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Thread: Week 40: Defoor Test #2 & Leatham 3-Grasp Drill

  1. #1
    Site Supporter DocGKR's Avatar
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    Week 40: Defoor Test #2 & Leatham 3-Grasp Drill

    Please read the rules before participating in this thread.

    Week 40: Defoor Test #2 & Leatham 3-Grasp Drill
    results may be posted until 11:59pm EDT on Monday 20-August-2012.

    Range: 25, 7, and 15 yds
    Target: IPSC target
    Start position: concealed
    Rounds fired: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18 shots

    Here is a video with Kyle Defoor demonstrating the Defoor Test #2: Shooters start facing an IPSC target from 25 yds away. On the buzzer, draw and fire 2 rounds from concealment in under 4 sec. This is repeated two additional times for a total of 6 shots. Passing score is 25 using modified Vickers scoring on the IPSC target: A=5 pts, C=3 pts, D=0 pts.

    Next, move to the 7 yd line for the Leatham 3-grasp drill. Here is a BS video demonstrating the drill: On the buzzer draw and fire two shots into the A-zone using a 2 hand grip, immediately switch to strong hand only and fire two additional shots into the A-zone, then rapidly transition to weak hand only and fire the final two shots into the A-zone. A failure occurs if any shot is outside the A-zone or if time exceeds 5 sec.

    Finally, move to 15 yds. Repeat the 3-grasp drill, but this time fire ALL six shots into the 6" square head zone on the IPSC target. Keep the shots in the head box and the time under 10 sec.

    Please report the following when responding to this thread:
    • Start position (pistol, holster type, concealment)
    • For each segment of the test, report the time to complete and score/number of hits.

    Training with firearms is an inherently dangerous activity. Be sure to follow all safety protocols when using firearms or practicing these drills. These drills are provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk.

  2. #2
    Site Supporter DocGKR's Avatar
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    G19 w/RMR07 carried AIWB in a Fricke Seraphim from under a Patagonia shirt.

    25 yds: 3.19s/3.58s/2.99s w/30 pts (all A-zone hits)
    7 yds: ran this three times clean--5.18s (overtime fail)/4.77s (all A-zone hits)/4.60s (all A-zone hits)
    15 yds: also ran this three times--7.52s (5 hits/1 miss), 10.44s (all head-box hits, but overtime fail), 9.04s (all head-box hits)

    OrigamiAK--I look forward to seeing how you do on this week's drill--with your speed, I'm suspecting you may run it with par times about half what are allowed!

  3. #3
    Gun: M&P FS 9
    Holster: Ludus Magnus MMA carried AIWB under a Polo-shirt
    Location: Outdoor Range

    Stage 1: 25 yards PAR: 4.0 seconds
    Time 1: 3.68 Time 2: 3.35 Time 3: 3.08
    Score: 25 (5 A-zone, 1 Head)

    Stage 2: 7 yards PAR: 5.0 seconds
    Time: 6.09 (Time Fail)
    Hits: All in

    Stage 3: 15 yards PAR: 10.0 seconds
    Time: 8.35
    Hits: 5 (WHO miss)
    *Note: ran this stage two more times (8.68, 9.41) all with the same result. Clearly need to work on poperly applying the fundamentals to WHO operations.

  4. #4
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    Smith & Wesson M&P9 from Blade-Tech IDPA rig under vest.

    25 Yards: 3.89/4.28/3.68 w/23 points (my late shot was an A-zone hit for what that is worth, still zero points).

    7 yards: 6.86 w/2 misses

    15 yards: 15.31 w/2 misses

    I suck lots of work to do.

  5. #5
    Leopard Printer Mr_White's Avatar
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    Gen3 G34 concealed in a Keeper under a t-shirt.

    Defoor Test #2, just trying to pass it: 2.22, 2.45, 2.45, 28 total points (5A, 1C.)

    Then pushed on the Defoor Test #2, trying to do it in halved PARs - didn't really work well. Tried it eight more times, the best of which were:

    1.92, 2.16, 1.89, 28 points (5A, 1C)
    2.00, 2.07, 2.00, 26 points (4A, 2C)

    Got close, but never really passed in half-time, even with a number of attempts.

    Leatham 3-grasp drill:

    7yd - 3.72, 6A

    Then tried to push it, trying to match Stoeger's time of 2.99- again, I'm not there:

    3.06, 4A, 1B, 1C
    3.01, 2A, 3C, 1B
    3.14, 3A, 3C
    3.00, 4A, 1B, 1D
    3.14, 4A, 1C, 1M

    15 yds - 8.31 3A 3B
    pushed, 6.60 3A 2B 1M

  6. #6
    Site Supporter DocGKR's Avatar
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    OAK: Looks like you were pretty close to BS's 7 yd 2.99--especially since he mentioned getting a couple of C's on that run...

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