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  1. Law Enforcement Forum Mission Statement
  2. PA State Police and SIG P227R
  3. The 2-3-4 Rule
  4. Retired California LEO's and "Assault Weapons" question?
  5. Duty Gun Breakdown
  6. APD - Personally Owned Weapons
  7. Part-time police work
  8. gunned down at the Waffle House
  9. Question regarding legality of traffic stop
  10. Switching Duty Weapons
  11. Institutional Problems at the Dallas PD
  12. Courthouse attack: Deputy wounded, suspect down, 06/06/2014
  13. Holster for C.A.T. Tourniquet
  14. Attn PT gurus.... Help me improve my Academy PFT.
  15. Simulators?
  16. Video from Alexander Co. NC
  17. Reenactment (short film) of Kyle Dinkheller shooting **GRAPHIC**
  18. Open top duty mag pouches
  19. Lessons from Stewart Shootout
  20. APD revamps pistol training
  21. HB60 vs Georgia Weapons Carry License vs Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004
  22. Officer shot and killed during traffic stop today 7/30/14
  23. Slick-Top patrol cars
  24. Iowa PCSO ND
  25. Glendale, AZ COPS tackle
  26. Dept. Of agriculture orders ballistic body armor
  27. Sad Anniversary
  28. Latest Pursuit Case Law Decision
  29. Appropriate gear and weaponry for cops....
  30. Foot Pursuits:How Fast Should a LEO be?
  31. Uniform question
  32. Remington 870: 18" vs 14" for patrol
  33. Which personal GPS to augment MDT terminal?
  34. Latest on Police and Racial Bias
  35. Code 4 Back-up Flashlight
  36. Detective Uniform
  37. I-70 Killer & the Erma Werke ET-22
  38. Officer down.
  39. Tactics at car stop
  40. Dedicated Simmunition Building
  41. Officer Involved: A Documentary
  42. Parts for Safariland hoslters
  43. New FSRC newsletter; Cops less likely to shoot black suspects
  44. safariland holsters
  45. Case study: Seated subjects
  46. Safariland SLS & Glock Beavertails
  47. False Sexual Harassment Complaints Against Officers....
  48. Body cameras: Which one?
  49. Search, search, search!!!
  50. Smart guns? Recording shots? New tech.
  51. S&W 442 vs LCR 9mm for backup
  52. Force Science Certification Course
  53. To Retire the Shotgun or Not?
  54. LE Pros; You're Needed in Academia.......
  55. To ASP or not to ASP, that is the question.....
  56. Duty belt suspenders....how are they working for you?
  57. How Bad Guys Get Guns.
  58. Transition to Striker-Fired Pistols
  59. Weird firearms forensics book
  60. The Future of LE?
  61. Beansbags from not dedicated shotguns
  62. Restraiint as taught in police training
  63. A thank you to LEO's!
  64. NYC 12/20/14, two NYPD officers LODD
  65. Cops being Cops yet once again....
  66. Elected Officials :Strategic Sabotaging of Police?
  67. Why isn't the Bullpup More Common...
  68. Good Rifle Plate options for LEO
  69. Stoppages & Malfunctions ... What?
  70. Are any LEO's using the Leupold VX-R 1.25-4 scopes on their M4s?
  71. APD - Officer shot during traffic stop.
  72. Another Albuquerque Police Officer Shot
  73. Concealable armor
  74. The speed of lethal force
  75. Jackets and Guns don't mix part II
  76. Oregon City Body Armor Carrier
  77. Anyone remember this guy?
  78. Northrup v City of Toledo
  79. OK - OIS video released.
  80. Rechargeable duty flashlights-what are you using?
  81. Revamping agency's Firearms training.
  82. Ballistic Helmets for Patrol
  83. This is what happens when the Good Idea Fairy takes over your department
  84. RFI: 1911 Policy/Transition Course
  85. Gunfight Veteran Interview
  86. Truth About Police Violence
  87. IACP - Ambush Fact Sheet
  88. Louisiana Police Officer Indicted for Negligent Homicide
  89. So what is the best course of action in this situation?
  90. Memphis questions
  91. Red/Green color blindness
  92. Survey on police weapons and opinions
  93. AIWB-duty belt dichotomy
  94. Fairfax County Ad Hoc Police Commission
  96. BUG Options
  97. Good example of staying heads up while in the cop car
  98. A good read for those who need such info; Taser use on excited delirium subjects
  99. How many times do you have to practice in Federal Law enforcement?
  100. WashPost Ran Comprehensive Investigation of Police Shootings, Ran Sunday
  101. Body camera footage of attempted stabbing of LEO
  102. Rethinking use of force and interview with Dennis Tueller
  103. Searching with drawn gun
  104. Garland PD shooting
  105. Good article by Dr. David Klinger on police shooting and aftermaths.
  106. Patrol Rifles on Motorcycles
  107. Looking for a good rifle qual
  108. Extreme Caution
  109. Article: Are "Too Many" People Dying from Police Use of Force?
  110. Eyewitness memory and critical incidents
  111. Sixth Circuit Appeals Court decision re: open carry in Ohio
  112. Miss K-9 LEO saved by partner and the automatic door opener
  113. "Dont Become A Cop"
  114. Any cases of people continuing to fight after a 12guage?
  115. Police Militarization, Canadian Style...
  116. Ezell Ford (OIG's Public Report)
  117. McKinney, TX Pool Party Response
  118. Seized gun check in
  119. Coordinated attack on pd station
  120. FBI lawsuit concerning S&W 1076
  121. Heinz Field, Pittsburgh?
  122. Deputy Loses Everyting In House Fire
  123. OIS Cincinnati Ohio
  124. How NOT to make a felony traffic stop.
  125. Oklahoma Highway Patrol Adopts Sig P320.
  126. Data on Police Shootings this year so far
  127. Hipster Stories...
  128. A Little Good News
  129. Off-Duty Badge Carry Methods
  130. When should training scenarios end, post OIS procedures, and body cameras.
  131. Taser Axon Flex mounting options
  132. Blue Falcon - Officer fired for Tampering with colleague's Duty Rifle
  133. Video of OIS (knife) Seattle
  134. Outer vest carrier for issued soft armor - suggestions/opinions
  135. Paraclete Speed Plates
  136. What would you do?
  137. NYT Article on Force Science and Dr. Lewinsky
  138. Cali bans use of Grand Juries in police shooting cases.
  139. Two Officers Being Choked By One Suspect in the UK
  140. Study: Federal Air Marshals often "sleep deprived " " Medicated"
  141. Clear and concise verbal commands.
  142. Rancho Cordova Officer fires at Sacramento Sheriffs Deputy
  143. "Either you buy these, or I take your car"
  144. Small of the Back, cases?
  145. Would you label #BLM & the offshoot movements terrorists or terrorist organizations?
  146. DC police vote No-Confidence in Chief Cathy Lanier
  147. Use of Deadly Force article
  148. Ret. Captain Philip Hemphill (MS Hwy Patrol) 100 Yard shot with .380acp
  149. LE UOF Video thread
  150. Any studies of psychological stops?
  151. attacks with moving vehicles
  152. Large Flashlight Recommendation for Duty Belt
  153. What stats would you like to see for armed citizen vs criminal?
  154. NYPD and the Glock 17 ?
  155. Open Uniform Carry at 1 or 2 o'clock experiences?
  156. HR218 and DC
  157. Michigan State Police dropping.40 P226s, moving to Glock 17s
  158. Inside an FBI Hostage Crisis - WSJ.com
  159. RFI- Changes in issued pistol and/or lights
  160. Dealing with the Mentally Disturbed (Paranoid Schizoprehnic) ?
  161. Healthy food ideas for Night shift?
  162. LE Knife
  163. End of watch...............
  164. Pink handcuffs
  165. Expired Body Armor Study?
  166. "Ferguson Effect"?
  167. Rule 4 or Why the Deputy Didn't Shoot Back
  168. Hinged vs chain handcuffs
  169. New Denver policy on shooting at cars
  170. CO Springs Officers Will No Longer Take Fitness Tests After Discrimination Lawsuit
  171. Car seat query
  172. Awards for not using deadly force
  173. Point Guns at Innocents
  174. Explain Hats to Me - Troopers
  175. Another trooper question: college football security details
  176. CCW encounter that could have went badly.
  177. equipment quesion
  178. May be returning to patrol. Upgrades?
  179. Sgt. Ricks tells it like it is...media actually prints it!
  180. Response to active shooters by officers - NYTimes article
  181. Entire police force quits all at once in South Carolina town
  182. We won't you provide with functioning equipment, but we will sure punish you for it.
  183. San Bernadino County SO Mini-14s
  184. Seattle OIS 12/06/15
  185. Washington State Academy trying new approach: Guardians instead of Warriors
  186. Biggest Pinnochio - Hands up, WaPo
  187. LASD Lynwood shooting
  188. EDPs with knives
  189. Need copies of your dept policy on a few things
  190. Warrior mindset - problem?
  191. We need to remember to be safe, especially around the holidays
  192. Analysis of police shootings
  193. DC Police Force Struggling To Keep Up
  194. The magic bullet to LE misconduct is a blank .....
  195. This Must be Some Kind of CNN Prank! Right?
  196. In this issue I continue my jihad against
  197. Why We Can't Have Nice Things
  198. Duty Belt Holder for Estrela
  199. In reference to motives for homicides question
  200. Idiots doing idiotic things with guns due to idiocy
  201. Phila Officer ambushed by islamic extremist
  202. Brass Knuckles....
  203. Remember the Grand Canyon Grandfather? He's been murdered.
  204. In car camera systems?
  205. Armstrong v. Village of Pinehurst; Fourth Circuit case regarding Taser use
  206. FINALLY, a dual wielding robber
  207. Looking for a video
  208. Police Shootings: Are Cops Usually at Fault? No. Some Facts - National Review
  209. question re: blue label Glock sales
  210. LE Training for Plain Clothes
  211. Talon Defense opinions ??
  212. Fraternal Order of Police Data Dump
  213. Police firearms policy-SME suggestions.
  214. Opinions on when you find a knife?
  215. A British cop's experience with the Detroit PD
  216. And now this BS from PERF
  217. The Myths of Black Lives Matter - WSJ
  218. Guns in the hospitals
  219. How do you deal with commanders/top brass who are out of touch...?
  220. San Francisco Two Bullet Rule
  221. Ballistic Entry Shields
  222. An refreshing anomoly not often witnessed from the LE community.
  223. NJ Charges Out-of-State LEO With Felony for Having His Legal Gun With Him
  224. Fort bend county tx suing wife and children of fallen deputy
  225. "Tactical De-escalation" and how its going to get people killed.
  226. New Data Analysis Shows Policing Isn't Racist
  227. Harrassment
  228. One of our officers injured in shooting.
  229. Petition: Let federal LEOs keep their weapons upon retirement
  230. Pa. to Florida auto trip
  231. Significant Case on Rule 2, 3, 4
  232. Help finding case
  233. Questions over assault weapon used by Mesa officer facing murder charge
  234. WV state troopers saves himself via "Get Off Me" knife work
  235. Personally Owned Weapons
  236. Being both Cautious and Friendly
  237. LEO thoughts on moving from duty P226 9mm to P227 .45acp?
  238. Active Shooter Shotgun Bag
  239. Being a good witness?
  240. Chicago Murders
  241. What's so hard doing about felony stops?
  242. Police Dog "Severe use of force"
  243. Advice for a new Patrol Sergeant
  244. Police should know better than to routinely "inventory" cars being towed, court rules
  245. Arizona sheriff hopes Russian-designed rubber-bullet handgun will save lives
  246. Estrela Alternative
  247. Old timer sayings
  248. Police Cadet Shot During Training (Ohio)
  249. Promotional Oral Board suggestions/recommendations/tips/etc
  250. 30th anniversary, FBI/Miami fight...........