View Full Version : An interesting view of America through the eyes of a visiting Ukrainian

11-21-2014, 10:03 AM
Female World Trip on Motorcycle (https://www.facebook.com/FemaleWorldTripOnMotorcycle?fref=nf)
Anna Grechishkina, Ukrainian traveller-motorcyclist, will go for the solo world trip on motorcycle in summer of 2013.

An interesting view of America through the eyes of a visiting Ukrainian.

I think it is the right time for one of the most important posts in my American leg . What I think about America (I will mean USA in this post) and Americans. Several months in the country and a few thousand miles along the country make me eligible, I believe, at least for the first impressions about it : )
I’ll give advance notice – there will be no reasoning here about politics, both foreign or domestic. First, because this is not my strong point, and second, because I am interested more in my personal experience. Therefore, everything I write about will be based and confirmed by my experience.
It is not a secret that America and Americans are not loved by many. I did not understand why, nevertheless I was approaching it with some kind of prejudice and caution. After several months on American roads I can state with confidence and single value – I love this country. And these are the reasons…
America is called “melting pot”. I didn’t witness in any other country so far such a variety of cultures, races, nations, traditions, etc. At the same time, level of tolerance, acceptance and ability to co-exist arouses great respect. I haven’t seen here that anybody was judged based on his/her appearance, race, color of skin, age, etc.
I talked with huge amount of people along my way. And of course, many of them have their reasons to be dissatisfied with the government, life conditions, etc. But still all of them agreed and gave credit that America is the country of opportunities. Person can radically change his/her life at any age and any life circumstances provided he/she is ready to work hard and strive.
Perhaps, I am lucky but all the way along America I kept meeting only nice, friendly, open people. So my concerns that it would be different were absolutely groundless. I was very touched with willingness of people around to help and support, even total strangers on the roads. I am very thankful to Americans for their attitude and their care.
I never felt unsafe, in any part of America I’ve been to. As always, the rule is to stay smart and alert.
This is the huge country with huge number of people. This is the country where you can choose climate, landscape, rhythm of life, people, and even laws. Therefore, phrases like “I don’t like America” or “I don’t like Americans” sound absurd for me. What kind of America and what kind of Americans you don’t like?
In general, I noticed that most of criticizing people have never been here and never plan to visit. In my humble opinion, only those who don’t want to look faded next to the object of criticism dare to criticize. It applies to both people and countries.
I understand perfectly well that there is no paradise on earth. And this country has its own problems and gaps. I have no illusions on that.
But America won over me with something that I consider as the highest value – freedom of thinking and the right of choice.
I am thankful to this country and to people who showed me its best sides. Take good care of your country, you have all the reasons to be proud of it.

Alpha Sierra
11-21-2014, 11:18 AM
I wonder how that will go over in "old Europe"?

11-21-2014, 11:38 AM
Good share.

11-21-2014, 11:41 AM
A lot of Americans could benefit by reading that. Thanks for sharing.

11-22-2014, 08:48 PM
Good old Europe felt alienated by US foreign policy, but is becoming aware that they will become Eurabia if they don't act NOW. Parts, like most big cities, are already lost and peace is bought with the welfare state. If this music stops playing, it will be messy...