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Thread: Part-time or Reserve Officers?

  1. #31
    Site Supporter
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Madison, Wisconsin

    Working after retirement

    I retired in 2011 at 53 after 31 years.

    I continued working at my PD at about 50% for the next ten years, both patrol and as a dispatcher.

    I enjoyed it but everything comes to an end eventually,

  2. #32
    I retired on June 30,2020 after 30 years…I was 49. (I had over a year of sick leave and I purchased my military time and rolled it over into my retirement). I went back part-time/reserve a couple months later still conducting training and running backgrounds on applicants.

    About a year later I got a state job (different retirement system) and began teaching LEOs how to run breath tests and SFSTs on impaired drivers. I also maintain 42 breath testing instruments in 13 counties. Best decision ever.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 60167 View Post
    Hey all,

    I have a decade of experience in police work. I left the job two years ago due to my spouse's ultra demanding and lucrative career situation. I was lucky enough to leave from a special assignment in good standing, on my own terms (from a dept standpoint), with a clean personnel file and no injuries. Now I'm flirting with a former employer about potentially returning as a part-time officer. This position doesn't really exist yet, and a lot of factors still need to be clarified and defined. I would be very careful about not putting myself in a situation where I would be taken advantage of.

    As much as I'd love to return to "how things were," no man crosses the same river twice, and all that. I am still constrained by a need for flexibility, which is why I had to leave in the first place. This position will likely be one where I cover vacancies in patrol shifts while full-timers are injured, at training etc. I realize that my vacancy will require me to attend training, a probationary period, field training from people with less experience than me. There's a chance I will be supervised by people with less tenure than I had. I'm okay with all that. I feel like I'm not done serving my community and this would be a happy compromise between full-time work and doing nothing at all.

    Who has done something like this?
    It’s hard enough hiring folks getting volunteers is impossible. The ones who would be willing to do it for free often are not the folks wou want being a cop

  4. #34
    I have a friend in a medical field who thought she was getting into a part time job. The employer studiously ignores the original agreement. It started out "Can't you come in tomorrow while Suzie is off?" It has now mutated into a more than full time job. But hey, the money's good.

    So remember, give them an inch and they will take a mile.
    Code Name: JET STREAM

  5. #35
    Member Horseman's Avatar
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    New West...Same as the Old West.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Watson View Post
    I have a friend in a medical field who thought she was getting into a part time job. The employer studiously ignores the original agreement. It started out "Can't you come in tomorrow while Suzie is off?" It has now mutated into a more than full time job. But hey, the money's good.

    So remember, give them an inch and they will take a mile.
    This is why I am now a "reserve", versus "part-time". I have the ability to say "no" to time requests that don't suit my life.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by KeeFus View Post
    I retired on June 30,2020 after 30 years…I was 49. (I had over a year of sick leave and I purchased my military time and rolled it over into my retirement). I went back part-time/reserve a couple months later still conducting training and running backgrounds on applicants.

    About a year later I got a state job (different retirement system) and began teaching LEOs how to run breath tests and SFSTs on impaired drivers. I also maintain 42 breath testing instruments in 13 counties. Best decision ever.
    Back from the mid-70's to late-80's I was a breathalyzer operator. We used the S&W model 900A. My first breathalyzer class was at Coastal Plains Academy in Wilson, NC. The controlled drinking program gave lots of hands-on experience with the breathalyzer prior to future court appearances. Eventually we had to give two tests within a certain timeframe to verify the accuracy of the results. I think the lower of the two tests was used. Glad to see you are still in the LE community. Just be cautious if someone says, "I'm from Raleigh and I'm here to help".

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by JAH 3rd View Post
    Back from the mid-70's to late-80's I was a breathalyzer operator. We used the S&W model 900A. My first breathalyzer class was at Coastal Plains Academy in Wilson, NC. The controlled drinking program gave lots of hands-on experience with the breathalyzer prior to future court appearances. Eventually we had to give two tests within a certain timeframe to verify the accuracy of the results. I think the lower of the two tests was used. Glad to see you are still in the LE community. Just be cautious if someone says, "I'm from Raleigh and I'm here to help".

    I worked Wilson PD from 1995-2000 before finding greener pastures. My first Intoxilyzer 5000 class was taught in Farmville at the armory in 1996 or 1997 by Royce…don’t know if you had him or not.

    Yes, it is still the lower of the two results. And we still do “wet labs” on Wednesday and Thursday during the operator schools! 🥃

  8. #38
    No, the name Royce doesn't ring a bell. I'll try to remember the instructor's name, but it has been many years ago. He did have a dry sense of humor which I greatly appreciated. We would call it a breathalyzer machine. Our instructor then said, "The breathalyzer is an instrument, not a machine. It don't bale hay."

  9. #39
    Part-time and reserve are effectively dead in my state due to the amount of regulations and annual recerts required, regardless of hours worked. Any cost savings is essentially a wash if you’re paying them for that and no unpaid person could spend the time doing it. The state next to me has quite a few reserve programs, but I think paid part-time is less common except for small jurisdictions.

  10. #40
    Gran'pappy Curmudgeon CSW's Avatar
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    I can pee outside.
    Have two very good friends that 'retired' from the job after 28 and 30 years in northern NJ. Very lucrative gigs as officers, one an Lt., the other a senior Sgt.

    After about 6 months to a year, both are back in the game as school resource officers. Both at different departments.

    Only work 3 days a week in the summer, only days. Only work when school is in session, like 0700-1600. Both at elementary schools.

    Both seem pleased with the positions where they are.

    My dad did 25 years on the job, from '63 to '88, and echoed the sentiment of Trooper224, once out, stay out.

    God bless all of you for performing a thankless job.
    "... And miles to go before I sleep".

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