View Full Version : Law Enforcement
- Law Enforcement Forum Mission Statement
- PA State Police and SIG P227R
- The 2-3-4 Rule
- Retired California LEO's and "Assault Weapons" question?
- Duty Gun Breakdown
- APD - Personally Owned Weapons
- Part-time police work
- gunned down at the Waffle House
- Question regarding legality of traffic stop
- Switching Duty Weapons
- Institutional Problems at the Dallas PD
- Courthouse attack: Deputy wounded, suspect down, 06/06/2014
- Holster for C.A.T. Tourniquet
- Attn PT gurus.... Help me improve my Academy PFT.
- Simulators?
- Video from Alexander Co. NC
- Reenactment (short film) of Kyle Dinkheller shooting **GRAPHIC**
- Open top duty mag pouches
- Lessons from Stewart Shootout
- APD revamps pistol training
- HB60 vs Georgia Weapons Carry License vs Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004
- Officer shot and killed during traffic stop today 7/30/14
- Slick-Top patrol cars
- Iowa PCSO ND
- Glendale, AZ COPS tackle
- Dept. Of agriculture orders ballistic body armor
- Sad Anniversary
- Latest Pursuit Case Law Decision
- Appropriate gear and weaponry for cops....
- Foot Pursuits:How Fast Should a LEO be?
- Uniform question
- Remington 870: 18" vs 14" for patrol
- Which personal GPS to augment MDT terminal?
- Latest on Police and Racial Bias
- Code 4 Back-up Flashlight
- Detective Uniform
- I-70 Killer & the Erma Werke ET-22
- Officer down.
- Tactics at car stop
- Dedicated Simmunition Building
- Officer Involved: A Documentary
- Parts for Safariland hoslters
- New FSRC newsletter; Cops less likely to shoot black suspects
- safariland holsters
- Case study: Seated subjects
- Safariland SLS & Glock Beavertails
- False Sexual Harassment Complaints Against Officers....
- Body cameras: Which one?
- Search, search, search!!!
- Smart guns? Recording shots? New tech.
- S&W 442 vs LCR 9mm for backup
- Force Science Certification Course
- To Retire the Shotgun or Not?
- LE Pros; You're Needed in Academia.......
- To ASP or not to ASP, that is the question.....
- Duty belt are they working for you?
- How Bad Guys Get Guns.
- Transition to Striker-Fired Pistols
- Weird firearms forensics book
- The Future of LE?
- Beansbags from not dedicated shotguns
- Restraiint as taught in police training
- A thank you to LEO's!
- NYC 12/20/14, two NYPD officers LODD
- Cops being Cops yet once again....
- Elected Officials :Strategic Sabotaging of Police?
- Why isn't the Bullpup More Common...
- Good Rifle Plate options for LEO
- Stoppages & Malfunctions ... What?
- Are any LEO's using the Leupold VX-R 1.25-4 scopes on their M4s?
- APD - Officer shot during traffic stop.
- Another Albuquerque Police Officer Shot
- Concealable armor
- The speed of lethal force
- Jackets and Guns don't mix part II
- Oregon City Body Armor Carrier
- Anyone remember this guy?
- Northrup v City of Toledo
- OK - OIS video released.
- Rechargeable duty flashlights-what are you using?
- Revamping agency's Firearms training.
- Ballistic Helmets for Patrol
- This is what happens when the Good Idea Fairy takes over your department
- RFI: 1911 Policy/Transition Course
- Gunfight Veteran Interview
- Truth About Police Violence
- IACP - Ambush Fact Sheet
- Louisiana Police Officer Indicted for Negligent Homicide
- So what is the best course of action in this situation?
- Memphis questions
- Red/Green color blindness
- Survey on police weapons and opinions
- AIWB-duty belt dichotomy
- Fairfax County Ad Hoc Police Commission
- BUG Options
- Good example of staying heads up while in the cop car
- A good read for those who need such info; Taser use on excited delirium subjects
- How many times do you have to practice in Federal Law enforcement?
- WashPost Ran Comprehensive Investigation of Police Shootings, Ran Sunday
- Body camera footage of attempted stabbing of LEO
- Rethinking use of force and interview with Dennis Tueller
- Searching with drawn gun
- Garland PD shooting
- Good article by Dr. David Klinger on police shooting and aftermaths.
- Patrol Rifles on Motorcycles
- Looking for a good rifle qual
- Extreme Caution
- Article: Are "Too Many" People Dying from Police Use of Force?
- Eyewitness memory and critical incidents
- Sixth Circuit Appeals Court decision re: open carry in Ohio
- Miss K-9 LEO saved by partner and the automatic door opener
- "Dont Become A Cop"
- Any cases of people continuing to fight after a 12guage?
- Police Militarization, Canadian Style...
- Ezell Ford (OIG's Public Report)
- McKinney, TX Pool Party Response
- Seized gun check in
- Coordinated attack on pd station
- FBI lawsuit concerning S&W 1076
- Heinz Field, Pittsburgh?
- Deputy Loses Everyting In House Fire
- OIS Cincinnati Ohio
- How NOT to make a felony traffic stop.
- Oklahoma Highway Patrol Adopts Sig P320.
- Data on Police Shootings this year so far
- Hipster Stories...
- A Little Good News
- Off-Duty Badge Carry Methods
- When should training scenarios end, post OIS procedures, and body cameras.
- Taser Axon Flex mounting options
- Blue Falcon - Officer fired for Tampering with colleague's Duty Rifle
- Video of OIS (knife) Seattle
- Outer vest carrier for issued soft armor - suggestions/opinions
- Paraclete Speed Plates
- What would you do?
- NYT Article on Force Science and Dr. Lewinsky
- Cali bans use of Grand Juries in police shooting cases.
- Two Officers Being Choked By One Suspect in the UK
- Study: Federal Air Marshals often "sleep deprived " " Medicated"
- Clear and concise verbal commands.
- Rancho Cordova Officer fires at Sacramento Sheriffs Deputy
- "Either you buy these, or I take your car"
- Small of the Back, cases?
- Would you label #BLM & the offshoot movements terrorists or terrorist organizations?
- DC police vote No-Confidence in Chief Cathy Lanier
- Use of Deadly Force article
- Ret. Captain Philip Hemphill (MS Hwy Patrol) 100 Yard shot with .380acp
- LE UOF Video thread
- Any studies of psychological stops?
- attacks with moving vehicles
- Large Flashlight Recommendation for Duty Belt
- What stats would you like to see for armed citizen vs criminal?
- NYPD and the Glock 17 ?
- Open Uniform Carry at 1 or 2 o'clock experiences?
- HR218 and DC
- Michigan State Police dropping.40 P226s, moving to Glock 17s
- Inside an FBI Hostage Crisis -
- RFI- Changes in issued pistol and/or lights
- Dealing with the Mentally Disturbed (Paranoid Schizoprehnic) ?
- Healthy food ideas for Night shift?
- LE Knife
- End of watch...............
- Pink handcuffs
- Expired Body Armor Study?
- "Ferguson Effect"?
- Rule 4 or Why the Deputy Didn't Shoot Back
- Hinged vs chain handcuffs
- New Denver policy on shooting at cars
- CO Springs Officers Will No Longer Take Fitness Tests After Discrimination Lawsuit
- Car seat query
- Awards for not using deadly force
- Point Guns at Innocents
- Explain Hats to Me - Troopers
- Another trooper question: college football security details
- CCW encounter that could have went badly.
- equipment quesion
- May be returning to patrol. Upgrades?
- Sgt. Ricks tells it like it actually prints it!
- Response to active shooters by officers - NYTimes article
- Entire police force quits all at once in South Carolina town
- We won't you provide with functioning equipment, but we will sure punish you for it.
- San Bernadino County SO Mini-14s
- Seattle OIS 12/06/15
- Washington State Academy trying new approach: Guardians instead of Warriors
- Biggest Pinnochio - Hands up, WaPo
- LASD Lynwood shooting
- EDPs with knives
- Need copies of your dept policy on a few things
- Warrior mindset - problem?
- We need to remember to be safe, especially around the holidays
- Analysis of police shootings
- DC Police Force Struggling To Keep Up
- The magic bullet to LE misconduct is a blank .....
- This Must be Some Kind of CNN Prank! Right?
- In this issue I continue my jihad against
- Why We Can't Have Nice Things
- Duty Belt Holder for Estrela
- In reference to motives for homicides question
- Idiots doing idiotic things with guns due to idiocy
- Phila Officer ambushed by islamic extremist
- Brass Knuckles....
- Remember the Grand Canyon Grandfather? He's been murdered.
- In car camera systems?
- Armstrong v. Village of Pinehurst; Fourth Circuit case regarding Taser use
- FINALLY, a dual wielding robber
- Looking for a video
- Police Shootings: Are Cops Usually at Fault? No. Some Facts - National Review
- question re: blue label Glock sales
- LE Training for Plain Clothes
- Talon Defense opinions ??
- Fraternal Order of Police Data Dump
- Police firearms policy-SME suggestions.
- Opinions on when you find a knife?
- A British cop's experience with the Detroit PD
- And now this BS from PERF
- The Myths of Black Lives Matter - WSJ
- Guns in the hospitals
- How do you deal with commanders/top brass who are out of touch...?
- San Francisco Two Bullet Rule
- Ballistic Entry Shields
- An refreshing anomoly not often witnessed from the LE community.
- NJ Charges Out-of-State LEO With Felony for Having His Legal Gun With Him
- Fort bend county tx suing wife and children of fallen deputy
- "Tactical De-escalation" and how its going to get people killed.
- New Data Analysis Shows Policing Isn't Racist
- Harrassment
- One of our officers injured in shooting.
- Petition: Let federal LEOs keep their weapons upon retirement
- Pa. to Florida auto trip
- Significant Case on Rule 2, 3, 4
- Help finding case
- Questions over assault weapon used by Mesa officer facing murder charge
- WV state troopers saves himself via "Get Off Me" knife work
- Personally Owned Weapons
- Being both Cautious and Friendly
- LEO thoughts on moving from duty P226 9mm to P227 .45acp?
- Active Shooter Shotgun Bag
- Being a good witness?
- Chicago Murders
- What's so hard doing about felony stops?
- Police Dog "Severe use of force"
- Advice for a new Patrol Sergeant
- Police should know better than to routinely "inventory" cars being towed, court rules
- Arizona sheriff hopes Russian-designed rubber-bullet handgun will save lives
- Estrela Alternative
- Old timer sayings
- Police Cadet Shot During Training (Ohio)
- Promotional Oral Board suggestions/recommendations/tips/etc
- 30th anniversary, FBI/Miami fight...........
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