View Full Version : New toy on the way, S&W 5946

11-07-2013, 08:22 PM
Quite excited to finally have a 5946 on the way. Been wanting one for years, kudos to Mike C (Piperdown) for locating another one after not selling me the one he got a few years ago.
Probably not a big deal to you guys down south, but up here they are rare in civy hands due to the barrel length making them prohibs (stupid Canadian laws). Luckily I'm allowed to own the evil short barreled handguns though, so this will fit into my collection nicely. Being that it is the duty weapon of the RCMP and our DFO as well as the BC Sheriffs (who are transitioning to the M&P), I do see a fair number of students with them at class. It will be nice to have my own to practice with.
Not my photos, I'll take some when it arrives,


Totem Polar
11-07-2013, 08:25 PM
Great piece. Approved and popular as a duty gun for NYPD, IIRC. I like the DAO triggers.

Been a bit of love for 3rd-gen S&Ws sprouting up around this place lately. Good for us.

11-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Very nice. I may have to pull out the Smith 915 and take part in all the S&W love lately. One of the guns that neglected to teach me that DA was hard :)

11-07-2013, 09:48 PM
Slavex, now you need a matching S&W 1006 or equivalent 10mm blaster, for when you visit the Yukon or NWT, or want to play dress up northern dude.


11-07-2013, 11:12 PM
Slavex, now you need a matching S&W 1006 or equivalent 10mm blaster, for when you visit the Yukon or NWT, or want to play dress up northern dude.


FWIW, the equivalent 10mm version of that gun would be a 1086. They are not common.

3rd Gen. Smiths in 10 will always be my favorite guns.


Awesome gun, Slavex!

11-08-2013, 10:24 AM
I believe my hoarding buddy Mike still has a 1006 in his collection, a gun I would love to get off him.

11-10-2013, 11:55 PM
The triggers one the ones I've shot are smooth, but I found it very hard to shoot them quickly - I know some RCMP folks shoot them very quickly, but it beats me how they do it. Even revolvers are faster for me. Still, very cool to have one.

Maple Syrup Actual
11-11-2013, 12:10 AM
Man, I have seen some RCMP members absolutely crush drills with a 5946 before.

I also have zero idea how this is possible. I've shot them a bit and worked out a system though:

First I awkwardly pull the trigger, feeling confused at the length and feel of the pull the entire time. When I let the trigger out, I go to the click of the reset...nope, trigger's still dead. Is there another click? Go to the second click. Hmm. That MIGHT be the reset so I consider pressing the trigger at that point, but chicken out. Check if there's a third click. Hmm...maybe. Glance at the timer. Holy sombrero! It's been how long? Snatch the sombrero out of the trigger as I panic about the split time, dropping the shot into the D zone, unless I can locate an E through Z zone, or no-shoot, in which case I go for that.

I'm told that some of them had heavy but extremely smooth triggers. I trust the guy who told me that...but every one I've shot had a trigger that felt a glass rod breaking...into a puddle of mud, which was frozen a couple of millimeters below the surface, underneath which was more mud, only full of sand or gravel.

As a trainer in Canada I would definitely want one, though.

11-11-2013, 10:01 AM
The triggers one the ones I've shot are smooth, but I found it very hard to shoot them quickly - I know some RCMP folks shoot them very quickly, but it beats me how they do it. Even revolvers are faster for me. Still, very cool to have one.

Man can adapt to anything with enough time and resources. Not that I'm some kind of gun ninja, but two years ago I couldn't hit the seven ring in DA.Now my single action shots are harder to make.
For a better example, there's that guy Mickulek at S&W who's a revolver maestro.;)

11-11-2013, 02:05 PM
I would be very interested in the DAO models. If I came across one at a good price I'd probably not kick it out of bed ;)

11-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I would be very interested in the DAO models. If I came across one at a good price I'd probably not kick it out of bed ;)

I've got a line on a 3953 local to me if you're interested.PM me for details.

11-12-2013, 06:24 PM
one of the local Sheriffs who used to shoot with us could bust .20 splits at 7yds in the A zone all day long with his issue 5946. The joke was always, "You may have seen fast, but now you've seen Chad Fast" (his last name was fast obviously). Hmm should get him to shoot the FAST next time I see him..

11-15-2013, 01:59 PM
I went from a Colt 1911 to the 3rd Gen S&W 5906

My 5906 had a steel frame and tame the 9mm recoil pretty well. I ended up trade it in for a new at the time 95 6906 with rounded TG!

My 6906 seem to have better accuracy ! and was so easy to hide/carry IWB!

I would take a 3rd gen S&W59/69 9mm over a M&P9mm any day.

11-16-2013, 08:33 PM
I wish S&W still offered the 3rd gen pistols. I would purchase a 6906 today if possible.:)

12-05-2013, 03:38 AM
Pistol was left on my front step by helpful Canada Post person, found it when I came home and let the cat out. No idea when it actually showed up. A bit dirty, so I soaked it overnight in WipeOut and then cleaned it out good this morning. Trigger pull is nice, I'm guessing around 9lbs, but silky smooth. Hit the range this evening (-5 C) and ran 100 rounds through it. Nary a problem and I was managing .26 splits on steel on at 7-15 yds, the big 18x24 plates mind you. Gun shoots beautifully, once I snag the front sight it just points where I want it with almost no effort. I actually shot it better than my CZ last week, but that's mostly an eye issue I'm dealing with, or so I'm telling myself. I only have one mag to use right now, as the 15 rounder has rivet in the 10 hole to comply with Canadian law. Need to figure out a proper block for it so I can use that, have 4 more mags on the way. All in all, I love this gun, it weighs close to the same as my CZ so it feels much the same when shooting it. Right off the bat I'd say it would be my number 2 gun in an apocalypse after my Glock 19, at least I think so. hmmm

Kyle Reese
12-05-2013, 07:00 AM
Pistol was left on my front step by helpful Canada Post person, found it when I came home and let the cat out. No idea when it actually showed up. A bit dirty, so I soaked it overnight in WipeOut and then cleaned it out good this morning. Trigger pull is nice, I'm guessing around 9lbs, but silky smooth. Hit the range this evening (-5 C) and ran 100 rounds through it. Nary a problem and I was managing .26 splits on steel on at 7-15 yds, the big 18x24 plates mind you. Gun shoots beautifully, once I snag the front sight it just points where I want it with almost no effort. I actually shot it better than my CZ last week, but that's mostly an eye issue I'm dealing with, or so I'm telling myself. I only have one mag to use right now, as the 15 rounder has rivet in the 10 hole to comply with Canadian law. Need to figure out a proper block for it so I can use that, have 4 more mags on the way. All in all, I love this gun, it weighs close to the same as my CZ so it feels much the same when shooting it. Right off the bat I'd say it would be my number 2 gun in an apocalypse after my Glock 19, at least I think so. hmmm

How does taking delivery of a handgun work in Canada? Do you have to pick it up from a shop, or can it be dropped off at the end users home? Sorry for the thread drift, but I'm genuinely curious.

Maple Syrup Actual
12-05-2013, 11:33 AM
In our province, and all of Western Canada in my experience, not long. I bought a handgun from someone in the next province over and it took four days to get the ownership transfer sorted and then of course a few days to ship it.

It came straight to my house. No dealers involved.

12-05-2013, 02:18 PM
Handgun sales have to approved by our government, once done the seller simply sends it by post to the buyer. No dealers involved at all. If the seller needs to take it the post office he needs a short term transport permit to do that. Usually takes a day to get it. Then the postal delivery person is supposed to get you to sign for it when they deliver it, as that's supposed to be requested by the shipper (which he did do). If no one is home its supposed to go back to the post office and a note is left on your door to go get it. Now it gets tricky, if I know what package I am picking up I need a short term transfer to do that, but at this time of the year who knows what package you're picking up. You get home and find out its a pistol, oops.
Once home my 5 year long term transport permit kicks in and I can now take it to any range, gunsmith or dealer.