View Full Version : Stricter Gun Control Laws

06-28-2014, 11:06 AM
Over 160 members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter asking Speaker of the House John Boehner to allow a vote on gun control legislation. The letter can be viewed here in PDF format (http://shea-porter.house.gov/sites/shea-porter.house.gov/files/2014.06.26_Letter_to_Boehner.pdf) and reads as follows:

Dr Mr. Speaker:

We agree with you that we must honor the victims of the recent shootings in Portland, Las Vegas, Seattle and Santa Barbara. But momemnts of silence on the floor of the House are not enough. The last thing these victims and their families need is further silence from this Congress. They deserve a vote.

Our nation has suffered at least 74 school shootings since the Sandy Hook massacre. The factors allowing these rampages are no mystery: loopholes in background check laws, straw purchases, restrictions on law enforcement and gaps in our mental health system. Dozens of legislative proposals that address these factors have been introduced and await consideration. But despite wake-up call after wake-up call, a shameful tradition of Congressional inaction continues.

Gun violence has affected constituents in every Congressional district, and as their representatives, Members of Congress deserve the opportunity to vote on bills that would address the epidemic.

Congressional silence is not a sign of respect, but rather an institutional indictment. We must right this wrong. You must allow a vote on substantive legislation to address gun violence.

CNN and Politifact have both refuted the 74 school shootings claim, yet the still persist in pushing it forward, as a fact.

06-28-2014, 11:31 AM
Disturbing number of Texans on that list:

Rubén Hinojosa (most of the Rio Grande Valley)
Beto O'Rourke (El Paso)
Sheila Jackson Lee (Houston)
Joaquin Castro (most of San Antonio and suburbs)
Lloyd Doggett (Austin)

Not surprising, I've voted against Doggett twice since moving to Austin.

Kyle Reese
06-28-2014, 11:34 AM
As if the Democrats don't have enough to worry about come November, let em push gun control in an election year. It's worked well for them on the Federal level in the past, right?

06-28-2014, 11:55 AM
As if the Democrats don't have enough to worry about come November, let em push gun control in an election year. It's worked well for them on the Federal level in the past, right?

I'm hoping that they keep digging their own graves.

06-28-2014, 10:40 PM
what do you think Harry Reid would say if you received the same letter about health care?

06-28-2014, 11:42 PM
Without reading the PDF I’m willing to bet that all 160 of the signatories are democrats. Someone tell me if I’m wrong.

06-28-2014, 11:55 PM
I'm hoping that they keep digging their own graves.

We can't get too confident. Hopefully some of our people do more than just vote. Helping campaigns with get-out-the-vote efforts and other activities makes a difference.

Without reading the PDF I’m willing to bet that all 160 of the signatories are democrats. Someone tell me if I’m wrong.

163 out of 199 Democrats signed it. Zero Republicans involved.

06-29-2014, 12:20 AM
We can't get too confident. Hopefully some of our people do more than just vote. Helping campaigns with get-out-the-vote efforts and other activities makes a difference.

163 out of 199 Democrats signed it. Zero Republicans involved.

Well color me surprised. One more reason I don’t vote democrat. Even “pro-gun” democrats.