View Full Version : Good one America. You had me going for a while there.

04-11-2014, 10:11 AM
Gotta admit, I fell for it hook line and sinker. But with any good prank where you keep pushing the envelope, you eventually reach a point where the mark catches on. I’m there.
I shouldn’t have fallen for the gag when you pulled the ACA. I mean seriously, spend more money by covering more things while taking in less revenue by lowering premiums? That should have been my first clue that this was a prank. But oh no, I fell for it.
Let’s not forget fast and furious. The biggest gun grabbing administration in the history of the world suddenly starts passing out “assault” weapons to drug dealers? Wow. And I still didn’t catch on.
IRS targets conservative groups, refuses to produce records and the AG refuses to prosecute? You had to have had tears in your eyes laughing at my gullibility.
There were a lot of other things that should have given me a clue. I mean nobody could be as bat crap crazy as some the stuff you were pulling. But I’ve go to admit I kept falling for it.
But you finally pushed the limit with this one. Illegal aliens with out college degrees as teachers? Some with only GEDs? Sorry. Even I’m not the gullible.

Whew! You really had me going there for a while. What a relief to realize that it was just a gag. It was kind of mean of you. I was really scared. But I can take a joke, so I’ll just say good one.
You can stop now, and go back to normal.
Really, you can stop now.
Please stop now!

04-11-2014, 10:41 AM
Wow! Jesus, or should I say HaySoos? I'm all for successful/talented people from all walks of life teaching, but undocumented, unlicensed, people teaching at schools when unemployment is still high and labor participation is still low? You'd think it was the Bush years and he needed the Hispanic vote for his second term and we were at 5% unemployment.....WTF?? We really don't have any legal, documented, licensed immigrants that want to take these jobs??

Here's the link you're talking about, right?


04-11-2014, 11:15 AM
That's the story all right, though I've seen it several places now, including on FOX News this morning.

Don Gwinn
04-11-2014, 11:28 AM
Well, the good news is that a college degree in teaching is mostly a list of lies they tell you about teaching school.

Also, if they're that hard up, I should probably brush up my Spanish and I should be able to go live in Colorado Springs next year. My wife will leave me the first time it snows, but maybe they'll pay a premium for someone qualified, with ten years' experience in special education and five years of alternative school experience?
No, I know. Probably not.

04-11-2014, 01:04 PM
May I post that over to FB? That is gold.

04-11-2014, 01:27 PM
If you're talking to me,l be my guest.