View Full Version : Would you label #BLM & the offshoot movements terrorists or terrorist organizations?

08-31-2015, 07:31 AM
Given the context of these types of threats - http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/08/28/black-activists-called-for-lynching-and-hanging-of-white-people-and-cops/ - These "movements" are calling for murders and lynching of whites and police officers.

The fact that Deputy Goforth was assassinated shortly after this trash was posted online for what appears to be just wearing the uniform - http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mom-suspect-texas-deputy-darren-goforths-killing-says-he-was-n418526 (video in link auto plays)


a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims.

The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"

Jason M
08-31-2015, 07:43 AM
Based on 18 U.S.C. 2331(5) and (perhaps more relevant to you and I) 18 PA C.S. 2717a, yes.

08-31-2015, 07:47 AM
If the folks that film livestock operations are "terrorists," these people are as well.

08-31-2015, 02:14 PM
That was some really piss-poor reporting. As far as a I can tell, the writer determined that callers to a radio show were Black through magic. There's audio of callers to the radio show saying that Blacks should commit murder - but no audio of the radio host making any such suggestion. The radio host seems to be encouraging people to wipe their bums with the U.S. and Confederate Battle Flags. I believe in the 1st Amendment - wipe away. Many quotes are attributed to unidentified FYF911 and BLM supporters, but no details on how the reporter determined the people were supporters other than they called into a radio show. I don't know of any evidence that the killer listened to this show or any other similar material (I have not looked).

Is there anti-police sentiment in the air? Yes. Are there organized/popular movements advocating for the murder of police and Whites? I don't see that (yet).

Was the Deputy murdered? Yes. The Officer Down Memorial Page seems to indicate that the number of feloniously killed (23 by gunfire, 3 by assault, and 3 by vehicular assault) officers is lower than the prior year. This seems to indicate there is currently no broad or popular war on LEOs.

I see the media stoking the fears of the general population (and various minorities) by creating the impression that LEOs are indiscriminately killing people. I see the media stoking the fear of LEOs by creating the impression that there is a large movement intent on killing LEOs. Are there incidents that support each story? Sure. Is there any evidence that the deaths are abnormally higher than the past? I don't see it.

08-31-2015, 02:26 PM
That was some really piss-poor reporting. As far as a I can tell, the writer determined that callers to a radio show were Black through magic. There's audio of callers to the radio show saying that Blacks should commit murder - but no audio of the radio host making any such suggestion. The radio host seems to be encouraging people to wipe their bums with the U.S. and Confederate Battle Flags. I believe in the 1st Amendment - wipe away. Many quotes are attributed to unidentified FYF911 and BLM supporters, but no details on how the reporter determined the people were supporters other than they called into a radio show. I don't know of any evidence that the killer listened to this show or any other similar material (I have not looked).

Is there anti-police sentiment in the air? Yes. Are there organized/popular movements advocating for the murder of police and Whites? I don't see that (yet).

Was the Deputy murdered? Yes. The Officer Down Memorial Page seems to indicate that the number of feloniously killed (23 by gunfire, 3 by assault, and 3 by vehicular assault) officers is lower than the prior year. This seems to indicate there is currently no broad or popular war on LEOs.

I see the media stoking the fears of the general population (and various minorities) by creating the impression that LEOs are indiscriminately killing people. I see the media stoking the fear of LEOs by creating the impression that there is a large movement intent on killing LEOs. Are there incidents that support each story? Sure. Is there any evidence that the deaths are abnormally higher than the past? I don't see it.

I cannot say anything in reference to the first paragraph as I do not know. If a person says they are part of a movement named *insert name*, are supposed to disregard that unless they have official standing in that movement's organization? What happens when the true officials of that movement's organization do not say anything to the contrary?

Yes, the numbers are slightly lower, the ODMP does not track assaults of any kind, however.

The fact that in recent years there has been an uptick on LEO-targeted assaults, example being two NYPD officer's assassinated and the cowardly POS that did it posts on instagram hash-tagging michael brown and eric garner and #shootthepolice, shows a completely different aspect of this.

It could just be that the widespread use and acceptance of social media allows for there to be digital record of this type of thing more prevalent than in the past.

08-31-2015, 02:54 PM
I cannot say anything in reference to the first paragraph as I do not know. If a person says they are part of a movement named *insert name*, are supposed to disregard that unless they have official standing in that movement's organization? What happens when the true officials of that movement's organization do not say anything to the contrary?

All dalmatians are dogs; not all dogs are dalmatians. We're constantly admonished not to use, for example, the actions and statements of a single police officer to paint a picture of an entire department (or all police officers in general). We spent this summer watching "white culture," whatever that is, being blamed as a whole for the actions of a lone asshole -- and more than a few of us got fed up at the implication that we were somehow responsible for said asshole's actions. A few years ago, some dudes were showing up at Tea Party rallies with signs that could be interpreted as racist -- and the entire movement was thus pigeonholed into that label.

If the latter three are unfair, why is it fair to paint a decentralized movement which -- rightly or wrongly -- is stating "we feel that black people are treated in a disproportionately unfair manner by the criminal justice system" based on the actions of... anonymous callers, some people acting like First Amendment-protected assholes, and some guy who murdered a police officer with no known motive?


The fact that in recent years there has been an uptick on LEO-targeted assaults, example being two NYPD officer's assassinated and the cowardly POS that did it posts on instagram hash-tagging michael brown and eric garner and #shootthepolice, shows a completely different aspect of this.

It could just be that the widespread use and acceptance of social media allows for there to be digital record of this type of thing more prevalent than in the past.

The anti-LE sentiment is certainly present among some. Where's your data which indicates the uptick in assaults?

I see a year (https://www.odmp.org/search/year) that -- so far, anyway -- appears to be consistent with previous years (http://www.nleomf.org/facts/officer-fatalities-data/causes.html), at least as it relates to line of duty deaths.

Wondering Beard
08-31-2015, 03:02 PM
As far as I can tell they are rent seekers for a portion of the Democratic party.

Think new generation Al Sharpton.

08-31-2015, 03:06 PM
I've previously read through several years of the FBI's LEOKA information. My recollection is that it's fairly common to have a few ambush deaths every year. What I do not recall is the intent behind previous ambush killings. The recent deputy, the two NYPD officers, and the NV officers shot in the restaurant all appear to have a similar purpose -- killing an officer (as opposed to getting away, etc.). I don't know if this is new or if the media is reporting it as new. Given that I recall ambush killings being present in prior years, I suspect that the media is reporting it as new. Either way, the number of ambush killings is quite low. The odds of a LEO being murdered is very similar to the odds of being murdered in the general population. I think it's important to not conclude there is a widespread/popular movement to kill the police until it actually happens. If LEOs believe it to be true, I think the LEOs will in general resort to lethal force more quickly. Since I don't see a popular/widespread movement (yet), I don't want LEOs getting jumpy (yet).

Is it fair to label someone a supporter who self-identifies as a supporter? Yes. However, I don't think it's fair to claim that the BLM and FYF911 movements are advocating the murder of LEOs/Whites because a couple of callers to one radio show said those things. What I see are some people starting a monkey dance (I'm referencing Rory Miller here, not calling Blacks monkeys). This has peaked my social situational awareness in case it becomes popular.

How do I feel about radio hosts allowing callers advocating for murder to blather on? I think that being shocking and offensive is part of the job. I think that it would take a backbone and some moral integrity to tell a caller to STFU when advocating murder. Now you have a succinct description of how I feel about the host. I don't listen to any call-in shows because I find them to be magnets for the crackpots of the world trying to find an audience. That's what I think those callers were, extremists whose extreme views are ignored by most everyone around them. I'm white. Supposedly I'm a target. I'm not (yet) making active preparations for massive social unrest. Given my presence on this particular board, my usual readiness is probably an order of magnitude more than the general population.

08-31-2015, 04:30 PM
Is there anti-police sentiment in the air? Yes. Are there organized/popular movements advocating for the murder of police and Whites? I don't see that (yet).

Obviously, you haven't been keeping up with the rantings of that epitome of peace and love, Louis Farrakhan.


08-31-2015, 04:42 PM
Obviously, you haven't been keeping up with the rantings of that epitome of peace and love, Louis Farrakhan.

You're right on that. I think, however, I'm in good company. Nation of Islam reportedly has a membership of 50,000 (I'm willing to bet the committed membership is MUCH lower). I think most Blacks consider him only slightly less nutty than I do. But, he's another data point. Thank you.