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  1. Caleb and Tim: You Rotten SOB's!
  2. Where to get my CPL/CHL?
  3. Mencken
  4. As they say, "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight."
  5. Gansta grip
  6. Gun Companies ... Joe vs LEO
  7. Election 2012 Post Mortem: Voter Fraud
  8. An amazing talent
  9. 3.3.13 oh yes
  10. A 45 is strictly a Man's Gun!
  11. Pennsylvania AG Kane acts to close 'Florida loophole' for concealed weapons
  12. It's Nuts Out Here in the Sticks too.
  13. 'Splain this to me: Illinois could be the newest Constitutional Carry State?
  14. Hi Point Lawsuit
  15. My new Bearpaw Mongolian horse bow
  16. Do you ever tam?
  17. 1 Gun / Month
  18. FNS 9 Mags
  19. Uncle Joe Speaks the "Truth"... to the Chagrin of the Anti's*
  20. There's always one.
  21. Question for obama
  22. Anybody Catch What Obama Said Here?
  23. G&R Tactical, LLC
  24. 10 years in a basement game
  25. Something to Lose
  26. Southwest Grapplefest 9 - Rio Rancho, NM - May 4
  27. Calling all Joisey Boyz regarding NJ SAFE Task Force....
  28. German Shepherd Best in Breed at Westminster Dog Show....sigh
  29. On the lighter side: Sitting in traffic have you ever been caught doing......
  30. "Assault Weapon" ban introduced in WA Senate
  31. Good shooting/gun article in the Wall Street Journal
  32. Drone pilot medal to outrank Bronze Star....
  33. Colorado:(
  34. 4th Amendment, lol
  35. Gun vaults for the car
  36. POLICE MARKSMAN is Back!
  37. Any SMEs willing to talk with CO Legislators?
  38. Crazy dashcam driving footage
  39. Missouri Democrats Introduce Legislation to Confiscate Firearms
  40. Gun Control Debate Podcast - Bringing in the Ringers
  41. Excellent blog post
  42. NY Dems tell Rebubs to be quiet on confiscation
  43. Are You a Crack Shot?? Shooting Antlers Off a Deer Crack Shot??
  44. Great new espionage series
  45. Perspectives: Background checks, the real target of the gun grabbers
  46. Just Not Seeing The Humor
  47. Dear indoor range near me,
  48. Democrats Seek to Ban Hunting Ammunition in Wisconsin
  49. Glory Hounds
  50. Guns made them do it
  51. Air soft for force on force
  52. MD: LE recruit shot in head by instructor
  53. Should nonresidents denied permits in other states be ineliligible in Maine?
  54. Beer
  55. Watch what yo say...
  56. The Christian Science Monitor does Gun Control
  57. NV - Concealed carry on college campuses - AB 143
  58. WA - Annual housing search for guns
  59. On a lighter note...American News is crap.....
  60. Washington State: A Bill: Warrantless searches of people's homes for assault weapons
  61. Alcohol, tobacco and firearms
  62. Alec Baldwin Is Fun To Watch...
  63. Scalia predicts gun control headed to SCOTUS
  64. GunUp Shop Launches!
  65. David Frum has now made us all dumber for having read his piece....
  66. Drug overdose deaths climb
  67. So the China hacking thing....
  68. Remember a while back when I spoke about the 2nd and 4th Amendment....
  69. let them know
  70. 800,000 - A cut the fat thread
  71. FOX's Laura Ingraham (on Rep. Salazar's rape comment): ‘Where Are All The Feminists?’
  72. Comcast Snubs Gun Industry, Refuses to Air Gun-Related Commercials
  73. Props to NRA
  74. Whittle Slams Another One Out of the Park Again
  75. Paxton Quigley: Biden is right.
  76. All animals are equal...
  77. US Gov't to air-drop toxic mice on Guam
  78. Safety tips for ladies...
  79. Ever wondered what police work is like?
  80. Ovens are deadly....
  81. To this day
  82. 7th Circuit good news for today
  83. Obama Threatening Veteran's Gun Rights
  84. CDNN has G19 mags in stock
  85. Look Out Albany! The Thugs Are Coming!
  86. CATO Institute map of defensive firearm usage
  87. Florida SYG Task Force Final Report
  88. NRA Releases Internal Justice Dept Memo
  89. Olympus Has Fallen
  90. By All Means, Leave.
  91. Federal court says concealed gun permits not protected by 2nd Amendment
  92. Beretta may shrug as well
  93. Can You Virginia Folks Give Me Any Color On This?
  94. Virtual Pistol Range
  95. Rangel introduces HR748
  96. Flying witha SIRT?
  97. Shooting tracer rounds indoors is bad, m'kay? DFW Gun Range is kaput.
  98. The next target: NFA trusts
  99. 'organizingforaction.net'; site points to nra home page
  100. DHS Checkpoint Refusals Video...
  101. Road Trip - Texas to Georgia, need suggestions
  102. Enemy of the State: If Anything You Do Can Be Presumed Illegal, What Dare You Do??
  103. Magpul continues to step up in CO
  104. In Other Indefensible News: UN Caused Haiti's Cholera Crisis....
  105. What Toddlers Think of Owing the Money Our Gov't Has Spent....
  106. Please help me collect news stories that show Law Enforcement carrying AR-15s
  107. John Lott: Growth in concealed handgun permits
  108. Democrat to Gun Supporters: You’re All a Bunch of “Gun-Toting Tea Party Psychotards"
  109. North Carolina and Restaurant Carry
  110. New York Laws already in court
  111. Some women taking Joe Bidens advice
  112. Bravo Company USA & BCM
  113. Request for information: mid-Atlantic
  114. Lindsey Graham on AWB with Milwaukee Police Chief
  115. Suggestions Needed On High Quality Corrective Lenses
  116. My new Hun style horsebow
  117. This is stupid, pointless, and wasteful...
  118. Magpul
  119. Sheriff Ken Campbell on magazine capacity
  120. Great letter showing the history of the NRA's place in history...
  121. Gun Bills in the US House and Senate
  122. Tennessee has released a map of the locations of all gun owners
  123. Nat'l Day of Prayer: Awesome contrast of ideologies
  124. Oakland, CA residents start policing themselves and stop calling cops...
  125. Man listens to Joe Biden...promptly gets arrested
  126. Gun Grabbers Try to Eliminate Benefits that NRA Members See via Discounts:
  127. MidwayUSA Donates $1 Million to NRA/ILA
  128. 2 Idiots and a Staged Murder Attempt - WWYD?
  129. nra ballot
  130. Democide: How Gun Control REALLY Works....
  131. For The Children: If you have kids/plan on having kids, you should be aware of this..
  132. Video
  133. Texas State Senator Schools Morgan...
  134. Bloomberg Must Not Have Seen This Before It Went To Press:
  135. TSA to allow knives on airline flights?
  136. DVC Challenge Coin
  137. Hugo Chavez dead
  138. Tell it like it is: No golf until WH resumes tours...
  139. Police dog finds, fires stolen pistol
  140. March Rangemaster Newsletter
  141. Ultimate Soldier on History Channel...
  142. Russian soldier missing since 1980 found in Afghanistan
  143. Anger management for ammo buyers
  144. Talk About Getting Stuck in the Muddddddd........
  145. Bill Whittle on Gun Control...
  146. Sen. Ted Cruz v. Holder On: Drones & Op F&F
  147. For your WTF moment of the day...there are just too many...
  148. Inflatable concrete tent
  149. Knife to a Gun Fight....
  150. Need to Laugh and Maybe Shed a Small Tear Over Its Truthfulness??
  151. NYS DRIVE Act
  152. Petitioning the liberals in Congress about gun control
  153. Is this an update on 3D gun printing to all of you?
  154. DST
  155. AR15's are bad, mkay?
  156. class sign-up software?
  157. Adam Carolla Rants....what else can I say to entice you? *LANGUAGE*
  158. Availbility Rant
  159. Tiny Tin-eared Tyrant Needs to Get a Life.....seriously, go play golf with Obama:
  160. Gun Right Fight in Baaastin
  161. Biggest lobby group in DC...
  162. Meanwhile In South Dakota
  163. Why is it Okay for others to protest but not
  164. They have a truck in route Federal HST and other good stuff
  165. Ford Raptor + Nurburgring = Some confused Germans
  166. I know this is old: Government buys 1.6 billion rounds of ammo, but....
  167. Would they sell us out?
  168. NJ Mom Forced to Turn Over Guns...
  169. Good Advice
  170. From the BBC: UK Court of Appeal overturns the conviction of SAS SGT who had a gun
  171. North Korea tells its people how Americans live today
  172. I know, I know, who cares about Italy, but Grillo was a prophet....look at the year:
  173. [disguised] Jeff Gordon takes a car for a test drive....
  174. Wow! Thanks Shotgun Joe!!
  175. CA Seizes Guns as Owners Lose 2A Rights
  176. Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Ban on Assault Weapons and Hi-Cap Mags...
  177. Great Gun Control Video: Stossel and Lott
  178. Marcus Luttrell at Bush Library....
  179. Error 404
  180. Photo of NYPD: What's wrong with this picture?
  181. Until Death do us part...
  182. Firearms for sale has G17/G34 and G19 magazines in stock
  183. Kentucky Loves Ashley Judd!
  184. Where part of my tax refund went
  185. Help choosing CC from MA approved list
  186. Malinois shedding controlled
  187. In Memoriam: Rosie Rosel
  188. Cal Expo: Long Lines and People waiting For Hours Prior to Opening....
  189. DGU: Drunk teen goes in wrong house, fatally shot by homeowner (Sterling, VA)
  190. Busy Body Bloomberg Busting Big 'Bacco
  191. Good news on AWB front...
  192. Bloomberg Buddy Badgers Boy
  193. Beretta may be leaving Maryland
  194. Beretta Rebate
  195. MD to Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana....
  196. Colion Noir for NRA News, Ep 1...
  197. Some nice Schutzhund / IPO training
  198. An Amusing Update on the NYC 10 to 7 Round Issue....
  199. I've died and gone to milsurp heaven - attn: Tam
  200. We are truly at 'the end of days'.....
  201. Visiting CO
  202. Words I hate on the internet
  203. Picture of Child Holding a Gun Prompts Police Probe
  204. Lawmakers scrap assault weapons ban HARTFORD, CT (WFSB)
  205. This is the nightmare scenario...
  206. The oh so scary 3D Printed gun
  207. What Will Your State's Insurance Premiums Look Like in 2014
  208. Buffers Gone Wild
  209. 19th century firearms development
  210. Amendment to Ban Most Gun Control in the Senate
  211. Holster Position
  212. PBS?!?!?!?
  213. Spare mag for BUG?
  214. puppy problem
  215. Colt may be leaving CT.
  216. Inconvenient Truth: Black Conservatives Discuss the Merits of the NRA....
  217. Flipping a cop
  218. Anker Astro3 battery (charge your devices on the go)
  219. Shotspotter: Watch out for those negligent discharges
  220. They'll shoot a baby in the face
  221. Ohhh Mayor Mike and the MAIGs, you really don't know much, do you?
  222. How would destroying the gun industry impact the US economy?
  223. Bad News Week for Mark Kelly (Gabby Gifford's Husband)....
  224. Victims of Gov't Feedback: When Republicans Are Clever......
  225. Amongst us, they live.
  226. Cops vs. Gun Guys
  227. Sequestration taking its toll: Save the starving staffers!
  228. The VA is Worthless
  229. People Tend To Shoot You Because...
  230. Double Chocolate Stout
  231. Something fun: This toddler will be the next Pink Panther.....
  232. Where does some of our gov't waste come from??
  233. Ammo shortage is almost over...
  234. Defending Your Castle in Bloombergia
  235. Sikhs, guns, and CA
  236. St. Louis Post-Dispatch House Liberal: Let’s End Military Funeral Honors For Veterans
  237. Top donors threaten Dems: Do the right thing on guns, or no more money
  238. North Korea's Top Gun
  239. Anyone watch Myth, Lies, and Complete Stupidity tonight?
  240. Iowa Paper Posts, Pulls Map Showing Schools Without Security Officers
  241. WA -- Didn't See This Coming
  242. Thieves targeting gun-owners with bumper stickers in Norfolk, VA
  243. A Little Post Easter Enjoyment for All of You Long Rifle Folk:
  244. PJ Media on Some Mythical Observations by the Gun Control Advocates
  245. The Future of Our Country Might Be Seen Right Now in an NYC Shelter....
  246. Anyone recognize the "L" shaped thing?
  247. The 1%'ers... In The White House
  248. Sponsorship at last...
  249. Glock not cooperating rant...
  250. Noveske Pmags