View Full Version : Daily Derp

09-29-2014, 12:07 PM
I'll just leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB0NIvTQQ2o#t=185

09-29-2014, 12:20 PM
LOL. Love the if you're in a confined space you clear space with your chicken wings. I've always thought that smashing my elbows into hard metal pillars before trying to shoot straight would be of great benefit.

Who want to take odds on the first person to shoot themselves in the face while indexing the gun on the cheek.

Proves the point. If you have a beard, accent and you tube channel you too can be an instructor.

Chuck Haggard
09-29-2014, 12:24 PM
That was painful to watch

09-29-2014, 12:36 PM
Why is it that that almost every time I hear "Israeli combat" it is followed by derp?

09-29-2014, 12:40 PM
Oh baby Jesus! Dude looked like he was going to flap his wings.

09-29-2014, 12:43 PM
Honestly, I lost interest the moment I seen a Blackhawk Serpa and XD.

09-29-2014, 12:53 PM
Amazing how much derp and Serpa seem to coincide, eh?

09-29-2014, 12:57 PM
Dat stance...

Giddyup, I guess.

Maple Syrup Actual
09-29-2014, 01:03 PM
There is more stupid in that 8 minutes than any training video I have recently seen, including ones that were intended to be jokes. I would literally rather use Dynamic Pie Concepts as training materials.

09-29-2014, 01:24 PM
There is more stupid in that 8 minutes than any training video I have recently seen, including ones that were intended to be jokes. I would literally rather use Dynamic Pie Concepts as training materials.

Wait a minute now. "Sweep the leg" is real.


09-29-2014, 01:34 PM
Dat stance...

Giddyup, I guess.

Whoop! Gangnam style.

Ray Keith
09-29-2014, 02:04 PM
Wait a minute now. "Sweep the leg" is real.


Sweeps his support hand too at about 6:00 min mark

09-29-2014, 02:07 PM
4:40 - Yea, the thumb on the back of the slide - that's the "odd movement". LOL.

09-29-2014, 02:24 PM
at 6:28 did his mag self eject??

09-29-2014, 04:08 PM
Thanks gtmtnbiker,

Its been one of those Mondays, but this sure was a bright spot!

Mike C
09-29-2014, 04:25 PM
I love how his trigger finger was curled right up next to the trigger when re-holstering. That was pretty stellar. Glad he didn't perforate himself on camera.

09-29-2014, 04:27 PM
Was that guy trying to take a crap, do the chicken dance, or shoot himself? God I hope people do some research before paying for that "training".

09-29-2014, 04:36 PM
But...but...speaker had a beard.

And the demo guy had camo pants on.

I think I see a carabiener or two.

Does this not make this a 'tactical' video then?

Man this noob is dissapoint. :)

Maple Syrup Actual
09-29-2014, 04:44 PM
The more I watch it, the better it gets.

Thank you for bringing this to a wider audience.

09-29-2014, 11:18 PM
How does one defend against the Full Nelson from this position? Huh?

Bet they didn't think of that.

They just get into their perfect shooting stance then..........BAM! Instant Full Nelson!


09-30-2014, 05:02 AM
Honestly, I lost interest the moment I seen a Blackhawk Serpa and XD.

My first thoughts too, which were instantly confirmed within just a few meager seconds.

ETA- I thought for sure I was going to see that student ND into his ankle on the post push-up, stressed reassembly, HSLD, reholster.

09-30-2014, 02:03 PM
The question is, how many times could you shoot that yahoo while he's going through the chicken-dance draw stroke? At first I thought I could put seven or eight in him, but that assumes I wouldn't be laughing my ass off.

Joe in PNG
09-30-2014, 03:04 PM
Makes one wonder about this rash of Israeli combat gurus from Israel seen on the Yootoobs showing off their Mad Israeli Shootin Skilz. How many of these guys were actual hardcore pistol shooting tactical badasses, and how many spent pretty much the whole of their IDF time picking up litter around base, driving trucks, or other similar .mil glamor jobs?

Kyle Reese
09-30-2014, 03:12 PM
There are plenty of vetted and experienced instructors here, some of whom have served in Tier 1 units, that offer open enrollment courses. Spend your training dollars accordingly.

10-01-2014, 09:05 AM
Well one of the Israeli Combat type instructors responded to ENDO:

This is a very small portion of the letter, and the guy apparently doesn't believe in paragraphs. You can read the whole thing here:

There are 3 types of Israeli training offered on the open market today (for all of our methodologies, shooting, Krav Maga, etc):

1) Real/legitimate training which is based on our modern approach and is Good. Good enough to say that the rest of the world needs to shut their mouths and open their ears because they have more to learn from us on the subject of real world combat than they can ever teach us.

Fact is the entire world, including the US, lost it’s virginity to modern warfare, especially against terrorism, only 10 years ago, while we (Israel) have been fighting it, to survive (not as a luxury like the US and the rest of the world) for the last 70 years.

I can give conclusive evidence of the above statement by virtue of two prolonged experiences:

First, My position during my last term of service at the Israeli Special Forces Counter Terror School as commander of our International Training Section where my job was to train all the US SpecOp units and the units of the rest of the world involved in the ‘Global War on Terror’ that would be sent to us to learn our methodologies before deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Most of their units came with open minds….and more than enough came with the same piss filled attitudes comprised of more ego than brain and certainly experience (and I am referring to the US’s TOP units), such as the individuals posting on this ‘discussion’.

In the latter instances, I would have to spend more of my time educating them on just how ‘naked’ they were in today’s theater of operations against real terrorism. This was too easy to do. I would simply set up force-on-force scenarios with our instructors playing the ‘terrorists’ and them the ‘good guys’.

I would do nothing more than set up situations that we encounter on a daily basis which they have never even imagined of, let them rely on tactics they use which are based on nothing more than outdated experiences and theories, and let the results speak for themselves.

I have had high ranking commanders of these US Spec Op units apologize to me in person for their unit’s “We know everything” attitudes once they were presented with the results of these scenarios. And, furthermore, there have been numerous US SpecOp units that have incorporated our methodologies and tactics into their current SOPs.

Second: I still spend the majority of my time training Mil and LE Spec Op units around the world in our methodologies. These internet warriors that are making their ridiculous, immature, experience lacking comments, are individuals I encounter regularly. I don’t have one single course I have ever taught, where I did not have the pleasure of putting them in their place with a small dose of reality.

I get it all the time….beginning of the course, they stand there staring at me, chest puffed out, arms crossed, eyes rolling. They leave at the end of the day like wet puppies.

And still, I have had numerous of these units who have adopted our methodologies into their SOPs. We (Israel) have never adopted anyone’s methodologies or tactics till this very day.

Very little of this type of training is to be found unfortunately.

And he has an opinion of us American's critiquing this training:

American methodologies are based on and revolve around shooting principles. Israeli methodologies revolve around dynamic fighting implementing the firearm/’shooting’ as nothing more than what it is….a tool to be used in the moment in time where it is the most effective tool for that moment in time.

Now after reading that, watch the guy who wrote the letter's training video, it is full of derp also:


10-01-2014, 09:10 AM
First, My position during my last term of service at the Israeli Special Forces Counter Terror School as commander of our International Training Section where my job was to train all the US SpecOp units and the units of the rest of the world involved in the ‘Global War on Terror’ that would be sent to us to learn our methodologies before deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Most of their units came with open minds….and more than enough came with the same piss filled attitudes comprised of more ego than brain and certainly experience (and I am referring to the US’s TOP units), such as the individuals posting on this ‘discussion’.

I really hope one of our forum members sees this. No, I won't bring it to his attention.

10-01-2014, 09:18 AM
Now after reading that, watch the guy who wrote the letter's training video, it is full of derp also:


That's some good muzzle discipline right there.

Kyle Reese
10-01-2014, 10:54 AM
I really hope one of our forum members sees this. No, I won't bring it to his attention.
Reads like a bunch of horseshit to me.

10-01-2014, 11:55 AM
Makes one wonder about this rash of Israeli combat gurus from Israel seen on the Yootoobs showing off their Mad Israeli Shootin Skilz. How many of these guys were actual hardcore pistol shooting tactical badasses, and how many spent pretty much the whole of their IDF time picking up litter around base, driving trucks, or other similar .mil glamor jobs?

Zahal is the Boise State of the world's militaries: A good record in a weak division makes casual observers rate them a lot higher than cold objectivity probably warrants.

10-01-2014, 01:43 PM
Now after reading that, watch the guy who wrote the letter's training video...

"Comments Are Disabled"? Quelle surprise!

I think PDB's insightful checklist (http://www.papadeltabravo.com/blog/?p=1221) applies here.

10-01-2014, 02:03 PM
"Comments Are Disabled"? Quelle surprise!

I think PDB's insightful checklist (http://www.papadeltabravo.com/blog/?p=1221) applies here.
Jesus. Those pictures are terrifying. It's really a miracle we don't hear of more accidents.

10-01-2014, 02:07 PM
That's some good muzzle discipline right there.

What did I just watch?

Sent from my iPhone, I apologize in advance for typos.

10-01-2014, 02:17 PM
What did I just watch?

I don't know, I only made it to 2:52.

I'm just not going to keep biting at the turd sammich hoping to get to the good part.

10-01-2014, 02:21 PM
I don't know, I only made it to 2:52.

I'm just not going to keep biting at the turd sammich hoping to get to the good part.

I made it to te part where he was walking back and forth in front of his students while they pulled the triggers on their pistols. Then he flagged his hand and I stopped watching.

If I haven't said it recently, thanks pistol forum for being a beacon in the endless ocean of this garbage. We should have a sticky of videos like this just to show what to NOT EVER DO EVER. Smh

Sent from my iPhone, I apologize in advance for typos.

Kyle Reese
10-01-2014, 02:23 PM
I made it to the one minute mark. Clown shoes.

10-01-2014, 02:46 PM
What did I just watch?
About 10 seconds of that video unless you're a glutton for punishment.

10-01-2014, 02:47 PM
If I haven't said it recently, thanks pistol forum for being a beacon in then endless ocean of this garbage. We should have a sticky of videos like this just to show what to NOT EVER DO EVER. Smh



PF is like that older sibling, telling you not what you want to hear, but what you need to hear. And giving you a swift kick in the butt if you don't listen.

Sheep Have Wool
10-01-2014, 03:57 PM
"Comments Are Disabled"? Quelle surprise!

I think PDB's insightful checklist (http://www.papadeltabravo.com/blog/?p=1221) applies here.

That post is great. "How to find Quality Firearm Instruction" might be solid reference section material. I know when I was first getting started, it was awful trying to sort out good/bad trainers in the area.

10-01-2014, 09:04 PM
WTF??? That video wins for the most fail per second.

My old israeli instructor would have chewed that dude a new one.

10-02-2014, 09:28 AM
More Israeli Combat system derp courtesy of ENDO:


10-02-2014, 10:15 AM
Do the people in that video not realize that there are people who will pay you to get yelled at and shoot stuff, and who'll even give you the green clothes to do it in?

10-02-2014, 11:27 AM
From the perspective of a regular guy who takes classes, I don't understand WTF the students can be thinking when they're told to draw and dry fire at each other, or when an instructor is pointing a pistol directly at them while loading (supposedly empty) magazines. And they say OK sure, seems like a great idea. Big boy rules and all that.

Take some personal responsibility for your own safety and get the hell out, then ask for a refund afterward. There must be guys in that class who think gosh, this doesn't seem right but still go along anyway.

Joe in PNG
10-02-2014, 11:34 AM
"Right, on this drill, we want you to point your gun into the room and yell 'pow pow pow pow pow'!"

10-02-2014, 11:37 AM
Designed to be carried without a holster? Jump to 0:50

Light trigger. No holster. Gunsmoke DERP.


10-02-2014, 11:48 AM
Designed to be carried without a holster? Jump to 0:50

Light trigger. No holster. Gunsmoke DERP.

Have you never seen a Barami "hip grip" (or the newer DeSantis copy) before? While it's not really my cup of tea, I don't get too much agita over somebody carrying a DA revolver Mexican style. I dunno why someone would spend money to have Rich Wyatt bob and DAO a 637 when Smith sells perfectly good 638s and 642s, though.

You wanna get all puckered over an unsafe way to carry a gat, you need Clipdraw (https://www.clipdraw.com/store/index.php?rn=392&action=show_detail)!

Sheep Have Wool
10-02-2014, 12:02 PM
Take some personal responsibility for your own safety and get the hell out, then ask for a refund afterward. There must be guys in that class who think gosh, this doesn't seem right but still go along anyway.

Asch Conformity Experiments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments) and the Milgram Experiments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) probably explain most of this. It's harder than you think for most people to go against the group, even if they think something is up.

10-02-2014, 02:46 PM
"And still, I have had numerous of these units who have adopted our methodologies into their SOPs. We (Israel) have never adopted anyone’s methodologies or tactics till this very day."

Putting aside Orde Wingate, and the IDF's intensive study of Rommel's tactics in the 1950's, I know for a fact that members of Israeli elite units went through Ranger School in the 1970's, and it has been publicly disclosed that they cross-trained with the Army's counter-terrorism unit in the 1980's.

Ignoring all that, what this guy is saying is perhaps the most succinct expression of "not invented here" that I've ever read. He is absolutely closed minded on the possibility of learning anything from anyone else. Fortunately for Israel, many of his predecessors weren't. I hope those folks he teaches his methods to here take classes with other instructors as well. Otherwise we might start seeing even more unsafe practices on our ranges.

10-02-2014, 02:53 PM
"And still, I have had numerous of these units who have adopted our methodologies into their SOPs. We (Israel) have never adopted anyone’s methodologies or tactics till this very day."

Putting aside Orde Wingate, and the IDF's intensive study of Rommel's tactics in the 1950's, I know for a fact that members of Israeli elite units went through Ranger School in the 1970's, and it has been publicly disclosed that they cross-trained with the Army's counter-terrorism unit in the 1980's.

Ignoring all that, what this guy is saying is perhaps the most succinct expression of "not invented here" that I've ever read. He is absolutely closed minded on the possibility of learning anything from anyone else. Fortunately for Israel, many of his predecessors weren't. I hope those folks he teaches his methods to here take classes with other instructors as well. Otherwise we might start seeing even more unsafe practices on our ranges.

His counterpoint was painful to read, for the very reason you highlighted. One would think actually being involved in two different ground wars would teach the American military a few things but apparently years of being propped up by American technology, diplomacy, and money has made it so that Israelis can learn nothing from anyone in his mind.