- Tips on Finding a Good BJJ School
- Welcome to PF's Unarmed Combatives forum
- No-gi vs gi for self-defense
- Double sleeve grips
- Real BJJ
- Question for Cecil:
- The Mat Does Not Lie
- Question for the Experts - Can I do this?
- repping drills vs. fun rolling
- What should a n00b look for in a BJJ gym/instructor?
- Get Back To your Feet
- Combative training or martial arts for kids
- Use of lights
- Optimizing Position for Grappling in a Weapons Based Environment
- Interesting article on wrestling history
- Deaths in the ring...
- Standards; How Do You Know You Are Competent
- Effectiveness of Polarized Training for conditioning
- Smaller Saps?
- Source for learning basic punches:
- Real world gun grapple
- God Blessed Texas 9/1/19
- Psychology of Trauma and Self-defense training
- Heavy Bag for Achy Joints?
- Hard Control vs Soft Control
- Specificity of Training : BJJ oriented
- I sucked at Jiu-jitsu - a personal anecdote
- Is the "roll of quarters" trick actually a thing?
- MMA at 45 years old.
- Unarmed Training for the old(ish) and broken(wish) fellow
- Picking a Trainer
- How often do you spar hard?
- Retention Shooting in an Entanglement - a video
- Jiu-jitsu Fundamentals vs strikes - a video
- Take downs against big guys
- YouTube interview with me
- 3 Fatal Focuses of Training
- Fighting the invisible enemy: Shadowboxing
- ShivWorks Youtube Channel
- Rear Naked Choke: A video on some fallacies
- Forget that Cecil guy... Paul Sharp is the new Hotness...
- How to edged weapons training
- Bites
- Gis for husky kids.
- Podcast/article on phased reopening of BJJ/MA gyms...
- Family guy Karate montage
- Good video of belligerent taken down and pinned
- Century Light Padded "Bag Gloves" - Any Good? Use for What?
- Handwrap storage and use - rolled up or messy storage? What storage bag?
- Training for ECQC in a BJJ gym
- Stretching and Flexibility for BJJ
- P-Fondler tool (approved by LL)
- Updating My 2020 Seminar Schedule
- Anyone here like half guard?
- Free standing striking bag and grappling dummies?
- Cecil Burch 2020 Revised Seminar Schedule
- The Gracie's Discuss "Should 'Chokeholds' Be Banned"
- Effectiveness: Sprays vs. masked assailant
- 62 isn't too old for this S***
- 'Rona attack
- Stand in base from prone
- Essential defensive wrestling techniques?
- OC Spray - Operational Test Procedure & Periodicity?
- Spears!
- Podcast appearance
- Kali
- Push Daggers and Boxing - a nice mix
- RFI: Alliance BJJ Venice FL
- ()$(_+_% Stun Guns!
- Wrestling Setup Instructionals
- BJJ Tips - Grips and Hips
- Why did you get started/what keeps you at it?
- Small town problems--whether to bother with training
- Got in a fight on the way home from work; too old for this; perhaps pepper spray?
- Knee wraps
- Study on locked in “chokes” to unconsciousness timeline
- Webinar - BJJ in a Weapons Based Environment (halfguard) March 21, 2021
- ASP/Stickfighting trainers in the DFW area?
- CTE protection from collar like device (not a helmet/headgear) (linked article)
- Nice article on BJJ for Anyone
- Smoke em if you got em.
- OC spray and the expiration dates
- Webinar - Grappling For Self-Defense 2 : Escaping From Underneath 6/22/21
- CCW Safe Podcast with Chuck Haggard: OC Spray
- Cecil, Paul, and Craig Are Pushers
- UFC Discussion Thread.
- Let's talk about Gi vs. No-Gi
- Interesting Warrior Poet video
- Lapel Games
- FBI/Fairbairn system video
- New Podcast interview
- I took my first BJJ class yesterday - what advice would you give a neophyte?
- Bas Rutten stand up seminar this morning
- The Clipdraw: can anyone speak to how they’ve fared in FoF training?
- An article on BJJ in the Atlantic iin all places!
- Leg Locks don't work
- Size/strength doesn't matter, and other lies you were told.
- Surefire light question
- BJJ vs Muay thai
- My 2022 schedule so far
- The "one" thing to seperate good entangled skills instructors from silly ones
- How To Defend Yourself Against Your Mom
- Geoff Thompson, Conquering Fear
- Judo Question
- Here’s a mini rabbit hole for y’all: vintage martial arts demo reels
- RFI: what training can I get to aid me in restraining disturbed young adults
- Pretty blue eye jab
- PR-24 (tonfa) two-hand?
- Effects of warm up on strikes
- Knife Thrust Timing
- Wrestling shoes.
- Looking for a place in Dallas, TX for a former student...
- A Place to Train
- Russian/Georgian grips
- Unarmed options in Norway
- Combatives University
- Point Karate for self-defense?
- Utlity of Noise Alarms
- Two John Hackleman videos.
- Engravings from the early 16th-c HEMA tradition
- Favorite rule sets?
- Guards in self-defense?
- Share you best low down dirty poker self defense technique!!
- What is Crazy Monkey?
- Combatives/Jiu-jitsu/MMA Instructor saying hello. New on this forum.
- My 3 Minute Knife Defense Vid of Live Goes
- Video on Americana armlock
- BJJ and CGM (continuous glucose monitor)
- Combatives Fitness: interesting article from medical perspective
- Pushing the Nose Bone into the Brain
- Girl fights, advice for teenagers?
- Video : Florida Woman Fights Off Gym Attacker
- Irish stick fighting
- Eye protection advice
- Combatives Association Summit
- For the PF Jiujitsu nerds
- Things that surprised me at my first ECQC
- Austin Car thief regrets decision to break into Haisam Rida's car
- How Perishable is all this stuff?
- Weight Training Questions, your insight, experiences appreciated
- Conditioning workouts
- Video: altercation between mayor's security and interloper
- Rehab Resource Thread.
- Combatives Summit 2024 Questions
- My son finally started
- Combatives Fitness Test?
- Tyson vs. Paul
- Gracie Combatives and SBG Questions