View Full Version : NFA
- Silencer Questions...
- ATF's 41P and you
- Sig hires founder of AAC to lead silencer division...
- Shut up that shotgun
- Surefire suppressor discussion
- Suppressed shotgun
- NFA group therapy thread
- Silencer choice?
- DOT 5 brake fluid for rimfire suppressor treatment (makes cleaning easier)
- SilencerCo's brilliant Salvo marketing campaign
- 15/22 SBR or CMMG conversion kit?
- Minnesota legalizes suppressors (date effective August 1st)!
- I think that I want this for my SBR
- ATF Advisory: Scams Using Fraudulent or Manipulated NFA Registration Documents
- Sale on Silencerco Sparrows
- KAC QDC Suppressors Finally Hitting Stores
- Backyard fun
- CNN: Silencer sales booming
- NFA picture thread
- Reputable NFA dealer with layaway program
- Cleaning Spectre II baffles (ongoing)
- Larue suppressors are coming soon and that is all I know
- SilencerCo Warlock II (.22 only) aluminum suppressor, $125!
- Hansohn Brothers introduction
- Rugged Surge 762 review
- Mini SilencerCo Omega Evaluation
- Hi speed video of Chauchau malfunctions
- SilencerCo Omega or Gemtech One?
- New SilencerCo products
- Suppressor-A-Palooza 1
- Silencerco Maxim Vice Event PICS
- Suppressor-A-Palooza 2
- 5th annual 9/11 shoot (NFA heavy)
- Surefire Ryder
- Dead Air Silencers Mask HD 22 Review
- Silencerco Osprey Micro
- Suppressor Advice
- SpecWar K 556 info just recieved
- AR Gas vent
- Review: Liberty Suppressors Regulator
- Lower to SBR
- Hearing Protection Act
- Latest and greatest pistol cans?
- 9mm Suppressor Conversation
- Thinking of Buying a 9mm Can But Have Questions About the Host
- Hearing Protection Act
- A look at the 2015 TOMFOOLERY!
- Rugged Razor 762
- Surefire Ryder 9 ti anyone?
- Silencerco after Christmas sale
- SilencerCo suppressor pouches on sale for $5!
- New 45 suppressor released today! Obsidian 45
- Full Review: Silencerco Omega9K
- Full Review: Silencerco Hybrid
- BUY NOW IF YOU WANT TO USE A TRUST, Obama requiring background checks for NFA
- Silencerco SPECWAR 556k vs Octane 45k ?
- New suppressor from Ruger....wait..who?
- Another new rimfire suppressor...
- Help me spend some money on suppressors
- Video Review: Ruger Silent-SR
- Thinking of a 10/22 suppresed barrel
- Thoughts on the GemTech HALO suppressor ?
- Gun Trust Question
- Transferring a Title II item to one self
- Benelli M1S90 Entry Help
- General setup info for 300 blk sbr with suppressor
- Where should I get my trust?
- Ever want to compare an Specwar, Omega, Sandman, Surge, YHM, OSS all at once?
- Dead Air Sandman Ti review
- 5.56 Suppressed Questions
- OSS Suppressor system: baffle-free design
- First can decisions
- Some NFA questions I was asked via PM
- SilencerCo opens up SPEQ program eligibility to Vets in May 2016
- SilencerCo Omega Durability Test
- Help with selecting a suppressor. Omega, 9K, Optimus, Mask & Micro.
- 14 in Shotguns
- Help me with suppressor choice for mk18 upper
- New Magpul MOE suppressor
- Building an SBR
- Glock stock to SBR?
- "Constructive Possession" and "Firearms"
- Suppressor Recommendations
- Form 1 eform question
- Forms At The Buzzer?
- Suppressors and supersonic ammo
- CMT UHP15 PDW in 300blk Review
- Knights Machine Tool
- My Father's use of a Machine Gun in WW1
- Another Story of WW1
- BATFE Changes NFA Fingerprint Requirement, Must Now Be Completed by Local Law
- Stolen Tommy Gun recovered during traffic stop
- Current wait times for individual paper Form 4s to get approved?
- New SBR Hotness.
- We All Have Our SCARs - Part 1
- Range report after moving my scope to a 12.5" upper
- SBR help –*what's the smart way to go?
- 5.56 SBR Suppressor?
- Everything you wanted to know about an M134 Mini-gun.......
- Can we hope this is going to actually happen?
- Article: "What's quieting the silencer industry?"
- What is new in .22 cans?
- What happens to your NFA stuff when you die?
- Hitler and the HPA (Hearing Protection Act)
- Hearing Protection Act - update
- stiffer spring for suppressed pistols?
- Recommend someone to engrave lower
- Summit Gun Broker Deal on Gemtech Trek 5.56
- Mine eyes hath been opened
- Gemtech Launches Guardian Program For LE/MIL/ 1st Responders
- RANGE RULES: No You Can’t Retrieve Your Silencer
- Mounting a Nielsen equipped suppressor on a fixed barrel.
- Pretty good rimfire can review
- Done
- Does anyone have exp using Osprey Pistons in a Rugged Obsidian and vice versa?
- Questions about post 41F purchases
- Share ACT...
- Waiting days are over
- NFA Registry is seriously flawed
- Suppressing 40 S&W do it or stick to 9mm
- How do I add additional calibers to my SBR? Travel across State lines?
- Not quite as cool as it sounds...
- Smith & Wesson Buys GemTech
- SBR for lazy pansies in Plano, TX.
- Adding a stock to a shockwave question
- Teaser from Dead Air
- Colion Noir MR556 SBR build.
- Shoulder stocked pistol, how are they classified?
- Benelli M2 Tactical 14 inch
- NFA process streamlined
- Forms for an Individual making an SBS or SBR?
- Geissele is getting ready to get into the suppressor business
- Smarter Everyday: See Through Suppressor in Slow Motion
- Suppressing a Glock 19
- Beretta 21A Threaded Barrel
- Gemtech Tracker
- Interstate suppressor travel (Moving)
- SBS questions
- Suppressor question
- Need help! Looking into Suppressed AR9 that uses glock mags for HD...
- SBR versus AR pistol question
- What to do with my Evo-9?
- Pistol Suppressor Reliability Issue
- O/U sawed off question
- Are trusts still a good idea?
- CGS Kraken testing
- .22 Can Recommendation
- Can for 300 BO
- Franklin Armory Reformation
- USP9c / RCM / Octane 9 feed issues
- Magpul Suppressor Cover
- Which pistol for dedicated suppressor host?
- B&T USW 320
- Rumor: SilencerCo going out of business
- Current state of suppressors - AR specific
- SBRing a private sale lower
- NFA Trust doc changes
- The Energetix Vox
- Silencer tests on 5.56mm
- Dead Air Odessa video review
- RFI: griffin armament
- Can recommendations please.
- Thunder Beast 22 Take Down - First Impressions
- Rugged Razor video review
- Central FLA NFA Trust Lawyer
- RFI: Yankee Hill Machine
- A Case For Not Using a Modular Silencer
- Please go here for NFA video reviews
- Opinions on transferable select fire options
- E-forms Form 1 is back !
- Form 5, tax exempt transfers, and estate planning...??
- FTF with Federal 147 gr HST (P30L/Obsidian 45)
- HK USPT 45 & HK45CT , Best Supressors ?
- DD Wave 40% Off Through November 25th
- Surefire Mini762 for HKMR762?
- Suppressor for VP9 Tactical
- Opinions wanted: Best value 5.56 or 7.62 QD mount + can combo
- I want this. Just because - 9mm Gatling
- Interstate move question
- Thoughts on placing a set screw on booster
- Miscellaneous NFA Trust Questions
- Has anyone here built a Form 1 Suppressor ?
- Where to purchase.....Colt SBR???
- Q Plan B and Cherry Bomb for SiCo Omega
- Suppressed Nation holds a .30 can mass test
- Hansohn Brothers PF forum member discount!
- How do I go about building my own suppressor (Form1)?
- Ops Inc....?
- Suppressed Nation 16" 5.56 showdown
- Massive .30 metering day with Discreet Ballistics
- Dead Air Wolfman .300BO full auto
- Suppressor cover for 9mm can
- Current state of 7.62 Silencers (Cans, suppressors, whatever)
- Form 5320.20 Surprisingly Positive Experience
- School Me on Keymo Adapters for Silencerco Cans
- Why didn't I do this sooner? Form 1 rimfire can.
- DeadAir Ghost - M and .22LR
- Ruger Rimfire Can Cleaning
- Hansohn Bros discount code?
- AOW or SBS
- Sage advice for SBRs
- URGI with RC2
- Thunder Beast Dominus
- Fascinating gif of wear on a Surefire can
- AAC Ti-Rant 45M 9mm 1/2x28 Pistol Availability
- BAR Shows Up In Story
- Reminder: buy from established companies
- Reasonably priced and durable can for 308 bolt rifle
- Post-HB961 Suppressor Quest
- Shot the Energetic Nyx today
- Current state of 9mm PCC/subgun suppressors
- Form 1 can builds
- QD Suppressor mounting options
- Getting a heavy barrel 22-250 threaded
- DD Mk18 + Turbo K Questions
- H&K Machine Gun Questions
- Coronavirus (and panic buying) killing BATFE?
- Carrying a Copy of Your Stamp
- CGS Group Mod 9 & Mod 9 SK
- NFA trust lawyers in the DFW area?
- RFI: GA Precision Jager 308 Can
- Happy Dance
- Suppressor Covers?
- Selling or deregistering and SBR.
- 1911 Can: Buy or Build
- GSL Phoenix
- A few paper Form 4 questions
- Getting a Ruger MK lV threaded
- Hive Mind: Present Suppressor Best Picks
- NFA Trust - So many questions -
- USMC fielding suppressors to all infantry squads starting this year
- Dedicated .45 suppressor host
- Griffin armament qd system for pistols
- Mailing in fingerprint cards and cover letter
- Suppressor Zero Shift Fix?
- Current Form 4 processing time?
- If you were only buying one can (for now)
- In VA is it a time to get another can...
- So who do we like for rimfire cans?
- WTB: SF SOCOM556 MINI2 - recommended dealers?
- The new form 1 suppressor kits
- How much cleaning is necessary with a supressor?
- "Accidental" NFA Firearm
- Disposing of suppressors?
- ATF's Big Moves in the AR/AK Pistol Arena
- Looking for a SilencerCo ASR 9mm mount
- Gemtech Rimfire QDA
- 71 minute SureFire factory tour
- .22 Suppressors and Rifle Precision
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