View Full Version : Rifles and Carbines
Pages :
- Mission Drives the Gear Train - Home Defense Carbine
- AK Info???
- HK USC mag cap.
- Delta Force Rifle Duel
- Anyone shooting a Non-AR or AK based rifle?
- Polish Wifama .22 trainer
- Big Game Hunting
- Loaded Chamber Verifications
- M&P 15-22: thoughts?
- Kel-Tec RFB
- LaRue OBR/Predator Review
- Thoughts on Piston Driven AR's
- Spikes Tactical Upper
- A New Shooter
- Long gun deals...
- Interesting Malfunction
- C&R fans
- The 21st Century Kalashnikov
- Thoughts on SureFire Rapid Transition Sights
- Sub 2000 thoughts?
- Marlin 1894 .357 Magnum
- new to precision rifle
- RCMP to get Carbines
- Little brother's award writeup (video at bottom)
- Ruger 10-22 help
- AR - build or buy?
- Remington Model 7 feed issue
- Magpul BAD - is it just that?
- Autoloaders- what to get?
- Bullpups rock! The SA80 is awesome!
- Your thoughts on the LWRC, Sean? Feel free to start another thread if you like.
- Considering M&P 15
- Thoughts on HK416
- cool pic of some mini cans
- Which AR-15 5.56 magazines are best?
- AR10 questions
- Anyone played with 'kid' rifles?
- How I fixed my AR15
- Precision Rifles
- Post '64 Model 70
- Takedown guns.
- High Standard AR Shorty Clones?
- "What makes the AK so reliable?"
- VZ 58 - Any experiences?
- So I parked my truck on my AR the other day....
- Favorite rifle spot on the net
- Carbine Basics
- Finally a rail for the AK that is slick and extends to the gas block.
- Canada abolishes the long gun registry.
- Score!
- She has arrived! Noveske 8" 300BLK
- First AR - LaRue?
- Limp Shouldering?
- .22 Upper
- Devices that Allow the AR-15 BCG to be Locked or Released w/o Breaking Firing Grip
- Troy Di-optic flip ups
- 223 Mag Pouch recommendations...
- FAST with a rifle (M4orgery)
- Recommend a wall safe?
- It only took three years, but she's ready to rock!
- Fixed vs Folding
- Recommending an ar
- Quality, basic AR?
- Mid length vs Carbine
- Incoming
- Getting up to speed -- TR "Urban Rifle" next year
- Inforce WML Review
- M4 style handguards vs. free float
- Non-EBR hunting rifle suggestions?
- Carbine drills for those new to the platform
- remington: the new colt
- Bolt guns--no BUIS
- HD vs. GP carbine
- Daniel Defense tour
- Colt M4 Accessories Question....
- Downside to AK only?
- What length SBR for 5.56
- Rifle Training: Introductory and onward.
- Aftermarket AR Triggers - poll
- Walking Roll Pin
- MP5 question
- Army bans the PMAG. good job, Army
- Another Aimpoint PRO bargain
- Left Hand / Ambi Charging Handle for AR
- Ambidextrious doodads- As in AR
- Colt 6920
- carbine light placement
- .22LR AR Conversions?
- New Baer ARs
- Round popping out with open bolt -- technique or mag issue?
- Hogan carbines?
- Handstop Placement
- 500 Lumens?
- How to Clean a Rifle Bore
- QR AR-15 scope mounts and variable scopes
- Mounts and dots for fixed handle AR?
- 45ACP Carbine?
- Beretta CX4 Storm or Lone Wolf 9mm AR?
- Sig556 SWAT w/ YHM Phantom 5.56
- The (Theoretical) LSHD Signature Carbine Package
- Alternatives to the heavy single trigger that came on my AR-15?
- Rifle Suppressor Discussion.
- SIRT AR Bolt
- How do you keep your AR's at home
- Is the Sig 556 Rifle Any Good?
- Rifle Case Suggestions
- Installing a new rail on a DDM4...?
- Anyone mount an optic on Troy VTAC Alpha Battlerail?
- What to do when you can't remove a pin?
- Knights Armament Advice
- If it looks too good to be true...
- sig 551-a1 sbr
- Just bought Colt LT6720-R and DDM4 V7lw?
- 7.5 in ar opinions
- ACOG recommendations
- can't remove flash hider from M&P15-22 threaded barrel model
- troy buis question
- "Running an AK like an M4"
- Bolt gun trainer
- Claim about the SIG 516 I found
- Great Kickstarter project for the Aimpoint Micro
- 15 Round AK Mags for NJ guy...
- Colt 6920 Help
- Vltor MUR upper clamp
- differences between mid length and carbine gas systems?
- Single or double point slings for M4 style carbines?
- .375 H&H
- NightForce Zero-Stop... am I missing something?
- Rigging a double point sling on an M4 style carbine?
- AR failure to feed...
- I Love My MOE!
- .308 Semi-Auto Rifle
- SCAR 17 discussion
- MOE Action!
- Why is the EOTech so popular?
- 3 gun or multigun scopes?
- Good places to shoot with 150-250 yard range in Northern Virginia
- So much information...
- C&R Fans
- Dope Books?
- I'm not much more than a 4MOA shooter
- 9mm AR15 Recommendations
- Ruger 77/22
- Expereience with PSA ar's
- Rifle case and rifle-range load out
- Alexander Arms
- Windham Weaponry AR??
- Shovel Ready AK
- Long Gun Storage in vehicle
- USMC bans polymer mags.
- Thunder Ranch Matched Set
- Just for LL
- Magpul Durability?
- Budget Long Guns
- m1 garand
- Anybody know about DSArms and their FN FAL??
- ACOG reticle stopped working...?
- Modern Krink
- AR15 Advice
- Barrel profile
- Just in time for Hanukkah
- Looking for thoughts & input on DDLES Lowers
- Noveske NSR handguard
- need BUIS recs for a DD MK18
- TRR First Range Trip
- 22 Conversions For AR15
- Kalinka Optics, or alternative?
- Bushmaster Carbon-15 Gen 2, Good or Not?
- New AR mags, any reports yet?
- Bolt for AR
- Ultralight 223 or 9mm Carbine
- Extra power buffer spring?
- Visible Laser Questions
- New DD integrally suppressed rifle
- AR 10 rounders
- Colt Exploiting Loopholes
- USGI mag limiters
- 5.45x39 in an AR...
- Recommendation for ak74 pattern in 5.45x39
- AR Barrel Choice - 18" DD or MK12 ???
- New sweetness
- Buck list: A2 Colt. 600 yards - 10" grouping..or less..
- bullets forward?
- Precision optic recommendations <$700
- Stock riser for AK?
- Ambi mag releases for ARs?
- AK smith recommendations needed - DFW/Texas
- Target Air Rifle Recommendations
- Got my S&W M&P 10 308
- Does this make me a bad person?
- Need a recommendation for Optic for my AR-15
- AR15 takedown pin breakage
- .308 v 5.56 costs in today's market.
- HK going the way of SIG?
- Appleseed rifle package
- RMR on carbines
- Leupold Mark AR Mod 1 1.5 x 4 green dot scope and SPC reticle on M4 style carbine.
- Colt Magazines....?
- BCM Jack Carbine
- Shooting a Straight Stocked Rifle
- controlled round feed Vs. push feed
- Lancer AWM's in stock at Brownells
- muzzle brake optons for DD 10.3"bbl MK18 SBR
- Help Picking First Suppressed SBR Upper
- Ever just get bored? (Optics switch-a-roo)
- Available Colt AR's
- Do you know what this is?
- M&P 10 308
- US Tavor-21
- P Mags
- To Close or Not To Close - That is the Question
- Something Cool I Just Learned about RDS
- Advice On First NFA Purchase
- Larue Tactical Handstop and Index Clips
- Colt 6940
- The Great Thunderville Raid
- LPK's in stock at Bravo Co.
- Apex Compensator
- Cleaning the Barrel of an AR/.223., Lubrication
- Bravo Company Has Mags In Stock
- The Lightweight AR
- How Light, is Lightweight?
- PMAG 20 Gen 3 magazines - are they better than the old PMAG 20 Gen 2?
- Thoughts on the Colt AR6720 Lightweight LE Carbine
- Looks like Colt is reviving their 7.62x39mm AR project
- Rainier Arms Phosphate BCG, experiences, recommendations?
- American Modern Manufacturing
- NRA National Defense Match
- HD AR: How do you "store it"
- Great article on rifle crowns
- Piston AR rail options?
- Savage 11/111?
- The things I do for my job
- Does anyone here have any interest in AR 308 carbines?
- Smart Rifle?
- Sling Management for Vehicles etc.
- Some Amazing 10/22 shooting
- Recommendations for a Bolt Action 30-06 and Scope?
- What buffer weight for a rifle length gas system?
- Any AUG fans?
- Any experience with a Mossberg MVP?
- What size riser, if any, for RDS?
- Spikes Tactical ST15 Mid Length Carbine Rifle
- 1, 1.25, or 1.5 X 4 or 6 or 8 scope with illuminated reticle and a long battery life.
- H2 buffer
- First NFA
- AR Load Sequence / Correction of Faulty Loading?
- M1 Carbine for Home Defense?
- "Allowable Upgrades" to duty ARs?
- A Box Lock Boss
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