View Full Version : HR218 and DC

10-07-2015, 09:46 PM
I'm heading to the DC area soon for a few days to visit family and a couple of sightseeing days are in the works. I know DC is really strict firearm wise but I was curious how HR218 is received there. I've googled a little about it but I know there are some of our collective around that area and was curious about firsthand experience. The thought of exploring DC unarmed is a bit unsettling to me. Any experiences or advice would be helpful. I'm also headed to MD for a few days so any advice related to MD is appreciated as well.

10-07-2015, 09:58 PM
The scary thing about this issue is that even though you may be in the right, if it became an issue, you could be getting booked for a felony. Even if you were exonerated later, that would still suck. The rabidly anti gun locations make me nervous.

10-08-2015, 12:11 AM
I have visited DC for about 10 of the last 12 years and have always carried. Most of those visits were during Police Week, so there was uniformed carry as well as concealed. In my travels in and out of the various gathering places (like the FOP tent city and such) and from talking with the Capitol Police officers, nobody ever mentioned anything to be concerned about.

10-08-2015, 04:24 AM
I'm heading to the DC area soon for a few days to visit family and a couple of sightseeing days are in the works. I know DC is really strict firearm wise but I was curious how HR218 is received there. I've googled a little about it but I know there are some of our collective around that area and was curious about firsthand experience. The thought of exploring DC unarmed is a bit unsettling to me. Any experiences or advice would be helpful. I'm also headed to MD for a few days so any advice related to MD is appreciated as well.

Just make sure you do not leave your creds in the car or in a jacket. It has been jacket weather in the mornings and then hot in the Afternoons. If its concealed no issue but if you go to the capital building you mght have to check in your gun if not on official business. I have had it both ways.

10-08-2015, 06:09 AM
1) it shouldn't be unsettling. It's DC, not Kabul. Don't go to Anacostia and there isn't really any reason to be scared.

2) HR218 already has some pretty well established case law. You're fine. Read up if you want. IIRC it doesn't apply to federal buildings, so don't try to bring your gun (s) in them.

10-08-2015, 06:50 AM
Thanks for the responses. Most of my travels are in free, southern states so I guess I'm just trying to be cautious. My family lives in MD so I imagine we'll ride the train into DC.

Any suggestions on stuff to see? As of now I want try to go to the LEO memorial, spy museum, crime and punishment museum, and Tomb of the Unknown.

10-08-2015, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the responses. Most of my travels are in free, southern states so I guess I'm just trying to be cautious. My family lives in MD so I imagine we'll ride the train into DC.

Any suggestions on stuff to see? As of now I want try to go to the LEO memorial, spy museum, crime and punishment museum, and Tomb of the Unknown.


10-08-2015, 07:03 AM
Air and Space Museum is always fun and even more fun if you are able to run out to Dulles area at the big museum at in those parts. Natural Science museum is also interesting but I do not know what is there. I go to the Air and Space Museum a lot due to working a block from there.

Chuck Haggard
10-08-2015, 07:12 AM
In my travels to and through DC, mostly during Police Week, I've had zero issues with coming and going to various sights, even the secure ones that are using metal detectors like the Smithsonians, Holocaust Memorial Museum, etc.

Most of them have a check-in/sign in procedure for cops on the side from the metal detectors.

10-08-2015, 07:28 AM
In my travels to and through DC, mostly during Police Week, I've had zero issues with coming and going to various sights, even the secure ones that are using metal detectors like the Smithsonians, Holocaust Memorial Museum, etc.

Most of them have a check-in/sign in procedure for cops on the side from the metal detectors.

Chuck, do know if they offer the same or secure storage for retired cops? I haven't hit the musuems since I retired, but may be in DC later in the year.


10-08-2015, 07:49 AM
I've carried on LEOSA in DC many times. I've never had an issue, but my weapon has never come out of concealment when I've been there (except for Police Week, when I was in uniform). I always carry my department issued weapon as opposed to a personal one when I'm there. I figure if there's any sort of issue and they take my gun, they can deal with my Sheriff wanting the gun back instead of me.

Beat Trash
10-08-2015, 10:07 AM
I went there last spring to run a 17.75k as part of the Marine Marathon series. The Smithsonian museum that I went into had detectors. I badged the security guard. Very polite and very professional.

The only thing I am unsure of is magazine capacity limits in DC as it relates to off-duty LEO carrying under LEOSA. My duty and off duty guns have magazines over 10 rds. Last spring, I carried my M&P Shield when I went into the district (It's my BUG at work).

Does anyone know if you can use a 15 rd Glock 19 mag under LEOSA?

Chuck Haggard
10-08-2015, 10:12 AM
I went there last spring to run a 17.75k as part of the Marine Marathon series. The Smithsonian museum that I went into had detectors. I badged the security guard. Very polite and very professional.

The only thing I am unsure of is magazine capacity limits in DC as it relates to off-duty LEO carrying under LEOSA. My duty and off duty guns have magazines over 10 rds. Last spring, I carried my M&P Shield when I went into the district (It's my BUG at work).

Does anyone know if you can use a 15 rd Glock 19 mag under LEOSA?

I know in NJ LEOSA does not cover you against having a magazine of more than 15 rounds, even as an off-duty NJ LEO. As to how the DC laws are written, I'm not sure, but magazine capacity is not covered by LEOSA

Le Français
10-08-2015, 12:36 PM
I've carried in DC while off duty, and did not have a problem. I visited the Air and Space Museum and the American History Museum.

In both cases, before stepping through the metal detector I simply informed security that I was a police officer. The Smithsonian has a written policy according to which LEOs are permitted to carry firearms in the museums.

At the history museum, a supervisor did politely ask that I not intervene if the air grew thick with lead, for fear that his team might mistake me for a bad guy.

As a side note, I highly recommend the International Spy Museum. It's very well put together, and they offer an LE discount.

Sent from my SCH-S968C using Tapatalk

10-08-2015, 12:49 PM
I went there last spring to run a 17.75k as part of the Marine Marathon series. The Smithsonian museum that I went into had detectors. I badged the security guard. Very polite and very professional.

The only thing I am unsure of is magazine capacity limits in DC as it relates to off-duty LEO carrying under LEOSA. My duty and off duty guns have magazines over 10 rds. Last spring, I carried my M&P Shield when I went into the district (It's my BUG at work).

Does anyone know if you can use a 15 rd Glock 19 mag under LEOSA?

LEOSA does not cover magazines, so if you are in a ban state (or DC) you have to abide by the law of the land in that area.

Beat Trash
10-08-2015, 06:21 PM
That's what I thought. That is why when I went into the District, I was carrying my 8 rd Shield, and a couple of extra magazines. Not my first choice, but beats nothing...

10-08-2015, 06:47 PM
Whats the mag limit in dc?

10-08-2015, 07:14 PM
Something to consider:

Many of the SPOs (armed security guards) are more professional than DC's Metro PD, in my opinion. I say that even with one of my best friends being former MPD. Some of them actually have much more stringent vetting than MPD, and are responsible for more sensitive duties (enforcing classified material regulations, being involved with security of cabinet level officials, ect).

Thinking about it, I wouldn't count on anyone other than MPD in DC to give you hard time (if anyone were going to), provided you don't try to carry inside a federal facility. There's a lot of good cats in USPP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Park_Police), USCP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Capitol_Police), USSS-UD (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Secret_Service#Uniformed_Division), FPS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Protective_Service_%28United_States%29), ect. Chat them up.....even if they're force protection bubbas, they might be interesting to talk with. One of the more senior, well respected forum members is actually in the hiring process with one of the NCR agencies. It'd probably be good to read up on all the different uniformed services in DC just so you have a better idea who you're talking with, too.

Oh, and if you can make it down to Quantico for the National Museum of the Marine Corps, I'd highly suggest it. It's probably one of the best, if not the best museum in the National Capitol Region. For any K9 handlers, they had a small yet powerful interim display that you'd appreciate.

10-08-2015, 08:28 PM
Whats the mag limit in dc?

10 rounds, with a total on body limit of 20 rounds.
Just got back from DC. Drove from AZ and back. No issues at any of the Smithsonian venues in DC. Only one required a sign in. There are a lot of names on the Law Enforcement memorial. Found three that I recognized. One I had worked with at the FBI and two others that I didn't know personally, but had worked for the same agencies I have.

Only time I felt I might need the gun was when some sketchy dudes tried to engage in conversation at a gas station in Oklahoma City on the way back. Turned out to be a false alarm.

10-09-2015, 05:56 PM
Went sight seeing in DC with the family. Spoke with a local LEO and he admonished me for not carrying, said I was crazy and putting my family in danger. I told him we were visiting all the sites and he told me no prob. Next day I carried and at the Supreme Court building I told the entry personnel who I was and I was carrying. They invited me in, very friendly and professional, and had me secure the firearm while walking through (actually the same lockers we use at my PD). So in my experience not a problem and very LEO friendly. I work for a small city in the North East. After this visit I will always give the DC feds professional courtesy when they are in my jurisdiction.

10-10-2015, 09:09 AM
I'm heading to the DC area soon for a few days to visit family and a couple of sightseeing days are in the works. I know DC is really strict firearm wise but I was curious how HR218 is received there. I've googled a little about it but I know there are some of our collective around that area and was curious about firsthand experience. The thought of exploring DC unarmed is a bit unsettling to me. Any experiences or advice would be helpful. I'm also headed to MD for a few days so any advice related to MD is appreciated as well.

My then girlfriend and now wife use to live inside the beltway. I've carried dozens of times in DC under LESOA. The only place I've had to consistently check my gun was at the Holocaust museum. The LEO's up there are good to go and you won't have any problems.

10-10-2015, 09:14 AM
Thanks for the responses. Most of my travels are in free, southern states so I guess I'm just trying to be cautious. My family lives in MD so I imagine we'll ride the train into DC.

Any suggestions on stuff to see? As of now I want try to go to the LEO memorial, spy museum, crime and punishment museum, and Tomb of the Unknown.

1. the Mall and memorials
2. Smithsonian Air and Space museum (both of them: mall location and Dulles)
3. Mt Vernon
4. Arlington National Cemetery (to include the changing of the guard at the Tomb)
5. US Capital
6. Holocaust Museum
7. Fords Theatre
8. Law Enforcement Memorial

How much time do you have?

10-10-2015, 03:32 PM
Went sight seeing in DC with the family. Spoke with a local LEO and he admonished me for not carrying, said I was crazy and putting my family in danger. I told him we were visiting all the sites and he told me no prob. Next day I carried and at the Supreme Court building I told the entry personnel who I was and I was carrying. They invited me in, very friendly and professional, and had me secure the firearm while walking through (actually the same lockers we use at my PD). So in my experience not a problem and very LEO friendly. I work for a small city in the North East. After this visit I will always give the DC feds professional courtesy when they are in my jurisdiction.

Good, as you should. I give every LEO professional courtesy unless they indicate to me that they do not deserve it. Fed,state,local doesn't matter. Remember, no matter what badge you have in your pocket, when you get right down to it we are all cops.

10-10-2015, 03:45 PM
I steer clear of MD every chance I get, just like NJ.

Last few time I went to DC I just brought a G26 with a few mags, that usually fits the bill in most places and I do not tell anyone I have a firearm on me unless there are metal detectors that I have to go through, then I tell them and usually there is a lock box (except the Holocaust Museum, they don't want any guns for any reason).

If you are going to go to the LE Memorial, that area to the mall area, you are going to pass through some shitty streets so you should carry.

10-10-2015, 04:46 PM
Spoke with a local LEO and he admonished me for not carrying, said I was crazy and putting my family in danger.

That just confirms why I, as a non LEO, avoid DC at all costs.

10-11-2015, 10:49 AM
If you are going to go to the LE Memorial, that area to the mall area, you are going to pass through some shitty streets...

Say what?

10-11-2015, 05:52 PM
Good, as you should. I give every LEO professional courtesy unless they indicate to me that they do not deserve it. Fed,state,local doesn't matter. Remember, no matter what badge you have in your pocket, when you get right down to it we are all cops.

Well said, I do but just wanted to emphasis how impressed I was with the uniformed Feds guarding that building.

10-11-2015, 06:28 PM
If you are going to go to the LE Memorial, that area to the mall area, you are going to pass through some shitty streets so you should carry.

You must take the long way.

10-11-2015, 06:40 PM
You must take the long way.

Or maybe I just see things differently than you ;)

10-11-2015, 08:03 PM
Or maybe I just see things differently than you ;)

It seems you do.

10-11-2015, 10:39 PM
The FBI Washington Field Office is right around the corner from the LE Memorial. Just sayin...

Le Français
10-11-2015, 11:22 PM
I just walked through that area yesterday. Philly must be really nice if that part of DC looks bad in comparison.

Pup town
10-12-2015, 07:23 AM
DC gets unfairly maligned on this board. Long time posters are afraid to walk the same streets that are full of school kids on field trips from around the country.

The streets from the LE Memorial to the Mall are fine.

Of course, isn't this the same board that has people admitting that they are too afraid to shop in Wal-mart. (Or was that TPI?) So what do you expect.

10-12-2015, 07:41 AM
Of course, isn't this the same board that has people admitting that they are too afraid to shop in Wal-mart. (Or was that TPI?) So what do you expect.

Knock off the passive aggressive insults or leave, Pup town. Public warning. Also, feel free to go to an ECQC class and tell SouthNarc and his students how afraid they are. Or are in face insults not your forte?

10-12-2015, 08:59 AM
Regarding people posting about being afraid to shop in Wal-mart, well, it's the internet and people post all sorts of stuff that I chalk up to hyperbole.

I don't know to what he's specifically referring, and I didn't encounter it in my ECQC class, but I've definitely seen the sentiment in every other class I've been in. "Afraid to go where busloads of school-children on field trips" sums it up quite well, actually.

Claude Werner also wrote about this, and how uber-tactical-awareness people are often missing out on what it means to actually live in America. So if the professor wrote about the notion, then it must be real. :)

10-12-2015, 09:01 AM
Apparently PF and TPI both share similar over reaction to people posting their first hand experience.

*your experience may vary

There, disclaimer added

10-12-2015, 09:06 AM
Apparently PF and TPI both share similar over reaction to people posting their first hand experience.

*your experience may vary

There, disclaimer added

Well, I'm curious what you actually encountered that made you feel the area was shitty. From the mall to the LE memorial is almost one continuous park of sorts, so it's not a bad looking area.....and the crime stats certainly aren't there.

I mean, when someone says "shitty" I think Frankford or Kensington. Or, in the case of DC, Trinidad and Anacostia....maybe even Adams Morgan if you don't like to see beer bottles being smashed on peoples' heads....

....but certainly not the mall.

10-12-2015, 09:17 AM
Well, I'm curious what you actually encountered that made you feel the area was shitty. From the mall to the LE memorial is almost one continuous park of sorts, so it's not a bad looking area.....and the crime stats certainly aren't there.

I mean, when someone says "shitty" I think Frankford or Kensington. Or, in the case of DC, Trinidad and Anacostia....maybe even Adams Morgan if you don't like to see beer bottles being smashed on peoples' heads....

....but certainly not the mall.

When I see groups of homeless bums harassing people on corners unchecked and other groups of roaming corner hood boy types, thats a shitty area. Thats what I saw two blocks, I guess it was south, southwest of the LE memorial, just roaming looking for prey.

Chris Rhines
10-12-2015, 09:18 AM
Well, I'm curious what you actually encountered that made you feel the area was shitty. From the mall to the LE memorial is almost one continuous park of sorts, so it's not a bad looking area.....and the crime stats certainly aren't there.

I mean, when someone says "shitty" I think Frankford or Kensington. Or, in the case of DC, Trinidad and Anacostia....maybe even Adams Morgan if you don't like to see beer bottles being smashed on peoples' heads....

....but certainly not the mall.
This right here. I don't like anything about DC, but it's not particularly unsafe, at least around the touristy parts. I've been working in DC proper for over ten years, and the worst I've ever had to deal with was some moderately aggressive panhandling.

Chuck Haggard
10-12-2015, 11:59 AM
Parts of DC are not like other parts of DC, the whole town is not the same. Around the touristy sights and during the day one has far less to worry about. Away from those areas, and after dark, is a different issue.

My first trip to DC I missed the last Metro train back to the area of my hotel. I had my snubby in my hand while dealing with a MUC situation five times during the walk back to the area of the hotel with my girlfriend. Five fucking times in the space of about two miles.

My last trip there I witnessed a crazy dude randomly punch the shit out of a federal court judge who was walking through a park and minding his own damn bizniss.

On the trips in between I have seen shop owners in full on brawls with thieves, a crazy lady pissing on a monument, aggressive panhandlers who didn't want to take no for an answer, dudes smoking dope in broad daylight on park benches while hitting tourists up for money.....

I'm not afraid of going to DC or WalMart, but I'm not stupid either.

Pup town
10-12-2015, 03:45 PM
Knock off the passive aggressive insults or leave, Pup town. Public warning. Also, feel free to go to an ECQC class and tell SouthNarc and his students how afraid they are. Or are in face insults not your forte?

Who said it was Southnarc or even an ECQC student? I sure didn't. Could have been a random poster (and a little searching didn't even pull up the thread I'm thinking of here or at TPI). But if you write "Wal-Mart scares the shit out of me and I refuse to go in one" then you probably already know you are a coward. I don't need to say it.


Anytime the subject of DC comes up, there's always a chorus of "stay away. You'll get murdered and your dog will be raped. If the cops find a spent shell in your car, you'll be put in jail for life. I would never go there. blah blah blah."

It's a big city with more than its share of 'urban' problems. But the tourist areas are safer than this forum would have you to believe.

10-12-2015, 04:43 PM
Who said it was Southnarc or even an ECQC student? I sure didn't. Could have been a random poster (and a little searching didn't even pull up the thread I'm thinking of here or at TPI). But if you write "Wal-Mart scares the shit out of me and I refuse to go in one" then you probably already know you are a coward. I don't need to say it.


Anytime the subject of DC comes up, there's always a chorus of "stay away. You'll get murdered and your dog will be raped. If the cops find a spent shell in your car, you'll be put in jail for life. I would never go there. blah blah blah."

It's a big city with more than its share of 'urban' problems. But the tourist areas are safer than this forum would have you to believe.

Why don't you just explain what you mean by "this forum?" 50% of the membership? 75% of TPI's membership? Stevie Wonder could see the reason why I referred to SouthNarc was your passive aggressive jab at his forum TPI. But hey, PF and TPI are made up of a bunch of cowards, many of whom compete and train and are known quantities as opposed you just dropping by to be snide and catty.

Keep on talking shit anonymously, it beats being positive, training, or competing, right? Casting forum membership wide insults is really that pleasurable for you?

What's sad is that a grown man has nothing better to do with his time than sling insults at thousands of differing people. As I get older, I'm constantly amazed at how immature and bitchy "men" can be.

10-12-2015, 09:45 PM
My cousin works in the city and offered to guide me on a day of adventures in DC. Primarily sightseeing. I haven't been to DC since I was 14 and living in a small southern area I assumed DC is an evil, big city. I admittedly don't like big cities, lots of people and going places I'm unfamiliar with. With those in mind, I was thankful to read that HR218 was fairly well received thing in DC. I decided to carry my G43 as it seemed to prevent any mag capacity issues and is small. ID and badge in a cred wallet.

We drove into the Rockville area, jumped on the Metro Transit and headed into DC. I was amazed that a lightening bolt didn't strike me dead when I jurisdictionally crossed in to DC with a gun!! The metro wasn't bad but I was so amazed how many sheeple are in condition white, nose to screen. I was very alert because this was all new and different to me. The ride in was very uneventful.

Arrival was at the metro stop right at the Law Enforcement Memorial. Very nice memorial, I located a few names I knew and took a second to note how many names there were. Too many. We then decided to walk towards the mall. There is a store associated to the LE memorial but it was closed due to the holiday. Then on to the National Archives. I couldn't remember if they allowed LEOs to carry. As I approached the detector I motioned to an officer, displayed my creds and informed him I was LEO. He asked if I was armed, I responded yes and he moved me aside while calling his LT over. The LT kindly explained that they no longer offered lock boxes and offered to allow me to skip line if I could take my pistol back to the hotel. These folks were super professional, I was very impressed. The LT suggested just letting other guards know upon approaching metal detectors and believed I'd have no issues. I went to the American History museum next. As I approached the screening area I made eye contact with the officer, gave him my creds and he passed me through. No big deal at all, as though it's a usual everyday thing. I was relieved. We enjoyed that museum for hours! Spy Musuem next, no detectors so I just operated as normal. No issues.

DC wasn't bad. A couple homeless solicitors and one guy urinating in public in front if the US Post Office. I can see that the tourist areas and time of day all play into the perception of what you see. I think keeping your whits about you avoids a lot, especially with possible unknown contacts seeing you as aware and ready. I don't think I'd try going back at night and having a savy guide helped too. On the Metro Transit ride back a guy a couple rows up was all over the place, unbalanced, trying to hang on while the train bounced, accelerated and braked. Appeared an opioid user to me, he got off to the relief if several around him.

Overall it was great. DC wasn't the cease pool I'd come to believe it was. Next time I'll have a better idea of how to prepare and handle the various museums. I hope to hit police week in May. Thanks for all the advice, it was very useful.

10-13-2015, 05:17 AM
Every cop should attend Police Week. Powerful stuff. I was so moved I wrote a short essay/blog post thing on it when I got back after my first trip, if I can find it I'll post it up later.

I try to encourage all of our young officers to go. A three day, all-day and all-night Irish wake...

10-13-2015, 09:24 AM
I hope to hit police week in May.

Let me know if you do. I missed last year because of budgetary reasons. I hope to make it this year.

10-13-2015, 01:18 PM
I may try to make it out this one.

10-13-2015, 06:30 PM
Let me know if you do. I missed last year because of budgetary reasons. I hope to make it this year.

2015 was my first police week. My trainee, partner and friend was murdered. Hated the reason for being there. But the way we were treated was nothing short of amazing. The candlelight vigil was incredible.

10-13-2015, 10:35 PM
In 2012, one of my brother's name went on the wall.

2015 was my 9th Police Week, though it was my first after having participated in the Police Unity Tour bike ride.

If you have ever considered participating in the Tour, just do it. One of the coolest things I have done in my career. Fine group of people, to say the least.

Beat Trash
10-13-2015, 11:42 PM
I have yet to make Police Week. It's definitely on my To-Do list. I'll know too many names personally not to visit.

I was in the DC area this spring when the wife and I went to run the 17.75K near MCB Quantico. We stayed in a hotel near Quantico. But we spent a day in DC playing tourist. We drove to the southern most part of the rail system and took the rail into the District. I was carrying a M&P Shield under LEOSA. No issues with the gun. At the advice of some, I left it locked in the car when I went to visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps. (ALL former Marines should make a pilgrimage there eat some point. Amazing and humbling.) Zero issues when we went to the museums with security. ID'ed myself to the security. EXTREMELY polite and respectful to me.

I kind of felt like a over-reacting schmuck by carrying within the National Mall, until we left. Heading back on the train, about the 3-4th stop from the southern end, three local "thugs' hopped on the train. They instantly split up. All three male blacks in their late teen's, early 20's. No issues as thugs come in all types. But they instantly scared a male black working class guy in his late 40's. I acted bored as I watched them. Should have acted intimidated. I was wearing my new Marine Corps hat and a pair of Oakley's. And I was tired. When the alpha male of the three tried to eye f*ck me, I apparently smiled (smirked) just a bit. It confused them.

My wife and I have only been married for three years. She's just now getting some exposure to my work life. I've been an inter-city LEO in high crime neighborhoods for the last 23 years. We (we being her) had a lot to talk about on the drive to the hotel. She picked up on a lot of the non-verbal body language and facial expressions going on with me and with the new additions to the train. After doing this at work for so long, my only real thought was that I no longer felt like a schmuck for carrying my Shield. And I wish I didn't have to deal with the 10 rd magazine limit of DC, otherwise I'd have carried something else.

I'm sure someone somewhere had a bad experience within DC while carrying under LEOSA. As for me, I was surprised and humbled at the way I was treated by those I identified myself to. I only hope that at some point before I retire, I can return the favor.

10-21-2015, 09:02 AM
2015 was my first police week. My trainee, partner and friend was murdered. Hated the reason for being there. But the way we were treated was nothing short of amazing. The candlelight vigil was incredible.

I have been several times for Police Week and the candlelight Vigil was always my favorite part.

The part about DC being a different place after dark is true. While in VA for training, we took the train in and went to visit the Police Memorial. Someone attempted to rob three of us just after dark on our way from the memorial to the Hard Rock. He was armed with a knife and when 9mms came out he quickly decided he was "just kidding." That was pre-LEOSA and, while things would probably have been cool with MPDC, we just told him to GTFO here and we went our separate ways.