View Full Version : "Orange County sheriff sides with self-defense"

03-14-2014, 10:28 AM
Pour me a glass of hippie tears (http://www.ocregister.com/articles/sheriff-605139-county-counties.html).

The wall continues to crumble in California. The fight will be long and hard, but our people will be freed.

03-14-2014, 10:45 AM
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache. :D

Keep up the good fight, Cali people.

Dagga Boy
03-14-2014, 11:03 AM
Now it will be getting all that lead free ammo and micro stamped revolvers there to carry in a few years when the permit line starts moving......:eek:

03-14-2014, 11:10 AM
Now it will be getting all that lead free ammo and micro stamped revolvers there to carry in a few years when the permit line starts moving......:eek:

Now, we've talked about loser talk in the locker room... :p

Mitchell, Esq.
03-14-2014, 12:18 PM
Now it will be getting all that lead free ammo and micro stamped revolvers there to carry in a few years when the permit line starts moving......:eek:

Going from no carry to a S&W 640 stuffed with DPX & a pair of speed strips is one hell of an improvement.

Don Gwinn
03-14-2014, 01:29 PM
Today was my first day carrying on an Illinois CCL. They'll try all kinds of goofy things, and there's a way to go, but . . . we won. It was a BIG win.

03-14-2014, 01:34 PM
Today was my first day carrying on an Illinois CCL.


Don Gwinn
03-14-2014, 01:47 PM
Thank you. Also, a small quibble with the linked article: "36 states, and several California counties . . . are not hotbeds of crime." Well, I realize it hasn't been very long, but I think if you count again, you'll find that there are thirty-seven of those shall-issue states now.

Dagga Boy
03-14-2014, 01:53 PM
Going from no carry to a S&W 640 stuffed with DPX & a pair of speed strips is one hell of an improvement.

And that is EXACTLY what they want. Thankful to the benevolent leaders to be able to carry the most minimal means of firearms protection available to protect yourself from very well armed criminals who they are totally disinterested in dealing with (and often enabling).

03-14-2014, 01:56 PM
Now, we've talked about loser talk in the locker room... :p

I confess, before this recent trip to CA I thought it was a godless commie cesspool .

I realize now I was ignorant of the truth. In a fit of impulse, I took to my tourist wanderings in Southern California wearing the "Keep Calm and Carry One" Endo apparel shirt. Rather then being antagonized by the LAPD or passers by, I actually got a thumbs up from a patron of the TCL *(formerly Grauman's Chinese Theater) . Several LEOs observed my choice of attire and thought nothing ill of it.

We may yet see the day soon when the folks in Beverly Hills talk about owning "designer" carry guns. An HK or Beretta showroom would be a splendid addition to the Rodeo Drive district. ;)

03-14-2014, 01:57 PM
Today was my first day carrying on an Illinois CCL.


All of these new license holders are increasing their own personal investment in gun rights. Hopefully they vote accordingly and some progress is made in CA.

03-14-2014, 02:30 PM
We may yet see the day soon when the folks in Beverly Hills talk about owning "designer" carry guns. An HK or Beretta showroom would be a splendid addition to the Rodeo Drive district. ;)

;) The thought boggles the mind. A Rodeo Drive, Beretta Boutique. Wonder what sort of gold plate, diamond encrusted weaponry one might find there. Not to mention show up on the red carpet. Who's is bigger, Tom Cruise or Mark Wahlbergs?

Totem Polar
03-14-2014, 02:48 PM
Going from no carry to a S&W 640 stuffed with DPX & a pair of speed strips is one hell of an improvement.

I'm going to have to go with this, for now. Gotta get the patient up and out of the hospital bed first before running marathons is possible.

Dagga Boy
03-14-2014, 03:02 PM

All of these new license holders are increasing their own personal investment in gun rights. Hopefully they vote accordingly and some progress is made in CA.

Hopefully.....(see I am trying). The problem is that California "used" to be a VERY gun friendly place. I would say, even on the cutting edge of firearms use, training and a gun culture. The state has gone full retard since the mid 80's with "common sense" gun laws, voting for "common sense" gun law politicians from "both" parties, and has allowed "divide and conquer" to work its magic and is now in a position where the "patient" who shot himself in the head is sitting in the hospital with regrets. Yeah, the patient may get up and out of the hospital, but a ton of the damage is permanent and can't be undone.

California is an example of what can happen in 30 years and should be used as that. It is not like NY, Chicago or Washington DC that have always been screwed up. Cali is an example for Colorado, Texas, Florida and others as "this can happen to you".

Don Gwinn
03-14-2014, 03:17 PM
Once you translate "that's a hell of an improvement" into "grateful to the benevolent overlords for being allowed the minimal . . . " I kinda think you might be putting some work into your Eeyore face. I don't think my satisfaction at winning a 15-year political battle (for me--I have people in my local organization who were getting arrested at the Capitol 25 years ago) is unwarranted. There is a long way to go and more fighting to be done, and there will be wins and losses. But not today. Today is a huge win. You don't have to celebrate with us if you don't want to, but nothing you say is going to wipe the smile off my face.

The first time Illinois Carry's founder approached one of the main sponsors of this year's Firearm Concealed Carry Act, that downstate legislator from a rural district flatly told them that "People will never pass a law to let people carry loaded guns in this state." He wasn't even personally opposed, he just figured it was impossible.

But we have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. Possibly we were just too pretty to lose.

03-14-2014, 03:39 PM
As soon as I saw the thread title, I opened it up.....couldn't imagine what it was about since Sheriff Jerry Demings (Orange County, FL) would never side with self defense. Thank God for state pre-emption and shall issue.

Glad to hear there's at least one more somewhat reasonable Sheriff out there on the left coast.

03-14-2014, 04:05 PM
Once you translate "that's a hell of an improvement" into "grateful to the benevolent overlords for being allowed the minimal . . . " I kinda think you might be putting some work into your Eeyore face. I don't think my satisfaction at winning a 15-year political battle (for me--I have people in my local organization who were getting arrested at the Capitol 25 years ago) is unwarranted. There is a long way to go and more fighting to be done, and there will be wins and losses. But not today. Today is a huge win. You don't have to celebrate with us if you don't want to, but nothing you say is going to wipe the smile off my face.

The first time Illinois Carry's founder approached one of the main sponsors of this year's Firearm Concealed Carry Act, that downstate legislator from a rural district flatly told them that "People will never pass a law to let people carry loaded guns in this state." He wasn't even personally opposed, he just figured it was impossible.

But we have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. Possibly we were just too pretty to lose.

Awesome post, Don.

03-14-2014, 04:12 PM
Awesome post, Don.

Inorite? I got all verMurka.

03-14-2014, 05:17 PM
We may yet see the day soon when the folks in Beverly Hills talk about owning "designer" carry guns. An HK or Beretta showroom would be a splendid addition to the Rodeo Drive district. ;)
Maybe Tiffany & Co will start doing engraving again.

ETA: I almost added something about "His and hers little blue boxes", except that, in this household, it'd be "His and Hers and Hers", because she'd be getting prettified guns as well as jewelry...

Dagga Boy
03-14-2014, 05:25 PM
Once you translate "that's a hell of an improvement" into "grateful to the benevolent overlords for being allowed the minimal . . . " I kinda think you might be putting some work into your Eeyore face. I don't think my satisfaction at winning a 15-year political battle (for me--I have people in my local organization who were getting arrested at the Capitol 25 years ago) is unwarranted. There is a long way to go and more fighting to be done, and there will be wins and losses. But not today. Today is a huge win. You don't have to celebrate with us if you don't want to, but nothing you say is going to wipe the smile off my face.

The first time Illinois Carry's founder approached one of the main sponsors of this year's Firearm Concealed Carry Act, that downstate legislator from a rural district flatly told them that "People will never pass a law to let people carry loaded guns in this state." He wasn't even personally opposed, he just figured it was impossible.

But we have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. Possibly we were just too pretty to lose.

For the folks in Illinois, you have really done some great stuff, and I am very much in the Winnie the Pooh smiles for you. The reality that you guys have really been screwed since before most of you were alive is the big difference than the California thing. Simply a different set of circumstances. California was a "if you keep down this road, you will end up like Chicago, NY and D.C.".....and they did. Californians keep electing people who told them that they will make it like all the places they have become. My goal is to do whatever I can to keep where I live now going the other direction.

Many in Chicago have never known standard capacity magazines, private party sales among grown adults, modern semi-automatic rifles lining dealers shelves and purchased on a simple 4473, actually being able to get a CCW, etc....urban California has and it was literally given away with many voting for their pocket books, lifestyle and other "stuff" instead of NRA ratings.

03-14-2014, 06:01 PM
Today was my first day carrying on an Illinois CCL. They'll try all kinds of goofy things, and there's a way to go, but . . . we won. It was a BIG win.

Dude, that is the awesomest thing I've read on the interwebs this century, and I'm not kidding. Big fist-bump and internet hugs.

See, Californians? Onward and excelsior!

Totem Polar
03-14-2014, 07:16 PM
California is an example of what can happen in 30 years and should be used as that. It is not like NY, Chicago or Washington DC that have always been screwed up. Cali is an example for Colorado, Texas, Florida and others as "this can happen to you".
I'm still wearing my pink unicorn face in this thread but, sitting as a WA resident, you are back to scaring the kitten out of me.

03-14-2014, 07:50 PM
I'm still wearing my pink unicorn face in this thread but, sitting as a WA resident, you are back to scaring the kitten out of me.

I think the arrival of the internet will largely erase the old problem of leftist ignorance on gun issues.

Between Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, countless blogs, and thousands of law abiding gun owners making their voices and perspectives heard online, there's no way for the antis to shut down opposition like they did in the 80's and late 90's. Back then they owned the media , and the only way a gun owner could refute the talking points was on the enemies turf via edited TV.

03-14-2014, 07:52 PM
I'm still wearing my pink unicorn face in this thread but, sitting as a WA resident, you are back to scaring the kitten out of me.

There, there, brother, just think, in a few months we'll be able to own Kriss Vector carbines.

Just because these Johnny-Come-Lately states never give us credit for blazing the Shall Issue Trail -- what is it, 50 years now? -- doesn't mean we should let them panic us. Sure sounds like there's been a lot more love for guns and gun rights in Olympia the last few years. We just need to work hard to get I591 passed, and I594 not.

03-14-2014, 09:58 PM
I think the arrival of the internet will largely erase the old problem of leftist ignorance on gun issues.

Between Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, countless blogs, and thousands of law abiding gun owners making their voices and perspectives heard online, there's no way for the antis to shut down opposition like they did in the 80's and late 90's. Back then they owned the media , and the only way a gun owner could refute the talking points was on the enemies turf via edited TV.

Well, I don't know that it erases leftist ignorance. Their ignorance is largely willful, and they live in an echo chamber just as many conservatives do. But the internet still allows us to organize and stay informed. I also think its been instrumental in the booming new gun culture. The NRA has nearly a quarter million Twitter followers. Hickok45 has a nearly a quarter of a billion video views. God knows how much traffic the big gun forums see.

I can see why someone like nyeti, who spent decades in CA, can be a little discouraged. But he's still in the fight. And outside of a handful of leftist states, we've been stomping the kitten out of the antis for quite a while. If in November we convince the Democrats that they really stepped in it with their latest gun control push, we can really start to run up the score. There's lot of cause for optimism. Even for Californians.

03-14-2014, 10:21 PM
I think the arrival of the internet will largely erase the old problem of leftist ignorance on gun issues.

The "internet" (I'm assuming you meant the World Wide Web) has been here for better than twenty years. It better get crackin'.

03-14-2014, 11:00 PM
The "internet" (I'm assuming you meant the World Wide Web) has been here for better than twenty years. It better get crackin'.

Well, the nature of the tech makes citing success stories difficult. But I can't help but notice after our own equivalent of Dunblane ,that the best the antis could do is evolve gun control in two states-and only with unenforceable statutes.

Even California largely said ' no thanks' after Newtown. That's a pretty major sea change from the mid 90s, where gun owners -to paraphrase your own blog - were sure we'd be hiding our toys in drywall by 2001.

Savage Hands
03-14-2014, 11:13 PM
Now it will be getting all that lead free ammo and micro stamped revolvers there to carry in a few years when the permit line starts moving......:eek:

Your first name needs to be changed to Downer :mad:

Savage Hands
03-14-2014, 11:19 PM
And that is EXACTLY what they want. Thankful to the benevolent leaders to be able to carry the most minimal means of firearms protection available to protect yourself from very well armed criminals who they are totally disinterested in dealing with (and often enabling).

My CA CCW has Gen 4 Glocks with mags I acquired before 2000 :cool:

03-15-2014, 07:19 AM
Your first name needs to be changed to Downer :mad:

There's still a healthy supply of used guns, albeit at inflated prices.

And I'd wager the rosters shelf life is a lot shorter then the state AG would like.

03-15-2014, 07:23 AM
Today was my first day carrying in NJ.

I want to say those words.

;) The thought boggles the mind. A Rodeo Drive, Beretta Boutique. Wonder what sort of gold plate, diamond encrusted weaponry one might find there. Not to mention show up on the red carpet. Who's is bigger, Tom Cruise or Mark Wahlbergs?

Tome Cruise by default. Mark Wahlberg is a felon* and as such is barred from owning or possessing real firearms. (Fake movie ones are OK though.)

* I recognize some "dispute" this due to stupidly constructed Massachusetts laws.

03-15-2014, 08:02 AM
Hopefully.....(see I am trying). The problem is that California "used" to be a VERY gun friendly place.

I grew up in California. Reagan was the governor when I was a kid.

It's definitely not the same state I knew when I was young.

Other than good mexican food, and the beauty of the deserts, mountains, and coast, I don't have much desire to go back.

03-15-2014, 08:16 AM
The "internet" (I'm assuming you meant the World Wide Web) has been here for better than twenty years. It better get crackin'.

It has been cracking, and it's not necessarily the www. VA changed from a may-issue to a shall-issue in 1995. I first started using the internet about 1992 or 1993 or so, and I remember hosting a crude list server (it was really just an address book with lots of email addresses) for one of the key pro-gun groups on my work computer. I learned a lot about the local and state efforts being organized in 1995 to push to change the law through the nascent internet. Sure, these organizational efforts could have happened without the internet, but the internet sure helped. Besides email and bulletin boards, there was usenet (anybody remember t.p.g?), and these are definitely not www. I don't think it's a coincidence that a lot of the ccw laws have been reformed over the last 20 years, and that's roughly the time that the internet became mainstream.

Savage Hands
03-15-2014, 10:37 AM
There's still a healthy supply of used guns, albeit at inflated prices.

And I'd wager the rosters shelf life is a lot shorter then the state AG would like.

Trust me, I know the market there both retail and private. It's not as bad as many think.

03-15-2014, 10:40 AM
I grew up in California. Reagan was the governor when I was a kid.

It's definitely not the same state I knew when I was young.

Other than good mexican food, and the beauty of the deserts, mountains, and coast, I don't have much desire to go back.

I miss the ocean sometimes. Body surfin', diving and the like but the ocean is just too close to CA. I'd love to visit Napa Valley again but again, it's too close to CA.

And yeah, Mexican food. Chula Vista Mom n' Pop hole in the wall joints. Damn fine eatin'.

03-15-2014, 11:01 AM
I miss the ocean sometimes. Body surfin', diving and the like but the ocean is just too close to CA. I'd love to visit Napa Valley again but again, it's too close to CA.

And yeah, Mexican food. Chula Vista Mom n' Pop hole in the wall joints. Damn fine eatin'.

After spending a week in CA, and some time in LA, I have to commend the folks who decided to leave for the United States.

The region is just alive, in a way San Antonio or Chicago is not.I used to think it was insanity to even think of living someplace which put such restrictions on your rights. Now I'm much less dogmatic on the issue. Having visited the place, I can't say I'd easily consider bailing for a pro2A state .

I long for the day when a free person can cruise the PCH with their choice of legally concealed weapon on them.Spending a trip in "hard yellow" knowing you're ripe for a felons picking is not the way free people live.

03-15-2014, 03:07 PM
And yeah, Mexican food. Chula Vista Mom n' Pop hole in the wall joints. Damn fine eatin'.

Yep, I grew up across the bay from CV. Agree that the hole-in-the-wall places were the best. I can't find a machaca burrito out here to save my life.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

03-15-2014, 08:26 PM
I don't think it's a coincidence that a lot of the ccw laws have been reformed over the last 20 years, and that's roughly the time that the internet became mainstream.

I think that the web has been an invaluable organizing tool for our side, and one we've been able to exploit better than the other guys because we really are a horizontally-organized grassroots movement. At the same time, suggesting that it will "largely erase the old problem of leftist ignorance on gun issues" as GardoneVT suggested is kind of a pipe dream, because people on the internet tend to congregate in echo chambers. It's a powerful tool for finding like-minded individuals, and the downside to that is that it can lead to Pauline Kael-ism.

03-16-2014, 12:03 PM
I think that the web has been an invaluable organizing tool for our side, and one we've been able to exploit better than the other guys because we really are a horizontally-organized grassroots movement. At the same time, suggesting that it will "largely erase the old problem of leftist ignorance on gun issues" as GardoneVT suggested is kind of a pipe dream, because people on the internet tend to congregate in echo chambers. It's a powerful tool for finding like-minded individuals, and the downside to that is that it can lead to Pauline Kael-ism.

This is true for many gun forums.

But not every Internet site is an echo chamber. Hickock45 and others attract thousands of viewers, many of whom aren't remotely associated with firearms. I walked into work once to see my coworkers crowding around the business use tablet.

I'm thinking "WTF, another dumb pop star showing off." Imagine my surprise to see its an FPS Russia video .

Just think-during all those dark months of early 2013 when the antis were on the warpath, many gun owners dug out their cameras and produced good videos explaining why the proposed AWB 2.0 was worthless.Then there's blogs like Cornered Cat who said broadly the same thing, despite not being a fat white guy in a basement.

To some degree it's preaching to the choir, but the Internet has given us a medium to the Average Man on the Street. A medium which can't be edited, slanted, controlled, or blocked by an activist media .More to the point, people's expectations of gun owners are changing. The old media straw man of "gun owners are paranoid whack jobs" falls apart when a female explains to the world how her carry gun stopped a rape.

JM Campbell
03-17-2014, 08:40 PM
San Antonio is what? Dude read up on a little place called the Alamo.

Come And Take It.

I'm astonished and disgusted you put it in the same sentence as Chicago.

BTW SA is not in a Democrat controled anti gun state.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk

03-18-2014, 07:36 AM
Then there's blogs like Cornered Cat who said broadly the same thing, despite not being a fat white guy in a basement.


Tell me more about this... "Cornered Cat" blog, you say?

"like-minded people" != "fat white guys in basements"

Go to HuffPo, Daily Kos, or the comments section of any newspaper or TV story involving guns and tell me again how the internet has disappeared ignorance on gun issues. For that matter, go into the "legal" section of a lot of brand- or state-specific internet gun fora. Heck, people still walk into gun stores and ask how to "register" their guns.

Dagga Boy
03-18-2014, 08:39 AM
San Antonio is what? Dude read up on a little place called the Alamo.

Come And Take It.

I'm astonished and disgusted you put it in the same sentence as Chicago.

BTW SA is not in a Democrat controled anti gun state.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk

I read it as the "vibe" of the city itself, not relative to gun control. L.A./SoCal is a VERY unique place in the world in terms of the variety of things to do (you can literally go surfing and skiing in the same day), pace, and "diversity". I took it in the vein of "I can see how hard it would be to leave". And it was. Part of the "greatness" of living and growing up in SoCal WAS its gun culture. Not what it is now of this sort of hip, cool lifestyle thing for IT people to be into, but an actual place where stuff was really getting developed. Think about the days of fast draw, the Leatherslap matches in Big Bear, the development of all the courses for the SOF 3 Gun, massive gun shows, Southern California Tactical Combat program where a TON of really ground breaking development on maximizing the use of "black guns" came from. Insanely good gun shops that are now mostly gone, King's and Pachmeyer were destinations. Alfonso's of Hollywood, Safariland, Bianchi, Davis, Shoemaker, Ted Blocker, and other custom leather shops abounded. Much of that is now gone, or big manufacturing facilities and not "shops". Sure, Salient and others are doing really great work, but they are really not "free" to think too far outside the box and are under heavy regulation as to how much they can do. It's a place that has essentially replaced its gun culture with a pot culture. The "war on guns" from the Attorney General's office, State DOJ, and the legislature actually reminds me of the "war on drugs" back in the 80's and 90's. It's a simple change in the culture and what is "important" to those in political office. Back in the 80's and before, you had to be "really bad" in the gun business to warrant attention, however; drug stuff was on the near zero tolerance program. Now, you have to be "really bad" in the drug trade warrant attention; however, gun stuff is on the near zero tolerance program.