So, I got my 6004 today (for when I play soldier in cool guy carbine courses and if I decide to do the Sheriff's Reserve down the line). It actually fits quite nicely, considering that it was made for the the P30L with an M3X/M6X rather than an X400, though I did have to tighten it quite a bit. Now, my question is, is having the hood pressed against the hammer a bad thing? Like this:

I already cut the little tab off, so it's' just a straight edge, but should I cut more off so it becomes like a concave edge, and not be touching the hammer? Like what this guy did:

I would think it wouldn't make a big difference, but figured I'd make sure. Disengaging the SLS is infinitesimally easier if I have it running in DA/SA rather than C&L, but I'm sure it's just a training issue at this point.

As a side note, what the Hell do I do with the long ass drop leg strap thing after I have the holster positioned in the optimal place? It's riding about as high as it would if I used a UBL, which feels fine, but I literally have an extra foot of material hanging off the bottom of the holster. Do I just cut it off? Or am I better off just getting the UBL?