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  1. RMS Shield red dot
  2. Aimpoint just dropped ACRO P-1 MRDS!
  3. Glock MOS RDS install thread (What has worked for me)
  4. 2019 RDS on pistols thread
  5. New Trijicon Pistol Mounted RDS???
  6. Acro battery life thread
  7. Red dot update - June 2019
  8. Shield closed emitter red dots on pistols?
  9. Drills and techniques to build RDS proficiency
  10. Trijicon HRS vs regular RM06
  11. USPSA Carry Optics pistols
  12. Marshals Approve Deltapoint
  13. What about revolvers and red dot sights?
  14. Dipping My Toe Into The Red Dot Sea
  15. Back in the saddle again?
  16. RMR design considerations
  17. Do you leave the SD red got on all the time?
  18. Get the slide Milled or MOS?
  19. Ideal slide length for a PMO gun
  20. Walther PPS M2 RMSc battery life
  21. RDS on a 9mm Commander 1911?
  22. RFI on preferred companies for slide milling.
  23. RMR/SRO auto vs manual
  24. HE508T | First impressions and initial range review, with comparison to RMR
  25. Romeo Zero- pre-order at Euro Optic
  26. ADE Advanced Optics
  27. Red dot gets shot
  28. Buying a slide for an RMR cut
  29. Ideal angle for red dot installation
  30. Trijicon made RMR mount Beretta 92
  31. RMR mounting
  32. Dueck Defense RBU feedback?
  33. BUIS
  34. RDS for Sig P320 X5 Legion?
  35. Holosun 407C on sale @ Brownells
  36. Waiting for a reliable, durable, narrow RDS
  37. RMR RM04 question
  38. Is The New Improved Leupold DPP Out Yet?
  39. Trijicon SRO--Anyone else had problems?
  40. Frame Mounted Optics
  41. Romeo 1 Pro
  42. Shooting Experiences With SIG P320 RX Compact With OEM Romeo1 RDS
  43. Best techniques to clean RDS glass?
  44. Vetting a proven pistol after optic install?
  45. RDS distance from eye effects parralax?
  46. mill for standard plate?
  47. Not Intuitively Obvious
  48. Black Friday / Cyber Monday Optic deals?
  49. Sig RomeoZero in the wild
  50. Battery tester
  51. How many red dots for a three day class?
  52. SRO What Size MOA?
  53. Vortex magnifer: new vs old?
  54. ballistic charts
  55. sig romeo zero
  56. RDS and M&P CORE - Loaded chamber indicator and RDS
  57. Short vs long slide with a red dot
  58. Astigmatism & RDS
  59. Will Ameriglo GL-429s fit a G43X/G48/G43?
  60. Holosun 508T screws are just slightly too long. Advise needed
  61. Sig P320 X5 Legion problem with RDS
  62. Footprint cut choice
  63. Manual vs auto adjustment red dot design
  64. sandstorms and RMR's
  65. Bushnell TRS-25 cold weather use
  66. RMR sealing plate orientation
  67. TLR-8 AG as red dot companion
  68. Holosun 507K
  69. M&P Core mounting system
  70. USPSA 2019 CO Nationals equipment survey
  71. Sig pistol optics- dot distortion
  72. The effect of a low sun angle on red dot optics
  73. Be cautious with optics screws
  74. Deciphering Holosun model numbers
  75. Can someone explain the Holosun PMO product line
  76. Need help picking my first pistol red dot
  77. “ROTD” method of shooting a PMO
  78. Unity Tactical Atom 2
  79. Fixed rear backup sights
  80. Aimpoint M5 Scalar Works 1.93 (lower third) mount magnifier?
  81. Wilson True Zero Optics
  82. Romeo 2
  83. Red Dots for Small Format Pistols (43X & P365 size)
  84. AIMPOINT ACRO P-1 Torture Test
  85. Green dot vs red Holosun 510
  86. Red Dot on G26?
  87. CBP RFI for pistol red dot sights.
  88. Who ya gonna call for Shield RMSc sight?
  89. C&H MOS plates. V3 on clearance.
  90. Safariland red dot holsters — Glock and others
  91. Glock MOS Slide Swap in Europe
  92. Holosun 407K vs 507K
  93. Please help a dinosaur out
  94. Kenzie's has V1 Holosuns on sale
  95. Red Dot Pistol Sight question
  96. Astigmatism
  97. Optics Ready VP9 Sight Height?
  98. Aimpoint Acro P1 mounting failures?.
  99. Return To Zero Test - SIG Romeo 4H RDS and ADM Recon H Mount with S&B Short Dot PMII
  100. RDS/MOS accuracy
  101. When is aimpoint micro t3 expected out?
  102. EoTech Died/Need Recommendation
  103. Another RDS question - RDS for the newb
  104. Frame Mounted RDS on Handguns
  105. Actual RDS Failures
  106. RDS/RMR adjustment tool
  107. Warrens as MRDS back up sights
  108. HK VP9 RMR screws?
  109. Aimpoint Micro & Hubris - A Stripped Screw Tale
  110. Rear BUIS: In front or behind optic?
  111. Red dot glock research.
  112. Holosun models - a bunch
  113. Questions about Screws
  114. New MOS Gen 5 with 507C V2
  115. New products from CHPWS
  116. Trijicon RMR "gusset"
  117. A couple of questions about reflex red dots
  118. Good shops to cut a Glock 43x slide?
  119. US Optics MCRS
  120. P2000 Milling for Red Dot
  121. Putting an RMR on a P320
  122. Red dot for shotgun
  123. How do you manage RDS brightness settings on a concealed pistol?
  124. Magnifiers for use with an RDS
  125. Sig Romeo MSR data?
  126. HK VP9 OR
  127. Forward Mounted (ahead of the ejection port) Optics?
  128. General Holosun pistol optic thread
  129. Backup Iron sights for MOS / CORE / CHPWS equipped pistols
  130. Back up guns/optics/slides
  131. 1.93" RMR mount?
  132. Why The Holosun 507C V2 is Making Me Love Circle Dot Reticles!
  133. Is it worthwhile to update Glock MOS OEM mounting?
  134. 2011 Slide milling
  135. BUIS for Acro on Glock MOS + Tango Down plate
  136. Co-witnessed sights for Walther Q5 Match ?
  137. Holosun 509T mount plate
  138. Your current choice for rifle, zero magnification red dot?
  139. Walther Q5 plate w BUIS
  140. Garand Thumb and Modern Samurai Project Talk Pistol RDOs
  141. Three Glock red dot pistols to do it all
  142. SRO Dot size
  143. G19.5 MOS & 507C V2 Slide Lock Issue
  144. Walther Q series optic plates with backup sight
  145. Swampfox Optics
  146. PRMDS Zero Target
  147. Reference Material: Red Dot Reticles Relative to Targets @ various distances
  148. Stuff I learned from Ben Stoeger
  149. Pistols (and pistol mounted optics) I saw this week
  150. RMR Care
  151. Duty Gun Red Dot Survey
  152. Finally- BUIS for VP9 Optic Ready
  153. Trijicon Suing Holosun; Patent Infringement
  154. L3Harris selling off EOTech
  155. Shooting the dot with a target focus
  156. Vibra-Tite
  157. M&P Core
  158. How long did it take for RDS to be faster?
  159. Aftermarket Slides For Carry
  160. HK VP9 or VP9L with SRO
  161. How low can you direct mill a RMR on a Glock?
  162. Trijicon RMRcc
  163. Inexpensive RDS for Ruger mkiii
  164. Vortex Venom RDS in short supply
  165. Are the updated Leupy DPP's available yet?
  166. Prism Scopes
  167. I have a sad...
  168. CompM4 Battery Screwed Out
  169. Vortex Venom to another footprint adapter plate?
  170. Prescription Glasses and Dot Bloom
  171. Optic size: Gaming vs Carry
  172. Phoria
  173. Battery Life and Battery Type
  174. SRO on a G27 - Dumb Idea?
  175. Dry fire tip
  176. Recommended options for testing out red dots?
  177. Height of Optic Deck mounted on MOS
  178. P-F preferred way of placing witness marks
  179. Holosun 507K-X2 IN-STOCK
  180. Slide manipulations with a dot
  181. RDS choices for M&P Compact 4" optics-ready
  182. Chinesium Squared; Holosun Knockoffs
  183. Red dot/Green laser or Green dot/Red laser?
  184. Holosun HE509T Vs Trijicon RMR Type 2 Parallax Shift(relative to head position)
  185. SRO false dot with a low sun angle
  186. Holosun 509T slide milling
  187. Red dot screw part numbers and ordering info
  188. Good article by one of our own on pistols and RDS
  189. HE509T Enclosed Red Dot | First impressions, range review, and comparison
  190. Iron recommendations
  191. List of Preferred Companies for Slide Milling
  192. PMM Integrated Rear Sight (IDRS)
  193. Laser Boresighter
  194. Bushnell RXS-250
  195. Glock Non-MOS Dilemma
  196. Leupold Delta Point Micro (DPM)
  197. Forward Controls Plate/RMR
  198. What is the height of the rear of a DPP?
  199. Best Battery for Red Dot Optics
  200. RFI- Hipower RMR Milling
  201. Burris Fastfire 4
  202. Leupold DPmicro
  203. Caliber/Platform impact on RDS longevity?
  204. Dovetail, picatinny, or milled slide for .22 LR?
  205. Red Dot Proof of Concept Sight
  206. Selecting Dot(s) for EDC *and* USPSA
  207. CHPWS site visit
  208. Holosun 2021 Lineup
  209. Red Dot Sights and Night Vision
  210. Does a low optic cut really matter
  211. Large dot vs small dot and why
  212. Grace Optics M1
  213. Considerations for red dots on slimline pistols
  214. In stock SRO 5 moa?
  215. Damn Red Dots!
  216. Airsoft Pistols or Blue Guns for RDS Training?
  217. Holosun 507K Vs Trijicon RMR
  218. Milling P226 for ACRO?
  219. Contact with CHPWS
  220. Reference article on optic footprints
  221. Springfield Armory HEX optic
  222. P320 RX X Carry With Romeo 1 Issues
  223. “Duty” Gun Red Dot Glock Setup?
  224. Glock MOS vs Milled 3rd Party Systems like Unity?
  225. Is there a good solution to mounting an RMR or RMRcc on a Glock 43X or Glock 48 yet?
  226. Chambers custom red dot plate.. As good as it gets for a 1911
  227. Best Off the Shelf Glock RDS Option
  228. In appreciation of Mark Housel
  229. Lithium for Comp M4 & M5
  230. New to Pistol RDS
  231. Real Life Aimpoint battery life
  232. Cerakote or Black Nitride for Optic Cut?
  233. Delaware State Police Adopts SIG SAUER P320 Pistols with Factory Installed ROMEO1PRO
  234. Primary Machine stopping custom milling
  235. Info on thread locker, torque specs
  236. M&P 9mm laser
  237. Holosun HE509T for $399.99
  238. Dots and lights
  239. Dimemsional print of HS 507Kx2
  240. Trijicon SRO Battery Cover Removal Tool
  241. Glock 43 w/ RMRcc
  242. CHPWS or trijicon plate for 1911s
  243. RDS Mounting Question
  244. Romeo Zero issue
  245. Has the Romeo1 (not the Pro) improved at all?
  246. New 43xMOS inbound... looking to put a 507k on it
  247. Holosun circle and circle dot for EDC
  248. My pistol-mounted RDS thoughts...is there something new I'm missing?
  249. Red Dot Best Practices? Slide Manipulations, Dot Brightness, etc.
  250. Holosun 407K in stock