- Occidental Leather Holsters
- Mag pouch/arrangement solutions for PF courses...
- Coloring your front sight
- EDC folders
- Garrity delivery time
- My EDC Light of Choice
- Timers
- Dummy rounds?
- AIWB (Appendix Carry)
- Medkit for the Range
- KISS - What Does it Really Mean?
- What grip enhancements do you run? I'm using Agrip...
- What carry weapon do you have on you right now?
- Carry Options for Cyclists
- Who carries a Weapon mounted light?
- The Desbiens Reverse Cant (RC) magazine pouch
- Sneak peak
- My Shaggy arrived!
- Maxpedition Liger Belt
- EDC - Do we make a big deal out of nothing?
- Ankle carry, who does it?
- Off body carry?
- Adding a hole in a belt?
- Comp-Tac Two O'Clock Holster
- Temporary holster for HK P30
- Pocket holster for a J frame?
- pistol shooting rest
- "Best" Glock Holsters & Pouches? Opinions welcome!
- Cleaning kits
- My Shaggy is scraping my P30 (a whine)
- Red dot sights on pistols?
- Meprolight Tru Dots for M&Pc
- 1911 holster by safariland?
- Rear Sight Channel to Front Sight Width
- One sight to rule them all?
- New home for the P30
- Leather Holster Making
- Eagle Industries Gear
- Anyone have experience with NTAC holsters?
- best electronic hearing protection is???
- Viking Tactical... worst sights ever?
- Heinie vs. Trijicon HD Night Sights
- Vickers Tango Down Slide Release Lever
- Modifying kydex holsters?
- Glasses
- The $37 custom case
- Gun Cleanin Solutions
- Carry options for a skirt wearer?
- Any Serpa Holster Failures
- The Rudy Project eye pro ... opinions?
- best non-leather belt is?
- Looking for HK P30 Holster Options
- Trausch TJ 92 Grips For Beretta 92
- Make sure your gear is in good working order!
- Thoughts on Raven Concealment Phantom?
- How and Where do you carry your Every Day (non-gun) Stuff?
- Front sight...departure?
- MINIMALIST kydex holster for a J frame?
- Hill People Gear Kit Bag
- Smart Carry or Thunderwear?
- PACT Club Timer III instructions...
- Streamlight TLR-1S sale.
- Eye protection
- Leather IWB for HK45 - A Bit Frustrated
- HDS Sustems LED Flashlight
- Mag pouch- concealed carry
- IWB Sweat Guards
- Holster Acquisition Syndrome has set in
- Storm Lake for M&P?
- To strobe or not to strobe?
- do you use a Shot timer? which one?
- Del Fatti IWB for HK45C/P30
- Viridian C5L
- 10-8 rear sight??
- Stippling vs. Grip tape
- Lightsaver LS 165 (opinions and suggestions)
- AIWB aside, what are the best IWB you've used?
- A brief reflection on running an trijicon RMR in MDFI HG1/HG2
- Is anyone making a decent P7 PSP appendix carry holster?
- Glock Sport/Combat Holster
- Smith Custom Holsters a short review on kydex
- Tuckable Holster
- Sweaty Hands
- Cane and Derby
- HighNoon Hideaway
- P30 and HK45 Sight Options...Ameriglo
- G19 w/GTL21 Holster
- Fanny Pack Holster Recs
- holsters for CZ 75?
- Silent Thunder Holster - who's running one?
- leather OWB for a Beretta Cheetah 87
- How do you travel with your firearm?
- Sig P220 Carry SAS Holster
- NTAC holsters?
- Question concerning lasers for CCW
- JP Magwell for Glock
- AIWB holsters, a pictorial guide
- anyone able to recommend a good fixed blade knife?
- Looking for a belt holster for a P229
- Apendix Carry Ruger SR9C - Whats your holster?
- The Perfect Shot Timer
- Anyone try OWB Appendix Carry?
- Leather Belt
- Flashbang holster for women
- Plate Carriers for Heavy Duty Use
- M&P Night Sights
- Crimson Trace J-Frame
- Comp-Tac is running a 10% discount on Father's Day....
- Anti-fog
- What range bag do you use?
- I DIY'd a Shaggy!
- "no line" bifocals
- Skinny/Thin Guy CCW advice sought
- Focusing with contacts
- PPQ Holster
- Foam earplugs
- Tucker Summer Partner
- Front Sights: Factory Orange Ring vs Orange Paint
- New Apex Tactical Forward Sear & Trigger Kit for the M&P handgun
- AIWB with Raven Vanguard
- Heinie front sight width?
- Glock Extended Slide Stop Lever Questions
- Secret City Weaponeers
- I need input from females on holster needs.
- Pistol-Training.com Zero Tolerance knives
- An Icon Series LFA-1 for an Icon!
- The Glock "CQB Standoff" dongle
- Holsters for big guys
- Need some constructive help ??
- free holster gear
- Beretta Crimson Trace Grips
- What impact does your gear have on your performance?
- FYI: Trijicon "HD" night sights @ OpticsPlanert.com
- LaserLyte training cartridge
- Anyone make a kydex molle compatible double pistol mag pouch?
- Revision Eyewear Vipertail review (non-shooting)
- Target Stands
- P30 holster. What do you guys use/recommend?
- M&P Duty Holster
- G34 IWB?
- HK45 holster w/ light
- Surefire Light Help
- Lightbulb Moment: Belt Direction
- Aholster
- Nanovault, Microvault, etc.
- need help finding the Tactical Solutions Glock .22 conversion upper
- New AMI Armored Ticket Book Holder
- JJ Racaza holster...seen it?
- Who has mod'ed a CCC Shaggy?
- A holster I would never let my daughter get!
- holster cant?
- AMI First Responder Armor Loans
- Banning the SERPA
- Versa Carry Holster
- Tactical Solutions Glock .22 conversion upper IN STOCK @ glockparts.com
- Retention Holster for M9
- AIWB Holster Design Input
- Help with draw from CCC Looper
- Bellt or shoulder?
- Comptac M-TAC
- Commonality of holsters for Gen3 and Gen2 Glocks?
- Blade-Tech/Looper Hybrid holster first impressions.
- Ccc bmc problems
- Walther PPQ Holsters
- AIWB is officially mainstream.
- What support gear to you carry to the range?
- IWB Mag carriers
- Concealing the Glock 21
- Tried AIWB
- Is Mark Garrity still in business?
- Sights
- New EDC folder
- advantage arms conversion for a glock 30
- Prescription Eye Pro?
- What equipment do you carry every day?
- Vehicle Storage
- EDC meets EDW...?
- IWB Carry and accidental mag release
- Insight Procyon compatible holster
- KytexGear Mag Pouches - 1.75 belt size only?
- headaches after shooting?
- low profile mag carrier
- CC Clothing
- Setting up a Glock
- Front Sights and Tritium Dots (from DotW 3 thread)
- Longtime lurker aiwb question
- Executives Companion vs PCH
- Leather holster and barrel length?
- Safes
- XDm 5.25
- Raven Light Compatible Holster
- Shibumi Tactical
- Muzzle Length and Weapon Lights
- Praetor Defense holster review
- The Beltman horsehide belt
- Warren Tactical 2 dot sights (M&P) Disappointed
- Mace, pepper spray, etc.
- What do you wish you had from your kydex gear.
- BagCheck to Display EDC Gear.
- Speed Sights?
- Arcteryx riggers belt
- Center of mass in car safe. Anyone use these?
- Looking for feedback on Comp-Tac Two O' Clock AIWB
- ghetto P2000Sk flat magazine floorplates
- Ladies OWB concealed carry holster recommendation
- Leupold Deltapoint battery life
- a truly dumb Wilderness Belt question (and maybe a few that aren't)
- Renegade Ankle Holsters
- New Shaggy
- Horsehide leather holster rough side in vs rough side out
- Best 10 round 1911 .45 mags?
- Shaggy, Custom Carry Concepts taking orders
- Need a Holster please show me where to get a good one
- A hearty kudos to Dark Star Gear!
- New Sight from Dave Spaulding
- Shivworks blades
- Quark 123 T
- New Pocket Pro II timer, features or bugs?
- Hybrid holsters and WMLs
- Pocket shot?
- Shibumi Tactical OWB holster
- Alabama Holster Broke
- CCW Breakaway Slacks
- The Laser
- Ameriglo Hack front with I-Dot Pro or Pro Operator?
- Crimson Trace Light Guard
- MSA/Sordin, Headband vs Neckband
- Are night sights needed with laser + light?
- Raven Concealment?
- Inova-Nite Ize customer service
- C&D Pardus AIWB
- Quest for “The” Holster, a Study in Wrong Handedness
- JRC's Appendix Holster
- Source for OWB Kydex holster for Sig P226 with 1913 Picatinny rail?
- Crimson Trace problem
- Volund Gearworks Atlas Belt
- Quark AA2 Tactical flashlight
- IWB straight drop holster recommendations
- Sport Coat/ Suit Jacket holster position?
- SERPA banned at FLETC
- Mag carrier opinion
- AIWB secret the government doesn't want you to know
- What type of holsters do you like?
- Anybody use anything like smart carry at the gym?
- Insight WL1 AA Weapon light
- Dale Fricke Holster
- Help me build a good AIWB