View Full Version : You get one wish...

08-24-2011, 11:07 PM
You get one wish... One wave of the wand so to speak, to remove OR enact one gun law. what would you do?

I'd abolish the disaster that transpired in 1968. Imagine how very different things would be without the Gun Control Act.

08-24-2011, 11:25 PM
Nationwide concealed carry reciprocity, including DC.

Kyle Reese
08-24-2011, 11:37 PM
Repeal GCA 68.

08-25-2011, 01:09 AM
The right to have any weapon on your person at any time in any place no matter what. Oh wait! What am I talking about? Isn't that the 2nd Ammendment? I wish the 2nd Ammendment was enforced with the same ferocity as the 1st.

08-25-2011, 05:57 AM
Remove restrictions on places where CC-permit holders can carry lawfully.

08-25-2011, 07:25 AM
Since I have only one wish and live in NJ, I'll need to make it all encompassing. Rewrite NJ 2C:38 & 2C:58 so that the gun laws are sensible and gun owner friendly. At this point I'm not even looking for concealed carry although that would be the cherry on top.

08-25-2011, 07:34 AM
If you want to have the most sweeping impact, it seems that focusing your efforts on the wording of the 2nd would make the most impact.

08-25-2011, 07:39 AM
Allow military members with concealed carry permits to conceal carry personal weapons on stateside bases.

08-25-2011, 08:07 AM
Allow military members with concealed carry permits to conceal carry personal weapons on stateside bases.

A most bizarre prohibition indeed. I've never understood the idea with this.

08-25-2011, 08:56 AM
No carry restrictions ... none ... unless you're a felon.

If I got two choices it would to elminate control on SBRs, SBSs, suppressors, etc. That law is even more absurd than carry restrictions. At least carry restrictions can pretend to be "about safety". Controlling length of barrel, suppressors, etc. is just plain retardondo.

08-25-2011, 08:59 AM
Allow military members with concealed carry permits to conceal carry personal weapons on stateside bases.

The fact is, if a soldier/marine/sailor wanted to bring a weapon on base to cause harm, there is probably a 99% chance they would be successful. But it is illegal for me to carry to and from work.

08-25-2011, 11:19 AM
The problem isn't the laws. As 10mm pointed out, the highest law of the land is pretty unequivocal and a whole lot of brains, education, and legal experience has been spent to twist the meaning of those simple words. The problem is the FUD that surrounds guns. People are afraid of them, plain and simple. Can't expect them to act rationally when they're scared witless.

With that in mind, my one wish would be to make firearms training a mandatory part of the school curriculum for everyone in 6 through 12 grade, starting with the very basics and ending with what most people would call "advanced."

If I had a second wish, it would be that stating a demonstrably false gun-related statistic becomes a capital crime. It's just so frustrating when 85% of what's said about guns is just made up nonsense. (Doh!!! :p)

08-25-2011, 12:19 PM
Worldwide concealed carry reciprocity

Fixed that for you.

Don't know who/what would enforce it, but that's why it's a wish, no?

08-25-2011, 12:31 PM
With that in mind, my one wish would be to make firearms training a mandatory part of the school curriculum for everyone in 6 through 12 grade, starting with the very basics and ending with what most people would call "advanced."
This, or at the very least an Eddie Eagle type program being mandatory. Think about how much a neutral, safety oriented program could change the perception of guns in a generation or two. As they say, "gunproof your kids, not kidproof your guns. " Of course the anti crowd that goes on and on about common sense gun safety would have a screaming shit fit over it.

08-25-2011, 12:48 PM
If you want to have the most sweeping impact, it seems that focusing your efforts on the wording of the 2nd would make the most impact.

Indeed, especially if we're waving a magic wand and it could be retroactive. "Alternative wording" might even make its own interesting thread.

It would also trade places and become the First Amendment on my list...

Amendment 1 -
"A well-armed populace being essential to both the liberty of the people and the security of a free state, Congress shall make no law infringing upon the inalienable right of every free individual to obtain, possess, and carry arms, ammunition, and associated paraphernalia."

08-25-2011, 01:24 PM
Leave congress out of it. It would let them say the amendment only covers the National government. Change "Congress" to "no Governmental Entity".

08-25-2011, 01:50 PM
why GCA '68 when you could go back to NFA '34?

08-25-2011, 02:00 PM
why GCA '68 when you could go back to NFA '34?

Because as much of a PITA the NFA is, it's just a delay; it doesn't keep you from buying anything. The GCA and it's amendments are a constantly running machine keeping the prices rising, and the supply shrinking. It creates the reality that eventually, there will be NO transferable machine guns left.

08-25-2011, 10:06 PM
I'd have to agree with a way to word 2A so no one could ever fuck with it while undoing the damage already done at the same time.

I've had anti-gunners bring up the whole "machine guns didn't exist when the Constitution was written/the founding fathers couldn't have predicted their existance" bullshit on many occasions. My reply is that while MGs did not exist in the 18th Century, artillery DID and was PRIVATELY OWNED by civilians in many cases (assuming my knowledge of history is correct) and, therefore, 2A does protect private ownership of MGs, suppressors, etc.

08-25-2011, 11:06 PM
Because as much of a PITA the NFA is, it's just a delay; it doesn't keep you from buying anything. The GCA and it's amendments are a constantly running machine keeping the prices rising, and the supply shrinking. It ensures that eventually there will be NO transferable machine guns left.

Maybe the two are connected in ways I'm not familiar with, but isn't the transferability of machine guns related to the '86 law more so than the '68 law?

08-25-2011, 11:29 PM
Maybe the two are connected in ways I'm not familiar with, but isn't the transferability of machine guns related to the '86 law more so than the '68 law?

The Firearm Owners Protection Act, which was passed in '86 was a set of amendments to the '68 GCA. Nearly everything in the '86 law was good news (safe passage law, some limits on the ATF, and language prohibiting the Federal Government from keeping a registry of non NFA firearms [how ineffective this last point was is another conversation entirely]). However, also enacted in 1986 was the Hughes amendment, which put in place the prohibition on registering new manufacture machine guns, or any machine guns for that matter, after the law went into effect in May of that year.

We'd also have to get rid of the '89 "Bush ban"


Without the 68 GCA, there would've been nothing to amend in 86, and therefore, a brand spanking new BCM M16 would be what, 1400 bucks, with the tax stamp? Not to mention removal of the import points system, the FFL system etc, etc, etc.

GLOCK 28s for everyone. :p

Really though. No GCA and no '89 import ban would mean brand new Russian manufacture AKM's Swiss SIG 55x series rifles. HK G36's, UMP's, MSG90's and HK21's. And on and on and on. Heaven in other words.

One can dream, right?

08-30-2011, 09:48 PM
Allow importation/manufacture/registration of any C&R eligible machine gun, including newly manufactured replicas.
Reclassify SBR/SBS/Supressors to AOW, $5 stamp instead of $200.

Chuck Haggard
08-30-2011, 11:23 PM
How about a true "well regulated militia", as in well trained, and everybody has to participate, much like the Swiss model, only better.

Being a criminal or crazy means you are out. Everybody else is issued rifle and handgun, although personal guns are allowed, and they can CCW 24/7 as they choose.

08-31-2011, 10:51 AM
"Nationwide concealed carry reciprocity, including DC."
