View Full Version : Are you voting today?

11-03-2015, 08:11 AM
Tell us about it.

11-03-2015, 08:14 AM
Sure did. Only 2 offices up here, but every office counts.

11-03-2015, 08:19 AM
yes. Already did.

11-03-2015, 08:24 AM
We voted absentee. That way I can study all the issues before I vote. I got tired of going to vote and finding something that I hadn't heard about. I hate to be an uninformed voter.

11-03-2015, 08:41 AM
Yep, gana go in a bit, but obviously where I live, my vote means less than nothing.

Cool Breeze
11-03-2015, 08:49 AM
Voted absentee here too. Love voting!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

11-03-2015, 08:55 AM
Did so during the early voting period.

I take pride that I have voted every single chance since I turned 18. A lot of people in my age group don't.

11-03-2015, 09:03 AM
Nothing happening here in Nuevo Mexico.

11-03-2015, 09:20 AM
Vacation Day. Vote...drive around....go to every gun store...spend money at gun store...stop at doughnut shop.. Voting days are my favorite.

11-03-2015, 09:23 AM
Vote with your wallet, buy a black rifle.

11-03-2015, 09:32 AM
Early voted about 10 days ago.
Only Constitutional amendments and one local sales tax item.
Took less than 3 minutes, not including parking.

11-03-2015, 09:51 AM
Tell us about it.

We will be shortly. I'm sure you know how huge these races are in Virginia, with Bloomberg dumping millions of dollars in a campaign against Hal Parrish. I hope all of our fellow Virginians are voting wisely today. FFx county has some school board elections which could prove critical.

Software Guy
11-03-2015, 09:57 AM
Yes I am.

11-03-2015, 10:44 AM
Yes, I am (http://booksbikesboomsticks.blogspot.com/2015/11/that-time-of-year.html).

Kyle Reese
11-03-2015, 12:50 PM
Yup. Voted at lunchtime.

11-03-2015, 12:57 PM
I voted this morning. PA has three Supreme Court Seats open for the election! It is an important election this year in PA!

11-03-2015, 03:05 PM
Just got back. Seven good propositions on Texas.

11-03-2015, 03:42 PM
We vote by mail across the state (WA). Drop off at certain locations or mail. Easy to do. Voted Sunday, sealed in envelope, dropped off yesterday. Local elections, tax measures, tax rollbacks, and one silly initiative about transporting/dealing in endangered species animal parts that will likely pass because of a certain large voting demographic in the central Puget Sound region..

11-03-2015, 03:55 PM
We just had the mayoral race here in Indy and my district had a dull-as-dishwater City Council seat race. District 2 had a genuine wookie-suited Libertarian with a shot at winning an open seat. Kinda envious of the people to the northwest of Broad Ripple right now...

11-03-2015, 07:05 PM
Everyone in WA votes absentee. Not only do we not have that evil voter ID, there's no way to prove that someone's dead grannie hasn't voted. Or their Bichon Frise.

Voted for the GOP candidate for my state rep. Voted for the levy to upgrade the Fire/Rescue service's comms, and fire houses. (Absurd that a fire station shouldn't have generator backup, or still need earthquake retrofitting!)

Voted that a bunch of tax laws passed in Olympia without any voter involvement -- in violation of several citizen initiatives over the years -- should be repealed. Voted against just about everything else, including the "Citizen Charter Law Enforcement Oversight Committee." Phooey.

Once again wrote in my usual suspects:

John Galt
Dagny Taggart
Malcolm Reynolds
Zoey Washburn
Jayne Cobb
Manuel Kelly O'Davis
Wyoming Knott

Software Guy
11-03-2015, 07:27 PM
We had 2 big votes. DA & State Senate. I really like the current DA, he loves to interact with the community year round and I think he does his job very well. The Senate, well Barbara who is running just wants to be a puppet for our gun hating governor Cuomo and Fred is a former state police who stand for more gun rights. I think the choice is obvious.

So I voted at lunch and just hope for the best.

11-03-2015, 08:05 PM
Voted at lunchtime.

Not excited about it, given the available candidates. But I will always push through it.

11-03-2015, 11:09 PM
Voted absentee last week.

11-04-2015, 01:12 AM
Well, at this point -- ass you me'ing anyone outside WA cares -- the GOP candidate to represent me in Olympia is winning, and those idiots in Seattle voted to double their property taxes to raise a billion dollars (http://www.king5.com/story/news/politics/city/2015/11/03/elections-seattle-prop-1/75123550/) that is allegedly going to be spent on transportation issues, except that there's not actually a plan attached to the bill besides "No, really, we're going to spend the money on transportation! Really!"

Also, if you own any ivory it's going to illegal (http://www.king5.com/story/news/politics/2015/11/04/wash-anti-wildlife-trafficking-initiative-easily-passes/75138022/). Period. No grandfathering, nothing.

11-04-2015, 07:32 AM
Yesterday in "liberal Virginia," I had to choose between two Sheriff candidates, both of which are Republican and sign off on NFA :D

Also....SUCK IT, Bloomberg! He poured at least 2.4 million into our state.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12189016_10154274124165942_3084653281822815553_n.j pg?oh=1e9af02f82b738f0fdbf0480d18fcc20&oe=56BFAD78

11-04-2015, 07:38 AM
Good to hear for VA.

Locally, every democrat won, except two republicans who got on the city council (that's amazing) and my voting district was the only one to elect a republican, other than that, business as usual.

11-04-2015, 07:41 AM
Good to hear for VA.

Locally, every democrat won, except two republicans who got on the city council (that's amazing) and my voting district was the only one to elect a republican, other than that, business as usual.

Hope the Black Panthers didn't oppress you at the polling station again :D

11-04-2015, 07:43 AM
Hope the Black Panthers didn't oppress you at the polling station again :D

Not this year, maybe next time.

11-04-2015, 08:22 AM
Also, if you own any ivory it's going to illegal (http://www.king5.com/story/news/politics/2015/11/04/wash-anti-wildlife-trafficking-initiative-easily-passes/75138022/). Period. No grandfathering, nothing.

That's not how the law reads.

The initiative outlawed selling, offering to sell, purchasing, trading, bartering for or distributing any covered animal species or product, to include elephant, rhinoceros, tiger, lion, leopard, cheetah, pangolin, marine turtle, shark and ray.

Exceptions include when the animal species or product is:

distributed for scientific or educational purposes or to a museum
a bona fide antique or a musical instrument composed of less than 15 percent of a covered species product
distributed to a legal beneficiary of an estate, trust or inheritance
authorized by federal law or for law enforcement activities

11-04-2015, 08:40 AM
I was alarmingly cynical yesterday. Texas votin' is new to me, but I reviewed the ballot and saw no seats up and a bunch of amendment referenda that had little meaning to me. It did not seem worth the diesel. I'll vote when there's people involved, or if I see something near and dear as a referendum, but to this noob it looks like Texas needs to figure out what 'representative government' mean.

11-04-2015, 09:26 AM
Voted in NJ for State Assembly and Bergen County Freeholders. Looking at the results today....the Dems won.

I feel tainted/contaminated/dirty (not in a good way) living 2 blocks from Sen Loretta Weinberg's office. I need to move...

11-04-2015, 11:49 AM
Bloomberg won the McPike / Parrish race… :( Otherwise not a bad day.

11-04-2015, 12:27 PM
One can always hope.

Not this year, maybe next time.

11-04-2015, 12:46 PM
I have a request in for a absentee ballot , we'll see when it gets here....

11-04-2015, 12:47 PM
That's not how the law reads.

Waiting for the instructions on how to register one's antique ivory pistol grips or jewelry, because, after all, "If you like your antique ivory you can keep your antique ivory."

11-04-2015, 01:03 PM
Also, if you own any ivory it's going to illegal (http://www.king5.com/story/news/politics/2015/11/04/wash-anti-wildlife-trafficking-initiative-easily-passes/75138022/). Period. No grandfathering, nothing.
Elephant or shark skin holster, belt or boots... illegal.
My shark skin holster... from my cold dead hands.

11-04-2015, 02:09 PM
So full of WTF?
‘Democracy vouchers’ win in Seattle; first in country | The Seattle Times (http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/democracy-vouchers/)

Initiative 122 took a 20 percentage-point lead in first-day returns, which makes Seattle the nation’s first jurisdiction to try taxpayer-funded “democracy vouchers.”

“Seattle leads the nation, first on $15 an hour and now on campaign-finance reform. We look forward to seeing more cities and states implementing their own local solutions to the problem of big money in politics,” said Heather Weiner, I-122 spokeswoman.

It was a campaign steeped in irony.

Arguing that big money corrupts local politics, advocates for I-122 raised $1.384 million — nearly a record amount — and 30 times what their opponents mustered.

Their “Honest Elections” campaign collected 52 percent of its money from outside Seattle. The average contribution to “Honest Elections” was $7,134 — compared with $166 in this year’s City Council clash between Kshama Sawant and Pamela Banks, the most expensive in city history.
“Honest Elections” faced the challenge of convincing Seattle voters they should pay $30 million in property taxes over the next 10 years for the voucher experiment — or about $9 per year for a $450,000 property. A campaign for publicly financed elections in Seattle narrowly lost in 2013.

I-122 supporters said that financing of Seattle elections is dominated by a wealthy elite, with half of the contributions to 2013 candidates from just 1,686 donors.

The initiative will work like this: For each city election cycle, or every two years, the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission (SEEC) will mail four $25 vouchers to each voter. They can only be used in Seattle campaigns for mayor, city council and city attorney.

Voters will assign the vouchers by signing and mailing them to candidates or to the SEEC, or by submitting them online.

The SEEC will release money to the candidates that agree to follow I-122’s rules, which include participating in three debates and accepting lower contribution and spending limits.

I-122’s rules will prohibit candidates from receiving contributions from any person or company with at least $250,000 in city contracts or $5,000 in lobbying expenses. It also will bar elected officials, and their top aides, from lobbying the city for three years after leaving their City Hall jobs.

11-04-2015, 04:28 PM
Waiting for the instructions on how to register one's antique ivory pistol grips or jewelry, because, after all, "If you like your antique ivory you can keep your antique ivory."

You don't have to register it. The law doesn't say anything about that. It says that you may not "sell, purchas(e), trad(e), barter...for or distribut(e)".

Nowhere does it say anything about own or possess.

Now, if you want to get rid of that stuff, the only way to do that within the letter of the law would be through a will or bequest after you're dead, or to a museum, or out of state.

Software Guy
11-04-2015, 08:02 PM
We won. The gun hating bitch did not get elected. She lost by 30K votes!

11-04-2015, 10:17 PM
Republicans by a landslide in KY. Co-worker whose in-laws and family have ALWAYS voted democratic ticket had several who voted straight Republican ticket.

11-05-2015, 09:27 AM
We won. The gun hating bitch did not get elected. She lost by 30K votes!

Who are you talking about?