View Full Version : Florida bill would set hard prison time for welfare fraudsters

Kyle Reese
02-10-2014, 05:36 PM

Ripping off Medicaid, food stamps or taxpayer-funded cash assistance programs for more than $100,000 could mean 30 years in prison, the sentencing equivalent of seriously hurting a law officer.

Mike Honcho
02-11-2014, 01:19 AM
I'd be curious to know the percentage of welfare fraud that goes over $100k. I can't imagine it being that big a piece of the pie. If I'm right, then this law is basically a useless piece of crackdown theater.

02-11-2014, 06:16 AM
That'll just cost Florida in prison expenses. See California and their prison guard's union backed "Three Strikes" law.

02-11-2014, 08:04 AM
Wasn't Florida the state that the prisons were so overcrowded that they were letting people out after serving only a portion of their sentence? So 30 years will mean what 3 to 10 maybe.