?

It's in the process of changing. DHS came out with their "Run, Hide, Fight" message a couple of years ago; we recently reviewed "Active Shooter" procedures in The Salt Mines, and the "Fight" portion of it featured an interview with a Chief of Police from somewhere or other who basically said "If you're gonna fight, you've got to go all-out, for blood, violence of action, no half measures."

(A fellow Army retiree was bitching about being advised to run or hide as better options, and I pointed out that all we have are improvised weapons. The guys shouting "Aloha Snackbar" may have graduated from the Imperial Storm Trooper School of Marksmanship, but they still have AKs and we don't...)

11-22-2015, 09:27 PM
What tools did she recommend the public use to defend themselves when in the confines of DC...?

Harsh language, of course.

11-22-2015, 09:57 PM
What tools did she recommend the public use to defend themselves when in the confines of DC...?

An angry memo, of course.

Dagga Boy
11-22-2015, 10:06 PM
I didn't see it, but Kathy Lanier is a hypocrite of the highest order.,,totally anti gun, liberal mouthpiece, anti standard capacity a,gazine and she should have been in jail along with the clerk who wouldn't give out gay marriage licensees for her failure to issue CCW licenses after the SCOTUS ruled against D.C.

I despise her and she is a big part of the problem in America.

Joe in PNG
11-23-2015, 04:06 AM
An angry memo, of course.

Sing a rousing version of "Kumbya".

Glenn E. Meyer
11-23-2015, 10:46 AM
On another newscast, they asked the NYC chief to comment on her statement. You could see hesitancy in his face but he said that a person with a handgun would be at a disadvantage against an AK but if you could take them out, do so. Of course, having a handgun in NYC is difficult.

I heard her and she may be no-good but it was a bit of a change. Incremental change is good in the public debate.

About hiding, listen to the band from Paris. They got out but said in an interview that some people hid in their dressing room and the shooters entered and kiled them all except for a little boy who hid under the leather jacket of a band member. Recall at Sandy Hook, a teacher herder her kids into the restroom to be killed as she shielded with her body.

11-23-2015, 10:56 AM
having a handgun in NYC is difficult.

11-23-2015, 12:09 PM
I heard her and she may be no-good but it was a bit of a change. Incremental change is good in the public debate.

Absolutely correct. This statement needs to be mentally filed away and used in future arguments with antis. The fact that it was said by the anti-gun, politically correct, police chief of a city that almost completely bans guns makes for an extremely powerful argument.

As for handguns against AK's, life is unfair, and would be far more unfair if someone was unarmed.

Randy Harris
11-23-2015, 12:46 PM
While it is still extremely dangerous (all gunfights are) at least pistol armed is far better than UNarmed......this is where cover and marksmanship pay off.....and it is not like pistol armed guys have not killed guys with rifles before....

Just off the top of my head Alvin York took out 7 rifle armed combatants with a pistol and Hans something or other ( his name escapes me at the moment), a South African soldier killed 11 Cubans in Angola with the 13 rounds in his Browning HP after the armored car he was in had been disabled.

11-23-2015, 01:33 PM
On another newscast, they asked the NYC chief to comment on her statement. You could see hesitancy in his face but he said that a person with a handgun would be at a disadvantage against an AK but if you could take them out, do so. Of course, having a handgun in NYC is difficult.

I heard her and she may be no-good but it was a bit of a change. Incremental change is good in the public debate.


As the conversation shifts towards the reality that FIGHT is sometimes the better option, it naturally flows to "how?". And the average person is not going to be too impressed by the makeshift of desk scissors, pencils, or even that fire extinguisher somewhere in this building but we don't know exactly where.

Dagga Boy
11-23-2015, 02:11 PM
On another newscast, they asked the NYC chief to comment on her statement. You could see hesitancy in his face but he said that a person with a handgun would be at a disadvantage against an AK but if you could take them out, do so. Of course, having a handgun in NYC is difficult.

I heard her and she may be no-good but it was a bit of a change. Incremental change is good in the public debate.

About hiding, listen to the band from Paris. They got out but said in an interview that some people hid in their dressing room and the shooters entered and kiled them all except for a little boy who hid under the leather jacket of a band member. Recall at Sandy Hook, a teacher herder her kids into the restroom to be killed as she shielded with her body.

I would venture she has not changed one bit. She is a politician and out for herself above all and she is lying because her lips are moving. Change would be quit fighting CCW issue for those qualified, fast track the process to make up for the hurdles (actually walls) she has put in place, and to make a priority of incarcerating career felons instead of making life tough on lifetime productive members of society who want protection from felons and terrorists. That would be be change you can believe in.

11-23-2015, 02:17 PM
An admission by your adversary is more valuable than the same statement by your expert. Regardless of your feelings for her, her statement is pure gold to my ears.

11-23-2015, 03:05 PM
An admission by your adversary is more valuable than the same statement by your expert. Regardless of your feelings for her, her statement is pure gold to my ears.

I look forward to Alan Gura quoting her in court one day...

11-23-2015, 10:16 PM



D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier is urging that civilians confronted by an active shooter in some cases try to stop the gunman before law enforcement authorities arrive, saying quick action could save lives.

The chief, appearing on the Sunday “60 Minutes” CBS news show, noted that in many multiple shootings, most victims are killed within the first 10 minutes — at the Navy Yard shootings in 2013, 10 of the 12 victims were dead in fewer than six minutes. Lanier told correspondent Anderson Cooper that police simply can’t get to the scene in time to stop the initial and deadliest onslaught.

“Your options are run, hide or fight,” Lanier said on the nationally broadcast show. “I always say if you can get out, getting out’s your first option, your best option. If you’re in a position to try and take the gunman down, to take the gunman out, it’s the best option for saving lives before police can get there.”

Cool Breeze
11-23-2015, 11:31 PM
This just infuriates me. I am actually not sure what drives me more crazy, this or the fact that liberals claim security is so important to them and want all guns purchases to go through background checks yet have no problem with illegal immigrants or refugees not having to go through background checks. The hypocrisy of both of these befuddles the mind.

How a person was even created to have the capacity of thinking either way is beyond my understanding. How are we, as those holding the opposite point of view, unable to convince the masses that we are right?

11-24-2015, 12:33 AM
This just infuriates me. I am actually not sure what drives me more crazy, this or the fact that liberals claim security is so important to them and want all guns purchases to go through background checks yet have no problem with illegal immigrants or refugees not having to go through background checks. The hypocrisy of both of these befuddles the mind.

How a person was even created to have the capacity of thinking either way is beyond my understanding. How are we, as those holding the opposite point of view, unable to convince the masses that we are right?

Someone should write a book about that. (http://www.amazon.com/The-Devils-Pleasure-Palace-Subversion/dp/159403768X/ref=pd_sim_sbs_14_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=41kdEW4qG8L&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR107%2C160_&refRID=0N2N26YPXMDD90029GWQ)

11-24-2015, 02:20 AM
I didn't see it, but Kathy Lanier is a hypocrite of the highest order.,,totally anti gun, liberal mouthpiece, anti standard capacity a,gazine and she should have been in jail along with the clerk who wouldn't give out gay marriage licensees for her failure to issue CCW licenses after the SCOTUS ruled against D.C.

I despise her and she is a big part of the problem in America.

So you're saying that rack is not for righteous collars?


Maybe for house mouse cleaning and coffee making then :D

11-24-2015, 08:39 AM
Fox has picked up on it...

DC police chief who advocated taking down mass shooters has approved few gun permits (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/11/24/dc-police-chief-who-advocated-taking-down-mass-shooters-has-approved-few-gun/?intcmp=hpbt4)

Washington DC’s chief of police has approved just 48 concealed carry licenses in the past year and nearly 80 percent of all applicants have been rejected.

Went looking for something from Emily Miller this morning.... Didn't find anything other than her Twitter.
https://twitter.com/EmilyMiller?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^ author

Both NYC Comm Bratton and DC Chief Lanier must explain how citizens can follow their guidance to take down gunmen

Glenn E. Meyer
11-24-2015, 10:17 AM
It would be a good thing for our side of the debate to suggest resistance and then back down on gun usage. It would point out the idiocy of the gun haters.

Of course, we have many in the gun world (as I commented on before) who are total surrender monkeys when it comes to resisting an attack. Not saying that running isn't a good thing but they feel that if it comes to resistance - resistance is futile.

Dagga Boy
11-24-2015, 10:34 AM
So you're saying that rack is not for righteous collars?


Maybe for house mouse cleaning and coffee making then :D

She made sergeant and was off the street in four years.....I still didn't have enough juice to get off of graveyard with Tue./Wed. Off in four years, little more than a promotion. So......yeah, minus her probation and FTO time she essentially had less than three years as a "cop", and I someone on that kind of career track usually got there from not doing anything that caused a stir or high profile.

But....she did get a 97% vote of No Confidence from her troops, but is supported by all the uber liberal politicians, so you probably get like 4 medals for that.

11-24-2015, 01:37 PM
It would be a good thing for our side of the debate to suggest resistance and then back down on gun usage. It would point out the idiocy of the gun haters.

Of course, we have many in the gun world (as I commented on before) who are total surrender monkeys when it comes to resisting an attack. Not saying that running isn't a good thing but they feel that if it comes to resistance - resistance is futile.

They don't understand that full auto AK's aren't magic weapons that automatically hit targets. Nor do they understand that even the sound of return fire--or the impact of a bullet on something nearby a gunman--can interrupt a massacre and perhaps for good. The guy who hit the Bombay train station was having a good old time spraying fire at innocent victims until one cop with an Enfield fired one of his 5 rounds (all they get) at him. Suddenly the killer went into hide and survive mode.

Again, life isn't fair and fighting a guy with a full-auto AK with a pistol certainly isn't fair. But it can be effective and it is better than simply getting shot. Running might be a better thing, it all depends on the situation, but a bit of covering fire can help there as well.

Joe in PNG
11-24-2015, 03:28 PM
They don't understand that full auto AK's aren't magic weapons that automatically hit targets. Nor do they understand that even the sound of return fire--or the impact of a bullet on something nearby a gunman--can interrupt a massacre and perhaps for good. The guy who hit the Bombay train station was having a good old time spraying fire at innocent victims until one cop with an Enfield fired one of his 5 rounds (all they get) at him. Suddenly the killer went into hide and survive mode.

Again, life isn't fair and fighting a guy with a full-auto AK with a pistol certainly isn't fair. But it can be effective and it is better than simply getting shot. Running might be a better thing, it all depends on the situation, but a bit of covering fire can help there as well.

Shooting back kind of screws up the bastard's fantasy of having the godlike power of life and death over a bunch of pleading, begging, sheep-like victims, doesn't it?

11-24-2015, 04:03 PM
So you're saying that rack is not for righteous collars?


My best guess for the bottom row left to right.

Solid yellow bar - For responding slow to any call that might require violence ensuring she got there as the cuffs went on.

Black bar with little silver star - For blackballing the career of anyone who dared try and hold her to standards. Silver star device for saving her career by destroying her opponent.

50/50 red yellow bar - Exhibiting rage and wrath beyond the call of duty when accused of slow response time.