View Full Version : Mindset & Tactics
- Mission and Mindset for the Armed Citizen
- Weak hand or off-side weapon
- Spare Magazines
- Shoot your carry ammo regularly
- Thoughts on shot placement and penetration
- The philosophy behind carry rotation or no rotation?
- PUC for Beginners
- Having a Warrior Mindset in Modern Society
- Interesting comment heard in gunshop today...
- What should you not use in self defense?
- Southnarc ECQC AAR
- Focusing on -> shooting at the assailant's weapon
- Motorcycles and CCWing...
- Lessons From the Street DVD
- Know Your Target
- A proper #2
- Gym carry
- ECQC video links
- Book: On Killing by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman
- VTAC: Stay in the Fight Book and Pistol Drills DVD
- Target Focus Training
- BUG questions
- Why your mindset needs to be right for every traffic stop
- 1986 FBI Miami Gun Fight
- Aiming for the Pelvis
- Statistically speaking...
- Using you thumb to put slide in battery
- Shooting through cover, a light bulb moment
- Changing someone's mindset
- "Are you the Predator or the Victim?"
- Stopping power, head shots, and mindset
- Preventative measures against a home invasion
- Some more "Light Bulb" moments
- Poor situational awareness, 2 bad guys and "Where's my gun?"
- The Grooming Cue
- War Belts
- See what you need to see
- How Not To Conduct A Traffic Stop
- Informative CCW Article
- So in his mindset...he reviews with a lot of followers
- Plateau Busting
- Situational Awareness Article
- Dueling quotes
- Officer shot in the head fights on (video)
- Best source for crime statistics/reports?
- Altercation/gun handling
- What not to do...
- When should I purchase/train with a BUG?
- The gun that saves you may not be your own
- CCW Breakaway Pants
- Knife andTactics Questions
- "awareness" vs. "AWARENESS!"
- Best Practices for CCW in the DC area?
- McDonalds Cashier vs Two Women
- What would you do?
- Theft turns to Aggravated Robbery on video
- Interesting encounter at Sea World...
- Law & self defense instruction
- Local woman murdered at Walmart
- When drawing isn't an option (yet)...
- Incident
- carrying while drinking- some people do it
- After an incident...STFU! And yes, that goes for lawyers involved as well!
- 2010 NYPD Annual OIS review
- Incident at the lgs I work at today...
- Random thoughts (inspired by Rotation BLOG entry)
- "Fighting With a Gun"
- Shooting On The Move
- Training that has become a "Rule" or Dogma
- Man goes berserk with hammer at mall.
- Scanning before reholstering
- armed "legal issues" aka "staying ready, beating the BG AND avoiding jail"
- Hand Grenades and Shooting in Liège
- Importance of a fast draw in self defense.
- Check your 6.
- The myth of the lone gunman: Working with family, friends and significant others.
- 7 teens gang up on you...what is the consensus on how to respond?
- Should civilian shooters get the same treatment as OIS survivors?
- Monterey Park, CA OIS incident captured on video by idiotic bystanders
- Question for instructors RE: Your own training regarding post incident management
- Shreveport OIS, example of post-shoot stress
- Mindset at any age
- New Cato Study: Tough Targets
- Interesting threat analysis about armed robbers
- Dealing with poor demos in front of students
- Weapons are not always obvious
- You won't have time to "X"...
- hard target indicators
- Too close for comfort
- How long before shooting skills degrade?
- Shooting Skill Improvement - Range Session Qty
- Your excuse is invalid
- Brazil - ATM robbery.
- Intruder killed in Springville, UT
- Your Line in the Sand
- Question about pointing pistol at someone
- bomb threat on a bus
- onPoint Tactical experiences?
- Freakin' lightbulb
- New York Reload during civilian self defense shooting
- Input on Hock Hochheim and Chuck Burnett.
- Collection of PDFs from SouthNarc
- Convenience store assault.
- Good read...
- Perfect example of someone in over their head
- A good reminder...
- Open Carry Hypothetical
- Study -- Holding a gun makes you think others are too
- ATM robbery
- a big opps
- The Perfect Student
- Your word
- Appropriate Guns and Training in latest ACLDN Journal
- Stay alert!
- So, how many guns are "enough"?
- Austin Police Officer killed in line of duty
- Knife & Pistol Employment Question - Benchmade SOCP
- The Validity of Security Threat Assessment?
- mag 40 class
- Dave Spaulding in Jun/Jul "HANDGUNS" - - - "Raging Bull" in On Patrol Column
- Disbelief, Fear..... Freeze
- Dealing with the police
- The "Talk on"
- This is Why Managing Unknown Contacts is So important. ( Tampa FL US Army soldier)
- When Criminals Carry Unholstered
- Firearms articles on Facebook
- "When to Shoot" book recommendations
- Lessons from the Martin/Zimmerman Shooting
- What is the most constructive way to refuse a search without PC?
- Proposed class: "Self Defense & the Law - Practical Applications"
- Finding a lawyer
- S/A video for our LEOs.
- Shooting Incident AARs
- Anyone know how Alabama enforces their firearms law Section 13A-11-74 ?
- "A lawyer attached to every bullet" - How have instructors previously addressed this?
- Who are you training to fight?
- Dual AIWB
- Aurora, CO "Dark Knight Rises" shooting - 14 dead, 50+ wounded 7/20/12
- Mass shootings and unsuccessful heroism
- British bayonet charge, Basra Iraq, May 2004
- Learning from all of this
- Outstanding OC vs CC Video from Brannon LeBouef
- Good Video's - Civilian Mindset
- How many hands do you have? How many do you need?
- Interesting event today got me thinking
- Speaking of the Warrior Mindset...
- Very interesting analysis of mass shootings and police versus civilian responses
- Training for Draw to Low-Ready: Practical or Waste of Time?
- No Booger Hook Required (mildly NSFW)
- Dry, but interesting - Physician looks at gunshot wounds
- Unknown v. Known Room Entries
- Sheriff Proffitt
- Deputy shoots attacker
- Ricochets and the Like
- ALWAYS have a loaded gun on you at the range
- Watch security guard outdraw thieves (MELBOURNE, FL)
- 360 awareness while pumping gas
- Handgun malfunction and Remedial action....SERIOUSLY???
- Beslan, Sep 2004. SOFREP article
- Ideas on a smaller CCW
- PDN on Carrying in a Vehicle...
- Best distance for head shots
- My biggest mistakes while learning to target shoot
- Maintaining effects of adrenaline during a heightened situation
- Common reaction?
- Shooting for Survival 1969 FBI color training video
- What to do if you see a drunk carrying a glock in the waistband of his shorts?
- Mob picks on 'The Wrong Guy': 'Knockout Game' results backfire when 'victim' is armed
- Harsh Realizations....
- A Question for the Experts
- Advice for getting parents involved in CCW
- Small survey of criminal guns
- What is best weapon to carry when you can't carry a firearm?
- Jumped by 5 and stabbed for money refusal.
- Broken down car female in distress ruse
- NY Residents defend themselves with bats, bows, and booby traps
- Carry techniques -- adapting to winter clothes?
- Close to home - A reminder.
- I don't think this is a good idea
- Post ECQC changes in your approach to training and gear?
- Physical fitness limitations and shooting
- "Good enough"
- Help finding a story
- The "adventure race" craze
- Flash mob
- Interesting dashcam video
- Martial Arts Training
- Permit holder stops mall shooting
- teacher options
- Any time, any place
- Y'alls opinion on 'aim-point' shooting?
- AIWB and Car Accidents
- Please sign my Petition
- Concealed carry on the job
- TV crew interview Taser ruse
- Who to Train With...?
- Knife skills, practice them! (TPD gun grab)
- What is meant by 'mindset and tactics?
- Info on 4G Tactical?
- ROE's: theory vs. reality
- Gimme Five Feet!!!!
- "Police street fight"
- Stuff happens too fast to draw & defend, maybe time to take gun grab training
- Gun handling in the car.
- Looking for someone with experience
- Target controversy
- At home non ammo target and training ideas
- When to Carry
- Road rage and gun play.
- So you're an instructor, hm?
- Consequences, Part 2
- Self Talk - Sport Psychology - Fine Motor vs Gross Motor
- Man Set on Fire After Refusing to Give Transient Money
- Bankers association offers $100K reward in Toronto bank robbery investigation
- .38 vs. four bad guys with an assault rifle: aggression and surprise win the day
- Street robberies and you
- The Fallacy of the Tactical Toolbox
- Terror attack in London
- Entry Point Hardening
- Reflections On Killing In The Line Of Duty
- How come this has gotten very little coverage?
- Robbed at gunpoint--again
- Always look up.
- When fighting back fails........
- Okay SMEs, what should this woman have done?
- NJ - Home invasion and beating caught on "nanny cam".
- Frank White- DEA, leadership, gunfighting, and mindset reading.
- Self Defense & the Law class (By Phone)
- Why one cop carries 145 rounds
- Artemis Defense Institute
- The Warrior Cop
- Training safety – reaction vs. Prevention
- Armed resident killed by police at wrong house
- Defoor on Mindset
- CHL on State Property - As it should be.
- Ready Positions, CQB, and Disarming
- Fight Like a Girl
- Knives for the FUT
- Untrained versus trained
- Night Sights vs fiber optics (August 2013 edition)
- A New Purchase Mindset.
- CHP Officer carjacked at Flamingo Hotel
- Do you Train for Reality?
- Train for reality: beginners?
- Training For Reality: Why Carry a Rifle?
- Distance and Knife Attacks
- USAWC-Use of deadly force and implications
- Armed robbery, CCTV footage (South Africa)
- How do you measure the value of a class?
- How Relevant is LE and Military Experience to Private Citizens?
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