View Full Version : Sometimes the "Archer" comes out.

08-30-2014, 02:19 PM
Last night, at our gun club's monthly meeting, I was sitting next to the club's Chief Range Officer. Meeting is just about done and Art, the club president, calls out "If there is no further business..." and Steve, the CRO, stands up and starts pontificating on an "issue" regarding a recent target installation and a "letter" he received from one of his assistant ROs..." Anyway, and the gist of the matter was that he feels that there should be sand under the steels to absorb any splatter. He gets done with his rant and I turn to him and say, deadpan, "Steve, the sand... fine or course?" I think his eyes actually glazed over as he stood frozen like a possum in the head lights of an on coming car. After a pregnant pause, the Building and Grounds guy saved him. I had no intention to bust his chops, it just kind of happened. Probably should feel guilt, maybe remorse, but ... nothing.


08-31-2014, 10:35 AM
Probably should feel guilt, maybe remorse, but ... nothing.

Sometimes Archer just needs to happen, dude. :p