View Full Version : General Discussion
- Welcome to!
- Introductions
- Romper Room
- Obligatory Wristwatch Thread
- Old Men Battle It Out With Light Sabers
- "Must Have" Apps?
- "Crazy" stuff you've seen on the range...
- Platform
- Illinois AG wants names of gun owners to be released to the press...
- 2 US soldiers shot in Germany
- Exciting news..
- Last American World War I veteran passes.
- 84 year old WWII sniper proves he's still got it with a 1,000 yard shot
- Alcohol
- Favorite cuisines / restaurants?
- My custom made Robot is finished
- An awesome movie gun fight scene
- This is a nice forum...
- Getting all misty eyed
- Molly Smith & Dr. Condoleezza Rice
- Mosin Nagant Review
- Bass akwards CC laws.
- 100 Years Celebration for Women & the 1911
- official Top Shot season 2 thread
- Nra: Spam & crap!
- When do you call the police?
- Vices.
- New Mexico
- iPhone owners who have switched to Droid
- Real firearms experts/instructors and gun-forums?
- What do you drive?
- Favorite vacation destinations?
- Ow! My trigger finger hurts.
- Ayoob's MAG 40
- It's like not emptying the lint filter in your dryer for like a month
- So it's been nice knowing you
- March Madness!!!
- Why did I have to shoot that gun?
- Mo. sheriff investigates death of man in gun class
- Bullied Kid Fights Back (video)
- A gripe
- What bad guns have you bought, and why?
- The Official Firearms Training Playlist
- Gun Myths (that gunnies tend to believe)
- Got the new Droid Thunderbolt
- Surefire Shot Timer App for iPhone
- Utah becomes first in U.S. to designate official state gun
- 1200 Members!
- Earthquake prediction 2011
- Shootout in Nashville (Video)
- Man-cation
- Best gun shops in the PHX metro area?
- Libya
- Good books
- Free to Good Home - 2011 LAs Vegas Entertainment Book
- What guns have you sold and really shouldn't have.
- ACCPD SPO Buddy Christian EOW 03/22/2011
- NY Times Covers Purse Guns
- Amateur Radio
- Venison Stir Fry Recipe
- Your best moment during a training class?
- 13 illegals arrested wearing USMC uniforms.
- AIM FAST HIT FAST in the May Issue of SWAT Magazine
- My 12 year old Made Me a Happy Father Tonight
- Medal of Honor Day, March 25th.
- Straight & safety razor shaving
- So what makes a Safe Queen a Safe Queen?
- Are Video games harmful?
- What Video Games do you Play?
- GLock Goes off in the holster!!!! FYI
- Why has QC become so hit and miss?
- My Nephew Headed to Afghanistan
- Best Significant Other....
- Little brother's award writeup
- 5 shots to the chest = 1 tough kid.
- Who has the IPAD2?
- Down Zero TV
- The Best Gun (for an April 1st Class)
- Video of mexiacn cartel shootout with ICE agents
- What's everyone doing to stay healthy?
- Any slots left for AFHF in Salt Lake Oct 8-9?
- Been a tick, but
- InSights Training Center partners with Gun Nuts Media
- Smartflix shooting videos
- Top Shot
- The evolved wheel gun
- Taking the bull by the horns.....LITERALLY.
- 2011 NRA Convention
- Conroe, Tx dashcam video-officer involved shooting
- Much quicker on target
- So would you pay for an "Enthusiast" model gun
- Bad day at the range
- A Modest Proposal
- AR LEO Fatally Shot
- Anyone have an iPad case that they really love?
- big blonde ,muscle shooting guy video?
- How many shirts have you ruined through CCW?
- Would you pay?
- Transfer friendly FFLs IVO Gardena, CA?
- Bad Gunstore Advice
- getting ready for his first "match"
- 18 rounds from 5 yards - 9 hits , mostly lower body
- Tablet and smart phone discussion thread
- Bad gun advice YOU'VE given
- How do you put food on the table?
- Tactical Cane?
- CDNN P30 deal?
- The baddest US Marshal ever!!
- Minor Reorganization
- Now Hiring!
- Lousy QC and rewarding failure: A rant.
- Your Next Home?
- NRA Convention in Pittsburgh!
- Fast Five is a great movie!
- Osama Bin Laden is dead
- May Rangemaster Newsletter
- SKD Tactical - 25% off site wide Bin Laden's dead sale!
- 1,000...and counting
- New guy checking in
- New Practice Drill
- Archer
- Maybe I should put my P226 on the market
- Your worst class experience?
- What's Osama bin Watchin?
- What gun magazines do you read?
- Words cannot express the stupidity!! *Must Watch Video*
- Training Certifications
- Buying cool.
- The Elusive Joseph's Pistol
- Anybody Experience Forearm/Elbow Pain From Shooting?
- Michael Bolton's best work
- Annual Budget for Practice / Training / Competition
- Brits
- RIP Macho Man....
- Mission Drives the Gear Train: Raccoon CQB
- Help finding a welder?
- Hotel Internet
- Damnation
- Indiana and the 4th Amendment
- The SEAL who killed UBL
- Man robs store, slips and falls. Thank you Marines!
- June Rangemaster Newsletter
- Crimson Trace Sale.
- Ratko Mladic arrested
- It Is Just So Refreshing...
- recommended training DVD's?
- So the wife wants her CHL....
- Epic showdown!
- Anyone know any good classes/teachers/training groups in NJ?
- Stephen A. Camp has passed away
- Hello from AZ
- You have to check this S*** out!
- laptop + water =
- Southnarc BJJ Background?
- When Mods Collide
- Reliability
- Bump Firing M&P15OR
- NM - Supreme Court allows police to take firearms from law-abiding motorists.
- New cars
- Oklahoma Pharmacist Convicted of Murder in Self Defense Case.
- Ballad for Bin Laden
- And the 2011 Chuck Norris Award goes to...
- I hope there's a special place...
- Army SSG thwarts FL bank robbery
- knee sounded like bubble wrap
- Firearms Periodical
- The Glock Gen 4 Design Meeting
- Shooting down a Zero with a 1911
- A reminder
- Triple Canopy
- Dept of Education serves warrant
- Screw the Glock Torture test, this proves the Glock rocks
- New Wheels
- BLADE Show Atlanta
- Have you ever been made?
- My son and his Glock 17
- Anyone notice that we decided to ignore post counts here?
- Thinking about this for an ankle carry BUG
- Nashville 1 Westboro Baptist 0
- DOJ Staff Report on Fast & Furious (Project Gunwalker/Gunrunner)
- please vote for James Guthrie
- South African Police Service: Col Mark Ishlove: EOW 06/15/2011
- Buying a used gun safe.
- Teen mob stopped with a Soviet M44 carbine....
- OMB Express Police Supply
- Ideas for Todd's rider for his next out of town class?
- Libyan DIY weapons
- Salomon XA's (review with pics)
- Drive-By Shooting Range
- On alcohol and carrying - a civil discussion
- Wisconsin Assembly passes concealed carry law.
- N.VA Gun Transfers
- Posting Gun Deals?
- Holy Hell
- Famine in North Korea
- It's 10 O'Clock, Do You Know Where your Weapon Is?
- LEGO SPec OPs video-awesome
- An Ode to the 3x5 index card...
- Iraq Vet facing deportation for being an illegal immigrant
- Fireworks on July 1 no es bueno.
- Canada Day Giveaway
- 2 very unique pistols.
- Virginia Arms
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 -- it is awesome
- Happy Independence day!!!!!!!
- Kinston resident recalls extraordinary experiences in Army
- funny FTF sale story
- apparently Glock makes a plastic suppressor
- HTC Thunderbolt and SMTP
- What's it all for?
- Obama and gun control.
- Maybe This Is Why Cops Don't Want Us To Take Photos of Them
- Patrol car antennae
- See if you can figure out what's wrong with these weapons...
- Pistol-Forum Newbie saying, "Hello!"
- Book Recommendations
- Mumba, Indiai hit again.....
- Android crew: you want this keyboard.
- Will High Round Count Pistol Shooting Cause Damage to an Automatic Watch?
- Anyone going to AFHF in SLC in October?
- yet another youtube video of me you can make fun of
- Safes, Vaults, and Other Security Measures
- $1 per bullet tax proposed by Baltimore mayoral candidate
- Quite possibly the best (worst) firearms video of all time.
- GoogleDocs Experts: Help Needed
- Jumping the shark
- NSFW: Kenny Powers & K-Swiss commercial
- Iris scan LE tool.
- Is Tappatalk worth it?
- Philosophical Poll: The Pain Experiment
- Oslo - Explosion, man dressed as Police fires on people!
- Bloody Nipples
- Danny Glover Has Officially Hit Rock Bottom
- Epic cartoon is epic
- Lets talk bbq grills!
- Bad Dream
- What's your greatest fear?
- Kahr to pay $600K to Brady Center
- HR 2613 Bill To Repeal Federal "Gun Free School Zones"
- Norway's Supermax prison
- I know some of you are into watches
- Someone You Should Know: US Army Sergeant Jacob Perkins
- $1M car wreck
- S&W Model 10's
- And on the fifth day, God created...
- August Rangemaster Newsletter
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