View Full Version : Club Orov: American “allies” in Syria

10-02-2015, 08:55 PM
I found this article from Club Orlov. I found it very interesting. I have no military experience but I have seen numerous
examples in business where management expects the world to be very regular and orderly and all their planning and
training leaves little room for creativity and battling the ambiguity found in the real world. I too have seen managers
who ignore all information that does not fit their simplistic mental model, and totally miss the big picture of what we are
trying to accomplish, the promotion of people who know some buzwords but are not suitable for the job. I do not know
anything about modern warfare, but this article hit close to home with my understanding of management hierarchy and
the common problems that I see.

I would be interested to hear from those that know, how much of this criticism is warranted.
The PF members who I have met, seem to have none of the shortcomings listed above and
would not stand for it in the real world, but that article was quite convincing.

American “allies” in Syria: their shameful performance is perfectly explainable


oh, and I have been reading H. John Poole's book "Strategic Rifleman" which has a similar flavor
though I found it less compelling.